function print_row_ref($first_row, $arr, $val = "", $tr_class = "", $rd = 0, $columns = 3, $width_first = "", $read_only = 0, $onchange = '', $imagecode = '') { $fname = get_input_name($arr); $funcbody = $arr[extra]; $func = create_function("", $funcbody); $ar = $func(); $ret = ""; // if user did not specified this field, then hide it if ("I prefer not to say" == $ar[$val] && $rd) { return ''; } if (!$rd) { if (!$read_only) { if (strlen($onchange)) { $onchange = "onchange=\"javascript: {$onchange}\""; } $ret .= "<select name=\"{$fname}\" {$onchange} class=\"select_prof\">\n"; foreach ($ar as $key => $value) { $sel = ""; if ($val == $key) { $sel = " selected=\"selected\" "; } else { $sel = ""; } $ret .= "<option value=\"{$key}\" {$sel}>" . _t("__" . $value) . "</option>\n"; } $ret .= "</select>\n"; if (strlen($imagecode)) { $ret .= " {$imagecode}\n"; } } else { $ret .= "<input type=\"text\" name=\"{$fname}\" id=\"{$fname}\" value=\"" . _t("__" . $ar[$val]) . "\" readonly=\"readonly\" class=\"input_select_prof_readonly\" />\n"; if (strlen($imagecode)) { $ret .= " {$imagecode}\n"; } } } else { foreach ($ar as $key => $value) { $sel = ""; if ($val == $key) { $ret .= _t("__" . $value); break; } } if (strlen($imagecode)) { $ret .= " {$imagecode}\n"; } } return print_row_content($first_row, $arr, $ret, $tr_class, $columns, $width_first); }
?> <form action="../input/resetprocess" method="get"> <input type="hidden" name="inputid" value="<?php echo $inputid; ?> "> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo _("Reset process list?"); ?> " class="btn btn-danger"/> </form> <hr/> <?php $name = get_input_name($inputid); ?> <?php $message = "<h2>" . _("Are you sure you want to delete input: ") . $name . "?</h2>"; ?> <form action="../confirm" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="message" value="<?php echo $message; ?> "> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="input/delete"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $inputid; ?>
function get_input_processlist_desc($userid, $id) { $process_list = get_input_processlist($userid, $id); // Get the input's process list $list = array(); if ($process_list) { $array = explode(",", $process_list); // input process list is comma seperated foreach ($array as $row) { $row = explode(":", $row); // Divide into process id and arg $processid = $row[0]; $arg = $row[1]; // Named variables $process = get_process($processid); // gets process details of id given $processDescription = $process[0]; // gets process description if ($process[1] == ProcessArg::INPUTID) { $arg = get_input_name($arg); } elseif ($process[1] == ProcessArg::FEEDID) { $arg = get_feed_name($arg); } // if feed: get feed name $list[] = array($processDescription, $arg); // Populate list array } } return $list; }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $site; global $dir; global $tmpl; global $page; global $join_page_check_limit; global $join_pages_num; global $p_arr; global $_page; global $en_aff; global $oTemplConfig; global $newusernotify; $enable_security_image = getParam('enable_security_image'); $autoApproval_ifJoin = isAutoApproval('join'); ob_start(); switch ($page) { // fill inputs with values from precede join pages case $page > 1: $hidden_vals = ''; // inputs with POST values $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes $vals = preg_split("/[,\\']+/", $arrpd['extra'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $p_arr[$fname] = ''; foreach ($vals as $v) { if (strlen(trim($v)) <= 0) { continue; } $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . ($fname . "_" . $v) . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname . "_" . $v] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]); if ($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v] == 'on') { if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { $p_arr[$fname] .= ",{$v}"; } else { $p_arr[$fname] .