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=== ZenCache ===

Stable tag: 160120-RC
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 4.5-alpha
Text Domain: zencache

License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Contributors: WebSharks, JasWSInc, raamdev
Donate link:
Tags: cache, quick cache, zencache, zen cache, quickcache, speed, performance, fast, loading, generation, execution, benchmark, benchmarking, debug, debugging, caching, cash, caching, cacheing, super cache, advanced cache, advanced-cache, wp-cache, wp cache, rocket, static, client-side cache, rss cache, feed cache, gzip compression, query string, get request, page cache, options panel included, w3c validated code, highly extensible

ZenCache is an advanced WordPress caching plugin inspired by simplicity. Speed up your site (BIG time!) with a reliable and fast WordPress cache.

== Description ==

If you care about the speed of your site, ZenCache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed :-) ZenCache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be referenced later, in order to save all of that processing time that has been dragging your site down and costing you money.

The ZenCache plugin uses configuration options that you select from the options panel. See: **ZenCache -› Options** in your Dashboard. Once a file has been cached, ZenCache uses advanced techniques that allow it to recognize when it should and should not serve a cached version of the file. By default, ZenCache does not serve cached pages to users who are logged in, or to users who have left comments recently. ZenCache also excludes administrative pages, login pages, POST/PUT/DELETE/GET(w/ query string) requests and/or CLI processes.

= Features =

- SIMPLE and well-documented configuration (just enable and you're all set!).
- Options to control the automatic cache clearing behavior for Home and Posts Page, Author Page, Category, Tag, and Custom Term Archives, Custom Post Type Archives, RSS/RDF/ATOM Feeds, and XML Sitemaps.
- URI exclusion patterns (now supporting wildcards too).
- User-Agent exclusion patterns (now supporting wildcards too).
- HTTP referrer exclusion patterns (now supporting wildcards too).
- The ability to set an automatic expiration time for cache files.
- Client-Side Caching (to allow double-caching in the client-side browser).
- Caching for 404 requests to reduce the impact of those requests on the server.
- RSS, RDF, and Atom Feed caching.
- The ability to cache or ignore URLs that contain query strings (GET Requests).
- An Advanced Cache Plugin system for theme and plugin developers.

= Pro Features =

- The ability to cache logged-in users too! (VERY powerful, particularly for membership sites).
- A new improved "Clear Cache" button in the admin bar (along with an option to enable/disable this feature).
- The ability to disable Dashboard notifications related to automatic clearing/purging on change detections.
- The ability to clear Markdown-related cache files generated by the s2Clean theme for WordPress (if installed).
- The ability to run custom PHP code whenever the cache is cleared.
- Cache Statistics to help you gain insight into the status of your site cache.
- Import/Export functionality for ZenCache configuration files.
- A Dynamic Version Salt (customize the caching engine).
- HTML Compressor to automatically combine and compresses CSS/JS/HTML code.
- Auto-Cache Engine to pre-cache your site at 15-minute intervals.
- Static CDN Filters to serve some and/or ALL static files on your site from a CDN of your choosing, including support for Multiple CDN Host Names, Domain Sharding, and WordPress Multisite Networks.
- An Automatic Updater to update ZenCache Pro from your WordPress Dashboard.
- Rockstar support for all ZenCache features.

TIP: you can preview Pro features in the free version by clicking the "Preview Pro Features" link at the top of your ZenCache options.

== Screenshots ==

1. ZenCache Screenshot #1
2. ZenCache Screenshot #2
3. ZenCache Screenshot #3
4. ZenCache Screenshot #4
5. ZenCache Screenshot #5
6. ZenCache Screenshot #6
7. ZenCache Screenshot #7
8. ZenCache Screenshot #8
9. ZenCache Screenshot #9
10. ZenCache Screenshot #10

== Installation ==

**Quick Tip:** WordPress® can only deal with one cache plugin being activated at a time. Please uninstall any existing cache plugins that you've tried in the past. In other words, if you've installed W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, DB Cache Reloaded, or any other caching plugin, uninstall them all before installing ZenCache. One way to check, is to make sure this file: `wp-content/advanced-cache.php` and/or `wp-content/object-cache.php` are NOT present; and if they are, delete these files BEFORE installing ZenCache. Those files will only be present if you have a caching plugin already installed. If you don't see them, you're ready to install ZenCache :-).

**A note for existing Quick Cache users:** ZenCache is the successor to Quick Cache and will automatically detect any existing Quick Cache options and migrate that options over to ZenCache. For further details, please see the [migration FAQ](

= ZenCache is Very Easy to Install =

1. Upload the `/zencache` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress®.
3. Navigate to the **ZenCache** panel & enable it.

= How will I know ZenCache is Working? =

First of all, make sure that you've enabled ZenCache. After you activate the plugin in WordPress, go to the ZenCache options panel and enable caching (you can't miss the big yellow checkbox). Then scroll to the bottom and click Save All Changes. All of the other options on that page are already pre-configured for typical usage. Skip them all for now. You can go back through all of these later and fine-tune things the way you like them.

Once ZenCache has been enabled, **you'll need to log out** (and/or clear browser cookies). Cache files are NOT served to visitors who are logged in, and that includes you too :-) Cache files are NOT served to recent commenters either. If you've commented (or replied to a comment lately); please clear your browser cookies before testing.

