public function cartSummary($item) { $view = new controllertemplate($this, $this->getForm('cartSummary')); $view->assign('product', $this); $view->assign('item', $item); // grab all the registrants $message = expUnserialize($item->extra_data); $view->assign('message', $message); return $view->render('cartSummary'); }
function __construct($params = null) { global $db; $this->location_data = serialize($params); parent::__construct($db->selectValue($this->table, 'id', "location_data='" . $this->location_data . "'")); // treat the loc data like an id - if the location data come thru as an objec we need to look up the record // if (!empty($params->src)) { // echo "1"; // // if we hav a src, ie this controller has sources // parent::__construct($db->selectValue($this->table, 'id', "location_data='".$this->location_data."'")); // } else { // echo "2"; // // if we don't have a sourced controller, migh still have a config for it. // parent::__construct($db->selectValue($this->table, 'id')); //} $this->config = expUnserialize($this->config); }
public function export() { //ob_end_clean(); $event = new eventregistration($this->params['id']); $out = '"Registrant Name","Registrant Email","Registrant Phone"' . "\n"; foreach (expUnserialize($event->registrants) as $r) { $out .= '"' . $r['name'] . '","' . $r['email'] . '","' . $r['phone'] . '"' . "\n"; } // Open file export.csv. $fp = BASE . 'tmp/'; $fn = str_replace(' ', '_', $event->title) . '.csv'; $f = fopen($fp . $fn, 'w'); // Put all values from $out to export.csv. fputs($f, $out); fclose($f); $mimetype = 'application/octet-stream;'; header('Content-Type: ' . $mimetype); header('Expires: ' . gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ' GMT'); header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary'); header('Content-Encoding:'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $fn . '";'); // IE need specific headers if (EXPONENT_USER_BROWSER == 'IE') { header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0'); header('Pragma: public'); header('Vary: User-Agent'); } else { header('Pragma: no-cache'); } readfile($fp . $fn); exit; }
function upgrade() { global $db; // copy each locationref entry to the sectionref $srs = $db->selectObjects('sectionref', "module = 'headlineController'"); foreach ($srs as $sr) { $sr->module = 'textController'; $db->updateObject($sr, 'sectionref'); } $lrs = $db->selectObjects('locationref', "module = 'headlineController'"); foreach ($lrs as $lr) { $lr->module = 'textController'; $db->updateObject($lr, 'locationref'); } $gps = $db->selectObjects('grouppermission', "module = 'headlineController'"); foreach ($gps as $gp) { $gp->module = 'textController'; $db->updateObject($gp, 'grouppermission'); } $ups = $db->selectObjects('userpermission', "module = 'headlineController'"); foreach ($ups as $up) { $up->module = 'textController'; $db->updateObject($up, 'userpermission'); } // convert each headline module to a text module $modules_converted = 0; $cns = $db->selectObjects('container', "internal LIKE '%headlineController%'"); foreach ($cns as $cn) { $cloc = expUnserialize($cn->internal); $cloc->mod = 'textController'; $cn->internal = serialize($cloc); $cn->view = 'showall'; $cn->action = 'showall'; $db->updateObject($cn, 'container'); $modules_converted += 1; } // create a text item for each headline item $headlines_converted = 0; $headlines = $db->selectObjects('headline', "1"); foreach ($headlines as $hl) { $text = new text(); $loc = expUnserialize($hl->location_data); $loc->mod = "text"; $text->location_data = serialize($loc); $text->title = $hl->title; $text->poster = $hl->poster; $text->save(); $text->created_at = $hl->created_at; $text->edited_at = $hl->edited_at; $text->update(); $headlines_converted += 1; } // FIXME - remove when final return "TEST - We're NOT removing the locationref table nor the files yet...<br>" . $modules_converted . " Headline modules were converted.<br>" . $headlines_converted . " Headlines were converted.<br>"; // delete headline table $db->dropTable('locationref'); // check if the headline controller files are there and remove them $files = array(BASE . "framework/modules/definitions/headline.php", BASE . "framework/modules/models/headline.php", BASE . "framework/modules/headline/"); // delete the files. $removed = 0; $errors = 0; foreach ($files as $file) { if (expUtil::isReallyWritable($file)) { unlink($file); $removed += 1; } else { $errors += 1; } } return $modules_converted . " Headline modules were converted.<br>" . $headlines_converted . " Headlines were converted.<br>" . $removed . " files were deleted.<br>" . $errors . " files could not be removed."; }