= $v; } } } break; case 'date': $p_arr[$fname] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day']); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_year" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_month" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_day" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day'] . '">'; break; default: if ($arrpd['get_value']) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($func($_POST)); } else { $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]); } break; } } // check values $query = "SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit}\n\t\t\t\tORDER BY `join_page` ASC"; $respd = db_res($query); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { if (!strlen($arrpd['check'])) { continue; } $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $funcbody = $arrpd[check]; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); if (!$func($p_arr[$fname])) { $add_on .= report_err(_t($arrpd['because'], $arrpd['min_length'], $arrpd['max_length'])); } } $page = !$add_on ? $page : $page - 1; break; break; case 'done': // fill array with POST values $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes $vals = preg_split("/[,\\']+/", $arrpd['extra'], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $p_arr[$fname] = ''; foreach ($vals as $v) { if (strlen(trim($v)) <= 0) { continue; } $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . ($fname . "_" . $v) . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname . "_" . $v] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v]); if ($_POST[$fname . "_" . $v] == 'on') { if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { $p_arr[$fname] .= ",{$v}"; } else { $p_arr[$fname] .= $v; } } } break; case 'date': $p_arr[$fname] = sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d", (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'], (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day']); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_year" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_year'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_month" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_month'] . '" />'; $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '_day" value="' . (int) $_POST[$fname . '_day'] . '">'; break; default: if ($arrpd['get_value']) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($func($_POST)); } else { $hidden_vals .= '<input type="hidden" name="' . $fname . '" value="' . process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]) . '">'; $p_arr[$fname] = process_pass_data($_POST[$fname]); } break; } } // check values if ($enable_security_image) { if (!isset($_POST['securityImageValue']) || !isset($_COOKIE['strSec']) || md5($_POST['securityImageValue']) != $_COOKIE['strSec']) { $page = $join_pages_num; $add_on .= report_err(_t("_SIMG_ERR")); } } $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} AND `join_page` > 0 ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { if (!strlen(trim($arrpd['check']))) { continue; } $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $funcbody = $arrpd['check']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); if (!$func($p_arr[$fname])) { $page = floor($arrpd['join_page'] / 1000); $add_on .= report_err(_t($arrpd['because'], $arrpd['min_length'], $arrpd['max_length'])); } } break; default: break; } switch ($page) { default: global $tmpl; if ($oTemplConfig->customize['join_page']['showPageText']) { $page_text = _t("_JOIN1", $page); } echo $add_on; break; } switch ($page) { case 'done': // new profile creation $cl_values = "INSERT INTO `Profiles` SET "; $cl_first = 0; $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc WHERE `visible` & 2 AND `to_db` = 1 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_check_limit} ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $dbname = get_field_name($arrpd); $fval = $p_arr[$fname]; if ($dbname == 'zip') { $fval = strtoupper(str_replace(' ', '', $fval)); } switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes // set of checkboxes case 'r': // reference to array for combo box // reference to array for combo box case 'a': // text Area // text Area case 'c': // input box // input box case 'rb': // radio buttons // radio buttons case 'e': // enum combo box // enum combo box case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers // enum combo box with numbers case 'eny': // enum combo box with numbers // enum combo box with numbers case 'date': // date $fval = process_db_input($fval, 0, 1); $cl_values .