**To verify that ZenCache is working**, navigate your site like a normal visitor would. Right-click on any page (choose View Source), then scroll to the very bottom of the document. At the bottom, you'll find comments that show ZenCache stats and information. You should also notice that page-to-page navigation is lightning fast compared to what you experienced prior to installing ZenCache.

= Running ZenCache On A WordPress® Multisite Installation =

WordPress® Multisite Networking is a special consideration in WordPress®. If ZenCache is installed under a Multisite Network installation, it will be enabled for ALL blogs the same way. The centralized config options for ZenCache, can only be modified by a Super Administrator operating on the main site. ZenCache has internal processing routines that prevent configuration changes, including menu displays; for anyone other than a Super Administrator operating on the main site.

= EMERGENCY: If All Else Fails (How-To Remove ZenCache) =

Ordinarily you can just deactivate ZenCache from the plugins menu in WordPress. However, if you're having a more serious issue, please follow the instructions here.

1. Log into your site via FTP; perhaps using [FileZilla](
2. Delete this file: `/wp-content/advanced-cache.php`
3. Delete this directory: `/wp-content/plugins/zencache/`
4. Remove this line from your `/wp-config.php` file: `define('WP_CACHE', TRUE);`

ZenCache is now completely uninstalled and you can start fresh :-)

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I already have Quick Cache installed; how do I install ZenCache? =

ZenCache is the successor to Quick Cache and will automatically detect any existing Quick Cache options and migrate those options over to ZenCache. For further details, please see the [migration FAQ](

= How do I know that ZenCache is working the way it should be? =

First of all, make sure that you've enabled ZenCache. After you activate the plugin, go to the ZenCache options panel and enable it, then scroll to the bottom and click Save All Changes. All of the other options on that page are already pre-configured for typical usage. Skip them all for now. You can go back through all of them later and fine-tune things the way you like them.

Once ZenCache has been enabled, **you'll need to log out** (and/or clear browser cookies). Cache files are NOT served to visitors who are logged in, and that includes you too :-) Cache files are NOT served to recent commenters either. If you've commented (or replied to a comment lately); please clear your browser cookies before testing.

**To verify that ZenCache is working**, navigate your site like a normal visitor would. Right-click on any page (choose View Source), then scroll to the very bottom of the document. At the bottom, you'll find comments that show ZenCache stats and information. You should also notice that page-to-page navigation is lightning fast compared to what you experienced prior to installing ZenCache.

= What is the down side to running ZenCache? =

There is NOT one! ZenCache is a MUST HAVE for every WordPress® powered site. In fact, we really can't think of any site running WordPress® that would want to be without it. To put it another way, the WordPress® software itself comes with a built in action reference for an `advanced-cache.php` file, because WordPress® developers realize the importance of such as plugin. The `/wp-content/advanced-cache.php` file is named as such, because the WordPress® developers expect it to be there when caching is enabled by a plugin. If you don't have the `/wp-content/advanced-cache.php` file yet, it is because you have not enabled ZenCache from the options panel yet.

= So why does WordPress® need to be cached? =

To understand how ZenCache works, first you have to understand what a cached file is, and why it is absolutely necessary for your site and every visitor that comes to it. WordPress® (by its very definition) is a database-driven publishing platform. That means you have all these great tools on the back-end of your site to work with, but it also means that every time a Post/Page/Category is accessed on your site, dozens of connections to the database have to be made, and literally thousands of PHP routines run in harmony behind-the-scenes to make everything jive. The problem is, for every request that a browser sends to your site, all of these routines and connections have to be made (yes, every single time). Geesh, what a waste of processing power, memory, and other system resources. After all, most of the content on your site remains the same for at least a few minutes at a time. If you've been using WordPress® for very long, you've probably noticed that (on average) your site does not load up as fast as other sites on the web. Now you know why!

In computer science, a cache (pronounced /kash/) is a collection of data duplicating original values stored elsewhere or computed earlier, where the original data is expensive to fetch (owing to longer access time) or to compute, compared to the cost of reading the cache. In other words, a cache is a temporary storage area where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access. Once the data is stored in the cache, it can be used in the future by accessing the cached copy rather than re-fetching or recomputing the original data.

= Where & why are the cache files stored on my server? =

The cache files are stored in a special directory: `/wp-content/cache/zencache`. This directory needs to remain writable, just like the `/wp-content/uploads` directory on many WordPress® installations. The `/zencache/cache` directory is where cache files reside. These files are stored using an intutive directory structure that named based on the request URL (`HTTPS/HTTP_HOST/REQUEST_URI`). See also: **Dashboard -› ZenCache -› Cache Directory/Expiration Time** for further details.

Whenever a request comes in from someone on the web, ZenCache checks to see if it can serve a cached file; e.g. it looks at the `HTTPS/HTTP_HOST/REQUEST_URI` environent variables, then it checks the `/zencache/cache` directory. If a cache file has been built already, and it matches an existing `HTTPS.HTTP_HOST.REQUEST_URI` combination; and it is not too old (see: **Dashboard -› ZenCache -› Cache Directory/Expiration Time**), then it will serve that file instead of asking WordPress® to regenerate it. This adds tremendous speed to your site and reduces server load.

