function loadBoard() { global $txt, $db_prefix, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings; global $board_info, $board, $topic, $ID_MEMBER, $user_info; // Assume they are not a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = false; $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; // Start the linktree off empty.. $context['linktree'] = array(); // Load this board only if the it is specified. if (empty($board) && empty($topic)) { $board_info = array('moderators' => array()); return; } if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] == 3)) { // !!! SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { $temp = cache_get_data('topic_board-' . $topic, 120); } else { $temp = cache_get_data('board-' . $board, 120); } if (!empty($temp)) { $board_info = $temp; $board = $board_info['id']; } } if (empty($temp)) { $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\t\tc.ID_CAT, AS bname, b.description, b.numTopics, b.memberGroups,\n\t\t\t\tb.ID_PARENT, AS cname, IFNULL(mem.ID_MEMBER, 0) AS ID_MODERATOR,\n\t\t\t\tmem.realName" . (!empty($topic) ? ", b.ID_BOARD" : '') . ", b.childLevel,\n\t\t\t\tb.ID_THEME, b.override_theme, b.permission_mode, b.countPosts\n\t\t\tFROM ({$db_prefix}boards AS b" . (!empty($topic) ? ", {$db_prefix}topics AS t" : '') . ")\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.ID_CAT = b.ID_CAT)\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}moderators AS mods ON (mods.ID_BOARD = " . (empty($topic) ? $board : 't.ID_BOARD') . ")\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN {$db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.ID_MEMBER = mods.ID_MEMBER)\n\t\t\tWHERE b.ID_BOARD = " . (empty($topic) ? $board : "t.ID_BOARD\n\t\t\t\tAND t.ID_TOPIC = {$topic}"), __FILE__, __LINE__); // If there aren't any, skip. if (mysql_num_rows($request) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request); // Set the current board. if (!empty($row['ID_BOARD'])) { $board = $row['ID_BOARD']; } // Basic operating information. (globals... :/) $board_info = array('id' => $board, 'moderators' => array(), 'cat' => array('id' => $row['ID_CAT'], 'name' => $row['cname']), 'name' => $row['bname'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'num_topics' => $row['numTopics'], 'parent_boards' => getBoardParents($row['ID_PARENT']), 'parent' => $row['ID_PARENT'], 'child_level' => $row['childLevel'], 'theme' => $row['ID_THEME'], 'override_theme' => !empty($row['override_theme']), 'use_local_permissions' => !empty($modSettings['permission_enable_by_board']) && $row['permission_mode'] == 1, 'permission_mode' => empty($modSettings['permission_enable_by_board']) ? empty($row['permission_mode']) ? 'normal' : ($row['permission_mode'] == 2 ? 'no_polls' : ($row['permission_mode'] == 3 ? 'reply_only' : 'read_only')) : 'normal', 'posts_count' => empty($row['countPosts'])); // Load the membergroups allowed, and check permissions. $board_info['groups'] = $row['memberGroups'] == '' ? array() : explode(',', $row['memberGroups']); do { if (!empty($row['ID_MODERATOR'])) { $board_info['moderators'][$row['ID_MODERATOR']] = array('id' => $row['ID_MODERATOR'], 'name' => $row['realName'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MODERATOR'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['ID_MODERATOR'] . '" title="' . $txt[62] . '">' . $row['realName'] . '</a>'); } } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)); if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] == 3)) { // !!! SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { cache_put_data('topic_board-' . $topic, $board_info, 120); } cache_put_data('board-' . $board, $board_info, 120); } } else { // Otherwise the topic is invalid, there are no moderators, etc. $board_info = array('moderators' => array(), 'error' => 'exist'); $topic = null; $board = 0; } mysql_free_result($request); } if (!empty($topic)) { $_GET['board'] = (int) $board; } if (!empty($board)) { // Now check if the user is a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = isset($board_info['moderators'][$ID_MEMBER]); if (count(array_intersect($user_info['groups'], $board_info['groups'])) == 0 && !