function sendNewsletter($queueID = 0) { if ($queueID == 0) { return false; } //wtf? not queueID was defined musta been a booboo! //k we need to umm grab the info from the queue $queueResults = dbQuery('SELECT e.*, t.* FROM email_queue AS e, email_templates AS t WHERE t.email_templates_id = e.email_template_id AND e.email_queue_id = ' . $queueID); $q = dbFetchArray($queueResults); //we have everything we need i believe! //lets send out the newsletter, then remove it from the queue and add to the sent table //the sent table will allow the admin to resend at anytime //include the class phpmailer() include_once 'classes/class.phpmailer.php'; //now we need to get stuff! $content = output($q['email_templates_header']); $content .= output($q['email_queue_email_text']); $content .= output($q['email_templates_footer']); $q['content'] = $content; $recipients = explode(',', $q['email_queue_recipients']); foreach ($recipients as $key => $val) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->FromName = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->isMail = true; $mail->Body = output($content); $mail->AddAddress($val); $mail->Subject = output($q['email_queue_subject']); //check to see if there is an attachment if ($q['email_queue_attachment'] != "") { $mail->AddAttachment(UPLOAD_DIR_NEWSLETTER . $q['email_queue_attachment'], $q['email_queue_attachment']); } $mail->ContentType = 'text/html'; $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAddresses(); } $row['client_id'] = 1; $row['email_queue_date_sent'] = time(); $row['email_queue_subject'] = $q['email_queue_subject']; $row['email_queue_content'] = $q['content']; $row['email_templates_id'] = $q['email_template_id']; $row['email_recipients'] = $q['email_queue_recipients']; $row['email_display_home'] = $q['email_display_home']; dbPerform('email_queue_sent', $row, 'insert'); dbQuery('DELETE FROM email_queue WHERE email_queue_id = ' . $q['email_queue_id']); return true; }
function orderoldfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_id = $_POST['food_id']; $food_name = $_POST['food_name']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type']; $add_amount = $_POST['add_amount']; $price_per = $_POST['price_per']; $total = $add_amount * $price_per; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql0 = "SELECT AMOUNT FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql0); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $amountx = $row[0]; } $amount_now = $amountx + $add_amount; $sql1 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOODANIMAL_EXPENSE (FOODEXPENSE_ID,DATES,FOODID,COST,RESPONPERSONID) VALUES (DEFAULT,CURRENT DATE,{$food_id},{$total},'5678');"; $cb = db2_exec($conn, $sql1); $sql2 = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK SET AMOUNT = {$amount_now} WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $cc = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($cc && $cb) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#food_list'); } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } }
function get_available_calculators() { $results = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM tools_calculators'); while ($r = dbFetchArray($results)) { $c[] = array('id' => $r['tools_calculators_id'], 'name' => $r['tools_calculators_name']); echo "<li><label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"calculators[]\" value=\"" . $val['id'] . "\">" . $val['name'] . "</option></li>\n"; } return $c; }
function getDateCreated($userID) { $results = dbQuery('SELECT user_created FROM user WHERE user_id = ' . $userID); $row = dbFetchArray($results); if ($row['user_created'] == 0) { return "n/a"; } else { return date('m/d/Y', $row['user_created']); } }
function carReturn() { $up = "Y"; if (isset($_POST)) { $empID = $_POST['empID']; $carID = $_POST['carID']; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. // print var_dump to display an array of variable data with type that prepare for query. //echo var_dump($data) ."<br>"; } // define $conn from model $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { // DEFAULT if you set generated as identify with specifier this will auto increament for integer. $delete = "DELETE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.CARS SET EMM_ZOO.CARS.AVAILABLE = '" . $up . "' WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $guanteen = "SELECT AVAILABLE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $ans = dbQuery($conn, $guanteen); $row = dbFetchArray($conn, $ans); if ($row[0] == 'Y' || $row[0] == 'y') { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(' This car has not been borrowed yet');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=returnCar.php"); } else { $result = db2_exec($conn, $delete); if ($result) { $result2 = db2_exec($conn, $update); if ($result2) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('CAR RETURNED');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=returnCar.php"); } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('You need to fill all input OR Your employeeID,carID does not exist');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); } } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } db2_free_stmt($result); db2_free_stmt($result2); } db2_free_stmt($ans); db2_free_stmt($row); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
