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sfSimpleBlog plugin

The `sfSimpleBlogPlugin` adds standard weblog features to an existing website:
 - List of posts
 - Details of a post
 - Ability to add a comment
 - Email alert on comments
 - Tagsonomy
 - RSS feeds (if [sfFeed2Plugin]( is installed)
 - Administration for posts and comments

It is not aimed at replacing full-featured blog packages, but offers a lightweight alternative for when you build a website that has to contain a blog section. It is voluntarily simple and limited (that's why it doesn't come with a BBCode parser, a search engine, a media asset library, or a user management module). However, it is very easy to configure and adapt, so it should fulfill most basic blog requirements.

This plugin can only provide one blog per project.


![Screenshot Front](
![Screenshot Back](


This plugin contains one schema with three new Propel classes:

 * `sfSimpleBlogPost`
 * `sfSimpleBlogComment`
 * `sfSimpleBlogTag`
It also contains three modules that you can activate in whatever application you need them:

 * `sfSimpleBlog`: Blog front-end
 * `sfSimpleBlogPostAdmin`: Backend for managing posts
 * `sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin`: Backend for managing comments

The plugin is fully i18n and is bundled with English, French, German, Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Finnish and Spanish versions. Additional translations are easy to implement.


Tip: If you just want to test the plugin, a sandbox already packaged with the right plug-ins and configured correctly is available for download in this page. [Click here]( to download the sandbox.

The prerequisites for using the `sfSimpleBlog` plugin are:

 - [DbFinderPlugin]( must be installed in your application
 - As the plugin doesn't contain a user management module, the project where you install it must have a table managing authors, or users (whatever the name), and the related Propel class must have a `__toString()` method. Both these conditions are satisfied by the [sfGuardPlugin](, so installing this plugin is a good choice.
 - If you want to use RSS feeds, you must install the [sfFeed2Plugin](
 - If you want to use rich text editing, the TinyMCE JavaScript editor must be [installed in your project](
 - If you want to use the sfMediaLibrary in conjunction with TinyMCE, you must install the [sfMediaLibraryPlugin](
To install the plugin for a symfony project, the usual process is to use the symfony command line:

    $ php symfony plugin-install

Alternatively, if you don't have PEAR installed, you can download the latest package attached to this plugin's wiki page and extract it under your project's `plugins/` directory. You will also have to copy the contents of the `myproject/plugins/sfSimpleBlogPlugin/web/` directory into a `myproject/web/sfSimpleBlogPlugin/` directory.

Clear the cache to enable the autoloading to find the new classes:

    $ php symfony cc

Rebuild the model and generate the SQL code for the three new tables:

    $ php symfony propel-build-model
    $ php symfony propel-build-sql

Use the generated SQL file in `myproject/data/sql/plugins.sfSimpleBlogPlugin.lib.model.schema.sql` to build the new tables in your project's database.

    $ mysql -uroot mydb < data/sql/plugins.sfSimpleBlogPlugin.lib.model.schema.sql

Enable the three new modules in your applications, via the `settings.yml` file.

    // in myproject/apps/frontend/config/settings.yml
        enabled_modules:        [default, sfSimpleBlog, sfSimpleBlogPostAdmin, sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin]

Start using the plugin by browsing to the frontend module's default page:


Tip: To test the plugin with test data, execute the following command:

    $ php symfony propel-load-data frontend plugins/sfSimpleBlogPlugin/data/fixtures


### The `app.yml` file

The plugin is highly configurable and should be easy to integrate to an existing project. Here is the default plugin configuration, taken from `myproject/plugins/sfSimpleBlogPlugin/config/sfSimpleBlog.yml.sample`:

        title:         How is life on earth?
        tagline:       You'd better start to live before it's too late
        author:        John Doe
        email:   # Used only for alerts on comments

        sidebar:       [custom, recent_posts, tags, feeds, blogroll, meta]

        custom : |
          <h2>About the author</h2>
          <p>My name is John Doe and I'm a freelance freelancer. I do things when I have time, 
          and the rest of the time, I write things here.</p>

          - { title: how is life on earth?, url: '' }
          - { title: google, url: '' }

        user_class: sfGuardUser        # class name for the user class
        use_bundled_layout: true       # if true, the three modules will use sfSimpleBlog/templates/layout.php for layout; if false, they will use the layout settings from the view.yml
        use_ajax:      true            # enable posting of comments in Ajax
        use_feeds:     true            # enable feeds (require sfFeed2Plugin)
        use_rich_text: false           # enable tinyMCE
        use_media_library: false       # enable support for sfMediaLibrary in TinyMCE (requires sfMediaLibraryPlugin)
        use_date_in_url: false         # enable to use urls in the form of /year/month/day/title (set to 'false' for backwards compatibility)

        use_post_extract: true         # display extract in post list instead of full post body
        post_max_per_page:  5          # number of posts displayed in a list of posts
        post_recent:        5          # number of posts to display in the recent sidebar widget

        comment_enabled:        on     # enable comments by default on new posts
        comment_disable_after:  0      # number of days after which comments on a post are not possible anymore
                                       # set to 0 for unlimited comments
        comment_automoderation: on     # triggers the automoderation of comments. Possible values are:
                                       # on: comments are not published until a moderator accepts them
                                       # first_post: the first comment of a user must be accepted, subsequent posts are accepted automatically
                                       # off: comments are automatically accepted and published

        comment_mail_alert: on         # send an email to the blog owner when a comment is posted.
                                       # Possible values are: 
                                       # on: send an email for every posted comment
                                       # moderated: send an email for every automoderated comment

        feed_count:         5          # number of posts appearing in the RSS feed

You can customize these settings in `myproject/apps/myapp/config/app.yml`

The `sidebar` array controls which widgets, and in which order, appear in the sidebar of the blog frontend. The existing widgets are:

 - `custom`: insertion of custom HTML code taken from the `blog_custom` parameter
 - `recent_posts`: list of recent posts
 - `tags`: list of tags
 - `feeds`: links to the RSS and Atom feeds
 - `blogroll`: list of blogs
 - `meta`: not much for now (link to administration modules, but the link works only if the modules are in the same application)

### Security, view configuration, custom templates, etc.

Just like for every other plugin module, the `sfSimpleBlog`, `sfSimpleBlogPostAdmin`, and `sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin` modules can be partly overridden by your applications. 

For instance, if you want to restrict access to the `sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin` module to users with an `editor` credential, create a `sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin` directory in your application `module/` folder, and create in a `config/security.yml` with the following content:

    // in myproject/apps/backend/modules/sfSimpleBlogCommentAdmin/config/security.yml
      is_secure: on
      credentials: [editor]

Alternatively, if you want the `sfSimpleBlog` module to use some special templates for presentation, you can create templates and partials with the same name as the plugin's ones in this kind of tree structure:


### Routing

The plugin doesn't ship with routing rules, so that you can define your own. Example routing rules for the main actions are given below:

      url: /blog
      param: { module: sfSimpleBlog, action: index }

      url: /blog/:year/:month/:day/:stripped_title
      param: { module: sfSimpleBlog, action: show }

      url: /blog/:stripped_title
      param: { module: sfSimpleBlog, action: show }

      url: /blog/tag/:tag
      param: { module: sfSimpleBlog, action: showByTag }


 * Use sfAssetsLibraryPlugin instead of sfMediaLibraryPlugin
 * Archives sidebar widget
 * Unit tests
 * Add hooks to allow extension by other plugins
 * Trackbacks
 * Use sfModerationPlugin instead of built-in moderation


The sfSimpleBlogPlugin adds standard weblog features to an existing symfony website.







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