If you have GZIP compression enabled, then the cache file is also sent to the browser with compression (recommended). Modern web browsers that support this technique will definitely take advantage of it. After all, if it is easier to email a zip file, it's also easier to download a web page that way. That is why on-the-fly GZIP compression for web pages is recommended. This is supported by all modern browsers.

If you want to enable GZIP, create an `.htaccess` file in your WordPress® installation directory and put the following few lines in it. Alternatively, if you already have an `.htaccess` file, just add these lines to it, and that is all there is to it. GZIP is now enabled!

	<IfModule deflate_module>
		<IfModule filter_module>
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/html
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/xml-dtd
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rdf+xml application/rss+xml application/atom+xml image/svg+xml
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf font/opentype application/font-otf application/x-font-otf
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf font/truetype application/font-ttf application/x-font-ttf

If your installation of Apache does not have `mod_deflate` installed. You can also enable GZIP compression using PHP configuration alone. In your `php.ini` file, you can simply add the following line anywhere: `zlib.output_compression = on`

= What happens if a user logs in? Are cache files used then? =

By default, ZenCache does NOT serve cached pages to users who are logged in, or to users who have left comments recently. ZenCache also excludes administrative pages, login pages, POST/PUT/DELETE/GET(w/ query string) requests and/or CLI processes. That being said, the Pro version of ZenCache DOES make it possible to cache pages even when users ARE logged-in; adding even more speed! This is particularly helpful on membership sites; e.g. sites that run plugins like s2Member™ for instance.

= Will comments and other dynamic parts of my blog update immediately? =

It depends on your configuration of ZenCache. There is an automatic expiration system (the garbage collector), which runs through WordPress® behind-the-scene, according to your Expiration setting (see: **Dashboard -› ZenCache -› Cache Directory/Expiration Time**). There is also a built-in expiration time on existing files that is checked before any cache file is served up, which also uses your Expiration setting. In addition; whenever you update a Post or a Page, ZenCache can automatically prune that particular file from the cache so it instantly becomes fresh again. Otherwise, your visitors would need to wait for the previous cached version to expire.

By default, ZenCache does NOT serve cached pages to users who are logged in, or to users who have left comments recently. ZenCache also excludes administrative pages, login pages, POST/PUT/DELETE/GET(w/ query string) requests and/or CLI processes.

= How do I enable GZIP compression? Is GZIP supported? =

There is no need to use an `.htaccess` file with this plugin; caching is handled by WordPress®/PHP alone. That being said, if you also want to take advantage of GZIP compression (and we do recommend this), then you WILL need an `.htaccess` file to accomplish that part. This plugin fully supports GZIP compression on its output. However, it does not handle GZIP compression directly. We purposely left GZIP compression out of this plugin, because GZIP compression is something that should really be enabled at the Apache level or inside your `php.ini` file. GZIP compression can be used for things like JavaScript and CSS files as well, so why bother turning it on for only WordPress-generated pages when you can enable GZIP at the server level and cover all the bases!

If you want to enable GZIP, create an `.htaccess` file in your WordPress® installation directory and put the following few lines in it. Alternatively, if you already have an `.htaccess` file, just add these lines to it, and that is all there is to it. GZIP is now enabled!

	<IfModule deflate_module>
		<IfModule filter_module>
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/html
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/xml-dtd
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rdf+xml application/rss+xml application/atom+xml image/svg+xml
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf font/opentype application/font-otf application/x-font-otf
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf font/truetype application/font-ttf application/x-font-ttf

If your installation of Apache does not have `mod_deflate` installed. You can also enable gzip compression using PHP configuration alone. In your `php.ini` file, you can simply add the following line anywhere: `zlib.output_compression = on`

= I'm a plugin developer. How can I prevent certain files from being cached? =

	define('ZENCACHE_ALLOWED', FALSE); // The easiest way.
	// or $_SERVER['ZENCACHE_ALLOWED'] = FALSE; // Also very easy.
	// or define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', TRUE); // For compatibility with other cache plugins.

When your script finishes execution, ZenCache will know that it should NOT cache that particular page. It does not matter where or when you define this Constant; e.g. `define('ZENCACHE_ALLOWED', FALSE);` because ZenCache is the last thing to run during execution. So as long as you define this Constant at some point in your routines, everything will be fine.

ZenCache also provides support for `define('DONOTCACHEPAGE', TRUE)`, which is used by the WP Super Cache plugin as well. Another option is: `$_SERVER['ZENCACHE_ALLOWED'] = FALSE`. The `$_SERVER` array method is useful if you need to disable caching at the Apache level using `mod_rewrite`. The `$_SERVER` array is filled with all environment variables, so if you use `mod_rewrite` to set the `ZENCACHE_ALLOWED` environment variable, that will end up in `$_SERVER['ZENCACHE_ALLOWED']`. All of these methods have the same end result, so it's up to you which one you'd like to use.

= What should my expiration setting be? =

If you don't update your site much, you could set this to `6 months`; optimizing everything even further. The longer the cache expiration time is, the greater your performance gain. Alternatively, the shorter the expiration time, the fresher everything will remain on your site. A default value of `7 days` (recommended expiration time), is a good conservative middle-ground.