= " `{$dbname}` = '{$fval}'"; $cl_values .= ", "; break; case 'p': $fval = md5(process_pass_data($fval)); $cl_values .= " `{$dbname}` = '{$fval}'"; $cl_values .= ", "; break; } } $cl_values .= " `LastReg` = NOW()"; db_res($cl_values); $IDnormal = mysql_insert_id(); $IDcrypt = crypt($IDnormal, "secret_string"); // encrypted ID for security purposes setcookie("IDc", $IDcrypt, 0, "/"); $_COOKIE['IDc'] = $IDcrypt; // Affiliate and friend checking if ($en_aff && $_COOKIE['idAff']) { $res = db_res("SELECT `ID` FROM `aff` WHERE `ID` = {$_COOKIE['idAff']} AND `Status` = 'active'"); if (mysql_num_rows($res)) { $res = db_res("INSERT INTO `aff_members` (`idAff`,`idProfile`) VALUES ({$_COOKIE['idAff']}, {$IDnormal})"); } } if ($en_aff && $_COOKIE['idFriend']) { $idFriend = getID($_COOKIE['idFriend']); if ($idFriend) { $res = db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `aff_num` = `aff_num` + 1 WHERE `ID` = '{$idFriend}'"); createUserDataFile($idFriend); } } if (strcmp(crypt($IDnormal, 'secret_string'), $_COOKIE['IDc']) != 0) { ob_end_clean(); $_page['header'] = _t("_Error"); $ret = "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=4 cellspacing=4><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; $ret .= _t("_MUST_HAVE_COOKIES"); $ret .= "</td></tr></table>"; return $ret; } if (getParam('autoApproval_ifNoConfEmail') == 'on') { if (getParam('autoApproval_ifJoin')) { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status`='Active' WHERE `ID`='{$IDnormal}'"); $page_text = _t("_USER_ACTIVATION_SUCCEEDED") . $ret . $add_on; $message = getParam("t_Activation"); $subject = getParam('t_Activation_subject'); sendMail($p_arr['Email'], $subject, $message, $IDnormal); } else { db_res("UPDATE `Profiles` SET `Status`='Approval' WHERE `ID`='{$IDnormal}'"); $page_text = _t("_USER_CONF_SUCCEEDED") . $add_on; } if ($newusernotify) { $message = "New user {$p_arr['NickName']} with email {$p_arr['Email']} has been confirmed,\nhis/her ID is {$IDnormal}.\n--\n{$site['title']} mail delivery system\n<Auto-generated e-mail, please, do not reply>\n"; $subject = "New user confirmed"; sendMail($site['email_notify'], $subject, $message); } } else { $page_text = _t("_JOIN3") . $add_on; $page_text .= activation_mail($IDnormal); $page_text .= "<br /><br /><br /><br /><center>" . _t("_UPLOAD_WHILE_WAITING", $site['url']) . "</center>"; } modules_add($IDnormal); if (!$autoApproval_ifJoin) { modules_block($IDnormal); } createUserDataFile($IDnormal); // ---------------------------------------------------------- echo "<div id=\"first_column\">"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; echo "<div align=justify>{$page_text}</div>"; break; default: echo "<div id=\"first_column\">"; echo "<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" border=\"0\"><tr><td align=center class=text2>"; //----------------------------------------------------------- do { $join_page_limit = 'done' == $page ? " AND join_page > '" . $join_pages_num * 1000 . "'" : " AND join_page > '" . $page * 1000 . "' AND join_page < '" . ($page + 1) * 1000 . "'"; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ProfilesDesc` WHERE `visible` & 2 {$join_page_limit} AND (FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('3',show_on_page))"; $res = db_res($query); $item_num = mysql_fetch_row($res); if ($item_num[0] <= 0 && $page < $join_pages_num) { $page++; } } while ($item_num[0] <= 0 && $page < $join_pages_num); $join_page_limit = 'done' == $page ? " AND join_page > '" . $join_pages_num * 1000 . "'" : " AND join_page > '" . $page * 1000 . "' AND join_page < '" . ($page + 1) * 1000 . "'"; $hidden_vals .