$user_info['is_admin']) { $board_info['error'] = 'access'; } // Build up the linktree. $context['linktree'] = array_merge($context['linktree'], array(array('url' => $scripturl . '#' . $board_info['cat']['id'], 'name' => $board_info['cat']['name'])), array_reverse($board_info['parent_boards']), array(array('url' => $scripturl . '?board=' . $board . '.0', 'name' => $board_info['name']))); } // Set the template contextual information. $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; $context['current_topic'] = $topic; $context['current_board'] = $board; // Hacker... you can't see this topic, I'll tell you that. (but moderators can!) if (!empty($board_info['error']) && ($board_info['error'] != 'access' || !$user_info['is_mod'])) { // The permissions and theme need loading, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. loadPermissions(); loadTheme(); $_GET['board'] = ''; $_GET['topic'] = ''; // If it's a prefetching agent, just make clear they're not allowed. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == 'prefetch') { ob_end_clean(); header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); die; } elseif ($user_info['is_guest']) { loadLanguage('Errors'); is_not_guest($txt['topic_gone']); } else { fatal_lang_error('topic_gone', false); } } if ($user_info['is_mod']) { $user_info['groups'][] = 3; } }
function loadBoard() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings; global $board_info, $board, $topic, $user_info, $db_show_debug; // Assume they are not a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = false; $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; // Start the linktree off empty.. $context['linktree'] = array(); // Have they by chance specified a message id but nothing else? if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) && empty($topic) && empty($board) && !empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) { // Make sure the message id is really an int. $_REQUEST['msg'] = (int) $_REQUEST['msg']; // Looking through the message table can be slow, so try using the cache first. if (($topic = CacheAPI::getCache('msg_topic-' . $_REQUEST['msg'], 120)) === NULL) { $request = smf_db_query(' SELECT id_topic FROM {db_prefix}messages WHERE id_msg = {int:id_msg} LIMIT 1', array('id_msg' => $_REQUEST['msg'])); // So did it find anything? if (mysql_num_rows($request)) { list($topic) = mysql_fetch_row($request); mysql_free_result($request); // Save save save. CacheAPI::putCache('msg_topic-' . $_REQUEST['msg'], $topic, 120); } } // Remember redirection is the key to avoiding fallout from your bosses. if (!empty($topic)) { if (isset($_REQUEST['perma'])) { redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . ';perma' . (isset($_REQUEST['xml']) ? ';xml' : '')); } else { redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg']); } } else { loadPermissions(); loadTheme(); EoS_Smarty::init($db_show_debug); fatal_lang_error('topic_gone', false); } } // Load this board only if it is specified. if (empty($board) && empty($topic)) { $board_info = array('moderators' => array()); return; } if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 3)) { // !!! SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { $temp = CacheAPI::getCache('topic_board-' . $topic, 120); } else { $temp = CacheAPI::getCache('board-' . $board, 120); } if (!empty($temp)) { $board_info = $temp; $board = $board_info['id']; } } if (empty($temp)) { $request = smf_db_query(' SELECT c.id_cat, AS bname, b.description, b.num_topics, b.member_groups, b.id_parent, AS cname, IFNULL(mem.id_member, 0) AS id_moderator, mem.real_name' . (!empty($topic) ? ', b.id_board' : '') . ', b.child_level, b.id_theme, b.override_theme, b.count_posts, b.id_profile, b.redirect, b.allow_topics, b.unapproved_topics, b.unapproved_posts' . (!empty($topic) ? ', t.approved, t.id_member_started' : '') . ' FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b' . (!empty($topic) ? ' INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = {int:current_topic})' : '') . ' LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.id_cat = b.id_cat) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}moderators AS mods ON (mods.id_board = {raw:board_link}) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = mods.id_member) WHERE b.id_board = {raw:board_link}', array('current_topic' => $topic, 'board_link' => empty($topic) ? smf_db_quote('{int:current_board}', array('current_board' => $board)) : 't.id_board')); // If there