Exemplo n.º 1
function add_internal($internal_classes)
    global $functions, $internal_arginfo;
    foreach ($internal_classes as $class_name) {
        add_class($class_name, 0);
    foreach (get_declared_interfaces() as $class_name) {
    foreach (get_declared_traits() as $class_name) {
    foreach (get_defined_functions()['internal'] as $function_name) {
        $function = new \ReflectionFunction($function_name);
        $required = $function->getNumberOfRequiredParameters();
        $optional = $function->getNumberOfParameters() - $required;
        $functions[strtolower($function_name)] = ['file' => 'internal', 'namespace' => $function->getNamespaceName(), 'avail' => true, 'conditional' => false, 'flags' => 0, 'lineno' => 0, 'endLineno' => 0, 'name' => $function_name, 'docComment' => '', 'required' => $required, 'optional' => $optional, 'ret' => null, 'params' => []];
    foreach (array_keys($internal_arginfo) as $function_name) {
        if (strpos($function_name, ':') !== false) {
        $ln = strtolower($function_name);
        $functions[$ln] = ['file' => 'internal', 'avail' => false, 'conditional' => false, 'flags' => 0, 'lineno' => 0, 'endLineno' => 0, 'name' => $function_name, 'docComment' => '', 'ret' => null, 'params' => []];
Exemplo n.º 2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 protected function listItems(InputInterface $input, \Reflector $reflector = null, $target = null)
     // bail early if current PHP doesn't know about traits.
     if (!function_exists('trait_exists')) {
     // only list traits when no Reflector is present.
     // TODO: make a NamespaceReflector and pass that in for commands like:
     //     ls --traits Foo
     // ... for listing traits in the Foo namespace
     if ($reflector !== null || $target !== null) {
     // only list traits if we are specifically asked
     if (!$input->getOption('traits')) {
     $traits = $this->prepareTraits(get_declared_traits());
     if (empty($traits)) {
     return array('Traits' => $traits);
Exemplo n.º 3
  * Global variables dump : dump all variables and resource we can found :
  * - $GLOBALS
  * - $_SERVER
  * - all static property values from classes
  * I don't know where I could found those : help me if you can !
  * - all static variables declared into functions
  * - all opened resources (ie files or mysql links)
  * @param $display boolean|string true or 'pre' if you want to displaying it
  * @return array returns the result array
 public static function globalDump($display = 'pre')
     $dump['$GLOBALS'] = $GLOBALS;
     $dump['$_SERVER'] = $_SERVER;
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_traits()) as $class) {
         foreach ((new Reflection_Class($class))->getProperties([T_EXTENDS, T_USE]) as $property) {
             if ($property->isStatic()) {
                 if (!$property->isPublic()) {
                     $not_accessible = true;
                 } else {
                     $not_accessible = false;
                 $dump['STATIC'][$class][$property->name] = $property->getValue();
                 if ($not_accessible) {
     if ($display) {
         $pre = $display === 'pre';
         echo ($pre ? '<pre>' : '') . print_r($dump, true) . ($pre ? '</pre>' : '');
     return $dump;
Exemplo n.º 4
  * Allow traits to have custom initialization built in.
  * @return void
 protected function bootTraits()
     foreach (get_declared_traits() as $trait) {
         if (method_exists($this, 'boot' . class_basename($trait))) {
             $this->{'boot' . class_basename($trait)}();
Exemplo n.º 5
  * Loads a list of classes and caches them in one big file.