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"{$page}\" />"; //----------------------------------------------------------- echo "\n\t <form name=\"jform\" method=\"post\" action=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\" " . ($join_pages_num == $page ? "onSubmit=\"return validateJoinForm();\">" : ">") . "\n\n\t {$hidden_vals}\n\n\t <input type=hidden name=\"ID\" value=\"{$IDnormal}\" />\n\n\t <div align=justify>{$page_text}</div>\n<table width=\"100%\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">"; $first_row = 1; $respd = db_res("SELECT * FROM ProfilesDesc\n\t\t\t WHERE `visible` & 2 AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0',show_on_page) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "',show_on_page)) {$join_page_limit}\n\t\t\t ORDER BY `join_page` ASC"); if ($oTemplConfig->customize['join_page']['show_3rd_col']) { $columns = 3; } else { $columns = 2; } while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); if ($arrpd['get_value'] && $arrpd['to_db'] == 0) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $p_arr[$fname] = $func($p_arr); } $not_first_row = 0; switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes echo print_row_set($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'rb': // radio buttons echo print_row_radio_button($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'r': // reference to array for combo box if ($fname == 'Country') { $onchange = "flagImage = document.getElementById('flagImageId'); flagImage.src = '{$site['flags']}' + this.value.toLowerCase() + '.gif';"; if (strlen($p_arr[$fname]) == 0) { $p_arr[$fname] = getParam('default_country'); } $imagecode = '<img id="flagImageId" src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr[$fname])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />'; } else { $onchange = ''; $imagecode = ''; } echo print_row_ref($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns, '', 0, $onchange, $imagecode); break; case '0': // divider echo print_row_delim($first_row, $arrpd, "panel", $columns); $not_first_row = 1; $first_row = 1; break; case 'e': // enum combo box echo print_row_enum($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $javascript, 0); break; case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers echo print_row_enum_n($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'eny': // enum combo box with years echo print_row_enum_years($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'date': //date echo print_row_date($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'a': // text Area echo print_row_area($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'c': // input box echo print_row_edit($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; case 'p': // input box password echo print_row_pwd($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", 0, $columns); break; default: $not_first_row = 1; break; } if (!$not_first_row && $first_row == 1) { $first_row = 0; } } echo "</table>"; // show on the last page of join form if ($join_pages_num == $page) { ?> <script language=javascript> <!-- function validateJoinForm() { if ( document.forms['jform'].elements['i_agree'].checked ) return true; alert('<?php echo _t("_CLICK_AGREE"); ?> '); return false; } --> </script> <?php echo "<br /><div class=\"security_image_block\"><center>\n"; if ($enable_security_image) { echo "\n\t\t <img alt=\"Security Image\" src=\"simg/simg.php\" /><br /><br />" . _t("_Enter what you see:") . "<input name=\"securityImageValue\" type=\"text\" size=\"15\"><br /><br />"; } echo "</center>"; $ret = <<<ID \t\t<script type="text/javascript"> \t\t\tfunction id_registration() \t\t\t{ \t\t\t\toCheckBox = document.getElementById( "boonex_id" ); \t\t\t\tif( oCheckBox.checked ) \t\t\t\t\ '', '', 'width=800, height=600, menubar=yes, status=yes, resizable=yes, scrollbars=yes, toolbar=yes, location=yes') \t\t\t} \t\t</script> ID; echo $ret; echo "\n\t\t <div style=\"text-align:center;\"><input type=checkbox name=i_agree id=i_agree /><label for=i_agree>" . _t("_I AGREE", $site['url']) . "</label> </div>\n"; // BoonEx ID implementation // <div style=\"text-align:center;\"><input type=checkbox name=\"boonex_id\" id=\"boonex_id\" /><label for=boonex_id>" . _t("_ID_CREATE", "" ) . "</label> </div>"; } echo "<br /><center><input onclick=\"id_registration();\" type=\"submit\" value=\"" . _t("_Join") . "\" /></center></form></div>"; break; } global $memberID; echo "</td></tr></table>"; echo "</div>"; echo "<div id=\"second_column\">"; echo "<div