aren't any, skip. if (mysql_num_rows($request) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request); // Set the current board. if (!empty($row['id_board'])) { $board = $row['id_board']; } // Basic operating information. (globals... :/) $board_info = array('id' => $board, 'moderators' => array(), 'cat' => array('id' => $row['id_cat'], 'name' => $row['cname'], 'is_root' => $row['cname'][0] === '!' ? true : false), 'name' => $row['bname'], 'allow_topics' => $row['allow_topics'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'num_topics' => $row['num_topics'], 'unapproved_topics' => $row['unapproved_topics'], 'unapproved_posts' => $row['unapproved_posts'], 'unapproved_user_topics' => 0, 'parent_boards' => getBoardParents($row['id_parent']), 'parent' => $row['id_parent'], 'child_level' => $row['child_level'], 'theme' => $row['id_theme'], 'override_theme' => !empty($row['override_theme']), 'profile' => $row['id_profile'], 'redirect' => $row['redirect'], 'posts_count' => empty($row['count_posts']), 'cur_topic_approved' => empty($topic) || $row['approved'], 'cur_topic_starter' => empty($topic) ? 0 : $row['id_member_started']); // Load the membergroups allowed, and check permissions. $board_info['groups'] = $row['member_groups'] == '' ? array() : explode(',', $row['member_groups']); do { if (!empty($row['id_moderator'])) { $board_info['moderators'][$row['id_moderator']] = array('id' => $row['id_moderator'], 'name' => $row['real_name'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_moderator'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_moderator'] . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>'); } } while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)); // If the board only contains unapproved posts and the user isn't an approver then they can't see any topics. // If that is the case do an additional check to see if they have any topics waiting to be approved. if ($board_info['num_topics'] == 0 && $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts')) { mysql_free_result($request); // Free the previous result $request = smf_db_query(' SELECT COUNT(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_member_started={int:id_member} AND approved = {int:unapproved} AND id_board = {int:board}', array('id_member' => $user_info['id'], 'unapproved' => 0, 'board' => $board)); list($board_info['unapproved_user_topics']) = mysql_fetch_row($request); } if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 3)) { // !!! SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { CacheAPI::putCache('topic_board-' . $topic, $board_info, 120); } CacheAPI::putCache('board-' . $board, $board_info, 120); } } else { // Otherwise the topic is invalid, there are no moderators, etc. $board_info = array('moderators' => array(), 'error' => 'exist'); $topic = null; $board = 0; } mysql_free_result($request); } if (!empty($topic)) { $_GET['board'] = (int) $board; } /* * if we are in topic view, set up the breadcrumb so that it * gives a link back to the last active message index page instead of * always pointing back to page one, but ignore the cookie when the board has changed. * the cookie is set in MessageIndex.php */ $stored_topicstart = 0; if (isset($_COOKIE['smf_topicstart']) && !empty($topic)) { $topicstart_cookie = $_COOKIE['smf_topicstart']; $_t = explode('_', $topicstart_cookie); if (isset($_t[0]) && isset($_t[1]) && intval($_t[1]) > 0) { if ($_t[0] == $board) { $stored_topicstart = $_t[1]; } $topics_per_page = empty($modSettings['disableCustomPerPage']) && !empty($options['topics_per_page']) ? $options['topics_per_page'] : $modSettings['defaultMaxTopics']; } } if (!empty($board)) { // Now check if the user is a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = isset($board_info['moderators'][$user_info['id']]); if (count(array_intersect($user_info['groups'], $board_info['groups'])) == 0 && !