  * @param array  $classes    An array of classes to load
  * @param string $cacheDir   A cache directory
  * @param string $name       The cache name prefix
  * @param bool   $autoReload Whether to flush the cache when the cache is stale or not
  * @param bool   $adaptive   Whether to remove already declared classes or not
  * @param string $extension  File extension of the resulting file
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException When class can't be loaded
 public static function load($classes, $cacheDir, $name, $autoReload, $adaptive = false, $extension = '.php')
     // each $name can only be loaded once per PHP process
     if (isset(self::$loaded[$name])) {
     self::$loaded[$name] = true;
     if ($adaptive) {
         $declared = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
         // don't include already declared classes
         $classes = array_diff($classes, $declared);
         // the cache is different depending on which classes are already declared
         $name = $name . '-' . substr(hash('sha256', implode('|', $classes)), 0, 5);
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     // cache the core classes
     if (!is_dir($cacheDir) && !@mkdir($cacheDir, 0777, true) && !is_dir($cacheDir)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Class Collection Loader was not able to create directory "%s"', $cacheDir));
     $cacheDir = rtrim(realpath($cacheDir) ?: $cacheDir, '/' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
     $cache = $cacheDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $name . $extension;
     // auto-reload
     $reload = false;
     if ($autoReload) {
         $metadata = $cache . '.meta';
         if (!is_file($metadata) || !is_file($cache)) {
             $reload = true;
         } else {
             $time = filemtime($cache);
             $meta = unserialize(file_get_contents($metadata));
             if ($meta[1] != $classes) {
                 $reload = true;
             } else {
                 foreach ($meta[0] as $resource) {
                     if (!is_file($resource) || filemtime($resource) > $time) {
                         $reload = true;
     if (!$reload && file_exists($cache)) {
         require_once $cache;
     if (!$adaptive) {
         $declared = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     $files = self::inline($classes, $cache, $declared);
     if ($autoReload) {
         // save the resources
         self::writeCacheFile($metadata, serialize(array(array_values($files), $classes)));
Exemplo n.º 6
  * All declared traits can have their own initialisation method. This function
  * iterates over the declared traits and initialises them if necessary.
  * NB - order of initialisation is order of declaration
  * This function should be called from the contructor and it passes those
  * same variables used for construction to the traits' init methods.
  * @param  null|array $options An array of options
 private function initialiseTraits($options)
     foreach (get_declared_traits() as $trait) {
         $fn = "{$trait}_Init";
         if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Make cache file from current loaded classes
 public function cache()
     $swpLockFile = $this->getConfig()->getSwapFile() . '.lock';
     if (is_file($swpLockFile)) {
     file_put_contents($swpLockFile, '');
     // Open working file
     if (is_file($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile()) === false) {
         file_put_contents($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile(), '');
     $this->handle = fopen($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile(), 'r+');
     // Lock the file
     if (flock($this->handle, LOCK_EX) === false) {
     // Clear the file
     ftruncate($this->handle, 0);
     // Traits first, then interfaces at last the classes
     $classes = array_merge(get_declared_traits(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_classes());
     // We only want to cache classes once
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     $this->classList = array_flip($classes);
     $this->classList = array_fill_keys($classes, false);
     // Write PHP open tag
     fwrite($this->handle, '<?php' . PHP_EOL);
     // Walk through the classes
     foreach ($this->classList as $class => &$used) {
         $this->processClassIntoCacheFile(new Reflection\ClassReflection($class));
     // Flush last contents to the file
     // Release the swap lock
     flock($this->handle, LOCK_UN);
     // Close cache file handle
     // Minify cache file
     file_put_contents($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile(), php_strip_whitespace($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile()));
     $fileLock = $this->getConfig()->getFile() . '.lock';
     file_put_contents($fileLock, '');
     if (is_file($this->getConfig()->getFile())) {
     // Replace old cache file
     copy($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile(), $this->getConfig()->getFile());
     if (is_file($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile())) {
         // Hotfix for Windows environments
         if (@unlink($this->getConfig()->getSwapFile()) === false) {
     // Unlink Locks
  * @return string[] internal symbols
 public function internalSymbolsProvider()
     $allSymbols = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     $indexedSymbols = array_combine($allSymbols, $allSymbols);
     return array_map(function ($symbol) {
         return [$symbol];
     }, array_filter($indexedSymbols, function ($symbol) {
         $reflection = new PhpReflectionClass($symbol);
         return $reflection->isInternal();
Exemplo n.º 9
function get_declared_user_traits()
    $ret = array();
    foreach (get_declared_traits() as $v) {
        // exclude system traits
        $rc = new ReflectionClass($v);
        if ($rc->getFileName() !== false) {
            $ret[] = $v;
    return $ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
  * Warms up the cache.
