function _getListOptionLabelByValue($fieldSchema, $record)
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $tableName;
    $fieldname = $fieldSchema['name'];
    $fieldValue = @$record[@$fieldname];
    $output = '';
    // build value to label map
    $listOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, $record);
    $valuesToLabels = array();
    foreach ($listOptions as $valueAndLabel) {
        list($value, $label) = $valueAndLabel;
        $valuesToLabels[$value] = $label;
    // if this is a multi-value list field, look up each value and comma separate them
    if (@$fieldSchema['listType'] == 'checkboxes' || @$fieldSchema['listType'] == 'pulldownMulti') {
        $labels = array();
        foreach (preg_split('/\\t/', trim($fieldValue)) as $value) {
            $labels[] = @$valuesToLabels[$value] ? $valuesToLabels[$value] : $value;
            // if lookup fails, use value
        return join(', ', $labels);
    } else {
        return array_key_exists($fieldValue, $valuesToLabels) ? $valuesToLabels[$fieldValue] : $fieldValue;
        // if lookup fails, use value
Exemplo n.º 2
    function editFormHtml($record)
        // set field attributes
        $listOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($this, $record);
        $valignTop = $this->listType != 'pulldown' ? 'style="vertical-align: top;"' : '';
        $prefixText = @$this->fieldPrefix;
        $description = getEvalOutput(@$this->description);
        // get field value
        if ($record) {
            $fieldValue = @$record[$this->name];
        } else {
            if (array_key_exists($this->name, $_REQUEST)) {
                $fieldValue = join("\t", (array) @$_REQUEST[$this->name]);
            } else {
                $fieldValue = '';
        $fieldValues = preg_split("/\t/", $fieldValue, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
        // for multi value fields
        $encodedValue = htmlencode($fieldValue);
        // get list of values in database that aren't in list options (happens when list values are removed or field
        // ... was a textfield than switched to a pulldown that doesn't offer all the previously entered values as options
        $fieldValuesNotInList = array();
        $listOptionValues = array();
        foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
            list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
            $listOptionValues[] = $value;
        $fieldValuesNotInList = array_diff($fieldValues, $listOptionValues);
        $noLongerInListText = count($fieldValuesNotInList) > 1 ? t('Previous selections (no longer in list)') : t('Previous selection (no longer in list)');
        print "  <tr>\n";
        print "   <td {$valignTop}>{$this->label}</td>\n";
        print "   <td>\n";
        // pulldown
        if ($this->listType == 'pulldown') {
            print "{$prefixText}\n";
            print "  <select name='{$this->name}'>\n";
            print "  <option value=''>&lt;select&gt;</option>\n";
            foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
                list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
                $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                $selectedAttr = selectedIf($value, $fieldValue, true);
                $encodedLabel = htmlencode($label);
                print "<option value=\"{$encodedValue}\" {$selectedAttr}>{$encodedLabel}</option>\n";
            // show database values not in current list options
            if ($fieldValuesNotInList) {
                print "  <optgroup label='{$noLongerInListText}'>\n";
                foreach ($fieldValuesNotInList as $value) {
                    print "    <option value=\"" . htmlencode($value) . "\" selected='selected'>" . htmlencode($value) . "</option>\n";
                print "  </optgroup>\n";
            print "  </select>\n";
            print "{$description}\n";
        } else {
            if ($this->listType == 'pulldownMulti') {
                if ($prefixText) {
                    print "{$prefixText}<br/>\n";
                print "  <select name='{$this->name}[]' multiple='multiple' size='5'>\n";
                foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
                    list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
                    $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                    $selectedAttr = in_array($value, $fieldValues) ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                    $encodedLabel = htmlencode($label);
                    print "<option value=\"{$encodedValue}\" {$selectedAttr}>{$encodedLabel}</option>\n";
                // show database values not in current list options
                if ($fieldValuesNotInList) {
                    print "  <optgroup label='{$noLongerInListText}'>\n";
                    foreach ($fieldValuesNotInList as $value) {
                        print "    <option value=\"" . htmlencode($value) . "\" selected='selected'>" . htmlencode($value) . "</option>\n";
                    print "  </optgroup>\n";
                print "  </select>\n";
                if ($description) {
                    print "<br/>{$description}\n";
            } else {
                if ($this->listType == 'radios') {
                    if ($prefixText) {
                        print "{$prefixText}<br/>\n";
                    foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
                        list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
