/** * processes the installer */ function process($argv) { // Determine ANSI output from --ansi and --no-ansi flags setUseAnsi($argv); if (in_array('--help', $argv)) { displayHelp(); exit(0); } $check = in_array('--check', $argv); $help = in_array('--help', $argv); $force = in_array('--force', $argv); $quiet = in_array('--quiet', $argv); $channel = in_array('--snapshot', $argv) ? 'snapshot' : (in_array('--preview', $argv) ? 'preview' : 'stable'); $disableTls = in_array('--disable-tls', $argv); $installDir = getOptValue('--install-dir', $argv, false); $version = getOptValue('--version', $argv, false); $filename = getOptValue('--filename', $argv, 'composer.phar'); $cafile = getOptValue('--cafile', $argv, false); if (!checkParams($installDir, $version, $cafile)) { exit(1); } $ok = checkPlatform($quiet, $disableTls); if (true === $disableTls) { out("You have instructed the Installer not to enforce SSL/TLS security on remote HTTPS requests.", 'info'); out("This will leave all downloads during installation vulnerable to Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attacks.", 'info'); } if ($check) { exit($ok ? 0 : 1); } if ($ok || $force) { installComposer($version, $installDir, $filename, $quiet, $disableTls, $cafile, $channel); exit(0); } exit(1); }
function handle($data) { $config = (include __DIR__ . "/config.php"); $d = decrypt($data, $config); $clear_data = json_decode($d, true, 512, JSON_BIGINT_AS_STRING); if ($clear_data != NULL && checkParams($clear_data)) { if (!record_new_connection($config, $clear_data)) { die; } $result = null; switch ($clear_data["type"]) { case "GETJOB": $result = json_encode(getJob($config, $clear_data['appid'], $clear_data['time'], $clear_data['customField'])); break; case "ACCEPTEDJOB": $result = json_encode(acceptJob($config, $clear_data['appid'], $clear_data['time'], $clear_data['customField'])); break; case "DONEJOB": $result = json_encode(doneJob($config, $clear_data['appid'], $clear_data['time'], $clear_data['customField'])); break; default: return false; } //return encrypt($result,$config); return $result; } else { return false; } }
function plugin_init_mobile() { global $PLUGIN_HOOKS, $LANG; Plugin::registerClass('PluginMobileCommon'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['csrf_compliant']['mobile'] = true; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['helpdesk_menu_entry']['mobile'] = false; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['config_page']['mobile'] = 'index.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['menu_entry']['mobile'] = 'index.php'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['headings']['mobile'] = 'plugin_get_headings_mobile'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['headings_action']['mobile'] = 'plugin_headings_actions_mobile'; $PLUGIN_HOOKS['change_profile']['mobile'] = array('PluginMobileProfile', 'changeProfile'); $PLUGIN_HOOKS['redirect_page']['mobile'] = 'index.php'; $plug = new Plugin(); if ($plug->isInstalled('mobile') && $plug->isActivated('mobile')) { require_once GLPI_ROOT . "/plugins/mobile/inc/common.function.php"; checkParams(); if (isNavigatorMobile()) { redirectMobile(); } } }
/** * processes the installer */ function process($argv) { // Determine ANSI output from --ansi and --no-ansi flags setUseAnsi($argv); if (in_array('--help', $argv)) { displayHelp(); exit(0); } $check = in_array('--check', $argv); $help = in_array('--help', $argv); $force = in_array('--force', $argv); $quiet = in_array('--quiet', $argv); $channel = in_array('--snapshot', $argv) ? 'snapshot' : (in_array('--preview', $argv) ? 'preview' : 'stable'); $disableTls = in_array('--disable-tls', $argv); $installDir = getOptValue('--install-dir', $argv, false); $version = getOptValue('--version', $argv, false); $filename = getOptValue('--filename', $argv, 'composer.phar'); $cafile = getOptValue('--cafile', $argv, false); if (!checkParams($installDir, $version, $cafile)) { exit(1); } $ok = checkPlatform($warnings, $quiet, $disableTls); if ($check) { // Only show warnings if we haven't output any errors if ($ok) { showWarnings($warnings); showSecurityWarning($disableTls); } exit($ok ? 0 : 1); } if ($ok || $force) { installComposer($version, $installDir, $filename, $quiet, $disableTls, $cafile, $channel); showWarnings($warnings); showSecurityWarning($disableTls); exit(0); } exit(1); }