Keep in mind that your expiration setting is only one part of the big picture. ZenCache will also purge the cache automatically as changes are made to the site (i.e. you edit a post, someone comments on a post, you change your theme, you add a new navigation menu item, etc., etc.). Thus, your expiration time is really just a fallback; e.g. the maximum amount of time that a cache file could ever possibly live.

That being said, you could set this to just `60 seconds` and you would still see huge differences in speed and performance. If you're just starting out with ZenCache (perhaps a bit nervous about old cache files being served to your visitors); you could set this to something like `30 minutes` and experiment with it while you build confidence in ZenCache. It's not necessary, but many site owners have reported this makes them feel like they're more-in-control when the cache has a short expiration time. All-in-all, it's a matter of preference :-)

= EMERGENCY: If all else fails, how can I remove ZenCache? =

Ordinarily you can just deactivate ZenCache from the plugins menu in WordPress. However, if you're having a more serious issue, please follow the instructions here.

1. Log into your site via FTP; perhaps using [FileZilla](
2. Delete this file: `/wp-content/advanced-cache.php`
3. Delete this directory: `/wp-content/plugins/zencache/`
4. Remove this line from your `/wp-config.php` file: `define('WP_CACHE', TRUE);`

ZenCache is now completely uninstalled and you can start fresh :-)

== Further Details ==

= So Why Does WordPress® Need To Be Cached? =

To understand how ZenCache works, first you have to understand what a cached file is, and why it is absolutely necessary for your site and every visitor that comes to it. WordPress® (by its very definition) is a database-driven publishing platform. That means you have all these great tools on the back-end of your site to work with, but it also means that every time a Post/Page/Category is accessed on your site, dozens of connections to the database have to be made, and literally thousands of PHP routines run in harmony behind-the-scenes to make everything jive. The problem is, for every request that a browser sends to your site, all of these routines and connections have to be made (yes, every single time). Geesh, what a waste of processing power, memory, and other system resources. After all, most of the content on your site remains the same for at least a few minutes at a time. If you've been using WordPress® for very long, you've probably noticed that (on average) your site does not load up as fast as other sites on the web. Now you know why!

= The Definition Of A Cached File (from the Wikipedia) =

In computer science, a cache (pronounced /kash/) is a collection of data duplicating original values stored elsewhere or computed earlier, where the original data is expensive to fetch (owing to longer access time) or to compute, compared to the cost of reading the cache. In other words, a cache is a temporary storage area where frequently accessed data can be stored for rapid access. Once the data is stored in the cache, it can be used in the future by accessing the cached copy rather than re-fetching or recomputing the original data.

= Prepare To Be Amazed / It's Time To Speed Things Up =

ZenCache is extremely reliable, because it runs completely in PHP code, and does not hand important decisions off to the `mod_rewrite` engine or browser cache; also making ZenCache MUCH easier to setup and configure.

In addition, ZenCache actually sends a no-cache header (yes, a no-cache header); which allows it to remain in control at all times. It might seem weird that a caching plugin would send a no-cache header :-). Well, no-cache headers are a key component in this plugin, and they will NOT affect performance negatively. On the contrary, this is how the system can accurately serve cache files to public users vs. users who are logged-in, commenters, etc.

If you care about the speed of your site, ZenCache is one of those plugins that you absolutely MUST have installed :-) ZenCache takes a real-time snapshot (building a cache) of every Page, Post, Category, Link, etc. These snapshots are then stored (cached) intuitively, so they can be referenced later, in order to save all of that processing time that has been dragging your site down and costing you money.

The ZenCache plugin uses configuration options that you select from the options panel. See: **ZenCache -› Options** in your Dashboard. Once a file has been cached, ZenCache uses advanced techniques that allow it to recognize when it should and should not serve a cached version of the file. By default, ZenCache does not serve cached pages to users who are logged in, or to users who have left comments recently. ZenCache also excludes administrative pages, login pages, POST/PUT/DELETE/GET(w/ query string) requests and/or CLI processes.

= Running ZenCache On A WordPress® Multisite Installation =

WordPress® Multisite Networking is a special consideration in WordPress®. If ZenCache is installed under a Multisite Network installation, it will be enabled for ALL blogs the same way. The centralized config options for ZenCache, can only be modified by a Super Administrator operating on the main site. ZenCache has internal processing routines that prevent configuration changes, including menu displays; for anyone other than a Super Administrator operating on the main site.

= How To Enable GZIP Compression for Even Greater Speeds =

You don't have to use an `.htaccess` file to enjoy the performance enhancements provided by this plugin; caching is handled by WordPress®/PHP alone. That being said, if you want to take advantage of GZIP compression (and we do recommend this), then you WILL need an `.htaccess` file to accomplish that part. This plugin fully supports GZIP compression on its output. However, it does not handle GZIP compression directly. We purposely left GZIP compression out of this plugin, because GZIP compression is something that should really be enabled at the Apache level or inside your `php.ini` file. GZIP compression can be used for things like JavaScript and CSS files as well, so why bother turning it on for only WordPress-generated pages when you can enable GZIP at the server level and cover all the bases!

If you want to enable GZIP, create an `.htaccess` file in your WordPress® installation directory and put the following few lines in it. Alternatively, if you already have an `.htaccess` file, just add these lines to it, and that is all there is to it. GZIP is now enabled!