class=\"member_login\">"; $action = "login"; $text = _t('_Member Login'); $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join_form.php"; $forgot_page = "{$site['url']}forgot.php"; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/join_login_form.html"; echo LoginForm($text, $action, $table, $login_page, $forgot_page, $template); echo "</div>"; if (getParam('enable_get_boonex_id')) { echo "<div class=\"import_boonex_id\">"; $action = "boonex"; $text = '<div class="boonex_id">' . _t('_Import BoonEx ID') . '</div>'; $table = "Profiles"; $login_page = "{$site['url']}member.php"; $join_page = "{$site['url']}join_form.php"; $forgot_page = ''; $template = "{$dir['root']}templates/tmpl_{$tmpl}/join_login_form.html"; echo LoginForm($text, $action, $table, $login_page, $forgot_page, $template); echo "</div>"; } echo "</div>"; $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; }
/** * page code function */ function PageCompPageMainCode() { global $site; global $dir; global $_page; global $p_arr; global $p_arr_new; global $db_vsbl; global $db_editbl; global $tab; global $autoApproval_ifProfile; global $ID; global $MEMBER; global $ADMIN; global $NEW_TO_ADD; global $Featured; global $pic; global $pics; global $pic_num; global $enable_audio_upload; global $enable_video_upload; global $sound_file_exist; global $video_file_exist; global $status_admin_ex; global $change_error_text; global $result_text; global $pictures_text; global $membership_message; global $max_thumb_height; global $max_thumb_width; global $enable_ray; global $enable_ray_pro; ob_start(); if ($NEW_TO_ADD) { $_page['header'] = _t("_New Member"); $_page['header_text'] = _t("_New Member Add Here"); } else { $_page['header'] = process_line_output($p_arr['NickName']) . ": " . process_line_output(strmaxtextlen($p_arr['DescriptionMe'], 45)); $_page['header_text'] = "<b>" . process_line_output($p_arr['NickName']) . "</b> - "; $_page['header_text'] .= _t('_' . $p_arr['Sex']); $_page['header_text'] .= ", " . _t("_y/o", age($p_arr['DateOfBirth'])) . " (ID: {$p_arr['ID']})"; } echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"><tr><td>'; if ($ADMIN && $status_admin_ex) { echo $status_admin_ex; } if ($change_error_text) { echo $change_error_text . '<br />'; } global $moderator; if ($ADMIN && !$moderator) { echo "<div align=right class=text2><a href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}\">" . _t("_Add New Profile") . "</a></div>"; } if ($result_text) { echo '<center>' . $result_text . '</center><br />'; } if ($ADMIN && !$NEW_TO_ADD && $enable_video_upload && $enable_ray && $enable_ray_pro && file_exists($dir['root'] . "ray/modules/video/admin.php")) { $sRayHeaderPath = $dir['root'] . "ray/inc/"; $iId = (int) $p_arr['ID']; $aAdmin = db_arr("SELECT `Name`, `Password` FROM `Admins` LIMIT 1"); $sNick = $aAdmin['Name']; $sPassword = $aAdmin['Password']; echo "<tr><td><div style=\"width:179px; padding-bottom:10px; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;\">"; require_once $dir['root'] . "ray/modules/video/admin.php"; echo "</div></td></tr>"; } if ($ADMIN && !$NEW_TO_ADD) { // Print membership information and controls $memberships_arr = getMemberships(); $membership_info = getMemberMembershipInfo($ID); ?> <!-- MEMBERSHIP [BEGIN] --> <tr><td> <center><?php echo $membership_message; ?> </center> <form name="MembershipForm" action="profile_edit.php?ID=<?php echo $p_arr['ID']; ?> " method=post> <input type="hidden" name="SetMembership" value="YES"> <table width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 class="text2" border=0> <?php echo print_rows_set_membership(1, $memberships_arr, $membership_info, 3, "table", "panel", "25%"); ?> </table> <center> <input class=no type="submit" value="Set" style="width: 50px;"> </center> </form> <hr> </td></tr> <!-- MEMBERSHIP [ END ] --> <?php } ?> <form name="jform" method="post" action="profile_edit.php?ID=<?php echo $p_arr['ID']; ?> "> <?php if ($NEW_TO_ADD) { ?> <input type="hidden" name="NewProfile" value="YES" /> <?php } ?> <input type="hidden" name="SaveChanges" value="YES" /> <?php if ($ADMIN) { ?