  * @param string $cacheDir The cache directory
 public function warmUp($cacheDir)
     $classmap = $cacheDir . '/classes.map';
     if (!is_file($classmap)) {
     if (file_exists($cacheDir . '/classes.php')) {
     $declared = null !== $this->declaredClasses ? $this->declaredClasses : array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     ClassCollectionLoader::inline(include $classmap, $cacheDir . '/classes.php', $declared);
Exemplo n.º 11
 protected function processElementsItems()
     $items = [];
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits()) as $name) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($name);
         if ($reflection->isInternal() || mb_substr($name, 0, 11) === 'FixinTools\\') {
         $items[$reflection->name] = new Item($this, $reflection);
     $this->items = $items;
Exemplo n.º 12
Arquivo: Wizard.php Projeto: ezrra/PHP
 private function processClassesAndTraits()
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_traits()) as $classOrTrait) {
         if (isset($this->processedClasses[$classOrTrait])) {
         $reflector = new \ReflectionClass($classOrTrait);
         foreach ($reflector->getMethods() as $method) {
         $this->processedClasses[$classOrTrait] = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
  * Load class in the source directory
 protected function loadClasses()
     if (!is_dir($this->srcDirectory)) {
         throw new \Exception('Source directory not found : ' . $this->srcDirectory);
     $objects = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->srcDirectory), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
     $Regex = new \RegexIterator($objects, '/^.+\\.php$/i', \RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
     foreach ($Regex as $name => $object) {
         if (!empty($name)) {
             require_once $name;
     $classes = get_declared_classes();
     $traits = get_declared_traits();
     $interfaces = get_declared_interfaces();
     $this->loadedClasses = array_merge($classes, $traits, $interfaces);
Exemplo n.º 14
  * @param string[] $fileNames
  * @throws MetaException
  * @return boolean
 public function processFiles(array $fileNames)
     $types = array();
     foreach ($fileNames as $fileName) {
         require_once $fileName;
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits()) as $typeName) {
         $rc = new \ReflectionClass($typeName);
         if ($rc->getFileName() && in_array(realpath($rc->getFileName()), $fileNames)) {
             $types[] = Type::fromReflection($rc);
     $matched = false;
     foreach ($types as $type) {
         $result = $this->compile($type);
         if ($result === null) {
         $matched = true;
         $outputFileName = $this->createOutputFileName($type, $result->getClass());
         $outputDirectory = dirname($outputFileName);
         if (!is_dir($outputDirectory)) {
             if (!mkdir($outputDirectory, 0777, true)) {
                 throw new MetaException("Could not create output directory '{$outputDirectory}'.");
         $content = (string) $result->getFile();
         // do not overwrite files with same content
         if (!file_exists($outputFileName) || md5_file($outputFileName) !== md5($content)) {
             if (!file_put_contents($outputFileName, $content)) {
                 throw new MetaException("Could not write output to file '{$outputFileName}'.");
     return $matched;
Exemplo n.º 15
 * Tool to auto insert use statements into PHP
$ignore = get_defined_functions()['internal'];
$ignore = array_merge($ignore, get_declared_classes());
$ignore = array_merge($ignore, get_declared_interfaces());
$ignore = array_merge($ignore, get_declared_traits());
$ignore = array_merge($ignore, array_keys(get_defined_constants()));
$ignore[] = 'parent';
$ignore[] = 'self';
$inputFile = $argv[1];
require dirname(__FILE__) . '/vendor/autoload.php';
 * Returns project root path. The root is where composer.json is defined
function findProject($filename)
    $filename = realpath($filename);
    if ($filename == '/') {
        return null;
    if (file_exists(dirname($filename) . '/composer.json')) {
        return dirname($filename);
    return findProject(dirname($filename));
 * Returns the parsed AST
Exemplo n.º 16

declare (strict_types=1);
namespace Phan\Tests\Language;

// Grab these before we define our own classes
$internal_class_name_list = get_declared_classes();
$internal_interface_name_list = get_declared_interfaces();
$internal_trait_name_list = get_declared_traits();
$internal_function_name_list = get_defined_functions()['internal'];
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;
class UnionTypeTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
    /** @var Context|null */
    protected $context = null;
    /** @var CodeBase */
    protected $code_base = null;
    protected function setUp()
        global $internal_class_name_list;
        global $internal_interface_name_list;
        global $internal_trait_name_list;
        global $internal_function_name_list;
        $this->code_base = new CodeBase($internal_class_name_list, $internal_interface_name_list, $internal_trait_name_list, $internal_function_name_list);
        $this->context = new Context();
    public function tearDown()

// Author:  Pascal KISSIAN
// Resume:  http://pascal.kissian.net
// Copyright (c) 2015 Pascal KISSIAN
// Published under the MIT License
//          Consider it as a proof of concept!
//          No warranty of any kind.
//          Use and abuse at your own risks.
