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This plugin is young - use at your own risk. I welcome any feedback.

Allows for frontend/inline editing of fields and forms. The goal is to allow content to be inline-editable without getting in the way of the developer.

<?php echo editable_content_tag('h1', $blog, 'title') ?>

<h1>My blog title</h1>

When a user is authenticated and has the correct permission, the editable content blocks can be double-clicked to initiate editing.



This plugin is inspired by both:


With git

git submodule add git:// plugins/ioEditableContentPlugin
git submodule init
git submodule update

With subversion

svn propedit svn:externals plugins

In the editor that's displayed, add the following entry and then save


Finally, update:

svn update


In your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php file, make sure you have the plugin enabled.


Create a symbolic link to the web directory of the plugin by running:

./symfony plugin:publish-assets

Usage: Editable content

This plugin allows for the rendering of data from a model in such a way that inline editing is automatic. The simplest version of this includes rendering just one field in the view. Suppose we have a Blog model with a title field:

<?php echo editable_content_tag('h1', $blog, 'title') ?>

The above code would render the following html:


If the current user had the proper credentials, a special class would be added to the h1 tag that would initialize the inline editing. By using the editable_content_tag() to render your content tag, you've automatically been given the blessing of inline editing.

You an also specify attributes that should be on the main h1 tag:

<?php echo editable_content_tag('h1', $blog, 'title', array('class' => 'header')) ?>

<h1 class="header">Homepage</h1>

The $blog object doesn't have to be saved to the database yet - it could be a new Blog. New objects are saved to the database correctly.

A more complex example

You can also choose to edit more than one field at once in your form. An example of this might be if you have an anchor tag where both the href and html of the anchor are fields on your model.

Assume that we have link_title and link_url fields on the Blog model:

<?php echo editable_content_tag(
  array('link_title', 'link_url'),
  array('partial' => 'myModule/blog_link',
) ?>

In this case, when the form is displayed, it will have both the link_title and link_url fields in it

Notice that we added a fourth argument, an array with a partial key. This option allows you to specify a partial that should render the content. For example, the myModule/blog_link partial might look like this:

Read more details:
<a href="<?php echo $blog->link_url ?>"><?php echo $blog->link_title ?></a>

When using a partial, the variable passed to the partial is the "tableized" version of the model name. Blog becomes $blog, sfGuardUser becomes $sf_guard_user. If in doubt, echo the $var_name variable it contains the string name of the variable (e.g. blog).

The fourth arguments: options array

Notice that the fourth arguments, the options array, is special. This argument allows you to both specify certain options for the editable content tag as well as html attributes that will be added to the main tag.

All values passed to this array become attributes on the main html tag except for the following:

  • partial A partial to render with instead of rendering the raw field from the given database object.

  • method When editing and displaying just one field, you can pass a method argument that will be called to display that value. For example, if the field being edited is author_id (a foreign key field), you might pass a value of getAuthorName() for the method option and then define that in your model.

  • form A form class to use when editing the content. By default, the main form class (e.g. BlogForm) will be used. If a third argument is passed to editable_content_tag(), only those fields will be used on the form.

  • form_partial The partial used to render the fields of the form

  • mode Which type of editor to load: fancybox(default) or inline

Some of these options are explained in the next section.

A fully-configured example

While editing and display one field is nice, this plugin allows you to get infinitely more complex.

Suppose, that you need the edit form to be a completely custom form class rendered via a custom form partial. For example, suppose that each Blog has many Photo objects and you've created a form that embeds these related Photo objects (an exercise we won't go into here).

<?php echo editable_content_tag('div', $blog, null, array(
  'form'         => 'myBlogPhotoForm',
  'form_partial' => 'blog/photoForm',
  'partial       => 'blog/photos',
  'mode'         => 'inline',
)) ?>

The above code would use myBlogPhotoForm as the form class. Additionally, it would call the blog/photoForm partial to render the fields of that form. For example, the blog/photoForm partial might look like this:

<h2>Edit Blog Photos</h2>
<?php foreach ($form['Photos'] as $photoField): ?>
  <div class="blog_photo">
    <?php echo $photoField->renderError(); ?>
    <?php echo $photoField->render(); ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Notice that the form tag, hidden fields, and submit buttons are not present. These are all taken care of for you automatically so that you need only to be concerned about rendering the actual fields of your form.