function ping_kdc() { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $filetime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $EnableKerbAuth = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableKerbAuth"); if (!is_numeric("{$EnableKerbAuth}")) { $EnableKerbAuth = 0; } if ($EnableKerbAuth == 0) { echo "Starting......: [PING]: Kerberos, disabled\n"; return; } if (!checkParams()) { echo "Starting......: [PING]: Kerberos, misconfiguration failed\n"; return; } $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("KerbAuthInfos"))); $time = $unix->file_time_min($filetime); if ($time < 120) { if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { return; } echo "{$filetime} ({$time}Mn)\n"; } $kinit = $unix->find_program("kinit"); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); $net = $unix->LOCATE_NET_BIN_PATH(); $wbinfo = $unix->find_program("wbinfo"); $domain = strtoupper($array["WINDOWS_DNS_SUFFIX"]); $domain_lower = strtolower($array["WINDOWS_DNS_SUFFIX"]); $ad_server = strtolower($config["WINDOWS_SERVER_NETBIOSNAME"]); $kinitpassword = $array["WINDOWS_SERVER_PASS"]; $kinitpassword = $unix->shellEscapeChars($kinitpassword); $clock_explain = "The clock on you system (Linux/UNIX) is too far off from the correct time.\nYour machine needs to be within 5 minutes of the Kerberos servers in order to get any tickets.\nYou will need to run ntp, or a similar service to keep your clock within the five minute window"; $cmd = "{$echo} {$kinitpassword}|{$kinit} {$array["WINDOWS_SERVER_ADMIN"]}@{$domain} -V 2>&1"; echo "{$cmd}\n"; exec("{$cmd}", $kinit_results); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($kinit_results)) { if (preg_match("#Clock skew too great while getting initial credentials#", $ligne)) { $unix->send_email_events("Active Directory connection clock issue", "kinit program claim\n{$ligne}\n{$clock_explain}", "system"); } if (preg_match("#Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials#", $ligne)) { $unix->send_email_events("Active Directory authentification issue", "kinit program claim\n{$ligne}\n", "system"); } if (preg_match("#Authenticated to Kerberos#", $ligne)) { echo "starting......: [PING]: Kerberos, Success\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "kinit: {$ligne}\n"; } } @unlink($filetime); @file_put_contents($filetime, time()); }
* Version : 1.0 */ //Insersion du fichier de fonction include_once "../functions/dbFunctions.php"; if ($_SESSION["idLogged"] != null) { header('Location: index.php'); } $message = ""; $nom = isset($_POST["nom"]) ? $_POST["nom"] : ""; $prenom = isset($_POST["prenom"]) ? $_POST["prenom"] : ""; $pseudo = isset($_POST["pseudo"]) ? $_POST["pseudo"] : ""; $email = isset($_POST["email"]) ? $_POST["email"] : ""; $password = isset($_POST["password"]) ? $_POST["password"] : ""; $confirmPassword = isset($_POST["confirmPassword"]) ? $_POST["confirmPassword"] : ""; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if (checkParams($_POST, ["nom", "prenom", "pseudo", "email", "password", "confirmPassword"])) { if ($password != $confirmPassword) { $message = "Les deux mots de passe sont différents."; } else { insertUser($nom, $prenom, $pseudo, $email, sha1($password)); $nom = ""; $prenom = ""; $pseudo = ""; $email = ""; $message = "Inscription réussie. Vous pouvez maintenant vous connecter."; } } else { $message = "Veuillez remplir tous les champs."; } } else { if (isset($_POST["discard"])) {
