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JSON-based PHP validation classes that provide general error-handling/rule-checking, as well as advanced error-funnelling. Centered around the concept of validation-schemas.

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One of the more complicated of my classes/projects, the PHP-JSON-Validation library focuses on a cross-paradigm (server/client) data validation solution.

Quick Note

This library is meant to be used directly with the front-end validation project JS-JSON-Validation.

Both libraries are developed to work off the same schema object type in order to have validation of a form (or data source) validated in the same way.


In short, I wanted to define how a request (generally, a form being posted) ought to be validated. This is the server side component which obeys the rules I've come up with. I borrowed many elements that I saw in the wild, and evolved them in a way that I believe brings about organization in a deceptively complicated topic.

By working within two different contexts (a Schema and a Validator), and defining one set of rules (a json file which defines how data ought to be validated), I believe this approach is organized and extensible.

The easiest way to understand this attempt would be to view the example directory, which outlines a real-world use case.
The process.php file offers a comprehensive outline of how the logic works within a real-world example.

Note To limit the validator to one unsuccessful rule per validation flow, simply mark each rules blocking attribute as true. See documentation below for a detailed overview of the blocking property.

Validation Pieces

If you've looked at the example and want more background on the different validation components at work within an actual JSON schema, then I'll attempt to provide that here.

Each JSON schema is, well, a JSON document whose sole contents is encompassed in an array. Each array element is defined as a rule. Each rule is itself an object, containing the following properties/attributes:

validator (required)

This required property must be formatted as an array, and contain two strings. In PHP land, it's values must correspond to a valid callback. The first string ought to be the name of the class of the rule validation, and the second the name of the method that returns true or false for this rule.

params (optional)

The optional params property, if included, ought to be structured as an array containing either a literal value (eg. a number, float, string, boolean, array or object), or a "templated" value which refers to a data field that was passed in during the SchemaValidator instantiation (eg. if trying to validate a password input that was posted, this string value may resemble {password-input-name}).

There is no limit to the number of parameters that can be defined for a rule, however the validating class/method must allow the correct number of parameters and their respect type, otherwise a PHP error will be thrown.

blocking (optional)

This optional attribute/property, if included, ought to contain a boolean value, which intrinsically infers the rule's importance.

Blocking rules are meant to act as a kill-switch. By default, SchemaValidator instances will evaluate all rules that have been defined. However if a blocking property is defined for a rule, and that rule fails, all further validation will end.

Validating a user's authorization for an application, or whether a request came in from a proper source, are good real-world examples of the blocking attribute's usage.

rules (optional)

This optional attribute/property, if included, ought to be an array whose signature matches, recursively, the attributes/properties defined in this document.

A rule's rules array is evaluated only if it's parent rule is successfully evaluated. This can be useful in cases whereby a field must exist for it to have a subsequent rule applied to it.

For example, if a user is choosing a username during an account registration process, a requirement may be that the username is 4 characters long. The schema could reflect this structure by defining a minLength rule, and within that rule's rules array, pointing to the validation class and method to ensure the username isn' taken.

In this example, an unnecessary database hit can be prevented if a username is not the proper length. Many other examples can be drawn from this concept, though.

funnel (optional)

This optional attribute/property, if included, ought to be set as a boolean. It's binary state determines whether or not the rule it's applied to is meant solely to act as a funnel for further rules. The evaluation of the rule itself does not determine the success of failure of the SchemaValidation instance itself.

For example, during a blog post commenting flow, a user may be prompted to optionally include their email address to receive further updates. In order to receive these updates, they must also click a checkbox marking they would like to receive them.

This produces two situations. One in which an email address is not required, and one in which it is, if and only if the user checks the checkbox indicating they would like to receive updates.

In this case, a rule would be created for the checkbox. It would check to see if the input evaluates to a proper string (for example, "true" or "on"). This rule would contain a rules array itself, containing the email validation rule for the email input.

Finally, this sub-rule would have a blocking attribute/property set to true. The result would be that if the checkbox evaluates to true, it funnels the sub-rules array into consideration. The email validation rule then becomes relevant and required (due to the blocking being set to the boolean true).

Otherwise, if the checkbox is not checked, SchemaValidator does not go ahead with the email validation sub-rule, and is also not considered a failure due to the checkbox not being checked.

error (suggested)

I listed this property as suggested, rather than optional, as it is in no way used by the validating engine. It is rather useful in the error handling phases of a validation flow.

If included, this property ought to (but is not required) be an object containing the property that failed (eg. the name, as a string, of the input that was being tested against) along with an error message for the failure.

While in reality it could be anything (eg. an error code that is then logged; a url that the user is then redirected to), the above use-case has worked pretty solid for me. See below for examples of how localization could be used with errors.


The intent behind the structure of this library is that of extensibility. Besides being able to fully define your own validation classes and methods, the and properties are meant to give the ability to derive complex validation hierarchies.

Additionally, properties and attributes can be added to any schema. Upon a rule failure, these properties will be passed along in the failed rules array for the SchemaValidator instance. When a rule errors out, it by default stores the entire rule in the _failed array, which can be accessed through the instance's getFailedRules method.

A practical example of defining custom attributes would be by defining an error object as follows:

        "validator": ["StringValidator", "emptyOrEmail"],
        "params": ["{email}"],
        "error": {
            "input": "email",
            "message": {
                "english": "Please enter a valid email address.",
                "french": "..",
                "german": ".."

This would allow for localization to be contained within the schema, while keeping it clean and decoupled from the actual validation logic.


The SmartSchema class is not required for the validation outlined above. However it provides very convenient filtering for use with the JS-JSON-Validation library, which handles client side validation that is based off the same schema file.

There is no difference in instantiation or usage, other than adding a range attribute to the schema definition. This attribute ought to contain an array which defines whether the rule should be run by the client, server, or both validation engines.

Sample SmartSchema Rule

        "validator": ["StringValidator", "uniqueEmail"],
        "range": ["server"],
        "params": ["{email}"],
        "error": {
            "input": "email",
            "message": "A user with this email is already registered."

As can be inferred from above, a uniqueEmail property would (but not required to) be processed and/or validated on the server side. While it could be done through ajax, it requires access to a database. As a result, the range array attribute contains only one string: server. A SmartSchema instance is able to parse the rules according to this range, and present them for validation appropriately (to either a server side validation flow or client side validation flow).


Depending on your validation requirements, values that have a rule applied against them may cause security bugs. This is not managed by the library.

For example, if a regular expression is run against a string, with the expectation that the string has had it's contents encoded/escaped, this could cause a serious server-level fault. This should be handled independent from the validation process. See the PHP-Security functions available. These work exceptionally well for me during the validation process.


JSON-based PHP validation classes that provide general error-handling/rule-checking, as well as advanced error-funnelling. Centered around the concept of validation-schemas.






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