function addToCart($params) { global $db, $order; if (isset($params['registrants'])) { // save the order item for ($x = 0; $x < count($params['registrants']); $x++) { $ed[$x]['name'] = $params['registrants'][$x]; $ed[$x]['email'] = $params['registrant_emails'][$x]; $ed[$x]['phone'] = $params['registrant_phones'][$x]; } // if the item is in the cart already use it, if not we'll create a new one $item = $order->isItemInCart($params['product_id'], $params['product_type']); if (empty($item->id)) { $item = new orderitem($params); } // if we already have this event in our cart then we need to merge the registrants $registrants = array(); if (!empty($item->extra_data)) { $registrants = expUnserialize($item->extra_data); } $registrants = array_merge($registrants, $ed); $item->quantity = count($registrants); $item->extra_data = serialize($registrants); $item->save(); return true; } else { return false; } }
private function mergeReturnCount($merge_array = array()) { if ($this->return_count != "") { $retArray = expUnserialize($this->return_count); } else { $retArray = array(); } if (!is_array($merge_array)) { $merge_array = expUnserialize($merge_array); } if (count($merge_array)) { foreach ($merge_array as $retCount) { $retArray[] = $retCount; } } return serialize($retArray); }
function getPaymentMethod($billingmethod) { $ret = expUnserialize($billingmethod->billing_options); return $ret->cc_type; }
function getPaymentStatus($billingmethod) { $ret = expUnserialize($billingmethod->billing_options); return $ret->result->payment_status; }
public function __construct($params = array()) { parent::__construct($params); $this->loc = expUnserialize($this->location_data); }
public function fix_database() { global $db; print_r("<h1>" . gt("Attempting to Fix the Exponent Database") . "</h1>"); print_r("<h3>" . gt("Some Error Conditions can NOT be repaired by this Procedure") . "!</h3><br>"); print_r("<pre>"); // upgrade sectionref's that have lost their originals print_r("<b>" . gt("Searching for sectionrefs that have lost their originals") . "</b><br><br>"); $sectionrefs = $db->selectObjects('sectionref', "is_original=0"); if (count($sectionrefs)) { print_r(gt("Found") . ": " . count($sectionrefs) . " " . gt("copies (not originals)") . "<br>"); } else { print_r(gt("None Found: Good") . "!<br>"); } foreach ($sectionrefs as $sectionref) { if ($db->selectObject('sectionref', "module='" . $sectionref->module . "' AND source='" . $sectionref->source . "' AND is_original='1'") == null) { // There is no original for this sectionref so change it to the original $sectionref->is_original = 1; $db->updateObject($sectionref, "sectionref"); print_r(gt("Fixed") . ": " . $sectionref->module . " - " . $sectionref->source . "<br>"); } } print_r("</pre>"); print_r("<pre>"); // upgrade sectionref's that point to missing sections (pages) print_r("<b>" . gt("Searching for sectionrefs pointing to missing sections/pages") . " <br>" . gt("to fix for the Recycle Bin") . "</b><br><br>"); $sectionrefs = $db->selectObjects('sectionref', "refcount!=0"); $found = 0; foreach ($sectionrefs as $sectionref) { if ($db->selectObject('section', "id='" . $sectionref->section . "'") == null) { // There is no section/page for sectionref so change the refcount $sectionref->refcount = 0; $db->updateObject($sectionref, "sectionref"); print_r(gt("Fixed") . ": " . $sectionref->module . " - " . $sectionref->source . "<br>"); $found += 1; } } if (!$found) { print_r(gt("None Found: Good") . "!