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="small2" align="center"> <tr> <td align="right" width="75%"><?php echo _t("_Mark as Featured"); ?> </td> <td align="left" width="25%"> <input type="checkbox" name="Featured" <?php if ($Featured) { echo 'checked="checked"'; } ?> > </td> </tr> </table> <?php } ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td valign="top"> <table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" width="100%"> <tr><td align="center" valign="middle"> <?php if ($NEW_TO_ADD) { echo _t("_New Member") . '<br /><br />'; } else { ?> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="250"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle" style="position:relative; display:block;width:112px;"> <?php echo get_member_thumbnail($p_arr['ID'], 'none'); ?> </td> <td> <?php $yes_ph = 0; require_once BX_DIRECTORY_PATH_ROOT . 'profilePhotos.php'; $oPhoto = new ProfilePhotos($p_arr['ID']); $oPhoto->getMediaArray(); $yes_ph = $oPhoto->iMediaCount; if ($yes_ph) { ?> <a href="<?php echo $site['url']; ?> photos_gallery.php?ID=<?php echo $p_arr['ID']; ?> " ><?php echo _t("_More Photos"); ?> </a><br /> <?php } if (!$MEMBER) { echo "<div class=small2>" . _t("_Last logged in") . ": "; if (!$p_arr['LastLoggedIn'] || $p_arr['LastLoggedIn'] == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { echo _t("_never"); } else { echo $p_arr['LastLoggedIn']; } echo "</div>"; } else { echo _t("_Profile status"); ?> : <b><font class=prof_stat_<?php echo $p_arr['Status']; ?> > <?php echo _t("_" . $p_arr['Status']); ?> </font></b><br /> <?php if ($MEMBER) { switch ($p_arr['Status']) { case 'Active': echo '<a href="change_status.php">' . _t("_Suspend account") . '</a><br />'; break; case 'Suspended': echo '<a href="change_status.php">' . _t("_Activate account") . '</a><br />'; break; } } } ?> </td></tr> </table> <?php } ?> </td> <td valign="top" align="center" width="100%"> <?php $free_mode = getParam("free_mode") == "on" ? 1 : 0; ?> </td> </table> </td></tr> <tr><td> <table class="profile_edit_table"><!-- Profile edit page --> <?php $first_row = 1; $rd = !($ADMIN || $MEMBER); $columns = 2; $respd = db_res("SELECT *, (`editable` & {$db_editbl}) AS `is_editable` FROM `ProfilesDesc` WHERE `visible` & {$db_vsbl} AND ( FIND_IN_SET('0', `show_on_page`) OR FIND_IN_SET('" . (int) $_page['name_index'] . "', show_on_page)) ORDER BY `order` ASC"); while ($arrpd = mysql_fetch_array($respd)) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); if ($arrpd['get_value'] && $arrpd['to_db'] == 0) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $p_arr[$fname] = $func($p_arr_new); } if ($arrpd['is_editable'] && isset($p_arr_new[$fname])) { $p_arr[$fname] = $p_arr_new[$fname]; } $not_first_row = 0; $read_only = !$arrpd['is_editable']; switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes echo print_row_set($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'rb': // radio buttons echo print_row_radio_button($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'r': // reference to array for combo box if ($fname == 'Country') { $onchange = "flagImage = document.getElementById('flagImageId'); flagImage.src = '{$site['flags']}' + this.value.toLowerCase() + '.gif';"; if (strlen($p_arr[$fname]) == 0) { $p_arr[$fname] = getParam('default_country'); } $imagecode = '<img id="flagImageId" src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr[$fname])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />'; } else { $onchange = ''; $imagecode = ''; } echo print_row_ref($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only, $onchange, $imagecode); break; case '0': // divider echo print_row_delim($first_row, $arrpd, "panel", $columns); $not_first_row = 1; $first_row = 1; break; case 'e': // enum combo box. if field name is 'Sex', than this is simple text, user can not change it echo print_row_enum($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $javascript, $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers echo print_row_enum_n($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'eny': // enum combo box with years echo print_row_enum_years($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'a': // text Area echo print_row_area($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'c': // input box echo print_row_edit($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'date': // date echo print_row_date($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; case 'p': // input box password echo print_row_pwd($first_row, $arrpd, '', "table", $rd, $columns, "", $read_only); break; default: $not_first_row = 1; } if (!