$user_info['is_admin']) { $board_info['error'] = 'access'; } // Build up the linktree. $context['linktree'] = array_merge($context['linktree'], $board_info['cat']['is_root'] ? array() : array(array('url' => $scripturl . '#c' . $board_info['cat']['id'], 'name' => $board_info['cat']['name'])), array_reverse($board_info['parent_boards']), array(array('url' => URL::board($board, $board_info['name'], $stored_topicstart > 0 ? $stored_topicstart : 0, false), 'name' => $board_info['name'] . ($stored_topicstart > 0 ? ' [' . ($stored_topicstart / $topics_per_page + 1) . ']' : '')))); } // Set the template contextual information. $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; $context['current_topic'] = $topic; $context['current_board'] = $board; // Hacker... you can't see this topic, I'll tell you that. (but moderators can!) if (!empty($board_info['error']) && ($board_info['error'] != 'access' || !$user_info['is_mod'])) { // The permissions and theme need loading, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. loadPermissions(); loadTheme(); EoS_Smarty::init($db_show_debug); $_GET['board'] = ''; $_GET['topic'] = ''; // The linktree should not give the game away mate! $context['linktree'] = array(array('url' => URL::home(), 'name' => $context['forum_name_html_safe'])); // If it's a prefetching agent or we're requesting an attachment. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == 'prefetch' || !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'dlattach') { ob_end_clean(); header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); die; } elseif ($user_info['is_guest']) { loadLanguage('Errors'); is_not_guest($txt['topic_gone']); } else { fatal_lang_error('topic_gone', false); } } if ($user_info['is_mod']) { $user_info['groups'][] = 3; } }
/** * Takes an array of board IDs and updates their last messages. * * - If the board has a parent, that parent board is also automatically updated. * - The columns updated are id_last_msg and last_updated. * - Note that id_last_msg should always be updated using this function, * and is not automatically updated upon other changes. * * @package Posts * @param int[]|int $setboards * @param int $id_msg = 0 */ function updateLastMessages($setboards, $id_msg = 0) { global $board_info, $board; $db = database(); // Please - let's be sane. if (empty($setboards)) { return false; } if (!is_array($setboards)) { $setboards = array($setboards); } $lastMsg = array(); // If we don't know the id_msg we need to find it. if (!$id_msg) { // Find the latest message on this board (highest id_msg.) $request = $db->query('', ' SELECT id_board, MAX(id_last_msg) AS id_msg FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:board_list}) AND approved = {int:approved} GROUP BY id_board', array('board_list' => $setboards, 'approved' => 1)); while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)) { $lastMsg[$row['id_board']] = $row['id_msg']; } $db->free_result($request); } else { // Just to note - there should only be one board passed if we are doing this. foreach ($setboards as $id_board) { $lastMsg[$id_board] = $id_msg; } } $parent_boards = array(); // Keep track of last modified dates. $lastModified = $lastMsg; // Get all the sub-boards for the parents, if they have some... foreach ($setboards as $id_board) { if (!isset($lastMsg[$id_board])) { $lastMsg[$id_board] = 0; $lastModified[$id_board] = 0; } if (!empty($board) && $id_board == $board) { $parents = $board_info['parent_boards']; } else { $parents = getBoardParents($id_board); } // Ignore any parents on the top child level. foreach ($parents as $id => $parent) { if ($parent['level'] != 0) { // If we're already doing this one as a board, is this a higher last modified? if (isset($lastModified[$id]) && $lastModified[$id_board] > $lastModified[$id]) { $lastModified[$id] = $lastModified[$id_board]; } elseif (!isset($lastModified[$id]) && (!isset($parent_boards[$id]) || $parent_boards[$id] < $lastModified[$id_board])) { $parent_boards[$id] = $lastModified[$id_board]; } } } } // Note to help understand what is happening here. For parents we update the timestamp of the last message for determining // whether there are sub-boards which have not been read. For the boards themselves we update both this and id_last_msg. $board_updates = array(); $parent_updates = array(); // Finally, to save on queries make the changes... foreach ($parent_boards as $id => $msg) { if (!isset($parent_updates[$msg])) { $parent_updates[$msg] = array($id); } else { $parent_updates[$msg][] = $id; } } foreach ($lastMsg as $id => $msg) { if (!isset($board_updates[$msg . '-' . $lastModified[$id]])) { $board_updates[$msg . '-' . $lastModified[$id]] = array('id' => $msg, 'updated' => $lastModified[$id], 'boards' => array($id)); } else { $board_updates[$msg . '-' . $lastModified[$id]]['boards'][] = $id; } } // Now commit the changes! foreach ($parent_updates as $id_msg => $boards) { $db->query('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}boards SET id_msg_updated = {int:id_msg_updated} WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:board_list}) AND id_msg_updated < {int:id_msg_updated}', array('board_list' => $boards, 'id_msg_updated' => $id_msg)); } foreach ($board_updates as $board_data) { $db->query('', ' UPDATE {db_prefix}boards SET id_last_msg = {int:id_last_msg}, id_msg_updated = {int:id_msg_updated} WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:board_list})', array('board_list' => $board_data['boards'], 'id_last_msg' => $board_data['id'], 'id_msg_updated' => $board_data['updated'])); } }
function updateLastMessages($setboards, $ID_MSG = 0) { global $db_prefix, $board_info, $board, $modSettings; // Please - let's be sane. if (empty($setboards)) { return false; } if (!is_array($setboards)) { $setboards = array($setboards); } // If we don't know the ID_MSG we need to find it. if (!$ID_MSG) { // Find the latest message on this board (highest ID_MSG.) $request = db_query("\n\t\t\tSELECT ID_BOARD, MAX(ID_LAST_MSG) AS ID_MSG\n\t\t\tFROM {$db_prefix}topics\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_BOARD IN (" . implode(', ', $setboards) . ")\n\t\t\tGROUP BY ID_BOARD", __FILE__, __LINE__); $lastMsg = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($request)) { $lastMsg[$row['ID_BOARD']] = $row['ID_MSG']; } mysql_free_result($request); } else { foreach ($setboards as $ID_BOARD) { $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD] = $ID_MSG; } } $parent_boards = array(); // Get all the child boards for the parents, if they have some... foreach ($setboards as $ID_BOARD) { if (!isset($lastMsg[$ID_BOARD])) { $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD] = 0; } if (!empty($board) && $ID_BOARD == $board) { $parents = $board_info['parent_boards']; } else { $parents = getBoardParents($ID_BOARD); } // Ignore any parents on the top child level. foreach ($parents as $id => $parent) { if ($parent['level'] == 0) { unset($parent[$id]); } else { // If we're already doing this one as a board, is this a higher last modified? if (isset($lastMsg[$id]) && $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD] > $lastMsg[$id]) { $lastMsg[$id] = $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD]; } elseif (!isset($lastMsg[$id]) && (!isset($parent_boards[$id]) || $parent_boards[$id] < $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD])) { $parent_boards[$id] = $lastMsg[$ID_BOARD]; } } } } $board_updates = array(); $parent_updates = array(); // Finally, to save on queries make the changes... foreach ($parent_boards as $id => $msg) { if (!isset($parent_updates[$msg])) { $parent_updates[$msg] = array($id); } else { $parent_updates[$msg][] = $id; } } foreach ($lastMsg as $id => $msg) { if (!isset($board_updates[$msg])) { $board_updates[$msg] = array($id); } else { $board_updates[$msg][] = $id; } } // Now commit the changes! foreach ($parent_updates as $ID_MSG => $boards) { db_query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}boards\n\t\t\tSET ID_MSG_UPDATED = {$ID_MSG}\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_BOARD IN (" . implode(',', $boards) . ")\n\t\t\t\tAND ID_MSG_UPDATED < {$ID_MSG}\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . count($boards), __FILE__, __LINE__); } foreach ($board_updates as $ID_MSG => $boards) { db_query("\n\t\t\tUPDATE {$db_prefix}boards\n\t\t\tSET ID_LAST_MSG = {$ID_MSG}, ID_MSG_UPDATED = {$ID_MSG}\n\t\t\tWHERE ID_BOARD IN (" . implode(',', $boards) . ")\n\t\t\tLIMIT " . count($boards), __FILE__, __LINE__); } }
