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  • No Native photo upload support
  • When unique keys are duplicated in a csv, first entry is just deleted in favor of second.
  • Currenty if there are errors in postSqlUpdate method, they are not handled.


CSV Import Tool


  • Imports single or multiple .csv files into mysql database
  • Optional User Authorization
  • Ready to Roll Out of the Box
  • Configurable Views, URLs and Directories
  • Ability to Define Import Order


  • Laravel 5 project
  • MYSQL database
  • Folder on your system readable by mysql user (this can be configured, but "/data/" is used by default).
  • Existing database table(s) with defined schema.


Install Package

$ composer require rtmatt/csvimport

Add Service Provider

In app/config.php, add the following to the providers list ABOVE the application Route Service Provider

//    [...]
//    [...]

If your routes are cached, make sure to clear the route cache.

$ php artisan route:clear

Publish Dependencies

$ php artisan vendor:publish --provider="RTMatt\CSVImport\CSVImportServiceProvider"


Set Up Importer


$ php artisan csvimport:make YourImporterName

This will create a stub in your configured directory. You will need to fully implement the stubbed methods.

  namespace App\CSVImports;
  use RTMatt\CSVImport\CSVImportImporter;
  class YourResourceNameImporter extends CSVImportImporter {
      protected function setResourceName()
          return "resource_names";
      protected function setTableName()
          return "resource_names";

      protected function setFieldString()
          return "name,image,website_link,description";
  • setResourceName - this defines field labels and messages created by the package
  • setTableName - this needs to match the database table you will be importing into
  • setFieldString - comma separated list of the database columns that correspond to the columns in your csv file.

Prepare CSV

CSVImport ignores the first two lines of a .csv file. Ensure the first two lines of your csv do not contain any information to import.

Run Imports

Navigate to 'csv-import' in your browser.

Upload your csv in the appropriate input and click submit.


When you publish the package dependencies, a file will be created at config/csvimport.php You can configure various options by changing this file.

return [
    'override_layout_view'=> false,

Import Order

Sometimes you have inter dependencies between the tables you import content into and need the imports to run in a specified order.
To accomplish this, simply add an array with keys that are the importer name in snake_case with "Importer" removed, eg AdminUsersImporter=>admin_users and a value of the 0-based order in which it should run.

For example, if you have a UserTypesImporter and a UsersImporter that need to run in that order, your config file will look like:



If you would like to restrict access to the import area, simply change the auth config to true. You will need to add a method your User model containing your autentication logic.

public function can_import(){
 // your authentication logic here

Directory Readable to MYSQL User

If the absolute path to the folder you have configured for your mysql user is different than /data, change the "sql_directory" option to your folder (do not include trailing slashes).

Layout Overrides

If you have a master layout you would like the importer to extend, you can change the override_layout_view config with a string in the same manner as you would load a view.
For example, if the layout you would like to extend exists in [..]/resources/views/layouts/admin.blade.php you would set the config as follows:

'override_layout_view'=> 'layouts.admin,

Importer Directory

When you run php artisan vendor:publish, a directory called CSVImports is created in the app_path for your importers. If you would like keep your importers elsewhere, add the directory and its namespace to this configs.



If you would like the import tool to be accessible at a route different from the default, you can manually define a controller route in your application routes file

// [...]
Route::controller([your route here],'\RTMatt\CSVImport\CSVImportController');
// [...]

Also, be sure to set the custom_route config to true, otherwise both your route and the default route will be registered.

Advanced Usage

You have further control over the import process. All you have to do is implement any of the following methods in your importer.

Override Import Command

You can override the sql statement run by the importer by adding this method to your class.

protected function overrideImportCommand()
		$statement = //Your sql statement 
	   return $statement;

Post Import Work

Say you have a spreadsheet for users with the columns 'first_name' and 'last_name'. After you run this import, you want to populate a 'full_name' field as the two concatenated. Well, you're in luck. Just implement this method:

protected function postSQLImport()
        $users = \App\User::all();
        foreach($users as $user){
        	$user->full_name = $user->first_name.' '.$user->last_name;


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