<br>"); } print_r("</pre>"); print_r("<pre>"); // delete sectionref's that have empty sources since they are dead print_r("<b>" . gt("Searching for unassigned modules (no source)") . "</b><br><br>"); $sectionrefs = $db->selectObjects('sectionref', 'source=""'); if ($sectionrefs != null) { print_r(gt("Removing") . ": " . count($sectionrefs) . " " . gt("empty sectionrefs (no source)") . "<br>"); $db->delete('sectionref', 'source=""'); } else { print_r(gt("No Empties Found: Good") . "!<br>"); } print_r("<pre>"); // add missing sectionrefs based on existing containers (fixes aggregation problem) print_r("<b>" . gt("Searching for missing sectionrefs based on existing containers") . "</b><br><br>"); $containers = $db->selectObjects('container', 1); foreach ($containers as $container) { $iloc = expUnserialize($container->internal); if ($db->selectObject('sectionref', "module='" . $iloc->mod . "' AND source='" . $iloc->src . "'") == null) { // There is no sectionref for this container. Populate sectionref $newSecRef = null; $newSecRef->module = $iloc->mod; $newSecRef->source = $iloc->src; $newSecRef->internal = ''; $newSecRef->refcount = 1; $newSecRef->is_original = 1; if ($container->external != "N;") { $eloc = expUnserialize($container->external); $section = $db->selectObject('sectionref', "module='containermodule' AND source='" . $eloc->src . "'"); if (!empty($section)) { $newSecRef->section = $section->id; $db->insertObject($newSecRef, "sectionref"); print_r(gt("Missing sectionref for container replaced") . ": " . $iloc->mod . " - " . $iloc->src . " - PageID #" . $section->id . "<br>"); } else { print_r(gt("Cant' find the container page for container") . ": " . $iloc->mod . " - " . $iloc->src . "<br>"); } } } } print_r("</pre>"); }
/** * Smarty {icon} function plugin * * Type: function<br> * Name: icon<br> * Purpose: create an icon type link * * @param $params * @param \Smarty $smarty * @return bool */ function smarty_function_icon($params, &$smarty) { $loc = $smarty->getTemplateVars('__loc'); if (isset($params['record'])) { $record = $params['record']; $params['id'] = $record->id; } if ($record && empty($params['id'])) { $params['id'] = $record->id; } // setup the link params if (!isset($params['controller'])) { if (!isset($params['module'])) { $params['module'] = $loc->mod; } if (expModules::controllerExists($params['module'])) { $params['controller'] = expModules::getControllerName($params['module']); unset($params['module']); } } // guess the src if it is not set if (!isset($params['src'])) { if ($record) { $modloc = expUnserialize($record->location_data); $params['src'] = $modloc->src; } else { if (!empty($params['controller']) || @call_user_func(array($loc->mod, 'hasSources'))) { $params['src'] = $loc->src; } } } if (!is_object($smarty->getTemplateVars('config')) && !empty($smarty->getTemplateVars('config')->noeditagg) && $smarty->getTemplateVars('__loc')->src != $params['src']) { return; } if (!isset($params['int'])) { $params['int'] = $loc->int; } // attempt to translate the alt, text, & title if (!empty($params['alt'])) { $params['alt'] = gt($params['alt']); } if (!empty($params['text'])) { $params['text'] = gt($params['text']); } if (!empty($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = gt($params['title']); } // figure out whether to use the edit icon or text, alt tags, etc. $alt = empty($params['alt']) ? '' : $params['alt']; $class = empty($params['class']) && empty($params['img']) ? $params['action'] : $params['class']; $text = empty($params['text']) ? '' : $params['text']; $title = empty($params['title']) ? empty($text) ? ucfirst($class) . ' ' . gt('this') . ' ' . $smarty->getTemplateVars('modelname') . ' ' . gt('item') : $text : $params['title']; if (!empty($params['hash'])) { $hash = $params['hash']; unset($params['hash']); } if (empty($params['img']) && empty($params['text'])) { $img = gt(ucfirst($class)); } else { if (!empty($params['img'])) { $img = '<img src="' . ICON_RELATIVE . $params['img'] . '" title="' . $title . '" alt="' . $alt . '"' . XHTML_CLOSING . '>'; } } $linktext = $img . $text; // we need to unset these vars before we pass the params array off to makeLink unset($params['alt']); unset($params['title']); unset($params['text']); unset($params['img']); unset($params['class']); unset($params['record']); unset($params['record']); $onclick = $params['onclick']; unset($params['onclick']); //eDebug($params); if (!empty($params['action'])) { echo '<a href="' . expCore::makeLink($params) . '" title="' . $title . '" class="' . $class . '"'; if ($params['action'] == "delete" && empty($onclick)) { echo ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . gt('Are you sure you want to delete this') . ' ' . $smarty->getTemplateVars('modelname') . ' ' . gt('item') . '?