/** * Check for moderators and see if they have access to the board. * * What it does: * - sets up the $board_info array for current board information. * - if cache is enabled, the $board_info array is stored in cache. * - redirects to appropriate post if only message id is requested. * - is only used when inside a topic or board. * - determines the local moderators for the board. * - adds group id 3 if the user is a local moderator for the board they are in. * - prevents access if user is not in proper group nor a local moderator of the board. */ function loadBoard() { global $txt, $scripturl, $context, $modSettings; global $board_info, $board, $topic, $user_info; $db = database(); // Assume they are not a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = false; $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; // @since 1.0.5 - is_mod takes into account only local (board) moderators, // and not global moderators, is_moderator is meant to take into account both. $user_info['is_moderator'] = false; $context['user']['is_moderator'] =& $user_info['is_moderator']; // Start the linktree off empty.. $context['linktree'] = array(); // Have they by chance specified a message id but nothing else? if (empty($_REQUEST['action']) && empty($topic) && empty($board) && !empty($_REQUEST['msg'])) { // Make sure the message id is really an int. $_REQUEST['msg'] = (int) $_REQUEST['msg']; // Looking through the message table can be slow, so try using the cache first. if (($topic = cache_get_data('msg_topic-' . $_REQUEST['msg'], 120)) === null) { require_once SUBSDIR . '/Messages.subs.php'; $topic = associatedTopic($_REQUEST['msg']); // So did it find anything? if ($topic !== false) { // Save save save. cache_put_data('msg_topic-' . $_REQUEST['msg'], $topic, 120); } } // Remember redirection is the key to avoiding fallout from your bosses. if (!empty($topic)) { redirectexit('topic=' . $topic . '.msg' . $_REQUEST['msg'] . '#msg' . $_REQUEST['msg']); } else { loadPermissions(); loadTheme(); fatal_lang_error('topic_gone', false); } } // Load this board only if it is specified. if (empty($board) && empty($topic)) { $board_info = array('moderators' => array()); return; } if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 3)) { // @todo SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { $temp = cache_get_data('topic_board-' . $topic, 120); } else { $temp = cache_get_data('board-' . $board, 120); } if (!empty($temp)) { $board_info = $temp; $board = $board_info['id']; } } if (empty($temp)) { $select_columns = array(); $select_tables = array(); // Wanna grab something more from the boards table or another table at all? call_integration_hook('integrate_load_board_query', array(&$select_columns, &$select_tables)); $request = $db->query('', ' SELECT c.id_cat, AS bname, b.description, b.num_topics, b.member_groups, b.deny_member_groups, b.id_parent, AS cname, IFNULL(mem.id_member, 0) AS id_moderator, mem.real_name' . (!empty($topic) ? ', b.id_board' : '') . ', b.child_level, b.id_theme, b.override_theme, b.count_posts, b.id_profile, b.redirect, b.unapproved_topics, b.unapproved_posts' . (!empty($topic) ? ', t.approved, t.id_member_started' : '') . (!empty($select_columns) ? ', ' . implode(', ', $select_columns) : '') . ' FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b' . (!empty($topic) ? ' INNER JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = {int:current_topic})' : '') . (!empty($select_tables) ? ' ' . implode("\n\t\t\t\t", $select_tables) : '') . ' LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.id_cat = b.id_cat) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}moderators AS mods ON (mods.id_board = {raw:board_link}) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = mods.id_member) WHERE b.id_board = {raw:board_link}', array('current_topic' => $topic, 'board_link' => empty($topic) ? $db->quote('{int:current_board}', array('current_board' => $board)) : 't.id_board')); // If there aren't any, skip. if ($db->num_rows($request) > 0) { $row = $db->fetch_assoc($request); // Set the current board. if (!empty($row['id_board'])) { $board = $row['id_board']; } // Basic operating information. (globals... :/) $board_info = array('id' => $board, 'moderators' => array(), 'cat' => array('id' => $row['id_cat'], 'name' => $row['cname']), 'name' => $row['bname'], 'description' => $row['description'], 'num_topics' => $row['num_topics'], 'unapproved_topics' => $row['unapproved_topics'], 'unapproved_posts' => $row['unapproved_posts'], 'unapproved_user_topics' => 0, 'parent_boards' => getBoardParents($row['id_parent']), 'parent' => $row['id_parent'], 'child_level' => $row['child_level'], 'theme' => $row['id_theme'], 'override_theme' => !empty($row['override_theme']), 'profile' => $row['id_profile'], 'redirect' => $row['redirect'], 'posts_count' => empty($row['count_posts']), 'cur_topic_approved' => empty($topic) || $row['approved'], 'cur_topic_starter' => empty($topic) ? 