/** * @depends testNodeFindByUUID * @param Models\Node $node */ public function testNodeParameters(Models\Node $node) { $this->assertEquals(null, $node->getAvailabilityZone(), 'getAvailabilityZone did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(2, $node->getCpu(), 'getCpu did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(16, $node->getCurrentNumContainers(), 'getCurrentNumContainers did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('Mon, 13 Apr 2015 10:44:56 +0000', $node->getDeployedDatetime(), 'getDeployedDatetime did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(null, $node->getDestroyedDatetime(), 'getDestroyedDatetime did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(39, $node->getDisk(), 'getDisk did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('native-0.2', $node->getDockerExecdriver(), 'getDockerExecdriver did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('aufs', $node->getDockerGraphdriver(), 'getDockerGraphdriver did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('1.5.0', $node->getDockerVersion(), 'getDockerVersion did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('3cb9e362-matthewbaggett.node.tutum.io', $node->getExternalFqdn(), 'getExternalFqdn did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(['cpu' => 29.0948290433331, 'disk' => 16026988544.0, 'memory' => 1054019584], arrayify($node->getLastMetric()), 'getLastMetric did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('Thu, 30 Jul 2015 11:32:43 +0000', $node->getLastSeen(), 'getLastSeen did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(2048, $node->getMemory(), 'getMemory did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('/api/v1/nodecluster/0d10fa1c-2783-4195-b5d8-7541a1890c41/', $node->getNodeCluster(), 'getNodeCluster did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('/api/v1/nodetype/digitalocean/2gb/', $node->getNodeType(), 'getNodeType did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('', $node->getPublicIp(), 'getPublicIp did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('/api/v1/region/digitalocean/lon1/', $node->getRegion(), 'getRegion did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('/api/v1/node/3cb9e362-d4ef-4e4b-9ee6-280738b53172/', $node->getResourceUri(), 'getResourceUri did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('Deployed', $node->getState(), 'getState did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals([0 => ['name' => 'digitalocean'], 1 => ['name' => 'lon1'], 2 => ['name' => 'Prezzler']], arrayify($node->getTags()), 'getTags did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals(null, $node->getTunnel(), 'getTunnel did not return expected result'); $this->assertEquals('3cb9e362-d4ef-4e4b-9ee6-280738b53172', $node->getUuid(), 'getUuid did not return expected result'); }
public function generateGettersSetters($response) { $type = get_called_class(); $bits = explode("\\", $type); $type = end($bits); $type = ucfirst($type); $type_lower = strtolower($type); echo "<pre>"; foreach (get_object_vars($response) as $var => $a) { $variableName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, true); echo "protected \${$variableName};\n"; } echo "\n"; foreach (get_object_vars($response) as $var => $a) { $variableName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, true); $functionName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, false); echo "public function get{$functionName}(){\n"; echo " return \$this->{$variableName};\n"; echo "}\n\n"; echo "public function set{$functionName}(\${$variableName}){\n"; echo " \$this->{$variableName} = \${$variableName};\n"; echo "}\n\n"; } echo " \n"; echo "public function get{$type}FromResponse(\$response, Models\\{$type} \${$type_lower} = null){\n"; echo " if(\${$type_lower} === null) {\n"; echo " \${$type_lower} = new Models\\{$type}();\n"; echo " }\n"; echo " \n"; foreach (get_object_vars($response) as $var => $a) { $variableName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, true); $functionName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, false); echo " \${$type_lower}->set{$functionName}(\$response->{$var});\n"; } echo " \n"; echo " return \${$type_lower};\n"; echo "}\n"; echo "\n"; echo "/**\n"; echo " * @depends \n"; echo " * @param Models\\{$type} \${$type_lower}\n"; echo " */\n"; echo "public function test{$type}Parameters(Models\\{$type} \${$type_lower}){\n"; foreach (get_object_vars($response) as $var => $a) { $variableName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, true); $functionName = $this->_snakeToCamel($var, false); $comment = "get{$functionName} did not return expected result"; if (is_object($a) || is_array($a) && is_object(end($a))) { echo " \$this->assertEquals(" . var_export_compact(arrayify($a)) . ", arrayify(\${$type_lower}->get{$functionName}()), '{$comment}');\n"; } else { echo " \$this->assertEquals(" . var_export_compact($a) . ", \${$type_lower}->get{$functionName}(), '{$comment}');\n"; } } echo "}\n"; echo "\n"; exit; }