function ping_kdc() { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $users = new settings_inc(); $chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod"); $filetime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $EnableKerbAuth = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableKerbAuth"); if (!is_numeric("{$EnableKerbAuth}")) { $EnableKerbAuth = 0; } $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $ttime = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); progress_logs(20, "{join_activedirectory_domain}", "[PING]: Already executed pid {$pid} since {$ttime}Mn"); return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); if ($EnableKerbAuth == 0) { progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "[PING]: Kerberos, disabled"); return; } if (!checkParams()) { progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "[PING]: Kerberos, misconfiguration failed"); return; } $array["RESULTS"] = false; $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("KerbAuthInfos"))); $time = $unix->file_time_min($filetime); if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { if ($time < 10) { if (!$GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { return; } progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "{$filetime} ({$time}Mn)"); } } $kinit = $unix->find_program("kinit"); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); $net = $unix->LOCATE_NET_BIN_PATH(); $wbinfo = $unix->find_program("wbinfo"); $chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $domain = strtoupper($array["WINDOWS_DNS_SUFFIX"]); $domain_lower = strtolower($array["WINDOWS_DNS_SUFFIX"]); $ad_server = strtolower($array["WINDOWS_SERVER_NETBIOSNAME"]); $kinitpassword = $array["WINDOWS_SERVER_PASS"]; $kinitpassword = $unix->shellEscapeChars($kinitpassword); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $clock_explain = "The clock on you system (Linux/UNIX) is too far off from the correct time.\nYour machine needs to be within 5 minutes of the Kerberos servers in order to get any tickets.\nYou will need to run ntp, or a similar service to keep your clock within the five minute window"; $cmd = "{$echo} {$kinitpassword}|{$kinit} {$array["WINDOWS_SERVER_ADMIN"]}@{$domain} -V 2>&1"; progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "{$cmd}"); exec("{$cmd}", $kinit_results); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($kinit_results)) { if (preg_match("#Clock skew too great while getting initial credentials#", $ligne)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "Clock skew too great while"); } $array["RESULTS"] = false; $array["INFO"] = $ligne; $unix->send_email_events("Active Directory connection clock issue", "kinit program claim\n{$ligne}\n{$clock_explain}", "system"); } if (preg_match("#Client not found in Kerberos database while getting initial credentials#", $ligne)) { $array["RESULTS"] = false; $array["INFO"] = $ligne; $unix->send_email_events("Active Directory authentification issue", "kinit program claim\n{$ligne}\n", "system"); } if (preg_match("#Authenticated to Kerberos#", $ligne)) { $array["RESULTS"] = true; $array["INFO"] = $ligne; progress_logs(20, "{join_activedirectory_domain}", "[PING]: Kerberos, Success"); } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { progress_logs(20, "{ping_kdc}", "kinit: {$ligne}"); } } $TestJoin = true; if ($array["RESULTS"] == true) { exec("{$net} ads testjoin 2>&1", $results); while (list($num, $ligne) = each($results)) { if (preg_match("#Unable to find#", $ligne)) { $array["RESULTS"] = false; $array["INFO"] = $array["INFO"] . "<div><i style='font-size:11px;color:#B3B3B3'>{$ligne}</i></div>"; $TestJoin = false; continue; } if (preg_match("#is not valid:#", $ligne)) { $array["RESULTS"] = false; $array["INFO"] = $array["INFO"] . "<div><i style='font-size:11px;color:#B3B3B3'>{$ligne}</i></div>"; $TestJoin = false; continue; } } if (preg_match("#OK#", $ligne)) { $array["INFO"] = $array["INFO"] . "<div><i style='font-size:11px;color:#B3B3B3'>{$ligne}</i></div>"; $array["RESULTS"] = true; } } @unlink($filetime); @file_put_contents($filetime, time()); @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/kinit.array", serialize($array)); @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/kinit.array", 0777); if ($GLOBALS["JUST_PING"]) { return; } if (!$TestJoin) { shell_exec("{$nohup} {$php5} " . __FILE__ . " --join >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); } if ($users->SQUID_INSTALLED) { winbind_priv(); if (!is_dir("/var/lib/samba/smb_krb5")) { @mkdir("/var/lib/samba/smb_krb5", 0777, true); } shell_exec("{$chmod} 1775 /var/lib/samba/smb_krb5 >/dev/null 2>&1"); shell_exec("{$chmod} 1775 /var/lib/samba >/dev/null 2>&1"); } }