	<IfModule deflate_module>
		<IfModule filter_module>
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/plain text/html
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/xml application/xml application/xhtml+xml application/xml-dtd
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE application/rdf+xml application/rss+xml application/atom+xml image/svg+xml
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/css text/javascript application/javascript application/x-javascript
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/otf font/opentype application/font-otf application/x-font-otf
			AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE font/ttf font/truetype application/font-ttf application/x-font-ttf

If your installation of Apache does not have `mod_deflate` installed. You can also enable GZIP compression using PHP configuration alone. In your `php.ini` file, you can simply add the following line anywhere: `zlib.output_compression = on`

= EMERGENCY: If All Else Fails (How-To Remove ZenCache) =

Ordinarily you can just deactivate ZenCache from the plugins menu in WordPress. However, if you're having a more serious issue, please follow the instructions here.

1. Log into your site via FTP; perhaps using [FileZilla](
2. Delete this file: `/wp-content/advanced-cache.php`
3. Delete this directory: `/wp-content/plugins/zencache/`
4. Remove this line from your `/wp-config.php` file: `define('WP_CACHE', TRUE);`

ZenCache is now completely uninstalled and you can start fresh :-)

== Pro Features ==

= ZenCache Pro Features =

- The ability to cache logged-in users too! (VERY powerful, particularly for membership sites).
- A new improved "Clear Cache" button in the admin bar (along with an option to enable/disable this feature).
- The ability to disable Dashboard notifications related to automatic clearing/purging on change detections.
- The ability to clear Markdown-related cache files generated by the s2Clean theme for WordPress (if installed).
- The ability to run custom PHP code whenever the cache is cleared.
- Cache Statistics to help you gain insight into the status of your site cache.
- Import/Export functionality for ZenCache configuration files.
- A Dynamic Version Salt (customize the caching engine).
- HTML Compressor to automatically combine and compresses CSS/JS/HTML code.
- Auto-Cache Engine to pre-cache your site at 15-minute intervals.
- Static CDN Filters to serve some and/or ALL static files on your site from a CDN of your choosing, including support for Multiple CDN Host Names, Domain Sharding, and WordPress Multisite Networks.
- An Automatic Updater to update ZenCache Pro from your WordPress Dashboard.
- Rockstar support for all ZenCache features.

**TIP:** you can preview Pro features in the free version by clicking the "**Preview Pro Features**" link at the top of your ZenCache options.

== Pro Installation ==

ZenCache Pro is a wholly contained plugin that _does not_ require ZenCache Lite to be installed. To install ZenCache Pro,

1. Deactivate and delete ZenCache Lite, if it is currently installed
1. Download ZenCache Pro from your account at
1. From your WordPress Dashboard, go to **Dashboard -> Plugins -> Add New** and then click on the **Upload Plugin** button at the top
1. Select the ZenCache Pro zip file you downloaded in step 2 and click "Install Now"
1. After the plugin finishes installing, click the "Activate Plugin" link

Once the plugin is active, you can go to **Dashboard -> ZenCache -> Plugin Options -> Enable/Disable** and Enable ZenCache.

Also, to stay updated with the latest version of ZenCache Pro, be sure to also configure **Dashboard -> ZenCache -> Plugin Updater**.

== Software Requirements ==

In addition to the [WordPress Requirements](, ZenCache requires the following minimum versions:

- PHP 5.3.2+
- Apache 2.1+

== License ==

Copyright: © 2013 [WebSharks, Inc.]( (coded in the USA)

Released under the terms of the [GNU General Public License](

= Credits / Additional Acknowledgments =

* Software designed for WordPress®.
	- GPL License <>
	- WordPress® <>
* Some JavaScript extensions require jQuery.
	- GPL-Compatible License <>
	- jQuery <>
* CSS framework and some JavaScript functionality provided by Bootstrap.
	- GPL-Compatible License <>
	- Bootstrap <>
* Icons provided by Font Awesome.
	- GPL-Compatible License <>
	- Font Awesome <>

== Upgrade Notice ==

= v140104 =

Requires PHP v5.3.2+. The latest version of ZenCache is a complete rewrite (OOP design). Faster! and even more dependable. NOTE: the free version of Quick Cache (this new LITE version); while it remains fully functional and is more-than-adequate for most sites; is now limited in some ways. The following advanced features from the previous release are no longer available in the lite version: a custom MD5 Version Salt, custom Exclusion Patterns, a Clear Cache button in admin bar. These, and other features; are now available only in the pro version of the plugin. For further details, please see: <>.