$not_first_row && $first_row == 1) { $first_row = 0; } } ?> </table> </td></tr> </table> <br /> <?php if (!!($ADMIN || $MEMBER)) { ?> <center><input type="submit" value="<?php echo _t("_Save Changes"); ?> " /></center> </form> <br /> <?php if ($MEMBER && !$NEW_TO_ADD) { if (!$autoApproval_ifProfile) { attention(_t("_PROFILE_WARNING1", $site['title'])); } attention(_t("_PROFILE_WARNING2", $site['title'])); } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; $ret = ob_get_clean(); return $ret; }
function showProfileFields($aFields) { global $p_arr; global $site; $rd = 1; $first_row = 1; $aRedundantFields = array(); $ret = ''; foreach ($aFields as $arrpd) { $fname = get_input_name($arrpd); $sRealFName = get_field_name($arrpd); if (!in_array($sRealFName, $aRedundantFields)) { if ($arrpd['get_value_db']) { $funcbody = $arrpd['get_value_db']; $func = create_function('$arg0', $funcbody); $p_arr[$fname] = $func($p_arr); } if (!strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { continue; } //if ( !strlen($p_arr[$fname]) ) $p_arr[$fname] = $p_arr[$fname]; $not_first_row = 0; switch ($arrpd['type']) { case 'set': // set of checkboxes $ret .= print_row_set($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); break; case 'rb': // radio buttons $ret .= print_row_radio_button($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); break; case 'r': // reference to array for combo box if ($fname == 'Country') { $imagecode = '<img src="' . ($site['flags'] . strtolower($p_arr[$fname])) . '.gif" alt="flag" />'; } else { $imagecode = ''; } $ret .= print_row_ref($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%", 0, '', $imagecode); break; case '0': // divider $ret .= print_row_delim($first_row, $arrpd, "panel", 2); $not_first_row = 1; $first_row = 1; break; case 'e': // enum combo box $ret .= print_row_enum($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", '', $rd, 2, "50%"); break; case 'en': // enum combo box with numbers $ret .= print_row_enum_n($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); break; case 'eny': // enum combo box with years $ret .= print_row_enum_years($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%", '', $sRealFName); $aRedundantFields[] = $sRealFName; break; case 'date': $ret .= print_row_date($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%", '', $sRealFName); break; case 'a': // memo $p_arr[$fname] = process_line_output($p_arr[$fname]); if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { $ret .= print_row_area($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); } break; case 'c': // input box $p_arr[$fname] = process_line_output($p_arr[$fname]); if (strlen($p_arr[$fname])) { if ('HomePage' == $fname) { $p_arr[$fname] = '<a href="http://' . $p_arr[$fname] . '">' . $p_arr[$fname] . '</a>'; } $ret .= print_row_edit($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); } break; case 'p': // input box password $p_arr[$fname] = process_line_output($p_arr[$fname]); $ret .= print_row_pwd($first_row, $arrpd, $p_arr[$fname], "table", $rd, 2, "50%"); break; default: $not_first_row = 1; } if (!$not_first_row && $first_row == 1) { $first_row = 0; } } } return $ret; }