                        $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                        $encodedLabel = htmlencode($label);
                        $checkedAttr = $value == $fieldValue ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                        $idAttr = "{$this->name}.{$encodedValue}";
                        print "<input type='radio' name='{$this->name}' value='{$encodedValue}' id='{$idAttr}' {$checkedAttr}/>\n";
                        print "<label for='{$idAttr}'>{$encodedLabel}</label><br />\n\n";
                    // show database values not in current list options
                    if ($fieldValuesNotInList) {
                        print "{$noLongerInListText}<br />\n";
                        foreach ($fieldValuesNotInList as $value) {
                            $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                            $encodedLabel = htmlencode($value);
                            $idAttr = "{$this->name}.{$encodedValue}";
                            print "<input type='radio' name='{$this->name}' value='{$encodedValue}' id='{$idAttr}' checked='checked'/>\n";
                            print "<label for='{$idAttr}'>{$encodedLabel}</label><br />\n\n";
                    if ($description) {
                        print "{$description}\n";
                } else {
                    if ($this->listType == 'checkboxes') {
                        if ($prefixText) {
                            print "{$prefixText}<br/>\n";
                        foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
                            list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
                            $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                            $encodedLabel = htmlencode($label);
                            $checkedAttr = in_array($value, $fieldValues) ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
                            $idAttr = "{$this->name}.{$encodedValue}";
                            print "<input type='checkbox' name='{$this->name}[]' value='{$encodedValue}' id='{$idAttr}' {$checkedAttr}/>\n";
                            print "<label for='{$idAttr}'>{$encodedLabel}</label><br />\n";
                        // show database values not in current list options
                        if ($fieldValuesNotInList) {
                            print "{$noLongerInListText}<br />\n";
                            foreach ($fieldValuesNotInList as $value) {
                                $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
                                $encodedLabel = htmlencode($value);
                                $idAttr = "{$this->name}.{$encodedValue}";
                                print "<input type='checkbox' name='{$this->name}[]' value='{$encodedValue}' id='{$idAttr}' checked='checked' />\n";
                                print "<label for='{$idAttr}'>{$encodedLabel}</label><br />\n\n";
                        if ($description) {
                            print "{$description}\n";
                    } else {
                        die("Unknown listType '{$this->listType}'!");
        // list fields w/ advanced filters - add onchange event handler to local filter field
        if (@$this->filterField) {
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
            echo $this->filterField;
']").change(function () {
        var targetListField = '<?php 
            echo $this->name;
        var newFilterValue  = this.value;
        updateListFieldOptions(targetListField, newFilterValue);
    // --></script>
        print "   </td>\n";
        print "  </tr>\n";
function _getRecords_addPseudoFields(&$records, $options, $schema)
    if (!$records) {
    // get source fields
    $sourceFields = array();
    $sourceFieldTypes = array('checkbox', 'list', 'date');
    foreach ($schema as $fieldname => $fieldSchema) {
        if (!is_array($fieldSchema) || !@$fieldSchema['type']) {
        if (!in_array($fieldSchema['type'], $sourceFieldTypes)) {
        $sourceFields[$fieldname] = $fieldSchema;
    if (!$sourceFields) {
    // add pseudo-fields
    foreach ($sourceFields as $fieldname => $fieldSchema) {
        $isDate = $fieldSchema['type'] == 'date';
        $isCheckbox = $fieldSchema['type'] == 'checkbox';
        $_isList = $fieldSchema['type'] == 'list';
        $isSingleList = $_isList && !in_array($fieldSchema['listType'], array('pulldownMulti', 'checkboxes'));
        $isMultiList = $_isList && !$isSingleList;
        if (!$isDate && !$isCheckbox && !$isSingleList && !$isMultiList) {
            die(__FUNCTION__ . ": field '{$fieldname}' of type '{$fieldSchema['type']}' isn't a known source field!");
        // List Fields that "Get Options from Database" - only lookup labels for values in record-set.
        $selectedValues = array();
        if ($_isList && @$fieldSchema['optionsType'] == 'table') {
            foreach ($records as $record) {
                foreach (getListValues(null, null, $record[$fieldname]) as $value) {
                    $selectedValues[$value] = 1;
            $selectedValues = array_keys($selectedValues);
            $selectedValues = array_filter($selectedValues);
            // remove blank entries
        // get values to labels for list fields
        if ($_isList) {
            /*  Special handling for list/query with a filer field because the available values/labels can change based on other fields.
                    We need to check the possible options for each record instead of pulling the options for the table as a whole.