$t_pre_defined_classes = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_declared_classes()));
$t_pre_defined_interfaces = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_declared_interfaces()));
$t_pre_defined_traits = function_exists('get_declared_traits') ? array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_declared_traits())) : array();
$t_pre_defined_classes = array_merge($t_pre_defined_classes, $t_pre_defined_interfaces, $t_pre_defined_traits);
$t_pre_defined_class_methods = array();
$t_pre_defined_class_methods_by_class = array();
$t_pre_defined_class_properties = array();
$t_pre_defined_class_properties_by_class = array();
$t_pre_defined_class_constants = array();
$t_pre_defined_class_constants_by_class = array();
foreach ($t_pre_defined_classes as $pre_defined_class_name => $dummy) {
    $t = array_flip(array_map('strtolower', get_class_methods($pre_defined_class_name)));
    if (count($t)) {
        $t_pre_defined_class_methods_by_class[$pre_defined_class_name] = $t;
    $t_pre_defined_class_methods = array_merge($t_pre_defined_class_methods, $t);
    $t = get_class_vars($pre_defined_class_name);
    if (count($t)) {
Exemplo n.º 18
function getUserDefinedTraits()
    static $traitCutoff;
    $traits = get_declared_traits();
    if (!isset($traitCutoff)) {
        $traitCutoff = count($traits);
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($traits); $i++) {
            $methods = get_class_methods($traits[$i]);
            if (empty($methods)) {
            list($first) = $methods;
            if ((new \ReflectionMethod($traits[$i], $first))->isUserDefined()) {
                $traitCutoff = $i;
    return array_slice($traits, $traitCutoff);
Exemplo n.º 19
 $fp = fopen('tags', 'wb');
 $build = function (array $arr) {
     $b = array();
     foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
         if ($val) {
             $b[] = "{$key}:{$val}";
     return implode("\t", $b);
 $base = dirname(__DIR__) . '/';
 $it = new AppendIterator();
 $it->append(new ArrayIterator(get_declared_classes()));
 $it->append(new ArrayIterator(get_declared_interfaces()));
 if (function_exists('get_declared_traits')) {
     $it->append(new ArrayIterator(get_declared_traits()));
 foreach ($it as $class) {
     $pathes = explode('\\', $class);
     if ('Test' === substr($class, -4) || 'Spec' === substr($class, -4) || 'PHP_Token_' === substr($class, 0, 10) || 'Double' === $pathes[0] || in_array('Test', $pathes) || in_array('Spec', $pathes)) {
     $rc = new ReflectionClass($class);
     if ($rc->isInternal()) {
     if ($rc->isInterface()) {
         $kind = 'i';
     } elseif (method_exists($rc, 'isTrait')) {
         if ($rc->isTrait()) {
             $kind = 't';
Exemplo n.º 20
  * Creates a snapshot of the current global state.
  * @param Blacklist $blacklist
  * @param boolean   $includeGlobalVariables
  * @param boolean   $includeStaticAttributes
  * @param boolean   $includeConstants
  * @param boolean   $includeFunctions
  * @param boolean   $includeClasses
  * @param boolean   $includeInterfaces
  * @param boolean   $includeTraits
  * @param boolean   $includeIniSettings
  * @param boolean   $includeIncludedFiles
 public function __construct(Blacklist $blacklist = null, $includeGlobalVariables = true, $includeStaticAttributes = true, $includeConstants = true, $includeFunctions = true, $includeClasses = true, $includeInterfaces = true, $includeTraits = true, $includeIniSettings = true, $includeIncludedFiles = true)
     if ($blacklist === null) {
         $blacklist = new Blacklist();
     $this->blacklist = $blacklist;
     if ($includeConstants) {
     if ($includeFunctions) {
     if ($includeClasses || $includeStaticAttributes) {
     if ($includeInterfaces) {
     if ($includeGlobalVariables) {
     if ($includeStaticAttributes) {
     if ($includeIniSettings) {
         $this->iniSettings = ini_get_all(null, false);
     if ($includeIncludedFiles) {
         $this->includedFiles = get_included_files();
     if (function_exists('get_declared_traits')) {
         $this->traits = get_declared_traits();
Exemplo n.º 21
/* Prototype  : proto array get_declared_traits()
 * Description: Returns an array of all declared traits. 