0 : $row['id_member_started']); // Load the membergroups allowed, and check permissions. $board_info['groups'] = $row['member_groups'] == '' ? array() : explode(',', $row['member_groups']); $board_info['deny_groups'] = $row['deny_member_groups'] == '' ? array() : explode(',', $row['deny_member_groups']); do { if (!empty($row['id_moderator'])) { $board_info['moderators'][$row['id_moderator']] = array('id' => $row['id_moderator'], 'name' => $row['real_name'], 'href' => $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_moderator'], 'link' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=profile;u=' . $row['id_moderator'] . '">' . $row['real_name'] . '</a>'); } } while ($row = $db->fetch_assoc($request)); // If the board only contains unapproved posts and the user isn't an approver then they can't see any topics. // If that is the case do an additional check to see if they have any topics waiting to be approved. if ($board_info['num_topics'] == 0 && $modSettings['postmod_active'] && !allowedTo('approve_posts')) { // Free the previous result $db->free_result($request); // @todo why is this using id_topic? // @todo Can this get cached? $request = $db->query('', ' SELECT COUNT(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_member_started={int:id_member} AND approved = {int:unapproved} AND id_board = {int:board}', array('id_member' => $user_info['id'], 'unapproved' => 0, 'board' => $board)); list($board_info['unapproved_user_topics']) = $db->fetch_row($request); } call_integration_hook('integrate_loaded_board', array(&$board_info, &$row)); if (!empty($modSettings['cache_enable']) && (empty($topic) || $modSettings['cache_enable'] >= 3)) { // @todo SLOW? if (!empty($topic)) { cache_put_data('topic_board-' . $topic, $board_info, 120); } cache_put_data('board-' . $board, $board_info, 120); } } else { // Otherwise the topic is invalid, there are no moderators, etc. $board_info = array('moderators' => array(), 'error' => 'exist'); $topic = null; $board = 0; } $db->free_result($request); } if (!empty($topic)) { $_GET['board'] = (int) $board; } if (!empty($board)) { // Now check if the user is a moderator. $user_info['is_mod'] = isset($board_info['moderators'][$user_info['id']]); $user_info['is_moderator'] = $user_info['is_mod'] || allowedTo('moderate_board'); if (count(array_intersect($user_info['groups'], $board_info['groups'])) == 0 && !$user_info['is_admin']) { $board_info['error'] = 'access'; } if (!empty($modSettings['deny_boards_access']) && count(array_intersect($user_info['groups'], $board_info['deny_groups'])) != 0 && !$user_info['is_admin']) { $board_info['error'] = 'access'; } // Build up the linktree. $context['linktree'] = array_merge($context['linktree'], array(array('url' => $scripturl . '#c' . $board_info['cat']['id'], 'name' => $board_info['cat']['name'])), array_reverse($board_info['parent_boards']), array(array('url' => $scripturl . '?board=' . $board . '.0', 'name' => $board_info['name']))); } // Set the template contextual information. $context['user']['is_mod'] =& $user_info['is_mod']; $context['user']['is_moderator'] =& $user_info['is_moderator']; $context['current_topic'] = $topic; $context['current_board'] = $board; // Hacker... you can't see this topic, I'll tell you that. (but moderators can!) if (!empty($board_info['error']) && (!empty($modSettings['deny_boards_access']) || $board_info['error'] != 'access' || !$user_info['is_moderator'])) { // The permissions and theme need loading, just to make sure everything goes smoothly. loadPermissions(); loadTheme(); $_GET['board'] = ''; $_GET['topic'] = ''; // The linktree should not give the game away mate! $context['linktree'] = array(array('url' => $scripturl, 'name' => $context['forum_name_html_safe'])); // If it's a prefetching agent or we're requesting an attachment. if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_X_MOZ'] == 'prefetch' || !empty($_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['action'] === 'dlattach') { @ob_end_clean(); header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); die; } elseif ($user_info['is_guest']) { loadLanguage('Errors'); is_not_guest($txt['topic_gone']); } else { fatal_lang_error('topic_gone', false); } } if ($user_info['is_mod']) { $user_info['groups'][] = 3; } }