Exemplo n.º 1
function downloads_print($data, $template)
    global $set, $db, $apx, $user;
    $tmpl = new tengine();
    $apx->lang->drop('global', 'downloads');
    //Verwendete Variablen auslesen
    $parse = $apx->tmpl->used_vars($template, 'downloads');
    //Kategorien auslesen
    if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.CATTITLE', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.CATTEXT', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.CATICON', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.CATLINK', $parse)) {
        $catids = get_ids($data, 'catid');
        if (count($catids)) {
            $catdata = $db->fetch("SELECT id,title,text,icon FROM " . PRE . "_downloads_cat WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $catids) . ")");
            if (count($catdata)) {
                foreach ($catdata as $catres) {
                    $catinfo[$catres['id']] = $catres;
    //User auslesen
    $userinfo = array();
        $userids = get_ids($data, 'userid');
        if ($userids) {
            $userinfo = $db->fetch_index("\n\t\t\t\tSELECT userid, username, email, pub_hidemail\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . PRE . "_user\n\t\t\t\tWHERE userid IN (" . implode(',', $userids) . ")\n\t\t\t", 'userid');
    if (count($data)) {
        foreach ($data as $res) {
            $link = mklink('downloads.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'downloads,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html');
            if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC_POPUP', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC_POPUPPATH', $parse)) {
                list($picture, $picture_popup, $picture_popuppath) = downloads_teaserpic($res['teaserpic']);
            //Dateigröße auslesen
            if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.SIZE', $parse)) {
                $thefsize = downloads_filesize($res);
            if (!$set['downloads']['regonly'] && !$res['regonly'] || $user->info['userid']) {
                $sechash = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $res['file'] . date('Y/m/d', time() - TIMEDIFF));
                $dllink = 'misc.php?action=downloadfile&id=' . $res['id'] . '&sechash=' . $sechash . iif($apx->section_id(), '&sec=' . $apx->section_id());
            } else {
                $dllink = mklink('user.php', 'user.html');
            if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.PICTURE', $parse)) {
                $picdata = downloads_pictures($res['pictures']);
            if ($res['addtime'] + $set['downloads']['new'] * 24 * 3600 >= time()) {
                $new = 1;
            } else {
                $new = 0;
            //Username + eMail
            if ($res['userid']) {
                $userdata = $userinfo[$res['userid']];
                $uploader = $userdata['username'];
                $uploader_email = iif(!$userdata['pub_hidemail'], $userdata['email']);
            } else {
                $uploader = $res['send_username'];
                $uploader_email = $res['send_email'];
            if ($laststamp != date('Y/m/d', $res['starttime'] - TIMEDIFF)) {
                $tabledata[$i]['DATEHEAD'] = $res['starttime'];
            $text = '';
            if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEXT', $parse)) {
                $text = mediamanager_inline($res['text']);
                if ($apx->is_module('glossar')) {
                    $text = glossar_highlight($text);
            if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.TAG', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.TAG_IDS', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.KEYWORDS', $parse)) {
                list($tagdata, $tagids, $keywords) = downloads_tags($res['id']);
            $tabledata[$i]['ID'] = $res['id'];
            $tabledata[$i]['SECID'] = $res['secid'];
            $tabledata[$i]['TITLE'] = $res['title'];
            $tabledata[$i]['TEXT'] = $text;
            $tabledata[$i]['LINK'] = $link;
            $tabledata[$i]['TEASERPIC'] = $picture;
            $tabledata[$i]['TEASERPIC_POPUP'] = $picture_popup;
            $tabledata[$i]['TEASERPIC_POPUPPATH'] = $picture_popuppath;
            $tabledata[$i]['SIZE'] = downloads_getsize($thefsize);
            $tabledata[$i]['FORMAT'] = downloads_getformat($res);
            $tabledata[$i]['HITS'] = number_format($res['hits'], 0, '', '.');
            $tabledata[$i]['TIME'] = $res['starttime'];
            $tabledata[$i]['PICTURE'] = $picdata;
            $tabledata[$i]['TOP'] = $res['top'];
            $tabledata[$i]['RESTRICTED'] = $res['restricted'];
            $tabledata[$i]['NEW'] = $new;
            $tabledata[$i]['DOWNLOADLINK'] = $dllink;
            $tabledata[$i]['TAG'] = $tagdata;
            $tabledata[$i]['TAG_IDS'] = $tagids;
            $tabledata[$i]['KEYWORDS'] = $keywords;
            $tabledata[$i]['CATID'] = $res['catid'];