function recurseCategories($parent = 0, $count = 1) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM store_categories WHERE categories_parent = ' . $parent . ' ORDER BY categories_title ASC'; for ($i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) { $padding = 10 * $count; } $results = dbQuery($sql); while ($cInfo = dbFetchArray($results)) { echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td class=\"row" . $row . "\"><a href=\"" . PAGE_STORE . "?section=products&action=manage&c=" . $cInfo['categories_id'] . "\" title=\"" . output($cInfo['categories_title']) . "Products\"><img src=\"images/icons/folder_closed_16x16.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"row" . $row . " pageTitleSub \"><img src=\"images/filler.gif\" width=\"" . $padding . "\" height=\"5\"> <a href=\"" . PAGE_STORE . "?section=products&action=manage&c=" . $cInfo['categories_id'] . "\" title=\"" . output($cInfo['categories_title']) . " Products\">" . output($cInfo['categories_title']) . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td class=\"row" . $row . "\">" . date('m/d/Y', $cInfo['categories_date_added']) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td width=\"50\" class=\"row" . $row . "\"><a href=\"" . PAGE_STORE_CATEGORIES . "&action=editcategory&id=" . $cInfo['categories_id'] . "\" title=\"Edit " . output($cInfo['categories_title']) . "\" ><img src=\"images/icons/edit_16x16.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a> | <a href=\"" . PAGE_STORE . "?action=deletecategory&id=" . $cInfo['categories_id'] . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete " . $cInfo['categories_title'] . "?');\"><img src=\"images/icons/delete_16x16.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" /></a></td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; recurseCategories($cInfo['categories_id'], $count + 1); } }
function ordernewfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_name = $_POST['food_name']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type']; $add_amount = $_POST['add_amount']; $price_per = $_POST['price_per']; $total = $add_amount * $price_per; $username = $_POST['username']; $data = array($food_name, $food_type, $add_amount, $price_per); } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $conn = dbConnect(); $sql0 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK (FOODID,FOODNAME,TYPE,AMOUNT,PERAMOUNT) VALUES(DEFAULT,'{$food_name}','{$food_type}',{$add_amount}, {$price_per})"; $ca = db2_exec($conn, $sql0); if ($ca) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } $sql1 = "SELECT FOODID FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODNAME = '{$food_name}';"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $foodidx = $row[0]; } $sql2 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOODANIMAL_EXPENSE (FOODEXPENSE_ID,DATES,FOODID,COST,RESPONPERSONID) VALUES (DEFAULT,current date,{$foodidx},{$total},{$username});"; $sc = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($sc) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#order_new'); exit; } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } }
function exportfood() { if (isset($_POST)) { $food_id = $_POST['food_id2']; $food_name = $_POST['food_name2']; $food_type = $_POST['food_type2']; $out_amount = $_POST['out_amount']; $username = $_SESSION['current_user_name']; } $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql0 = "SELECT AMOUNT FROM EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $stm = dbQuery($conn, $sql0); while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stm)) { $amountx = $row[0]; } $amount_now = $amountx - $out_amount; if ($amount_now > 0) { $sql1 = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.FM_STOCK SET AMOUNT = {$amount_now} WHERE FOODID = {$food_id};"; $cz = db2_exec($conn, $sql1); $sql2 = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.FOOD_GIVE(GIVENO,FOODID,EMPID,FOODNAME,FOODTYPE,AMOUNT,GIVETIME,ANIMAL) VALUES (DEFAULT,'{$food_id}','5678','{$food_name}','{$food_type}',{$out_amount},NULL,NULL);"; $cb = db2_exec($conn, $sql2); if ($cb && $cz) { $resultMessage = 1; return $resultMessage; header('Location: FoodStock.php#food_list'); } else { $resultMessage = 0; return $resultMessage; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo "<script language='javascript'>alert('Not enough food!');</script>"; } } }
function recurse_pages($id = 0, $level = 0) { $level++; $sql = "SELECT * FROM page_content WHERE parent = " . $id . " ORDER BY page_content_title ASC"; $pageResults = dbQuery($sql); $count = 0; while ($pInfo = dbFetchArray($pageResults)) { $padding = 18 * $level; if ($level != 1) { $style = "style=\"padding-left:" . ($padding + 18) . "px; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position:" . $padding . "px 0px; background-image:url(images/directory_arrow.gif);\""; } else { $class = ""; } //SECURITY CHECK //ONLY SHOW PAGES THAT THE USER HAS ACCESS TOO $row = $count % 2; echo "<tr>\n"; echo "<td nowrap width=\"1\">\n"; if ($pInfo['page_content_member']) { echo "<a href=\"javascript:void(0);\" title=\"Membership Required\"><img src=\"images/icons/lock_16x16.gif\" border=\"0\"><a>"; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td nowrap width\"1\">" . date('m/d/Y', $pInfo['page_content_publish_date']) . "</td>\n"; echo "<td " . $style . "><a href=\"" . PAGE_MANAGE . "?action=edit§ion=webpage&id=" . $pInfo['page_content_id'] . "\">" . output($pInfo['page_content_title']) . "</a></td>\n"; echo "<td nowrap width\"1\">"; if ($pInfo['page_content_status'] == 'pending') { echo "<span class=\"textPending\">Pending</span>"; } else { if ($pInfo['page_content_status'] == 'published') { echo "<span class=\"textActive\">Published</span>"; } else { echo "<span