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Website - Dextrous

This is the code for the website hosted at


This is the website that integrates various exercises and concepts done during the semester. The website provides the following functionalities:

List of functionalities:

  1. Basic * The web site contains the following sections:

    • Home (the main page)
    • About (Description about the company)
    • Products/Services (The products/services that the company sells)
    • News (Latest news about the company, products, etc.)
    • Contacts (Company contacts)
      • The contacts are stored in text file(s) and php is used to read into the web site.
  2. Security * Added a secure section in the web site. * The secure section holds a document listing the current users of web site. * The secure section requires login by an administrator. You can use the id "admin". * Uses the userid and password authentication method for the login process.

  3. Web cookies * Modified the Products/Services section and added ten products/services in thr company web site. * Each product/service should have their own page with descriptions and pictures. * Used web cookies technologies to track the last five previously visited products. * Added a link in the Products/Services section to show the last five previously visited products. * Added a link to show five most visited products.

  4. Database * Created a mySQL database. * Created a user table that contains at least first name, last name, email, home address, home phone and cell phone. * Created a User section/tab in the web site. * The User section links to two forms:

    • User creation form with all the fields above.
    • User search form allowing search by names, email or phone numbers. * Created 20 users.
  5. CURL * Used CURL to implement the following:

    • Created a php web app/link that shows a list of users from own company.
    • Created a web link that shows list_of_users from 2-3 other companies. Local list_of_user is accessed via normal php database call, remote company's users are accessed via CURL calls.


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