\');"'; } if (!empty($onclick)) { echo ' onclick="' . $onclick . '"'; } echo '>' . $linktext . '</a>'; } else { echo $linktext; } }
function getCVVMatched($billingmethod) { $ret = expUnserialize($billingmethod->billing_options); return $ret->result->CVV2MATCH; }
public function getFormattedExtraData($style = 'list') { $ret = ''; if ($style == 'list') { $ret = '<ul>'; foreach (expUnserialize($this->extra_data) as $key => $item) { $ret .= "<li>{$key} : {$item}</li>"; } $ret .= '<ul>'; } return $ret; }
function showOptions($bm) { return expUnserialize($bm); }
function export_user_input_report() { global $order; $out = '"ITEM_NAME","QUANTITY","PERSONALIZATION"' . chr(13) . chr(10); //eDebug($this->params,true); $order_ids = array(); if (isset($this->params['applytoall']) && $this->params['applytoall'] == 1) { $obs = expSession::get('order_export_values'); foreach ($obs as $ob) { $order_ids[] = $ob->id; } } else { foreach ($this->params['act-upon'] as $order_id) { $order_ids[] = $order_id; } } $order_ids = array_unique($order_ids); $orders_string = implode(',', $order_ids); $orders = $order->find('all', 'id IN (' . $orders_string . ')'); //eDebug($orders,true); $pattern = '/\\(.*\\)/i'; $items = array(); $top = array(); foreach ($orders as $order) { //eDebug($order,true); foreach ($order->orderitem as $oi) { // eDebug($oi,true); $item = array(); if ($oi->user_input_fields == '' || $oi->user_input_fields == 'a:0:{}') { continue; } else { $item['user_input_data'] = expUnserialize($oi->user_input_fields); } $model = preg_replace($pattern, '', preg_replace('/\\s/', '', $oi->products_model)); $item['model'] = $model; //$item['name'] = strip_tags($oi->products_name); $item['qty'] = $oi->quantity; $items[] = $item; } } unset($item); foreach ($items as $item) { $line = ''; //$line = $this->outputField("SMC Inventory - Laurie"); $line .= $this->outputField($item['model']); //$line.= $this->outputField($item['name']); $line .= $this->outputField($item['qty']); $ui = array(); $uiInfo = ''; foreach ($item['user_input_data'] as $tlArray) { foreach ($tlArray as $ifKey => $if) { $uiInfo .= $ifKey . '=' . $if . " | "; } } $line .= $this->outputField(strtoupper(substr_replace($uiInfo, '', strrpos($uiInfo, ' |'), strlen(' |'))), ''); $line .= chr(13) . chr(10); $out .= $line; } //eDebug($out,true); $this->download($out, 'Inventory_Export_' . time() . '.csv', 'application/csv'); // [firstname] => Fred [middlename] => J [lastname] => Dirkse [organization] => OIC Group, Inc. [address1] => PO Box 1111 [address2] => [city] => Peoria [state] => 23 [zip] => 61653 [country] => [phone] => 309-555-1212 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 309-555-1212 end_of_the_skype_highlighting [email] => [shippingcalculator_id] => 4 [option] => 01 [option_title] => 8-10 Day [shipping_cost] => 5.95 }
function validateDiscount() { global $order, $user; $retMessage = ""; if (!$this->isAvailable()) { return gt("This discount code you entered is currently unavailable."); } //check discounts rules //.5 isExpired //1. uses per coupon //2. uses per customer //4. check group requirements //-1 = 'ALL LOGGED IN USERS' //-2 => 'ALL NON-LOGGED IN USERS' $required_groups = expUnserialize($this->group_ids); if (count($required_groups)) { $users_groups = $user->getGroupMemberships(); if ($user->isLoggedIn()) { $loggedInGroup->id = "-2"; $users_groups[] = $loggedInGroup; } $inARequiredGroup = false; foreach ($users_groups as $ug) { if (in_array($ug->id, $required_groups)) { $inARequiredGroup = true; } } //eDebug($required_groups); //eDebug($users_groups); if (!$inARequiredGroup) { return gt("This discount is not available to your user group."); } } //5. check minimum order amount if ($order->subtotal < $this->minimum_order_amount) { $retMessage = gt("You must purchase a minimum of") . " \$" . $this->minimum_order_amount . " " . gt("to use this coupon code."); } //check rules of products in cart //FJD TODO: not yet implemeneted return $retMessage; }