class=\"textInactive\">Unpublished</span>"; } } echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td nowrap width\"1\">\n"; echo "<span class=\"smallText\"><abbr title=\"by " . getAuthor($pInfo['page_content_author']) . "\" style=\"margin:2px;\">Created: " . date('m/d/y g:i a', $pInfo['page_content_added']) . " </abbr></span>\n"; //check to see if this page has been edited //display $modifiedResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM page_content_log WHERE page_content_id = ' . $pInfo['page_content_id'] . ' LIMIT 1'); if (dbNumRows($modifiedResults)) { $m = dbFetchArray($modifiedResults); echo "<br>"; echo "<span class=\"smallText\" style=\"font-style:italic;\"><abbr style=\"margin:2px;\" title=\"by " . getAuthor($m['user_id']) . "\">Last Modified: " . date('m/d/y g:i a', $m['page_content_log_timestamp']) . "</abbr></span>"; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "<td align=\"right\" >"; if ($level == 1) { echo "<a class=\"table_addsubpage_link\" href=\"" . PAGE_PUBLISH . "?section=webpage&parent=" . $pInfo['page_content_id'] . "\" title=\"Add Sub Page\">Add Subpage</a>"; echo " "; } if (user_has_permission('banners')) { //echo "<a class=\"table_banner_link\" href=\"".PAGE_MANAGE."?action=banners§ion=webpage&id=".$pInfo['page_content_id']."\" title=\"Add Banner\">Advert</a>\n"; //echo " "; } if (user_has_permission('content') && user_has_page_permissions($pInfo['page_content_id'])) { echo "<a class=\"table_edit_link\" href=\"" . PAGE_MANAGE . "?action=edit§ion=webpage&id=" . $pInfo['page_content_id'] . "\" title=\"Edit " . output($pInfo['page_content_title']) . "\">Edit</a>\n"; echo " "; } if (user_has_permission('admin')) { echo "<a class=\"table_delete_link\" href=\"" . PAGE_MANAGE . "?action=delete§ion=webpage&id=" . $pInfo['page_content_id'] . "\" title=\"Delete " . output($pInfo['page_content_title']) . "\" onclick=\"return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this page? THIS IS NOT UNDOABLE');\">Delete</a>\n"; } echo "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>\n"; recurse_pages($pInfo['page_content_id'], $level); $count++; } }
while($imgInfo = dbFetchArray($imgCheck)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td value=\"top\" class=\"pageTitleSub\">Image: <br /><span style=\"font-size:10px; font-weight:normal\">(click to enlarge)</a></td>"; echo "<td><a href=\"".STORE_IMAGE_URL . $imgInfo['products_images_filename']."\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"title\"><img src=\"".STORE_IMAGE_URL . getThumbnailFilename($imgInfo['products_images_filename'], 'thumb')."\" /><br /><a href=\"store.php?action=deleteproductimage&id=".$imgInfo['products_images_id']."&pid=".$_GET['id']."\">Delete</a></td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } } ?> <tr> <td class="pageTitleSub">Category</td> <td class="pageTitleSub"><select name="c" id="c" class="textField-title"> <? $categories = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM store_categories ORDER BY categories_title'); while($cInfo = dbFetchArray($categories)) { echo "<option value=\"".$cInfo['categories_id']."\""; if($cInfo['categories_id'] == $_GET['c']) echo " selected"; echo ">".output($cInfo['categories_title'])."</option>\n"; } ?> </select></td> </tr> <? if($_GET['action'] == 'editproduct') { //check to see if an image already exists if so then we want to allow the user to view the image if($pInfo['products_info_custom_6'] != "") { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td valign=\"top\" class=\"pageTitleSub\">Current Spec Sheet <br><span style=\"font-size:10px; font-weight:normal;\">(click to enlarge)</a></td>"; echo "<td>"; echo "<a href=\"../files/".$pInfo['products_info_custom_6']."\" target=\"_blank\" class=\"title\">[view spec sheet]</a>";
<?php include 'dbInterface.php'; $q = $_GET["q"]; $con = dbConnect(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idCliente = '" . $q . "'"; $result = dbExecQuery($sql, $con); $row = dbFetchArray($result); echo '<td>' . $row['idCliente'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['nomeCliente'] . "</td>"; dbCloseConnection($con);
function uploadSold() { if (isset($_POST)) { $product_id = $_POST['product_id']; $amount = $_POST['amount']; $date = $_POST['date']; $location = $_POST['location']; //$location= $_POST['location']; $price = "SELECT EMM_ZOO.PRODUCT.PRICE FROM EMM_ZOO.PRODUCT WHERE EMM_ZOO.PRODUCT.PRODUCTNO = " . $product_id . ";"; $start = "SELECT EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PROSTART FROM EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION WHERE EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PRODUCTNO = " . $product_id . ";"; $end = "SELECT EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PROEND FROM EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION WHERE EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PRODUCTNO = " . $product_id . ";"; $discount = "SELECT EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PROTYPE FROM EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION WHERE EMM_ZOO.PROMOTION.PRODUCTNO = " . $product_id . ";"; // $price= $_POST['price']; // $toatl =$price*$amount; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. //$data = array( $product_id ,$price*$amount, $amount, $date); // print var_dump to display an array of variable data with type that prepare for query. //echo var_dump($data) ."