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EasyEmbed is a PHP micro framework optimized for embeding it into already coded custom enviroments and systems.

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Easy Embed


EasyEmbed ( EE ) is a micro framework optimized for embeding it into already coded custom enviroments and systems.

The primary objectives of EE are to ensure flexible, ligtweight/high performance and portable way to design mini-apps inside another projects. However it can be used as a stand-alone application too.

If you stuck on old project but want to have some custom functionality without digging into code or make mini-app that can be used everywhere then EE is just for you.


EE is not intended to be next generation framework. However It is designed to support old (PHP < 5.3) systems where you can try new stuff and code new features unrelated to existing codebase while still keeping some relations. Although EE supports PHP >= 5.1.3 It's working well on latest PHP versions too.

If you want fully featured and also high performance PHP framework consider Symfony 2, Codeigniter, Phalcon and XtFramework. If you're looking for a lightweight micro framework and have decent PHP >= 5.3 support consider Laravel or Silex. They do really good job in the new PHP namespacing fashion.

Proposed structure

 * /.htaccess           <- Needed to ensure that all requests are made through index.php. If you use nginx just look at nginx.conf examples.
 * /index.php           <- This is the main bootstrap file which fires everything. Those 3 lines of code written here can be ported anywhere.
 * /config.php          <- Main config file. Whatever format and content you want, as long as it returns an array.
 * /routes.php          <- Main routes definitions. Used to define base path and main app routes.
 * /ee.php              <- Main framework file. All framework class methods live here.
 * /app/                <- Application directory. All the application related code should be here.
 *   /app/controllers/  <- Self explaining
 *   /app/models/       <- Self explaining
 *   /app/views/        <- Self explaining
 *   /app/assets/       <- Self explaining
 *   /app/tests/        <- Self explaining
 * /libs/               <- All shared libraries.
 * /tests/              <- Unit tests of framework.
 * /cli                 <- File for the all cli actions/helpers.


  • PHP >= 5.1.3
  • PDO for database usage.
  • Apache mod rewrite or corresponding nginx rules setup
  • Also if you want to use unit testing you'll need PHP >= 5.3.

Main framework parts

As this is in general one file framework you're encouraged to scan ee.php for better understanding.


To initialize framework you just need to call init method


This will load all the app configs and routes.


To load page call load_app method


This will load and execute page.

All these actions are performed in index.php

// Bootstrap file
// Require main framework class
require ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) .'/ee.php' );

// Initialize and load configs/routes
EE::init (); 
// Load and execute page
EE::load_page ();

Global variables

EE have some specific methods to hold global variables. Those are accessed from EE::get, EE::get_ref and setted via EE::set methods. Those variables are also used when parsing views.

Page loading

When calling load_page method it requests routing function and either returns output either prints it directly. Routes are defined with regular expressions help in app/routes.php file. Route config must point to controller and may be pointing to specific action (method). Some examples:

'/another/:num' => array ( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'another' ),
'/something' => array ( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'something' ),
'/something/:any' => array ( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'something' ),
'/custom/(.+?)-(.+?)' => array ( 'controller' => 'test', 'action' => 'custom' ),
'/:any' => array ( 'controller' => 'test' ),

All the controller actions must have "_action" suffix.


All the app controllers should be on app/controllers directory. Their name and file must have "_controller" suffix. Framework calls them with EE::controller() method help. There are no other restrictions to controllers in general.


 * Sample test controller
class test_controller
    public function __construct ()
        $this -> model = EE::model ( 'test' );

     * This private method is just a way to always include layout and could be completely avoided.
    private function load_view ( $page )
        EE::set ( '__page', $page );
        return EE::view ( 'layout' );

    public function index_action ( $path )
        $this -> load_view ( 'index' );


All the app models should be on app/models directory. Their name and file must have "_model" suffix. Framework calls them with EE::model() method help. Almost everytime it's useful to define pdo object in model constructor


 * Sample test model
class test_model
    private $pdo;
    public function __construct ()
        $this -> pdo = db_pdo::load ( 'main' );

There are no other restrictions to models in general.


By default EE uses no 3rd party templating system and emphasis PHP itself as a templating engine. Therefore with the help of Shorttags and Alternative syntax for control structures it works nice by default. Views are rendered with EE::view() method by passing file and additional variables. Also in views are extracted all the global variables.

public function foo_action ( $path )
    $id = ( isset ( $path [ 0 ] ) ) ? $path [ 0 ] : null;

    EE::set ( 'id', $id );
    return EE::view ( 'test' );

All the app views should be on app/views directory. Their file must have "_view" suffix


Assets are every static content like css, js or images. By default they are in app/assets directory and Apache mod rewrite or nginx rules makes them accessible via /assets path.


All custom framework libraries are located in libs directory. Right now there are helpers for pdo, session initialization and locale translations.


Framework tests are located in tests directory and app tests should be on app/tests. They should be PHPUnit compatible and can be executed by cli helper. Just run

./cli test_app
./cli test app/tests/path_to_test.php

Framework tests can be invoked via test_framework helper.


There are EE::url() method which prepends base_path for every url to work correctly.

echo EE::url ( 'assets/image.jpg' );
echo EE::url ( 'some-cool-action/123' );


* Clone repository:
  git clone git:// ee
* Modify /ee/.htacess /ee/app/config.php and /ee/app/routes.php files according to your setup. Almost every time you need edit just base_path and database credentials.
* Run code in browser




Arminas Žukauskas <arminas[eta]ini[dot]lt>




EasyEmbed is a PHP micro framework optimized for embeding it into already coded custom enviroments and systems.






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  • PHP 97.4%
  • Other 2.6%