<?php session_start(); include "config.php"; if (isset($_SESSION['username'])) { $error = ['succes' => False, 'redirect' => True, 'description' => 'User is already logged in!']; echo json_encode($error); die; } if (!checkParams()) { $error = ['success' => False, 'redirect' => False, 'description' => 'Username must be 4-34 characters long,<br/> password must be at least 4 characters']; echo json_encode($error); die; } $username = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['username']); $password = sha1(mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['password'])); $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM User WHERE username = '******' AND passhash = '{$password}'"); $result = mysql_fetch_array($sql); if ($result['username'] !== $username) { $error = ['success' => False, 'redirect' => False, 'description' => 'User entered wrong login info!']; echo json_encode($error); die; } else { $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['userId'] = $result['id']; $ok = ['success' => True, 'result' => 'ok']; echo json_encode($ok); }
//Insersion du fichier de fonction include_once "../functions/dbFunctions.php"; if ($_SESSION["idLogged"] == "") { header('Location: index.php'); } $ConsolesHTML = displayConsoles(getConsoles()); $message = ""; $titre = isset($_POST["titre"]) ? $_POST["titre"] : ""; $date = isset($_POST["date"]) ? $_POST["date"] : ""; $studio = isset($_POST["studio"]) ? $_POST["studio"] : ""; $description = isset($_POST["description"]) ? $_POST["description"] : ""; $tabConsoles = isset($_POST["console1"]) ? $_POST["console1"] : ""; $bandeOriginale = ""; $image = ""; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if (checkParams($_POST, ["titre", "date", "studio", "description"])) { if (basename($_FILES['bandeOriginale']['name']) != "") { $uploaddir = '../media/bo/'; $bandeOriginale = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['bandeOriginale']['name']); $moved = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['bandeOriginale']['tmp_name'], $bandeOriginale); } else { $bandeOriginale = ""; } if (basename($_FILES['image']['name']) != "") { $uploaddir = '../media/pictures/'; $image = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['image']['name']); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['image']['tmp_name'], $image); } else { $image = ""; } $idJeu = insertJeu($_SESSION["idLogged"], $titre, $date, $studio, $description, $bandeOriginale, $image);
function prepCreateTask() { global $_G; $param = array(); $oldParam = array(); if (isset($_GET['old_params'])) { $oldParam = BIGAPPJSON::decode($_GET['old_params'], true); } //$arrNeedParam = array('nav_color', 'icon_image', 'startup_image', 'os', 'plugin_version', 'bbs_name', 'app_name', 'package_name', 'channel_name'); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $arrNeedParam = array('nav_color', 'icon_image', 'startup_image', 'os', 'plugin_version', 'bbs_name', 'app_name', 'package_name', 'channel_name', 'version_name', 'push_enabled', 'key_alias', 'store_password', 'key_password', 'app_id_wechat', 'sec_key_wechat', 'app_id_qq', 'sec_key_qq', 'app_id_sina', 'sec_key_sina', 'jpush_app_key', 'jpush_master_secret', 'jpush_is_free'); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// $param['method'] = 'create'; $param['plugin_version'] = '0.0.0'; if (isset($_G['setting']['plugins']['version']['bigapp'])) { $param['plugin_version'] = $_G['setting']['plugins']['version']['bigapp']; } //$param['plugin_version'] = '2.0.0';//测试用 if (isset($_REQUEST['os']) && is_array($_REQUEST['os']) && !empty($_REQUEST['os'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['os'] as $v) { $os += 1 << $v; } $_REQUEST['os'] = $os; } foreach ($arrNeedParam as $key) { if (isset($_REQUEST[$key])) { if ('icon_image' === $key || 'startup_image' === $key) { $_REQUEST[$key] = htmlspecialchars_decode($_REQUEST[$key]); } $param[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key]; } } checkParams($param); return $param; }