Like in the previous example, the blog/photos partial would be called when rendering this content tag:

<?php foreach ($blog->Photos as $photo): ?>
  <?php echo image_tag('/uploads/'.$photo->filename) ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>

Finally, another option, mode, was also specified in the options argument of editable_content_tag. This option, which can take the value inline or fancybox whether to render the form inline where the actual content resides or in a popup fancybox modal window.

Usage: Editable lists

So far, we've talked only about editing a set of fields on one object. Sometimes, however, you may need to output a list of objects, where each object is editable. For example, suppose we have an "author" index page that lists all the authors for our blog:

<div class="authors">
  <?php foreach ($authors as $author): ?>
    <?php echo editable_content_tag('h2', $author, 'name', array('class' => 'header') ?>
  <?php endforeach; ?>

The above code will work perfectly. However, let's add the following requirements to this blog list page:

  • The admin should be able to add new authors inline
  • The admin should be able to delete existing authors inline
  • The admin should be able to reorder the authors inline

To do this, we introduce a new helper function: editable_content_list(). This function takes a collection of objects and renders each using editable_content_tag(). It also adds the above functionality (optionally) along the way:

<?php echo editable_content_list(
  array('with_new' => true, 'class' => 'authors'),
  array('class' => 'header'),
) ?>

The first three options should feel very similar to editable_content_tag and are:

  • A tag to surround all of the entries (e.g. div)
  • The collection of objects to render
  • An options array - a mixture of options and attributes for the outer tag

The second three options are simply the first, third and fourth option from editable_content_tag. These specify how each individual entry of the collection should be rendered.

Editable list options

As mentioned above, the editable list can give you "new", "delete" and "sortable" capabilities to a list of objects. Each of these are off by default and are activated using the third option to editable_content_list. The following would use all three:

<?php echo editable_content_list(
  array('with_new' => true, 'with_delete' => true, 'sortable' => true),
  array('class' => 'header'),
) ?>

When using the with_new option, you may also pass a add_new_label option which specifies the text that will be displayed to the user for adding a new item to the list (defaults to simply "Add new").

NOTE The sortable option requires the jQuery sortable UI library. This library is not currently provided by this plugin and must be supplied manually.


Various things can be configured at the global level via app.yml. All of these options are present in the app.yml packaged with the plugin along with description for each.

The most interesting options occur under the content_service_options key:

      empty_text:          "[Click to edit]"
      edit_mode:           fancybox
      admin_credential:    editable_content_admin

The empty_text option specifies the default text that will be placed in any content tags that have no content.

The The edit_mode option takes one of two values: fancybox or inline. This specifies the default mode to be used unless an individual content tag passes the mode option.

The admin_credential option specifies the user credential a user must have in order to see content editor. If set to false, all authenticated users will be able to edit the content.

Using with CKEditor

To use the plugin with CKEditor, simply change the widget in your form to be a CKEditor widget. A great plugin for doing this is sfCKEditorPlugin.

While the above will work for normal forms, it will not persist correctly for any ajax forms (which this plugin uses). By including the following javascript, the CKEditor will persist correctly (this js can be found in the ioFormPlugin and is used by the CKEditor widget included therein):

  $('form').bind('ioPreFormSubmit', function(event){
    jQuery.each(CKEDITOR.instances, function(index, value) {


As with any standalone symfony plugin, this is the basic testing method:

  1. Rebuild -- You'll need to rebuild the model of the test project:

    cd test/fixtures/project/ ./symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load

  2. Setup Environment -- You'll need to set up the symfony library path in your command line envrionment. Something like this:

    export SYMFONY='/Users/username/sites/symfony/lib'

Known Issues

There is currently an issue where you cannot both all of the following on the same form:

  • A file upload; AND
  • A textarea field that may have quotes in it.

The issue is related to how jQuery form handles JSON responses when submitting via an iframe (which is necessary when handling a file upload). For some reason, when the JSON response is placed into a the requisite textarea so that JSON can be used with the iframe, something goes wrong where the quotes inside the actual textarea of your form are not escaped. The end result is that the JSON is invalid.

I'd love help with this - it's very specific bug, but easily repeatable if you satisfy the above-two conditions.

The Fine Details

Please clone and improve this plugin! Any feedback is welcomed - including design related :). If you have any ideas, notice any bugs, or have any ideas, you can reach me at ryan [at] or @weaverryan.

A bug tracker is available at

This plugin was taken from both sympal CMF and sfDoctrineEditableComponentPlugin.


Create inline-editable content areas that display from and save to any database model.







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  • JavaScript 58.8%
  • PHP 41.2%