function edit_order_item() { $oi = new orderitem($this->params['id'], true, true); //oi->options = expUnserialize($oi->options); $oi->user_input_fields = expUnserialize($oi->user_input_fields); $oi->product = new product($oi->product->id, true, true); if ($oi->product->parent_id != 0) { $parProd = new product($oi->product->parent_id); //$oi->product->optiongroup = $parProd->optiongroup; $oi->product = $parProd; } $oi->selectedOpts = array(); if (!empty($oi->opts)) { foreach ($oi->opts as $opt) { $option = new option($opt[0]); $og = new optiongroup($option->optiongroup_id); if (!is_array($oi->selectedOpts[$og->id])) { $oi->selectedOpts[$og->id] = array($option->id); } else { array_push($oi->selectedOpts[$og->id], $option->id); } } } //eDebug($oi->selectedOpts); assign_to_template(array('oi' => $oi)); }
public function show() { global $template; expHistory::set('viewable', $this->params); $id = isset($this->params['title']) ? $this->params['title'] : $this->params['id']; $blog = new blog($id); // since we are probably getting here via a router mapped url // some of the links (tags in particular) require a source, we will // populate the location data in the template now. $loc = expUnserialize($blog->location_data); assign_to_template(array('__loc' => $loc, 'record' => $blog)); }
/** exdoc * Checks to see if the given group has been given a specific permission on a location. * Returns true if the permission is granted, false if it is not. * * @param Group $group The group to check * @param string $permission The name of the permission to check * @param Object $location The location to check on. * @param bool $explicitOnly * * @return bool * * @node Subsystems:expPermissions */ public static function checkGroup($group, $permission, $location, $explicitOnly = false) { global $db, $module_scope; if ($group == null) { return false; } // check for explicit group permission $explicit = $db->selectObject("grouppermission", "gid=" . $group->id . " AND module='" . $location->mod . "' AND source='" . $location->src . "' AND internal='" . $location->int . "' AND permission='{$permission}'"); if ($explicitOnly || $explicit) { return !empty($explicit); } // exit recursive calls for globally scoped modules $module_scope['error'] = false; if (!empty($module_scope[$location->src][$location->mod]->scope)) { // is this the main container? $rLoc = $db->selectObject("sectionref", "source='" . $location->src . "' AND module='" . $location->mod . "'"); if (!empty($rLoc) && $rLoc->refcount == 1000 && $module_scope[$location->src][$location->mod]->scope == 'global') { $module_scope['error'] = true; return false; } } // check for inherited container permission $perms = array(); $perms[] = $permission; // account for old-style container perms $perms[] = 'administrate'; if ($permission == 'post' || $permission == 'create') { $perms[] = 'add_module'; } elseif ($permission == 'edit') { $perms[] = 'add_module'; $perms[] = 'edit_module'; } elseif ($permission == 'delete') { $perms[] = 'delete_module'; } elseif ($permission == 'configure') { $perms[] = 'order_modules'; } foreach ($perms as $perm) { $tmpLoc->mod = $location->mod; $tmpLoc->src = $location->src; $tmpLoc->int = $location->int; $tmpLoc->mod = !strpos($tmpLoc->mod, "Controller") && !strpos($tmpLoc->mod, "module") ? $tmpLoc->mod . "Controller" : $tmpLoc->mod; $cLoc = expUnserialize($db->selectValue('container', 'external', 'internal=\'' . serialize($tmpLoc) . '\'')); if (!empty($cLoc) && $db->selectObject("grouppermission", "gid=" . $group->id . " AND module='" . $cLoc->mod . "' AND source='" . $cLoc->src . "' AND internal='" . $cLoc->int . "' AND permission='{$perm}'")) { return true; } if (!empty($cLoc)) { if (self::checkGroup($group, $perm, $cLoc)) { return true; } } } if (@$module_scope['error'] == true) { $module_scope['error'] = false; return false; } // if this is the global sidebar, then exit since we don't care about page permissions $module_scope['error'] = false; if (!empty($module_scope[$location->src][$location->mod]->scope)) { // is this the main container? $rLoc = $db->selectObject("sectionref", "source='" . $location->src . "' AND module='" . $location->mod . "'"); if (!empty($rLoc) && $rLoc->refcount == 1000 && @$module_scope[$location->src][$location->mod]->scope == 'global') { $module_scope['error'] = true; return false; } } // check for inherited 'manage' permission from its page if ($location->mod != 'navigationmodule') { $tmpLoc->mod = $location->mod; $tmpLoc->src = $location->src; $tmpLoc->int = $location->int; $tmpLoc->mod = !strpos($tmpLoc->mod, "Controller") && !strpos($tmpLoc->mod, "module") ? $tmpLoc->mod . "Controller" : $tmpLoc->mod; foreach ($db->selectObjects('sectionref', "is_original=1 AND module='" . $tmpLoc->mod . "' AND source='" . $tmpLoc->src . "'") as $secref) { if (self::checkGroup($group, 'manage', expCore::makeLocation('navigationmodule', '', $secref->section))) { return true; } } } else { // check for recursive inherited page permission $page = $db->selectObject("section", "id=" . $location->int); if (!empty($page->parent)) { // first check for specific 'view' permission if (self::checkGroup($group, $permission, expCore::makeLocation('navigationmodule', '', $page->parent))) { return true; } // otherwise check for 'super' permission if (self::checkGroup($group, 'manage', expCore::makeLocation('navigationmodule', '', $page->parent))) { return true; } } } return false; }
function edit() { global $db; //Make sure that the view is the edit.tpl and not any ajax views if (isset($this->params['view']) && $this->params['view'] == 'edit') { expHistory::set('editable', $this->params); } // first we need to figure out what type of ecomm product we are dealing with if (!empty($this->params['id'])) { // if we have an id lets pull the product type from the products table. $product_type = $db->selectValue('product', 'product_type', 'id=' . $this->params['id']); } else { if (empty($this->params['product_type'])) { redirect_to(array('controller' => 'store', 'action' => 'picktype')); } $product_type = $this->params['product_type']; } if (!empty($this->params['id'])) { $record = new $product_type($this->params['id']); if (!empty($this->user_input_fields) && !is_array($record->user_input_fields)) { $record->user_input_fields = expUnserialize($record->user_input_fields); } } else { $record = new $product_type(); $record->user_input_fields = array(); } // if (!empty($this->params['parent_id'])) // get the product options and send them to the form $editable_options = array(); //$og = new optiongroup(); $mastergroups = $db->selectExpObjects('optiongroup_master', null, 'optiongroup_master'); //eDebug($mastergroups,true); foreach ($mastergroups as $mastergroup) { // if this optiongroup_master has already been made into an option group for this product // then we will grab that record now..if not, we will make a new one. $grouprec = $db->selectArray('optiongroup', 'optiongroup_master_id=' . $mastergroup->id . ' AND product_id=' . $record->id); //if ($mastergroup->id == 9) eDebug($grouprec,true); //eDebug($grouprec); if (empty($grouprec)) { $grouprec['optiongroup_master_id'] = $mastergroup->id; $grouprec['title'] = $mastergroup->title; $group = new optiongroup($grouprec); } else { $group = new optiongroup($grouprec['id']); } $editable_options[$group->title] = $group; if (empty($group->option)) { foreach ($mastergroup->option_master as $optionmaster) { $opt = new option(array('title' => $optionmaster->title, 'option_master_id' => $optionmaster->id), false, false); $editable_options[$group->title]->options[] = $opt; } } else { if (count($group->option) == count($mastergroup->option_master)) { $editable_options[$group->title]->options = $group->option; } else { // check for any new options or deleted since the last