$password = isset($_POST["password"]) ? $_POST["password"] : ""; $confirmPassword = isset($_POST["confirmPassword"]) ? $_POST["confirmPassword"] : ""; if (isset($_POST["submit"])) { if (checkParams($_POST, ["nom", "prenom", "pseudo", "email", "password", "confirmPassword"])) { if ($password != $confirmPassword) { $message = "Les deux mots de passe sont différents."; } else { updateUser($_SESSION["idLogged"], $nom, $prenom, $pseudo, $email, sha1($password)); $message = "Mise à jour effectuée. Le mot de passe a été modifié."; $nomOld = $nom; $prenomOld = $prenom; $pseudoOld = $pseudo; $emailOld = $email; } } else { if (checkParams($_POST, ["nom", "prenom", "pseudo", "email"])) { updateUserSansPassword($_SESSION["idLogged"], $nom, $prenom, $pseudo, $email); $message = "Mise à jour effectuée. Le mot de passe n'a pas été modifié."; $nomOld = $nom; $prenomOld = $prenom; $pseudoOld = $pseudo; $emailOld = $email; } } } //Définition du nom de la page $titlePage = "Gestion de mon profil"; //Insersion du header HTML include_once "../view/HeadPage.php"; ?>
include dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../config/config.inc.php'; include dirname(__FILE__) . '/iitc_netbanx.php'; if (intval(Configuration::get('PS_REWRITING_SETTINGS')) === 1) { $rewrited_url = __PS_BASE_URI__; } // Init variables $output = array(); $message = ''; $params = $_POST; // Process the callback if (!checkHost($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { $output[] = 'security check failed'; } else { $output[] = 'security check passed'; // Make sure orderID + amount is present if (!checkParams($params)) { $output[] = 'No orderID / payment amount given'; } else { // Open the order $netbanx = new Iitc_netbanx(); $cartID = intval($params['nbx_merchant_reference']); $cart = new Cart($cartID); // Format payment amount correctly $orderTotal = formatAmount($params['nbx_payment_amount'], Configuration::get("IITC_NETBANX_MINORUNITS")); // Fun tip - Prestashop checks the order total for us :) // Check the order status switch ($params['nbx_status']) { case "passed": // Check checksum $checksumResult = checkChecksum(Configuration::get("IITC_NETBANX_SECRETKEY"), $params['nbx_payment_amount'], $params['nbx_currency_code'], $params['nbx_merchant_reference'], $params['nbx_netbanx_reference'], $params['nbx_checksum']); $output[] = $checksumResult[1];
header("Location: error.php?error={$message}"); exit; } $id = Database::getUserId($_POST['netid']); if ($id === -1) { $id = Database::createUser($_POST['netid']); } $course = Database::createCourse($_POST['name'], $_POST['semester'], $_POST['instructor']); Database::createAccount($id, $course, Instructor::getName()); header("Location: in_class.php?id={$course}"); exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['uploader'])) { //an uploader is being added to a course $needed = array("token", "course", "user"); if (!checkParams($needed, $_POST)) { $message = urlencode("A parameter is missing from the form submitted."); header("Location: error.php?error={$message}"); exit; } if (!Session::verifyToken($_POST['token'])) { $message = urlencode("The token provided does not match."); header("Location: error.php?error={$message}"); exit; } $courseInfo = Database::getCourseByID($_POST['course']); if (!isset($courseInfo['id'])) { $message = urlencode("The course provided is not valid."); header("Location: error.php?error={$message}"); exit; }