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A collection of simple functions and classes, the Overseer Framework is a useful addition to any PHP project. From functions for quickly retrieving data from MySQL queries to basic DOM manipulation, the Overseer Framework is packed with functions you never knew you needed.



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#The Overseer Framework

A collection of simple functions and classes, the Overseer Framework is a useful addition to any PHP project. From functions for quickly retrieving data from MySQL queries to basic DOM manipulation, the Overseer Framework is packed with functions you never knew you needed.



Checks the HTTP_REFERER server variable against the current or specified page.


boolean check_referer ([string $url]);


string $url (optional)




Fetches an external file using the built-in PHP library CURL. Also allows for specifying a cached version and expiration time.


string fetch_remote_file (string $url [, filename $cache, string|integer $expire]);


string $url
filename $cache (optional)
string|integer $expire (optional)


fetch_remote_file('', 'cache/file.xml', '1 hour ago');


Basic alternative to the built in PHP get_browser function. Supports Opera, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer.


array|boolean getbrowser ([string $http_user_agent]);


string $http_user_agent (optional)


getbrowser('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_8_4) AppleWebKit/536.30.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.5 Safari/536.30.1')


Returns CSV file or string as a multidimensional array.


array getcsv (string|filename $string);


string|filename $string




Basic implementation of the Markdown interpreter.


string markdown (string|filename $string);


string|filename $string




Returns the results of a MySQL query as an array, the number of rows affected, or the row ID inserted.


array|integer mysql_fetch_results (string|resource $query [, array $results]);


string|resource $query
array $results (optional)


mysql_fetch_results('INSERT INTO `user` SET `username` = "username", `password` = SHA("password")');
mysql_fetch_results('SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user_id` = 1 LIMIT 1');
mysql_fetch_results('UPDATE `user` SET `last_logged_in` = NOW() WHERE `user_id` = 1 LIMIT 1');


Returns the results of a MySQLi query as an array, the number of rows affected, or the row ID inserted.


array|integer mysqli_fetch_results (resource $resource, string|resource $query [, array $results]);


resource $resource
string|resource $query
array $results (optional)


mysqli_fetch_results($mysqli, 'INSERT INTO `user` SET `username` = "username", `password` = SHA("password")');
mysqli_fetch_results($mysqli, 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user_id` = 1 LIMIT 1');
mysqli_fetch_results($mysqli, 'UPDATE `user` SET `last_logged_in` = NOW() WHERE `user_id` = 1 LIMIT 1');


Prepares and executes a MYSQLi statement. Returns the results of the MySQLi query as an array, the number of rows affected, or the row ID inserted.


array|integer mysqli_transaction (resource $resource, string $query [, string $types, string $var1, ..., string $var10]);


resource $resource
string $query
string $types (optional)
string $var1 (optional)
string $var# (optional)
string $var10 (optional)


mysqli_transaction($mysqli, 'INSERT INTO `user` SET `username` = ?, `password` = SHA(?)', 'ss', 'username', 'password');
mysqli_transaction($mysqli, 'SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `user_id` = ? LIMIT 1', 'i', 1);
mysqli_transaction($mysqli, 'UPDATE `user` SET `last_logged_in` = NOW() WHERE `user_id` = ? LIMIT 1', 'i', 1);


Returns virtual path names based on offset.


string|boolean path_info ([integer $offset, string $path]);


integer $offset (optional)
string $path (optional)


echo path_info(1);
echo path_info(1, 'user/neogeek');


Prints any number of arrays (or strings) to the output buffer surrounded by pre tags.


void print_array ([array $array1, ..., array $array10]);


string $array1 (optional)
string $array# (optional)
string $array10 (optional)


print_array($results, $_POST);


Returns the number of milliseconds past between function calls.


integer runtime ([int $precision]);


integer $precision (optional)


echo 'This script took ' . runtime(2) . ' millisecond(s) to run.';


Returns a string or file encoded as sha256.


string sha (string|filename $content [, string $type]);


string|filename $content
string $type (optional)


echo sha('encode');
echo sha('encode.txt', 'sha1');



Extends the built in PHP DOMDocument class.


Creates an HTML DOM element with content and attributes utilizing only one function call.


object DOM::create (string $tag [, string|object $content, array $attribs]);


string $tag
string|object $content (optional)
array $attribs (optional)


$DOM->create('p', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.', array('class'=>'demo'));


Extends the default getElementById function to allow for access to imported elements.


object|boolean DOM::getElementById (string $id);


string $id




Imports an external HTML source as a document fragment. (Notice: Must be valid HTML)


object DOM::import (string|filename $string);


string|filename $string


$DOM->appendChild($DOM->import('<h1>Hello World!</h1>'));


Returns the inner HTML of the specified node.


string DOM::innerHTML (object $object);


object $object


echo $DOM->innerHTML($node);


Returns the next sibling based on an integer.


object|boolean DOM::nextSiblings (object $object [, integer $num]);


object $object
integer $num (optional)


$DOM->nextSiblings($object, 5);


Prepends an object before the specified node.


object DOM::prepend (object $object, object $node);


object $object
object $node


$DOM->prepend($DOM->create('div', 'test'), $node);


Queries the DOM using XPath.


object DOM::query (string $query);


string $query




Removes one or more HTML DOM elements.


object|boolean DOM::remove (object $object);


object $object




Replaces the specified node with another object.


object DOM::replace (object $object, object $node);


object $object
object $node


$DOM->replace($DOM->create('select'), $DOM->getElementById('dropdown'));


A collection of simple functions and classes, the Overseer Framework is a useful addition to any PHP project. From functions for quickly retrieving data from MySQL queries to basic DOM manipulation, the Overseer Framework is packed with functions you never knew you needed.







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