                    Since this is a different process than any other field, we get the list options and assign the labels here then continue the main loop.
            if (@$fieldSchema['optionsType'] == 'query' && @$fieldSchema['filterField']) {
                $recordListOptions = array();
                foreach (array_keys($records) as $index) {
                    $record =& $records[$index];
                    // PHP4 safe references
                    $recordListOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, $record);
                    $values = array_pluck($recordListOptions, '0');
                    $labels = array_pluck($recordListOptions, '1');
                    $valuesToLabels = $recordListOptions ? @array_combine($values, $labels) : array();
                    $label = @$valuesToLabels[$record[$fieldname]];
                    $record["{$fieldname}:label"] = $label;
            } else {
                $listOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, null, false, $selectedValues);
                $values = array_pluck($listOptions, '0');
                $labels = array_pluck($listOptions, '1');
                $valuesToLabels = $listOptions ? array_combine($values, $labels) : array();
        // add pseudo-fields
        foreach (array_keys($records) as $index) {
            $record =& $records[$index];
            // PHP4 safe references
            if ($isDate) {
                $time = @strtotime($record[$fieldname]);
                $record["{$fieldname}:unixtime"] = $time;
            } elseif ($isCheckbox) {
                $text = $record[$fieldname] ? @$fieldSchema['checkedValue'] : @$fieldSchema['uncheckedValue'];
                $record["{$fieldname}:text"] = $text;
            } elseif ($isSingleList) {
                $label = @$valuesToLabels[$record[$fieldname]];
                $record["{$fieldname}:label"] = $label;
            } elseif ($isMultiList) {
                $values = getListValues($options['tableName'], $fieldname, $record[$fieldname]);
                $labels = array();
                foreach ($values as $value) {
                    $labels[] = @$valuesToLabels[$value];
                $record["{$fieldname}:values"] = $values;
                $record["{$fieldname}:labels"] = $labels;
            // sort keys so related fields are grouped together
Exemplo n.º 4
function getSelectOptionsFromSchema($selectedValue, $fieldSchema, $showEmptyOptionFirst = false)
    // error checking
    if (!$fieldSchema) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": No fieldSchema specified!");
    if (!@$fieldSchema['name']) {
        die(__FUNCTION__ . ": fieldSchema must have fieldname defined in 'name'!");
    // get field options
    $optionValues = array();
    $optionLabels = array();
    $listOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema);
    foreach ($listOptions as $valueAndLabel) {
        list($optionValue, $optionLabel) = $valueAndLabel;
        $optionValues[] = $optionValue;
        $optionLabels[] = $optionLabel;
    $optionsHTML = getSelectOptions($selectedValue, $optionValues, $optionLabels, $showEmptyOptionFirst);
    return $optionsHTML;
function ajaxUpdateListFieldOptions()
    global $schema;
    $fieldname = @$_REQUEST['fieldname'];
    $fieldSchema = @$schema[$fieldname];
    // error checking
    if (!$fieldname) {
        die("No fieldname specified!\n");
    if (!$fieldSchema) {
        die("Couldn't find field in schema!\n");
    if (@$fieldSchema['type'] != 'list') {
        die("Field type isn't 'list'!\n");
    if (@$fieldSchema['listType'] != 'pulldownMulti' && @$fieldSchema['listType'] != 'pulldown') {
        die("List type must be 'pulldown' or 'pulldownMulti'!\n");
    if (@$fieldSchema['optionsType'] != 'query') {
        die("Options type isn't 'query'!\n");
    if (!@$fieldSchema['filterField']) {
        die("No 'filterField' value specified for field!\n");
    // get list options
    $record = array($fieldSchema['filterField'] => $_REQUEST['newFilterValue']);
    $listOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, $record);
    // get options html
    $optionsHTML = "<option value=''>&lt;select&gt;</option>\n";
    foreach ($listOptions as $optionArray) {
        list($value, $label) = $optionArray;
        $encodedValue = htmlencode($value);
        $selectedAttr = $value == @$_REQUEST['selectedValue'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
        $encodedLabel = htmlencode($label);
        $optionsHTML .= "<option value=\"{$encodedValue}\" {$selectedAttr}>{$encodedLabel}</option>\n";
    // print options HTML
    print $optionsHTML;
function getListOptions($tablename, $fieldname, $useCache = false)
    $valuesToLabels = array();
    $schema = loadSchema($tablename);
    $fieldSchema = $schema[$fieldname];
    $fieldOptions = getListOptionsFromSchema($fieldSchema, null, $useCache);
    foreach ($fieldOptions as $valueAndLabel) {
        list($value, $label) = $valueAndLabel;
        $valuesToLabels[$value] = $label;
    return $valuesToLabels;