 * Source code: Zend/zend_builtin_functions.c
 * Alias to functions: 
echo "*** Testing get_declared_traits() : basic functionality ***\n";
trait MyTrait
// Zero arguments
echo "\n-- Testing get_declared_traits() function with Zero arguments --\n";
foreach (get_declared_traits() as $trait) {
    if (!trait_exists($trait)) {
        echo "Error: {$trait} is not a valid trait.\n";
echo "\n-- Ensure trait is listed --\n";
var_dump(in_array('MyTrait', get_declared_traits()));
echo "\n-- Ensure userspace interfaces are not listed --\n";
interface I
var_dump(in_array('I', get_declared_traits()));
echo "\n-- Ensure userspace classes are not listed --\n";
class MyClass
var_dump(in_array('MyClass', get_declared_traits()));
echo "Done";
Exemplo n.º 22
  * Indexes built-in PHP classes.
 protected function indexBuiltinClasses()
     foreach (get_declared_traits() as $trait) {
         $element = new ReflectionClass($trait);
         if ($element->isInternal()) {
     foreach (get_declared_interfaces() as $interface) {
         $element = new ReflectionClass($interface);
         if ($element->isInternal()) {
     foreach (get_declared_classes() as $class) {
         $element = new ReflectionClass($class);
         if ($element->isInternal()) {
Exemplo n.º 23

class a
interface b
trait c
abstract class d
final class e
Exemplo n.º 24
 public function declaredTraits() : array
     return get_declared_traits();
Exemplo n.º 25
  * All declared traits can have their own initialisation method. This function
  * iterates over the declared traits and initialises them if necessary.
  * NB - order of initialisation is order of declaration
  * This function should be called from the contructor and it passes those
  * same variables used for construction to the traits' init methods.
  * @param object $request See Parent class constructor
  * @param object $response See Parent class constructor
  * @param object $invokeArgs See Parent class constructor
 private function initialiseTraits($request, $response, $invokeArgs)
     foreach (get_declared_traits() as $trait) {
         $fn = "{$trait}_Init";
         if (method_exists($this, $fn)) {
             $this->{$fn}($request, $response, $invokeArgs);
Exemplo n.º 26

include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$appConfig = $appConfig = array('modules' => array(), 'module_listener_options' => array('module_paths' => array('./vendor'), 'config_glob_paths' => array('config/autoload/{,*.}{global,local}.php')));
for ($t = 0; $t < 50; $t++) {
    $app = \Zend\Mvc\Application::init($appConfig);
    $app = null;
class Foo
    private static $bar;
class Bar
    private static $bar;
var_dump(array_map(function ($symbol) {
    return array_map(function (\ReflectionProperty $property) {
        return $property->getDeclaringClass()->getName() . '::$' . $property->getName();
    }, array_filter((new \ReflectionClass($symbol))->getProperties(), function (\ReflectionProperty $property) {
        return $property->isStatic();
}, array_filter(array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_traits()), function ($symbol) {
    return !(new \ReflectionClass($symbol))->isInternal();
Exemplo n.º 27
  * An array of file paths retrieved from {@see files()}.
  * @param  array  $files A list of file paths.
  * @return array         A list of classes.
 public static function classes(array $files)
     $loader = new UniversalClassLoader();
     // Support PSR-0 autoloading with a composer.json file
     // @todo: Add support for Composer's classmap autoloading.
     if (file_exists(VANITY_PROJECT_WORKING_DIR . '/vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php')) {
         // Register namespaces with the class loader
         $loader->registerNamespaces(include VANITY_PROJECT_WORKING_DIR . '/vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php');
     } elseif (file_exists(VANITY_PROJECT_WORKING_DIR . '/composer.json')) {
         // Register namespaces with the class loader
         $composer = json_decode(file_get_contents(VANITY_PROJECT_WORKING_DIR . '/composer.json'), true);
         if (isset($composer['autoload']) && isset($composer['autoload']['psr-0'])) {
     $class_list = array();
     // Collect all current classes, interfaces and traits
     if (SystemStore::get('_.php54')) {
         $before = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     } else {
         $before = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         include_once $file;
     // Handle traits if this version of PHP supports them.
     if (SystemStore::get('_.php54')) {
         $after = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits());
     } else {
         $after = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     // We should be able to document ourselves
     if (defined('VANITY_AM_I')) {
         $after = array_filter($after, function ($class) {
             return substr($class, 0, 7) !== 'Vanity\\';
     $class_list = array_values(array_unique(array_diff($after, $before)));
     return $class_list;
Exemplo n.º 28
     * Tells the class we're defining to implement interfaces, creating it if it does not
     * exist.