/** * Sky Mustache Constructor * @param string $mustache mustache filename (relative to calling php file or codebase) OR mustache markup string containing at least one {{tag}} * @param mixed $data object with properties/methods or array of values/functions * @param mixed $partials see usage notes above * @param mixed $path see usage notes above * @return string */ public function __construct($mustache, $data, $partials = null, $path = null) { // if $partials is not an associative array, assume it is $path if (!\is_assoc($partials)) { // $path was provided as the 3rd param // ignore the 4th param $path = $partials; $partials = null; } $paths = \arrayify($path); // get the mustache markup $markup = $this->getMarkup($mustache); if (!$markup) { // the requested mustache file is not in the include path // so let's try to find it relative to the path(s) provided $markup = $this->getMarkup($mustache, $paths); } $this->markup = $markup; $this->data = $data; $this->partials = $this->getPartials($markup, $paths, $partials); }
/** * Pushes args onto the array * @param string $arr * @param array $args * @return $this */ private function _append($arr, $args) { foreach ($args as $arg) { $arg = arrayify($arg); foreach ($arg as $a) { $this->{$arr}[] = $a; } } return $this; }
/** * aql::insert/update on the save array depending on what needs to be done * recursive because of sub objects / queries * @param array $save_array array to save * @param array $ids ids to pass through * @return array updated save array */ private final function saveArray($save_array, $ids = array()) { $is_dev = $this->isDev(); // copy out objects $objects = $save_array['__objects__']; unset($save_array['__objects__']); // helper function $addRecordInfo = function ($table_block, $is_update = false) { $fields = array('update' => array('mod__person_id', 'update__person_id'), 'insert' => array('insert__person_id')); $key = $is_update ? 'update' : 'insert'; $time_field = $key . '_time'; if (!$table_block['fields'][$time_field]) { $table_block['fields'][$time_field] = aql::now(); } if (!defined('PERSON_ID') || !is_numeric(PERSON_ID)) { return $table_block; } $id = PERSON_ID; $fields = $fields[$key]; foreach ($fields as $field) { $table_block['fields'][$field] = $table_block['fields'][$field] ?: $id; } return $table_block; }; foreach ($save_array as $table => $info) { // make sure this is an array $info['fields'] = arrayify($info['fields']); foreach ($ids as $n => $v) { if (is_array($this->_ignore['fields']) && in_array($n, $this->_ignore['fields'])) { // since ids are added to each table in case of foreign keys // abort if they are being ignored in this model continue; } // add the id to the table block iff there are already fields if ($info['fields'] && !$info['fields'][$n]) { $save_array[$table]['fields'][$n] = $v; $info['fields'][$n] = $v; } } if ($info['fields']) { $is_update = $info['id'] && is_numeric($info['id']); $info = $addRecordInfo($info, $is_update); if ($is_update) { aql::update($table, $info['fields'], $info['id'], true); } else { $rs = aql::insert($table, $info['fields'], true); $save_array[$table]['id'] = $info['id'] = $rs[0][$table . '_id']; } } $ids[$table . '_id'] = $info['id']; if (is_array($info['subs'])) { foreach ($info['subs'] as $i => $sub) { $save_array[$table]['subs'][$i] = $this->saveArray($sub, $ids); } } } if (is_array($objects)) { foreach ($objects as $o) { if (!$o['data']) { continue; } $tmp = Model::get($o['object']); $tmp->_data = $o['data']; $tmp->loadIDs($ids); $pt = $tmp->getPrimaryTable(); $pt_id = $pt . '_id'; if (!$tmp->{$pt_id} && $this->{$pt_id}) { $tmp->{$pt_id} = $this->{$pt_id}; } $tmp->save(true); if ($tmp->_errors) { $this->addErrors($tmp->_errors); $this->failTransaction(); } } } $save_array['objects'] = $objects; return $save_array; }
/** * Prepares the callback value to be a list as necessary * to be used in: field in (values) * @param mixed $val (array or string) * @return string */ public static function prepVal($val) { $quote = function ($val) { return "'{$val}'"; }; return sprintf('(%s)', implode(',', array_map($quote, \arrayify($val)))); }
/** * Escapes the given command and executes it on the command line * @param mixed $command command string or array of command strings * @param array $output referenced array to be filled with every line of output * @return string */ function safe_exec($command, &$output = array()) { $commands = arrayify($command); $command_str = null; foreach ($commands as $command) { $command_str .= escapeshellcmd($command) . '; '; } return exec($command_str, $output); }
/** * Directly delete memcache value * Only use this if avoiding transactions on purpose * Otherwise use \Sky\Memcache::delete() * @param string $key * @return Boolean */ public static function deleteMemValue($key) { if (!static::isMemcacheEnabled()) { return false; } $keys = \arrayify(static::getAppSpecificKey($key)); foreach ($keys as $k) { static::getMemcache()->delete($k, null); } }
/** * Adds vf css and js to the page and whatever other css/js is passed in * @param array $resources associative * @return \Sky\Page */ public static function addPageResources(array $resources = array()) { $css = \arrayify($resources['css']) ?: array(); $js = \arrayify($resources['js']) ?: array(); $css[] = '/' . static::$resource_path . 'css/vf.css'; $js[] = '/' . static::$resource_path . 'js/vf.js'; return static::getPage()->setConfig(array('css' => $css, 'js' => $js)); }