<br>"; } // define $conn from model $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { // DEFAULT if you set generated as identify with specifier this will auto increament for integer. $select = "SELECT PRICE FROM PRODUCT WHERE PRODUCTNO = " . $product_id . ";"; $sql = 'INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.HISTORYSOLD(RUNNINGNO,PRODUCTNO,PRICE,AMOUNT,DATEE) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?);'; $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.SHOP_STOCK SET EMM_ZOO.SHOP_STOCK.AMOUNT = EMM_ZOO.SHOP_STOCK.AMOUNT - '" . $amount . "' \n WHERE EMM_ZOO.SHOP_STOCK.PRODUCTNO = '" . $product_id . "' \n AND EMM_ZOO.SHOP_STOCK.SHOPLOCATION = '" . $location . "';"; echo $sql; // prepare statement using connection and sql $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $stmt2 = db2_exec($conn, $update); $result3 = dbQuery($conn, $start); $startrow = dbFetchArray($conn, $result3); $result4 = dbQuery($conn, $end); $endrow = dbFetchArray($conn, $result4); $result5 = dbQuery($conn, $price); $pricerow = dbFetchArray($conn, $result5); $result6 = dbQuery($conn, $discount); $discountrow = dbFetchArray($conn, $result6); echo $location; if ($date < $endrow[0] && $date > $startrow[0]) { $pricerow[0] = $pricerow[0] - $pricerow[0] * $discountrow[0] / 100; } $data2 = array($product_id, $pricerow[0] * $amount, $amount, $date); // If statement is valid execute it to db2 if ($stmt) { //echo "SQL is valid<br>"; $result = db2_execute($stmt, $data2); if ($result) { $resultMessage = "Successfully added to parking reserved"; //echo "Successfully added"; header("Refresh:0; url=sold.php"); // you must refresh page after insert, define specific page you want to refresh , header("Refresh:0"); it mean refresh current page } else { $resultMessage = "Failed to query into database"; } } if ($stmt2) { print "Updated successfully\n"; } //else { // If statement is error why see the code // die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt2)); //} db2_free_stmt($stmt); //db2_free_stmt($stmt2); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
<?php include 'application.php'; //what section switch ($_GET['load']) { case 'header': //get html for header =) $headeResults = dbQuery('SELECT email_templates_header FROM email_templates WHERE email_templates_id = ' . $_GET['id']); if (!dbNumRows($headeResults)) { echo "no Results!"; } $h = dbFetchArray($headeResults); echo html_entity_decode(output($h['email_templates_header'])); break; case 'footer': //get html for header =) $headeResults = dbQuery('SELECT email_templates_footer FROM email_templates WHERE email_templates_id = ' . $_GET['id']); $h = dbFetchArray($headeResults); echo html_entity_decode(output($h['email_templates_footer'])); break; case 'body': //get html for header =) $headeResults = dbQuery('SELECT email_templates_body FROM email_templates WHERE email_templates_id = ' . $_GET['id']); $h = dbFetchArray($headeResults); echo "<textarea name=\"emailTemplateBody\" id=\"mceEditor\">" . output($h['email_templates_body ']), "</textarea>\n"; break; }
<?php //used in conjuction with the gallery area //display form to add caption and set sort order number. include 'application.php'; if (!isset($_GET['page'])) { echo "Page is not set!"; } $galleryResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM page_gallery_images WHERE page_gallery_image_id = ' . $_GET['image_id']); $gal = dbFetchArray($galleryResults); ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5"> <tr> <td align="right"><a href="#" class="jqmClose"><em>Close</em></a></td> </tr> </table> <div class="success" style="display:none;">Saved image successully <a href="javascript:void(0);" onClick="location.reload(true);">Close and refresh window</a></div> <div class="error" style="display:none;">Whoops, there was an error saving your information<br /><a href="#" id="jqmClose">Close Window</a></div> <div id="imageForm"> <form id="imagePageCaptionForm" method="post" action="savePageCaption.php"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="save" /> <input type="hidden" name="page_content_id" id="page_content_id" value="<?php echo $_GET['page']; ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="image_id" id="image_id" value="<?php echo $_GET['image_id']; ?>
<td><input name="subscriber_zipcode" type="text" class="textField-title" id="subscriber_zipcode" value="<?=$sInfo['subscriber_zipcode']?>" style="width:300px;" /></td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>Notes</strong></td> <td> <textarea name="subscriber_notes" id="subscriber_notes" style="width:300px;" class="textField-title"><?=output($sInfo['subscriber_notes'])?></textarea> </td> </tr> <tr> <td valign="top" class=""><strong>Attach contact to list</strong></td> <td> <div class="selection"> <ul> <?php $listResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM subscriber_lists ORDER BY subscriber_lists_name ASC'); while($lInfo = dbFetchArray($listResults)) { echo "<li>"; echo "<label><input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"lists[]\" id=\"list_".$lInfo['subscriber_lists_id']."\""; if(is_array($contactLists)) { if( in_array( $lInfo['subscriber_lists_id'], $contactLists)) echo " checked"; } echo " value=\"".$lInfo['subscriber_lists_id']."\">".output($lInfo['subscriber_lists_name'])."</label></li>\n"; } ?> </ul> </div> </td> </tr> </table> </td>