== Changelog ==

= v160103 =

- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue that was unexpectedly producing "Failed to update your /.htaccess file" error messages. The `.htaccess` routines are now more intelligent and take into consideration which plugin options are enabled and which options require updating the `.htaccess` file. This also improves performance by avoiding unnecessary read/writes to the `.htaccess` file. Props @patdumond. See [Issue #641](wpsharks#641).
- **Bug Fix**: When `allow_url_fopen` is disabled via the PHP configuration, the Auto-Cache Engine is unable to read the XML Sitemap and was silently failing with only PHP Warning in the PHP error log. The Auto-Cache Engine currently requires [PHP URL-aware fopen wrappers]( A new Dashboard notice displays an error message when `allow_url_fopen` is disabled and prevents the Auto-Cache Engine from attempting to run. See [Issue #644](wpsharks#644).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an Auto-Cache Engine bug that was producing false-positive Dashboard errors related to timeouts: "Problematic XML Sitemap URL - WP_Http says: Operation timed out after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received." Due to the way ZenCache was checking the XML Sitemap URL more than necessary, timeouts were more likely to occur. We now only check the URL repeatedly when a failure has been encountered. If the URL is confirmed as working, we don't check the URL again until the Auto-Cache Engine runs (every 15 minutes by default) or until the Plugin Options are saved. If you are still seeing timeout errors after this update, please see [this article]( See [Issue #643](wpsharks#643).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an Auto-Cache Engine bug where ZenCache would would check both the non-SSL (`http://`) and the SSL (`https://`) version of the XML Sitemap URL when the Site Address was configured to use SSL. See [Issue #643](wpsharks#643).
- **Enhancement**: It's now possible to override the ZenCache Nonce exclusion globally (dangerous) or only for Logged-In Users (safer). Please see [this article]( for full details. [Issue #637](wpsharks#637).
- **Akismet Compatibility**: Fixed a bug with Akismet compatibility where ZenCache was not properly disabling the Akismet Comment Nonce, which resulted in pages being unnecessarily excluded from the cache due to the presence of the `akismet_comment_nonce` in the markup. Props @Kalfer. See [Issue #642](wpsharks#642).