     * @access public
     * @param string $interface The interface to implement
     * @return Mime The mime for method chaining
    public function implementing($interface)
        foreach (func_get_args() as $interface) {
            $file = str_replace('\\', self::DS, $interface) . '.php';
            $path = implode(self::DS, [__DIR__, self::INTERFACE_EXTENSIONS_DIR, $file]);
            if (isset(self::$registry[$interface]) || file_exists($path)) {
                if (!isset(self::$registry[$interface])) {
                    $existing_traits = get_declared_traits();
                    $extension = (include $path);
                    self::$extensions = array_merge(self::$extensions, $extension);
                    self::$registry[$interface] = array_diff(get_declared_traits(), $existing_traits);
                    return $this->implementing($interface);
                } else {
                    foreach (self::$registry[$interface] as $trait) {
            // We want to create the interface if it doesn't exist yet.  We don't want to
            // qualify the namespace until below.
            if (!interface_exists($interface)) {
                $fqin = ltrim($interface, '\\');
                $parts = explode('\\', $fqin);
                $interface = array_pop($parts);
                $ns = implode('\\', $parts);
                eval(call_user_func(function () use($ns, $interface) {
							namespace <?php 
                    echo $ns;
								interface <?php 
                    echo $interface;
                    return ob_get_clean();
            self::$interfaces[$this->class][] = self::qualify($ns . '\\' . $interface);
        return $this;
Exemplo n.º 29
  * Loads a list of classes and caches them in one big file.
  * @param array   $classes    An array of classes to load
  * @param string  $cacheDir   A cache directory
  * @param string  $name       The cache name prefix
  * @param bool    $autoReload Whether to flush the cache when the cache is stale or not
  * @param bool    $adaptive   Whether to remove already declared classes or not
  * @param string  $extension  File extension of the resulting file
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException When class can't be loaded
 public static function load($classes, $cacheDir, $name, $autoReload, $adaptive = false, $extension = '.php')
     // each $name can only be loaded once per PHP process
     if (isset(self::$loaded[$name])) {
     self::$loaded[$name] = true;
     $declared = array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces());
     if (function_exists('get_declared_traits')) {
         $declared = array_merge($declared, get_declared_traits());
     if ($adaptive) {
         // don't include already declared classes
         $classes = array_diff($classes, $declared);
         // the cache is different depending on which classes are already declared
         $name = $name . '-' . substr(hash('sha256', implode('|', $classes)), 0, 5);
     $classes = array_unique($classes);
     $cache = $cacheDir . '/' . $name . $extension;
     // auto-reload
     $reload = false;
     if ($autoReload) {
         $metadata = $cache . '.meta';
         if (!is_file($metadata) || !is_file($cache)) {
             $reload = true;
         } else {
             $time = filemtime($cache);
             $meta = unserialize(file_get_contents($metadata));
             if ($meta[1] != $classes) {
                 $reload = true;
             } else {
                 foreach ($meta[0] as $resource) {
                     if (!is_file($resource) || filemtime($resource) > $time) {
                         $reload = true;
     if (!$reload && is_file($cache)) {
         require_once $cache;
     $files = array();
     $content = '';
     foreach (self::getOrderedClasses($classes) as $class) {
         if (in_array($class->getName(), $declared)) {
         $files[] = $class->getFileName();
         $c = preg_replace(array('/^\\s*<\\?php/', '/\\?>\\s*$/'), '', file_get_contents($class->getFileName()));
         // fakes namespace declaration for global code
         if (!$class->inNamespace()) {
             $c = "\nnamespace\n{\n" . $c . "\n}\n";
         $c = self::fixNamespaceDeclarations('<?php ' . $c);
         $c = preg_replace('/^\\s*<\\?php/', '', $c);
         $content .= $c;
     // cache the core classes
     if (!is_dir(dirname($cache))) {
         mkdir(dirname($cache), 0777, true);
     self::writeCacheFile($cache, '<?php ' . $content);
     if ($autoReload) {
         // save the resources
         self::writeCacheFile($metadata, serialize(array($files, $classes)));
Exemplo n.º 30
  * Process declared elements
 protected function processElements()
     foreach (array_merge(get_declared_classes(), get_declared_interfaces(), get_declared_traits()) as $name) {
         $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($name);
         if ($reflection->isInternal() || mb_substr($name, 0, 11) === 'FixinTools\\') {
         $namespace = implode('\\', explode('\\', $name, -1));
         $shortName = $this->classShortName($name);
         $this->namespaces[$namespace][$shortName] = $reflection;
         $this->shortNameResolve[$shortName] = $name;