<? include 'application.php'; if (isset($_POST["loginsent"])) { //check to see if user exists and set cookie and sessions! $userResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM user WHERE user_name = "'.$_POST['uname'].'" AND user_password="******"'); if(dbNumRows($userResults)) { //user exists! $user = dbFetchArray($userResults); $infoResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM user_information WHERE user_id = ' . $user['user_id']); $info = dbFetchArray($infoResults); $_SESSION['client'] = $user['client_id']; $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user['user_id']; $_SESSION['user_name'] = $info['user_first_name'].' '.$info['user_last_name']; $_SESSION['user_logged_in'] = true; $_SESSION['mc_rootpath'] = MEDIA_LIBRARY_PATH; //get users access and set it to a session it will be an array of areas to which this user has access to. $accessValues = $user['user_access']; if(strstr($accessValues, ",")) { $values = explode(',', $accessValues); foreach($values as $key=>$val) { $accessArray[] = $val; } } else { $accessArray[] = $user['user_access'];
function modifythumbnails() { $sql = "SELECT pd_image, pd_thumbnail FROM tbl_Course where (pd_image!='')"; $result = dbQuery($sql) or die('Cannot get Course. ' . mysql_error()); while ($row = dbFetchArray($result)) { list($bigimage, $thumbimage) = $row; if ($thumbimage != '') { rename(SRV_ROOT . 'images/Course/' . $thumbimage, SRV_ROOT . 'images/Course/remainings/' . $thumbimage); } createThumbnail(SRV_ROOT . 'images/Course/' . $bigimage, SRV_ROOT . 'images/Course/' . $thumbimage, 100); } header("Location: index.php"); }
function dbNumRecords($table, $where="") { if($where == ""){ $result = dbQuery("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '$table'"); // $result = dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table"); $rec = dbFetchArray($result); return $rec["Rows"]; } else{ $where = str_replace("%", $table . "_", $where); $result = dbQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table WHERE $where"); $rec = dbFetchArray($result); return $rec[0]; } }
function print_gallery_image_thumbs($galleryID, $display = "*", $type = "div") { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE gallery_id = ' . $galleryID . ' AND gallery_image_featured = 0 ORDER BY gallery_image_sort_order'; $imgResults = dbQuery($sql); if (dbNumRows($imgResults)) { echo "<h1>Current Images</h1>\n"; if ($type == "ul") { echo "<ul>\n"; while ($img = dbFetchArray($imgResults)) { if ($img['gallery_image_featured'] == 1) { $featured = " featured"; } else { $featured = ""; } echo "<li class=\"sortableitem\"><a href=\"editimage.php?gallery=" . $galleryID . "&image_id=" . $img['gallery_image_id'] . "\" class=\"galleryThumb modal " . $featured . "\" ><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . UPLOAD_DIR_URL . getThumbnailFilename($img['gallery_image_filename'], 'thumb') . "\" class=\"gallery_img\" /></a></li>\n"; } echo "</ul>\n"; } if ($type == "div") { echo "<div id=\"gallery_current_images\" align=\"center\">"; $featuredResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM gallery_images WHERE gallery_id = ' . $galleryID . ' AND gallery_image_featured = 1 ORDER BY gallery_image_sort_order'); while ($feature = dbFetchArray($featuredResults)) { if ($feature['gallery_image_featured'] == 1) { $featured = " featured"; } else { $featured = ""; } echo "<div id=\"img_" . $img['gallery_image_id'] . "\" class=\"galeryImg featuredImg\">"; echo "<a href=\"editimage.php?gallery=" . $galleryID . "&image_id=" . $feature['gallery_image_id'] . "\" class=\"galleryThumbFeatured modal " . $featured . "\" title=\"" . $feature['gallery_image_caption'] . "\" ><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . UPLOAD_DIR_URL . getThumbnailFilename($feature['gallery_image_filename'], 'small') . "\" class=\"gallery_img_featured\" /><br><strong>Sort#:</strong>" . $feature['gallery_image_sort_order'] . "</a>"; echo "</div>\n"; } echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n"; while ($img = dbFetchArray($imgResults)) { if ($img['gallery_image_featured'] == 1) { $featured = " featured"; } else { $featured = ""; } echo "<div id=\"img_" . $img['gallery_image_id'] . "\" class=\"galeryImg\">"; echo "<a href=\"editimage.php?gallery=" . $galleryID . "&image_id=" . $img['gallery_image_id'] . "\" class=\"galleryThumb modal " . $featured . "\" title=\"" . $img['gallery_image_caption'] . "\" ><img border=\"0\" src=\"" . UPLOAD_DIR_URL . getThumbnailFilename($img['gallery_image_filename'], 'thumb') . "\" class=\"gallery_img\" /><br><strong>Sort#:</strong>" . $img['gallery_image_sort_order'] . "</a>"; echo "</div>\n"; } echo "<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n"; echo "</div>"; } } }
function sendNewsletter($queueID = 0, $startfrom = 0) { if ($queueID == 0) { return false; } //wtf? not queueID was defined musta been a booboo! //k we need to umm grab the info from the queue $queueResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM email_queue WHERE email_queue_id = ' . $queueID); $q = dbFetchArray($queueResults); /* */ //we have everything we need i believe! //lets send out the newsletter, then remove it from the queue and add to the sent table //the sent table will allow the admin to resend at anytime //include the class phpmailer() //now we need to get stuff! //$content .= output($q['email_templates_header']); //buid web version! //$content .= output($q['email_templates_footer']); /*Create HTML VERSION! added 5/28/10 */ //create friendy name $newsFile = buildHTMLFilename($q['email_queue_subject']); /* END Create HTML Version */ $htmlContent = "<html>"; $htmlContent .= "<head>"; $htmlContent .= "<title></title>"; $htmlContent .= "</head>"; $htmlContent .= "<body style=\"margin:0px; padding:0px;\">\n"; $htmlContent .= "<style>" . file_get_contents(SITE_PATH . "manage/css/cms.css") . "</style>"; $content .= "<div style=\"font-size:10px; padding:5px; border:1px solid #666;\">\n"; $content .