= v151220 =

- **New Feature!**: It's now possible to customize the Cache Cleanup Schedule and set your own schedule in _ZenCache → Plugin Options → Manual Cache Clearing → Cache Cleanup Schedule_. ZenCache uses [`wp_get_schedules()`]( when generating the list of available schedules, which makes it possible to create your own custom cron schedule using a plugin like WP Crontrol and use that to define a custom Cache Cleanup Schedule. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #472](wpsharks#472).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to configure the Pro Plugin Updater to check for Beta versions (Release Candidates) of the plugin. See _ZenCache → Plugin Updater → Beta Testers_. We publish Release Candidates a week or so before official releases to allow for additional testing and early preview of upcoming features and bug fixes. If you're not already on our Beta Testers mailing list, you can signup [here]( Props @kristineds. See [Issue #352](wpsharks#352).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to clear [Expired WordPress Transients]( from the Clear Cache Option Menu in the WordPress Admin Bar. The WordPress Transients API has no functionality to automatically clean up expired transients; doing so is left for plugin authors and we've found that very few plugins that use the Transient API actually clean up expired transients properly, which can lead to your database being full of expired transient data that is no longer used. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #459](wpsharks#459).
- **New Feature!** Client-Side Caching now includes a new URI Exclusion Patterns for Client-Side Caching, allowing you to exclude specific URIs from being cached by a client-side browser when Client-Side Caching is enabled. Props @renzms. See [Issue #498](wpsharks#498).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug that was generating a "Failed to update your `/.htaccess` file" error message. The routines that update your `.htaccess` file were failing if your `.htaccess` file already contained the word "ZenCache" (case-insensitive). See [Issue #617](wpsharks#617) and [Issue #620](wpsharks#620).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug that in some scenarios could cause custom `.htaccess` rules to be lost if your `.htaccess` file was using the exact same comment start and end markers as ZenCache (`# BEGIN ZenCache` and `# END ZenCache`). If you were using those exact same start and end markers, ZenCache was replacing whatever was between them with a copy of the ZenCache `.htaccess` rules. ZenCache now uses a unique marker (`WmVuQ2FjaGU`) to identify its own code blocks inside your `.htaccess` file. See [Issue #620](wpsharks#620).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug with clearing cache files for paginated pages where the `pagination_base` had been changed from the default `page` to something else (e.g., a translated string). The WP Rewrite API is now used to include `pagination_base` and `comments_pagination_base` when building paths to cache files to determine which cache files should be cleared. Props @renzms. See [Issue #607](wpsharks#607).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug with the Static CDN Filters that affected sites using a permalink structure that ended with `.htm` or `.html`. This bug was supposed to be fixed back in v151002 but another bug prevented the fix from working properly. This release fixes the issue once and for all. See [Issue #495](wpsharks#495 (comment)).
- **Bug Fix**: With Logged-In User caching enabled, there were some scenarios where the user cache was being cleared on every page load when a user was logged in. ZenCache now hooks into `updated_user_metadata` instead of `update_user_metadata` to clear a specific user cache. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #623](wpsharks#623).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where the Auto-Cache Engine cron event would disappear in some scenarios. Props @patdumond, @MarioKnight. See [Issue #613](wpsharks#613).
- **Bug Fix**: ZenCache no longer caches any pages that contain `_wpnonce` in the markup. This ensures that pages containing time-sensitive `nonce` values are not cached. Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #601](wpsharks#601).
- **Bug Fix**: This release attempts to resolve reports of Error 500 and Internal Server Error issues when running with PHP 5.6 + OPcache. Instead of clearing the entire Opcode cache whenever the plugin options are saved, we only invalidate the `advanced-cache.php` file, which is rebuilt each time you update your configuration options. Props @jaswsinc. Also props to @MarioKnight and @CotswoldPhoto for helping us narrow this down. See [Issue #624](wpsharks#624).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where ZenCache could inadvertently corrupt the `.htaccess` file if it contained invalid UTF-8 characters. This has been fixed by first checking the `.htaccess` file for invalid UTF-8 characters via `wp_check_invalid_utf8()`. See [Issue #633](wpsharks#633 (comment)).
- **Enhancement**: Improved WP Cron-related configuration and validation of custom cron schedules. See [PR #197](wpsharks/comet-cache-pro#197).
- **Enhancement**: ZenCache now clears the cache whenever a WordPress plugin is activated or deactivated. Many WordPress plugins change content on the front-end of the site, so this enhancement ensures that an old cache file is never served to visitors. If you want to disable this automatic behavior, see [this article]( Props @renzms. See [Issue #424](wpsharks#424).
- **Enhancement**: The Auto-Cache Engine diagnostic reporting for XML Sitemap-related errors has been greatly improved. The Dashboard notice now explains exactly what error is occurring when the Auto-Cache Engine attempts to verify that the XML Sitemap exists. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #615](wpsharks#615) and [Issue #618](wpsharks#618).
- **Enhancement**: Auto-Cache Engine XML Sitemap error checking is now more intelligent. When configured, the XML Sitemap URL is now checked upon every `admin_init` to verify that the XML Sitemap is accessible and valid. If a previous error has been fixed, the error message will disappear immediately instead of taking 15 minutes (the Auto-Cache Engine run cycle). See [Issue #616](wpsharks#616).
- **Enhancement**: Static CDN Filters are no longer applied by default for Logged-In Users. This was causing some confusion because Logged-In User caching is disabled by default. There is no harm in applying Static CDN Filters to all users (logged-in or not logged-in), in fact we recommend it, however we now disable this functionality by default to avoid confusion. A new option allows you to control this behavior and enable Static CDN Filters for Logged-In users; see _ZenCache → Logged-In Users → Static CDN Filters Enabled for Logged-In Users & Comment Authors?_ Props @kristineds, @lkraav, and @isaumya. See [Issue #486](wpsharks#486).
- **Enhancement**: The Static CDN Filters now attempt to obey the `ZENCACHE_ALLOWED` and `DONOTCACHEPAGE` constants so that Static CDN Filters are not applied when caching is disabled. However, due to the way Static CDN Filters are implemented this is not always reliable. If you need to programmatically disable Static CDN Filters, see [this article]( See [Issue #628](wpsharks#628).
- **Enhancement**: When activating ZenCache for the first time, a new Dashboard message now includes a helpful link to the options page to enable caching and review the options. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #112](wpsharks#112).
- **Enhancement**: The automatic Cache Cleanup schedule that cleans up (deletes) expired/stale cache files has been changed from once every day to once every hour. Running the cleanup hourly makes ZenCache smarter when configured in certain ways and saves disk space. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #472](wpsharks#472).
- **Enhancement:** The new default value for "Clear the PHP OPcache Too?" when clearing the cache manually is now disabled. Instead of having this option enabled by default, we automatically invalidate only the `advanced-cache.php` file in PHP's opcode cache whenever you update your configuration options, which allows ZenCache to function as expected. That was the most important reason for needing to clear the opcode cache in previous versions. Props @jaswsinc. Also props to @MarioKnight and @CotswoldPhoto for helping us narrow this down. See [Issue #624](wpsharks#624).
- **Enhancement**: Improved `.htaccess` utilities so that an exclusive lock is acquired when reading+writing to the file. This helps avoid inadvertently corrupting the `.htaccess` file in scenarios where another process might be reading/writing to it at the same time. See [Issue #633](wpsharks#633).
- **Multisite Enhancement**: The Auto-Cache Engine has a new configuration option when running on WP Multisite Networks that allows you to define whether or not the Auto-Cache Engine should look for XML Sitemaps on each of the child blogs. This now defaults to being off; i.e., by default, child blogs are no longer checked. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #618](wpsharks#618 (comment)).
- **Multisite Enhancement**: The Auto-Cache Engine XML Sitemap diagnostic reporting is now always disabled for child blogs and only errors related to a primary sitemap location are displayed on the Dashboard. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #618](wpsharks#618 (comment)).
- **bbPress Compatibility:** This release improves compatibility with bbPress when ZenCache Logged-In User caching is enabled. In this scenario, bbPress may generate links for Admins that contain time-sensitive `_wpnonce` values which could expire if cached and result in certain admin-related actions failing. ZenCache no longer caches pages that contain `_wpnonce` in the markup. This ensures that pages containing time-sensitive `nonce` values are not cached. Props @kristineds, @jaswsinc, and @clavaque. See [Issue #601](wpsharks#601).
- **Akismet Compatibility:** ZenCache no longer caches pages that contain `akismet_comment_nonce` in the markup. This ensures that a page that contains a time-sensitive `nonce` value does not get cached. Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #601](wpsharks#601).
- **Akismet Compatibility:** ZenCache now automatically disables the Akismet Comment Nonce using [the `akismet_comment_nonce` filter](, which improves compatibility between Akismet and the page caching functionality provided by ZenCache. This ensures that pages do not contain time-sensitive `nonce` values that should not be cached. If you'd like to revert this behavior, please see [this article]( Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #601](wpsharks#601).
- **WooCommerce Compatibility:** This release improves compatibility with the WooCommerce Product Stock feature. When the Product Stock changes, ZenCache will now clear the cache file for the associated Product to ensure that the stock quantity that appears on the site remains up-to-date. See [Issue #597](wpsharks#597).