time we edited this product foreach ($mastergroup->option_master as $optionmaster) { $opt_id = $db->selectValue('option', 'id', 'option_master_id=' . $optionmaster->id . " AND product_id=" . $record->id); if (empty($opt_id)) { $opt = new option(array('title' => $optionmaster->title, 'option_master_id' => $optionmaster->id), false, false); } else { $opt = new option($opt_id); } $editable_options[$group->title]->options[] = $opt; } } } //eDebug($editable_options[$group->title]); } //die(); uasort($editable_options, array("optiongroup", "sortOptiongroups")); // get the shipping options and their methods $shipping = new shipping(); foreach ($shipping->available_calculators as $calcid => $name) { $calc = new $name($calcid); $shipping_services[$calcid] = $calc->title; $shipping_methods[$calcid] = $calc->availableMethods(); } # eDebug($shipping_services); # eDebug($shipping_methods); if ($this->params['product_type'] == "product" || $this->params['product_type'] == "childProduct") { //if new record and it's a child, then well set the child rank to be at the end if (empty($record->id) && $record->isChild()) { $record->child_rank = $db->max('product', 'child_rank', null, 'parent_id=' . $record->parent_id) + 1; } //eDebug($record,true); } $view = ''; $parent = null; if (isset($this->params['parent_id']) && empty($record->id)) { //NEW child product $view = 'edit'; $parent = new $product_type($this->params['parent_id'], false, true); $record->parent_id = $this->params['parent_id']; } elseif (!empty($record->id) && $record->parent_id != 0) { //EDIT child product $view = 'edit'; $parent = new $product_type($record->parent_id, false, true); } else { $view = 'edit'; } assign_to_template(array('record' => $record, 'parent' => $parent, 'form' => $record->getForm($view), 'optiongroups' => $editable_options, 'shipping_services' => isset($shipping_services) ? $shipping_services : '', 'shipping_methods' => isset($shipping_methods) ? $shipping_methods : '', 'product_types' => isset($this->config['product_types']) ? $this->config['product_types'] : '')); }
/** * module customized function to circumvent going to previous page * @return void */ function saveconfig() { // unset some unneeded params unset($this->params['module']); unset($this->params['controller']); unset($this->params['src']); unset($this->params['int']); unset($this->params['id']); unset($this->params['action']); unset($this->params['PHPSESSID']); // setup and save the config $config = new expConfig($this->loc); $config->update(array('config' => $this->params)); // update our object config $this->config = expUnserialize($config->config); // flash('message', 'Migration Configuration Saved'); // expHistory::back(); if (isset($this->params['fix_database'])) { $this->fix_database(); } echo '<h2>' . gt('Migration Configuration Saved') . '</h2><br />'; echo '<p>' . gt('We\'ve successfully connected to the Old database') . '</p><br />'; echo "<a class=\"awesome " . BTN_SIZE . " " . BTN_COLOR . "\" href=\"" . expCore::makeLink(array('controller' => 'migration', 'action' => 'manage_users')) . "\">" . gt('Next Step -> Migrate Users & Groups') . "</a>"; }
public function edit_discount() { $id = empty($this->params['id']) ? null : $this->params['id']; $discount = new discounts($id); //grab all user groups $group = new group(); //create two 'default' groups: $groups = array(-1 => 'ALL LOGGED IN USERS', -2 => 'ALL NON-LOGGED IN USERS'); //loop our groups and append them to the array // foreach ($group->find() as $g){ //this is a workaround for older code. Use the previous line if possible: $allGroups = group::getAllGroups(); if (count($allGroups)) { foreach ($allGroups as $g) { $groups[$g->id] = $g->name; } } //find our selected groups for this discount already // eDebug($discount); $selected_groups = array(); if (!empty($discount->group_ids)) { $selected_groups = expUnserialize($discount->group_ids); } if ($discount->minimum_order_amount == "") { $discount->minimum_order_amount = 0; } if ($discount->discount_amount == "") { $discount->discount_amount = 0; } if ($discount->discount_percent == "") { $discount->discount_percent = 0; } // get the shipping options and their methods $shipping = new shipping(); foreach ($shipping->available_calculators as $calcid => $name) { $calc = new $name($calcid); $shipping_services[$calcid] = $calc->title; $shipping_methods[$calcid] = $calc->availableMethods(); } assign_to_template(array('discount' => $discount, 'groups' => $groups, 'selected_groups' => $selected_groups, 'shipping_services' => $shipping_services, 'shipping_methods' => $shipping_methods)); }