= "<a href=\"" . UPLOAD_DIR_NEWSLETTER_URL . $newsFile . "\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"font-size:10px;\">Web Version</a><br />\n"; $content .= "You received this email as a guest of " . COMPANY_NAME . "<br />"; $content .= "To ensure delivery, please add " . $q['email_queue_from'] . " to your address book or safe senders list<br />\n"; $content .= "</div>\n"; $content .= output($q['email_queue_email_text']); $htmlContent .= output($q['email_queue_email_text']); $content .= "<div style=\"font-size:10px; padding:5px; border:1px solid #666;\">\n"; $content .= "<span style=\"font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;\">How to unsubscribe</span><br>\n"; $content .= "If you no longer wish to receive emails from " . COMPANY_NAME . " simply <a href=\"" . NEWSLETTER_UNSUBSCRIBE_URL . "\">unsubscribe</a><br><br>\n"; $content .= "</div>\n"; $htmlContent .= "</body>"; $htmlContent .= "</html>"; $newsletterFilename = UPLOAD_DIR_NEWSLETTER . $newsFile; $pointer = fopen($newsletterFilename, 'w'); //open file/creates if doesn't exist! fwrite($pointer, $htmlContent); fclose($pointer); if ($q['email_queue_recipients'] != "all") { $recipients = explode(',', $q['email_queue_recipients']); foreach ($recipients as $key => $val) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->FromName = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->isMail = true; $mail->Body = output($content); $mail->AddAddress($val); $mail->Subject = output($q['email_queue_subject']); //check to see if there is an attachment if ($q['email_queue_attachment'] != "") { $mail->AddAttachment(UPLOAD_DIR_NEWSLETTER . $q['email_queue_attachment'], $q['email_queue_attachment']); } $mail->ContentType = 'text/html'; $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAddresses(); } } else { //we need to just go through the subscribers table and send it out that way to ensure they are being delivered! if ($startfrom != 0) { $where = " WHERE subscriber_id > " . $startfrom; } else { $where = ""; } $recipResults = dbQuery("SELECT subscriber_email_address, subscriber_name FROM subscribers " . $where); set_time_limit(0); while ($r = dbFetchArray($recipResults)) { $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->From = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->FromName = output($q['email_queue_from']); $mail->isMail = true; $mail->Body = output($content); $mail->AddAddress($r['subscriber_email_address']); $mail->Subject = output($q['email_queue_subject']); //check to see if there is an attachment if ($q['email_queue_attachment'] != "") { $mail->AddAttachment(UPLOAD_DIR_NEWSLETTER . $q['email_queue_attachment'], $q['email_queue_attachment']); } $mail->ContentType = 'text/html'; $mail->Send(); $mail->ClearAddresses(); } } $row['client_id'] = 1; $row['email_queue_date_sent'] = time(); $row['email_queue_subject'] = $q['email_queue_subject']; $row['email_queue_content'] = $q['email_queue_email_text']; $row['email_templates_id'] = $q['email_template_id']; $row['email_recipients'] = $q['email_queue_recipients']; $row['email_display_home'] = $q['email_display_home']; $row['email_log_file'] = $logFileName; dbPerform('email_queue_sent', $row, 'insert'); dbQuery('DELETE FROM email_queue WHERE email_queue_id = ' . $queueID); return true; }
<?php include '../'; include '../application.php'; //we are going to send out any communications that are in the queue. $start = mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); $end = mktime(23, 59, 59, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')); echo date("F j, Y, g:i a", $start) . "<br>"; echo date("F j, Y, g:i a", $end) . "<br><br>"; $queueResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM email_queue WHERE email_queue_release_date BETWEEN "' . $start . '" AND "' . $end . '" AND email_queue_status = "pending"'); if (dbNumRows($queueResults)) { //send out the newsletters! //we want to include the class file $count = 0; while ($q = dbFetchArray($queueResults)) { sendNewsletter($q['email_queue_id']); $count++; } echo "Sent " . $count . " newsletters at " . date("F j, Y, g:i a", time()); }
<?php if ($conn) { echo "<div class='form-group col-lg-6'>\n <label>Job Type</label>\n <select name='jobid' class='form-control'>\n <option value='' disabled selected>Please choose job types</option>"; $sql = "SELECT JOBTYPE, JOBID FROM EMM_ZOO.JOB;"; $stmt = dbQuery($conn, $sql); if ($stmt == FALSE) { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stmt)) { echo "\n \n <option value='{$row['1']}'>{$row['0']}</option>"; } echo "</select><br>\n \n </div>"; echo "<div class='form-group col-lg-12'><center>"; $sql = "SELECT MAX(EMPID) FROM EMM_ZOO.EMPLOYEE;"; $stmt = dbQuery($conn, $sql); $row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stmt); $id = $row[0] - 1; echo "<input name = 'id' type='hidden' value = '{$id}'>"; db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo "Connection failed" . db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } ?> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">SUBMIT</button> <button type="button" onclick="history.back()" class="btn btn-success">CANCEL</button></center> </div> <div class="clearfix"></div> </form>