function process_controller() { require "Models/process_model.php"; require "Models/input_model.php"; require "Models/feed_model.php"; global $session, $action, $format; $output['content'] = ""; $output['message'] = ""; //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get process list of input // http://yoursite/emoncms/process/list.html?inputid=1 // http://yoursite/emoncms/process/list.json?inputid=1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ($action == "list" && $session['read']) { $inputid = intval($_GET["inputid"]); $input_processlist = get_input_processlist_desc($session['userid'], $inputid); if ($format == 'json') { $output['content'] = json_encode($input_processlist); } elseif ($format == 'html') { $output['content'] = view("process/list_view.php", array('inputid' => $inputid, 'input_processlist' => $input_processlist, 'process_list' => get_process_list())); } } elseif ($action == "add" && $session['write']) { $inputid = intval($_GET['inputid']); $processid = intval($_GET['type']); // get process type (ProcessArg::) $arg = floatval($_GET['arg']); // This is actual value, inputid or feedid //arg2 is feed name if arg=-1 (create new feed) $arg2 = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s-.]/', '', $_GET['arg2']); // filter out all except for alphanumeric white space and dash $arg2 = db_real_escape_string($arg2); $process = get_process($processid); $valid = false; // Flag to determine if argument is valid switch ($process[1]) { case ProcessArg::VALUE: // If arg type value $arg = floatval($arg); $id = $arg; if ($arg != '') { $valid = true; } else { $output['message'] = 'ERROR: Argument must be a valid number greater or less than 0.'; } break; case ProcessArg::INPUTID: // If arg type input // Check if input exists (returns 0 if invalid) $name = get_input_name($arg); $id = get_input_id($_SESSION['userid'], $name); if ($name == '' || $id == '') { $output['message'] = 'ERROR: Input does not exist!'; } else { $valid = true; } break; case ProcessArg::FEEDID: // If arg type feed // First check if feed exists of given feed id and user. $name = get_feed_name($arg); $id = get_feed_id($_SESSION['userid'], $name); if ($name == '' || $id == '') { // If it doesnt then create a feed, $process[3] is the number of datafields in the feed table $id = create_feed($_SESSION['userid'], $arg2, $process[3], $process[4]); // Check feed was created successfully $name = get_feed_name($id); if ($name == '') { $output['message'] = 'ERROR: Could not create new feed!'; } else { $valid = true; } } else { $valid = true; } break; } if ($valid) { add_input_process($session['userid'], $inputid, $processid, $id); } if ($format == 'json') { $output['message'] = json_encode($output['message']); } elseif ($format == 'html') { header('Location: list?inputid=' . $inputid); } } elseif ($action == 'delete' && $session['write']) { $inputid = intval($_GET['inputid']); $processid = intval($_GET['processid']); delete_input_process($session['userid'], $inputid, $processid); if ($format == 'html') { header('Location: list?inputid=' . $inputid); } } elseif ($action == 'move' && $session['write']) { $inputid = intval($_GET['inputid']); $processid = intval($_GET['processid']); $moveby = intval($_GET['moveby']); move_input_process($session['userid'], $inputid, $processid, $moveby); if ($format == 'html') { header('Location: list?inputid=' . $inputid); } } elseif ($action == 'query' && $session['read']) { $inputid = intval($_GET["inputid"]); $processid = intval($_GET["type"]); // get process type $arg = preg_replace('/[^\\w\\s-.]/', '', $_GET["arg"]); // filter out all except for alphanumeric white space and dash $arg = db_real_escape_string($arg); $process = get_process($processid); $newprocess[0] = $process[1]; // Process arg type switch ($process[1]) { case ProcessArg::VALUE: $newprocess[1] = "Value"; break; case ProcessArg::INPUTID: $newprocess[1] = "Input"; $newprocess[2] = get_user_input_names($session['userid']); break; case ProcessArg::FEEDID: $newprocess[1] = "Feed"; $newprocess[2] = get_user_feed_names($session['userid']); break; default: $newprocess[1] = "ERROR"; } if ($format == 'json') { $output['content'] = json_encode($newprocess); } //if ($format == 'html') $output['content'] = $argboxhtml; } elseif ($action == "test" && $_SESSION['write']) { set_time_limit(360); // Increase PHP limit // Create Histogram data - (to feed, from feed, from date, to date). // $rows = histogram_history(4,1,"2008-01-01","2012-05-01"); } elseif ($action == "autoconfigure" && $session['write']) { $inputs = get_user_inputs($session['userid']); foreach ($inputs as $input) { auto_configure_inputs($session['userid'], $input[0], $input[1]); } if ($format == 'html') { header("Location: ../feed/list"); } } return $output; }