private function sendApprovalNotification($comment, $params) { if (empty($comment)) { return false; } /* The global constants can be overriden by passing appropriate params */ //sure wish I could do this once in the constructor. sadly $this->params[] isn't set yet $require_login = empty($this->params['require_login']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_LOGIN : $this->params['require_login']; $require_approval = empty($this->params['require_approval']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_APPROVAL : $this->params['require_approval']; $require_notification = empty($this->params['require_notification']) ? COMMENTS_REQUIRE_NOTIFICATION : $this->params['require_notification']; $notification_email = empty($this->params['notification_email']) ? COMMENTS_NOTIFICATION_EMAIL : $this->params['notification_email']; // setup some email variables. $subject = gt('Notification of Comment Approval on') . ' ' . URL_BASE; $tos = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $notification_email)); $tos[] = $comment->email; $tos = array_filter($tos); if (empty($tos)) { return false; } $model = new $params['content_type']($params['content_id']); $loc = expUnserialize($model->location_data); $posting = makelink(array('controller' => $params['content_type'], 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $params['content_id'], "src" => $loc->src)); $editlink = makelink(array('controller' => 'expComment', 'action' => 'edit', 'id' => $comment->id)); // make the email body $body = '<h1>' . gt('Comment Approved') . '</h1>'; $body .= '<h2>' . gt('Posted By') . '</h2>'; $body .= '<p>' . $comment->name . "</p>"; $body .= '<h2>' . gt('Poster\'s Email') . '</h2>'; $body .= '<p>' . $comment->email . '</p>'; $body .= '<h2>' . gt('Comment') . '</h2>'; $body .= '<p>' . $comment->body . "</p>"; $body .= '<h3>' . gt('View posting') . '</h3>'; $body .= '<a href="' . $posting . '">' . $posting . '</a>'; // create the mail message $mail = new expMail(); $mail->quickSend(array('html_message' => $body, 'to' => $tos, 'from' => array(trim(SMTP_FROMADDRESS) => trim(ORGANIZATION_NAME)), 'subject' => $subject)); return true; }
/** * add all module items to search index * @return int */ function addContentToSearch() { global $db, $router; $count = 0; $model = new $this->basemodel_name(null, false, false); $content = $db->selectArrays($model->tablename); foreach ($content as $cnt) { $origid = $cnt['id']; unset($cnt['id']); // get the location data for this content if (isset($cnt['location_data'])) { $loc = expUnserialize($cnt['location_data']); } $src = isset($loc->src) ? $loc->src : null; //build the search record and save it. $search_record = new search($cnt, false, false); $search_record->original_id = $origid; $search_record->posted = empty($cnt['created_at']) ? null : $cnt['created_at']; $link = str_replace(URL_FULL, '', makeLink(array('controller' => $this->baseclassname, 'action' => 'show', 'id' => $origid, 'src' => $src))); // if (empty($search_record->title)) $search_record->title = 'Untitled'; $search_record->view_link = $link; $search_record->ref_module = $this->classname; $search_record->category = $this->searchName(); $search_record->ref_type = $this->searchCategory(); $search_record->save(); $count += 1; } return $count; }
public function cartSummary($item) { $viewname = $this->getForm('cartSummary'); if (!$viewname) { return null; } $options = expUnserialize($item->options); $view = new controllertemplate($this, $viewname); $view->assign('product', $this); $view->assign('item', $item); $view->assign('options', $options); return $view->render('cartSummary'); }