function Animal() { $up = "N"; if (isset($_POST)) { $empID = $_POST['empID']; $animalID = $_POST['animalID']; $species = $_POST['species']; $approvalID = $_POST['approvalID']; $destination = $_POST['destination']; $start = $_POST['start']; $end = $_POST['end']; $animalExpertID = $_POST['animalExpertID']; $total = $_POST['total']; $carID = $_POST['carID']; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. $data = array($empID, $animalID, $animalExpertID, $species, $start, $destination, $approvalID, $total, $carID); $databorrow = array($carID, $empID, $start, $end); // print var_dump to display an array of variable data with type that prepare for query. //echo var_dump($data) ."<br>"; } // define $conn from model $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { // DEFAULT if you set generated as identify with specifier this will auto increament for integer. $sql = 'INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.TRANSPORT(TRANSPORTATIONNO,EMPLOYEEID, ANIMALID, ANIMALEXPERTID, ANIMALSPECIES,STARTDATE,DESTINATION,APPROVEID,TOTALOFANIMAL,CARID) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?);'; $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.CARS SET EMM_ZOO.CARS.AVAILABLE = '" . $up . "' WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $sql2 = "SELECT AVAILABLE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $borrow = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED(BORROWNO, CARID, EMPID, BORROWDATE,RETURNDATE) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?);"; echo $sql; // prepare statement using connection and sql $stborrow = db2_prepare($conn, $borrow); $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); $result3 = dbQuery($conn, $sql2); $row = dbFetchArray($conn, $result3); if ($start > $end) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert(' You need to return after borrow date');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=transportation_animal.php"); } else { if ($row[0] == 'N') { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('This car is not available to borrow');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=transportation_animal.php"); } else { // If statement is valid execute it to db2 if ($stmt) { //echo "SQL is valid<br>"; $result = db2_execute($stmt, $data); if ($result) { $resultMessage = "Successfully"; $result2 = db2_exec($conn, $update); if ($result2) { print "Updated successfully\n"; if ($stborrow) { //echo "SQL is valid<br>"; $result9 = db2_execute($stborrow, $databorrow); if ($result9) { $resultMessage = "Successfully"; } else { } } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('CAR BORROWING SUCCESSFUL');</script>"; //echo "Successfully added"; header("Refresh:0; url=transportation_animal.php"); } } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('You need to fill all input OR Your employeeID,carID,animalID,approvalID does not exist');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=transportation_animal.php"); $resultMessage = "Failed to query into database"; } } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } } } db2_free_stmt($stborrow); db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
<div class="dashboardBox" id="storefront-quick"> <h3 class="handle"><span>Communication</span></h3> <div class="dashboardBoxInside"> <div class="table"> <table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="tableTitle">Pending Newsletters</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="tableHeader">Subject</td> <td align="right" class="tableHeader">Release Date</td> </tr> <? $pendingNewsletters = dbQuery('SELECT email_queue_release_date, email_queue_subject FROM email_queue WHERE email_queue_status = "pending" ORDER BY email_queue_release_date ASC'); if(dbNumRows($pendingNewsletters)) { while($pnInfo = dbFetchArray($pendingNewsletters)) { ?> <tr> <td width="25%" nowrap="nowrap"><?php echo output($pnInfo['email_queue_subject']); ?> </td> <td align="right"><?php echo date('m/d/Y', $pnInfo['email_queue_release_date']); ?> </td> </tr> <? } } else { ?>
theme_advanced_toolbar_location : "top", theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "left", theme_advanced_statusbar_location : "bottom", inline_styles : true, theme_advanced_resizing : true, forced_root_block : '', keep_styles : true, inline : "yes", template_templates: [ <? /* Output all template here. */ $templateResults = dbQuery('SELECT * FROM email_templates'); $templateCount = dbNumRows($templateResults); $rowCount = 1; while($template = dbFetchArray($templateResults)) { //output the template stuff! echo "{\n"; echo "title : '" .output($template['email_templates_name'])."',\n"; echo "src : 'communication_template_loader.php?id=".$template['email_templates_id']."',\n"; echo "description: '" . output($template['email_templates_desc'])."'\n"; if($rowCount == $templateCount) echo "}\n"; else echo "},\n"; //determines if we are at the last record (we don't want to teh comma on the last record. $rowCount++; } ?> ], formats : { heading_text : { inline : 'span', styles : { color : '#6c522c', fontSize : '18px', fontWeight : 'normal'} }, subheading_text : { inline : 'span', styles : { color : '#333333', fontSize : '14px', fontWeight : 'bold'} }, reg_text : { inline : 'span', styles : { color : '#1a1a1a', fontSize : '12px', fontWeight : 'normal'} }