            $tabledata[$i]['CATTITLE'] = $catinfo[$res['catid']]['title'];
            $tabledata[$i]['CATTEXT'] = $catinfo[$res['catid']]['text'];
            $tabledata[$i]['CATICON'] = $catinfo[$res['catid']]['icon'];
            $tabledata[$i]['CATLINK'] = mklink('downloads.php?catid=' . $res['catid'], 'downloads,' . $res['catid'] . ',1' . urlformat($catinfo[$res['catid']]['title']) . '.html');
            $tabledata[$i]['PRODUCT_ID'] = $res['prodid'];
            $tabledata[$i]['UPLOADER_ID'] = $res['userid'];
            $tabledata[$i]['UPLOADER'] = replace($uploader);
            $tabledata[$i]['UPLOADER_EMAIL'] = replace($uploader_email);
            $tabledata[$i]['UPLOADER_EMAIL_ENCRYPTED'] = replace(cryptMail($uploader_email));
            $tabledata[$i]['AUTHOR'] = replace($res['author']);
            $tabledata[$i]['AUTHOR_LINK'] = replace($res['author_link']);
            if ($apx->is_module('gallery') && $res['galid']) {
                $galinfo = gallery_info($res['galid']);
                $tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_ID'] = $galinfo['id'];
                $tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_TITLE'] = $galinfo['title'];
                $tabledata[$i]['GALLERY_LINK'] = mklink('gallery.php?id=' . $galinfo['id'], 'gallery,list' . $galinfo['id'] . ',1' . urlformat($galinfo['title']) . '.html');
            if ($apx->is_module('comments') && $set['downloads']['coms'] && $res['allowcoms']) {
                require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('comments') . 'class.comments.php';
                if (!isset($coms)) {
                    $coms = new comments('downloads', $res['id']);
                } else {
                    $coms->mid = $res['id'];
                $link = mklink('downloads.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'downloads,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . ',1.html');
                $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_COUNT'] = $coms->count();
                $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LINK'] = $coms->link($link);
                $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_COMMENTS'] = 1;
                    $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_USERID'] = $coms->last_userid();
                    $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_NAME'] = $coms->last_name();
                    $tabledata[$i]['COMMENT_LAST_TIME'] = $coms->last_time();
            if ($apx->is_module('ratings') && $set['downloads']['ratings'] && $res['allowrating']) {
                require_once BASEDIR . getmodulepath('ratings') . 'class.ratings.php';
                if (!isset($rate)) {
                    $rate = new ratings('downloads', $res['id']);
                } else {
                    $rate->mid = $res['id'];
                $tabledata[$i]['RATING'] = $rate->display();
                $tabledata[$i]['RATING_VOTES'] = $rate->count();
                $tabledata[$i]['DISPLAY_RATING'] = 1;
            $laststamp = date('Y/m/d', $res['starttime'] - TIMEDIFF);
    $tmpl->assign('DOWNLOAD', $tabledata);
    $tmpl->parse($template, 'downloads');
Exemplo n.º 2
    $data = $db->fetch("SELECT *,b.username,b.email,b.pub_hidemail FROM " . PRE . "_downloads AS a LEFT JOIN " . PRE . "_user AS b USING(userid) WHERE ( ( '" . time() . "' BETWEEN starttime AND endtime ) AND " . $filter . " " . section_filter() . " ) " . getorder($orderdef) . getlimit($set['downloads']['epp']));
$catids = get_ids($data, 'catid');
//Kategorien auslesen, falls notwendig
$catinfo = array();
if (count($catids) && in_template(array('DOWNLOAD.CATTITLE', 'DOWNLOAD.CATTEXT', 'DOWNLOAD.CATICON'), $parse)) {
    $catinfo = downloads_catinfo($catids);
if (count($data)) {
    foreach ($data as $res) {
        $link = mklink('downloads.php?id=' . $res['id'], 'downloads,id' . $res['id'] . urlformat($res['title']) . '.html');
        if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC_POPUP', $parse) || in_array('DOWNLOAD.TEASERPIC_POPUPPATH', $parse)) {
            list($picture, $picture_popup, $picture_popuppath) = downloads_teaserpic($res['teaserpic']);
        //Dateigröße auslesen
        if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.SIZE', $parse)) {
            $thefsize = downloads_filesize($res);
        if (!$set['downloads']['regonly'] && !$res['regonly'] || $user->info['userid']) {
            $sechash = md5($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $res['file'] . date('Y/m/d', time() - TIMEDIFF));
            $dllink = 'misc.php?action=downloadfile&id=' . $res['id'] . '&sechash=' . $sechash . iif($apx->section_id(), '&sec=' . $apx->section_id());
        } else {
            $dllink = mklink('user.php', 'user.html');
        if (in_array('DOWNLOAD.PICTURE', $parse)) {
            $picdata = downloads_pictures($res['pictures']);