die(); } $sql_getships = "SELECT * FROM $table[ships]"; $rec_getships = mysql_query($sql_getships) or die(mysql_error()); if (!isset($do)) { $act = secureData($_GET['do']); } if (!isset($do)) { $act = secureData($_POST['do']); } if ($do == 'move') { $amount = secureData($_POST['amount']); $ship_id = secureData($_POST['ship_id']); $from = secureData($_POST['from']); $to = secureData($_POST['to']); $error = 0; if ($amount > getShipsOnFleet($playerdata[id], $ship_id, $from)) { $error = 1; } if ($from == $to) { $error = 2; } if ($error == 0) { moveShips($playerdata['id'], $ship_id, $amount, $from, $to); } switch($error) { case 0: $msg = "Succesfully moved ships."; break; case 1: $msg = "You don't have that amount of ships to move from fleet $from to $to"; break; case 2: $msg = "You can't move ships to the same fleet.";
function moveShips($player_id, $ship_id, $amount, $from, $to) { global $table; $from_current_amount = getShipsOnFleet($player_id, $ship_id, $from); $to_current_amount = getShipsOnFleet($player_id, $ship_id, $to); $from_new_amount = $from_current_amount - $amount; $to_new_amount = $to_current_amount + $amount; $sql_updfleet = "UPDATE $table[fleet] SET `$from` = '$from_new_amount', `$to` = '$to_new_amount' WHERE `player_id` = '$player_id' AND `ship_id` = '$ship_id'"; mysql_query($sql_updfleet); }