function Borrow() { $up = "N"; if (isset($_POST)) { $empID = $_POST['empID']; $carID = $_POST['carID']; $start = $_POST['start']; $end = $_POST['end']; // an array that want to insert this can be multiple array at the time. $data = array($carID, $empID, $start, $end); //$data2 = array($carID); // print var_dump to display an array of variable data with type that prepare for query. //echo var_dump($data) ."<br>"; } // define $conn from model $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { // DEFAULT if you set generated as identify with specifier this will auto increament for integer. $sql = "INSERT INTO EMM_ZOO.CARS_BORROWED(BORROWNO, CARID, EMPID, BORROWDATE,RETURNDATE) VALUES (DEFAULT,?,?,?,?);"; $update = "UPDATE EMM_ZOO.CARS SET EMM_ZOO.CARS.AVAILABLE = '" . $up . "' WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; $sql2 = "SELECT AVAILABLE FROM EMM_ZOO.CARS WHERE EMM_ZOO.CARS.CARID = '" . $carID . "';"; // prepare statement using connection and sql $stmt = db2_prepare($conn, $sql); //$stmt2 = db2_prepare($conn, $sql2); // If statement is valid execute it to db2 $result3 = dbQuery($conn, $sql2); $row = dbFetchArray($conn, $result3); if ($start > $end) { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('You need to return after borrow date');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); } else { if ($row[0] == 'N') { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('This car is not available to borrow');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); } else { if ($stmt) { //echo "SQL is valid<br>"; $result = db2_execute($stmt, $data); if ($result) { $resultMessage = "Successfully"; $result2 = db2_exec($conn, $update); if ($result2) { print "Updated successfully\n"; } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('CAR BORROWING SUCCESSFUL');</script>"; //echo "Successfully added"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); // you must refresh page after insert, define specific page you want to refresh , header("Refresh:0"); it mean refresh current page } else { echo "<script type='text/javascript'>alert('You need to fill all input OR Your employeeID,carID does not exist');</script>"; header("Refresh:0; url=TransportationEmployee.php"); // $resultMessage = "Failed to query into database"; } } else { // If statement is error why see the code die('Critical error:' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } } } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_free_stmt($result3); db2_close($conn); } else { echo db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } }
<?php include 'dbInterface.php'; $con = dbConnect(); $sql = "SELECT idProduto, nomeProduto FROM produto"; $result = dbExecQuery($sql, $con); echo '<option value=""></option>'; while ($row = dbFetchArray($result)) { $str = '<option value="' . $row['idProduto'] . '">'; $len = strlen($row['idProduto']); $id = $len == 1 ? "000" : ($len == 2 ? "00" : ($len == 3 ? "0" : "")); $id = "{$id}" . $row['idProduto']; $str .= $id . ' - ' . $row['nomeProduto']; $str .= '</option>'; echo $str; } dbCloseConnection($con);
function buildCategoryOptionss($catId = 0) { $sql = "SELECT cat_id, cat_parent_id, cat_name\n\t\t\tFROM tbl_category\n\t\t\tORDER BY cat_id"; $result = dbQuery($sql) or die('Cannot get Product. ' . mysql_error()); $categories = array(); while ($row = dbFetchArray($result)) { list($id, $parentId, $name) = $row; if ($parentId == 0) { // we create a new array for each top level categories $categories[$id] = array('name' => $name, 'children' => array()); } else { // the child categories are put int the parent category's array $categories[$parentId]['children'][] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $name); } } // build combo box options $list = ''; foreach ($categories as $key => $value) { $name = $value['name']; $children = $value['children']; $parent = checkcat($name); $pname = $parent['cat_id']; // $cat_name=$parent['cat_name']; $list .= "<option value=\"{$pname}\">{$name}</option>"; // foreach ($children as $child) { // $list .= "<option value=\"{$child['id']}\""; // if ($child['id'] == $catId) { // $list.= " selected"; // } // // $list .= ">---->{$child['name']}</option>\r\n"; // } // // $list .= "</optgroup>"; } return $list; }
<p style="color:white">We Care for Animals.</p> </div> <?php // include (dirname(__FILE__).'/app/model/connect.php'); require_once '../model/connect.php'; if ($conn) { $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT ea.empid, e.firstname, e.lastname, j.jobtype\n FROM EMM_ZOO.EMPFORANIMAL as ea, EMM_ZOO.EMPLOYEE as e, EMM_ZOO.JOB as j\n WHERE ea.empid = e.empid and e.jobid = j.jobid;"; $stmt = dbQuery($conn, $sql); if ($stmt == FALSE) { die('Critical error: ' . db2_stmt_error($stmt)); } echo "<table id='aniinfo' class='display responsive' cellspacing='0' width='100%' role='grid'>\n"; echo "<thead>\n <tr>\n <th>FIRSTNAME</th>\n <th>LASTNAME</th>\n <th>JOB</th>\n </tr>\n </thead>"; echo "<tbody>"; while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stmt)) { echo "\t<tr>\n \n <td align=\"center\">{$row['1']}</td>\n <td align=\"center\">{$row['2']}</td>\n <td align=\"center\">{$row['3']}</td>\n </tr>\n"; } echo "</tbody>"; echo "</table>\n"; db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo "Connection failed" . db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } ?> </body> </html>
<thead><tr> <th>ID</th> <th>RegNo</th> <th>Check In</th> <th>Check Out</th> <th>Dates</th> <th>Fee</th> </tr></thead> <tbody id="ReserveTable"> <?php $conn = dbConnect(); if ($conn) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM EMM_ZOO.PARKHISTORY;"; $stmt = dbQuery($conn, $sql); $count = 0; while ($row = dbFetchArray($conn, $stmt, array('cursor' => DB2_SCROLLABLE))) { $count++; print "\t<tr><td>{$row['0']}</td><td>{$row['1']}</td><td>{$row['2']}</td><td>{$row['3']}</td><td>{$row['4']}</td><td>{$row['5']}</td></tr>\n"; } if ($count == 0) { print "\t<tr><td colspan='6' class='center'>No car park history found</tr>\n"; } db2_free_stmt($stmt); db2_close($conn); } else { echo "Connection failed" . db2_conn_errormsg($conn); } ?> </table> </div> <div class="row center">