= v151114 =

- **Announcement: The next version of ZenCache will require PHP 5.4+.** As of December 1st, 2015, the minimum PHP version required to run ZenCache will change to PHP 5.4+. This release of ZenCache will be the last version to support PHP 5.3. Please see announcement with further details: [New Minimum PHP Version: PHP 5.4](
- **Announcement: The next version of ZenCache will not support the PHP APC Extension**. As of December 1st, 2015, ZenCache will no longer run with the PHP APC extension enabled. Please see announcement with further details: [PHP APC Extension No Longer Supported](
- **New Feature!** The Clear Cache button in the Admin Bar now includes a sub-menu with several new options for clearing the cache from anywhere on your site. You can clear the cache for just the Home Page, the Current URL, a Specific URL, PHP's OPCache (if active), or the CDN Cache (when Static CDN Filters are configured). This menu comes in two flavors and can be customized (or disabled entirely) inside _ZenCache → Plugin Options → Manual Cache Clearing_. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #596](wpsharks#596 (comment)).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to specify a list of Custom URLs whose cache files should be cleared whenever you update a Post/Page, approve a Comment, or make other changes where ZenCache detects that a Post/Page cache should be cleared to keep your site up-to-date. See _ZenCache → Plugin Options → Automatic Cache Clearing → Misc. Auto-Clear Options → Auto-Clear a List of Custom URLs Too?_ Props @kristineds. See [Issue #111](wpsharks#111).
- **New Feature!** A new watered-down Regular Expression syntax is now supported in several existing ZenCache features, including the new list of Custom URLs to Auto-Clear, URI Exclusion Patterns, HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns, User-Agent Exclusion Patterns, and the HTML Compressor CSS Exclusion Patterns and JavaScript Exclusion Patterns. This new syntax greatly increases the power and flexibility of each of these features and makes things possible like the much-requested ability to Auto-Clear the Home Page or Posts Page of a site whenever a post cache is cleared. For more information on this new watered-down Regular Expression syntax, [this KB Article]( Props @kristineds @jaswsinc. See [Issue #191](wpsharks#191).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug with Static CDN Filters and Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) that was generating a "Cross-Origin Request Blocked" error. ZenCache will now update the root `.htaccess` file to include a `Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"` rule for `ttf`, `ttc`, `otf`, `eot`, `woff`, `woff2`, `font.css`, `css`, and `js` files whenever the Static CDN Filters are enabled. This is necessary to avoid "Cross-Origin Request Blocked" errors. Note that if you are already experiencing this error, you should create and configure a new CDN hostname to resolve the issue. In our tests it appears that some CDNs are caching the initial header response received by the server, which means it's necessary to send the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header _before_ configuring the Static CDN Filters with a CDN hostname. See [Issue #427](wpsharks#427 (comment)).
- **Bug Fix**: Removed `eot,ttf,otf,woff` font extensions from the Static CDN Filter Blacklisted Extensions. These were added in a previous release in an attempt to resolve an issue with Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS), however now that the HTML Compressor has been updated to work with Static CDN Filters, the CSS compressed by the HTML Compressor is now served from the CDN. Fonts are most likely to be referenced by CSS, which is static. So when Static CDN Filters are applied, the CSS is getting moved to the CDN and the fonts are then expected to live on the CDN too. By excluding them from the Static CDN Filter, we were creating a problem instead of solving one. This release removes the font extensions from the default Blacklisted Extensions so that fonts can be hosted on the CDN alongside the CSS that references them. See [Issue #427](wpsharks#427 (comment)).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug related to updating plugins with WP-CLI on a site that was running ZenCache Pro. While ZenCache Pro updates must still be done through the ZenCache Pro Updater inside the Dashboard, updating other plugins via WP-CLI was generating a harmless ZenCache exception: "Invalid argument; host token empty!". With this fix, ZenCache will properly detect when WP-CLI is running to avoid these errors. Props @MarioKnight @renzms. See [Issue #563](wpsharks#563).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where post previews were being cached when Logged-In User Caching and GET Request caching were both enabled (both are disabled by default). This release now detects previews in this scenario and excludes those requests from being cached. Props @clavaque @kristineds. See [Issue #583](wpsharks#583).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue where a PHP Notice was generated when an inactive WordPress component was being upgraded. This issue did not have any adverse affect on the site, but this fix resolves the issue so that the notice won't appear in PHP logs. See [Issue #589](wpsharks#589).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where a commented-out `WP_CACHE` definition in `wp-config.php` (such as what WP Super Cache leaves behind) was being incorrectly ignored and resulted in caching being silently disabled. Props @davidfavor. See [Issue #591](wpsharks#591).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where in some scenarios a page might not be cached due to a stray `AUTH_COOKIE` or `SECURE_AUTH_COOKIE` cookie, even when the user is not logged in. Props @jaswsinc @renzms. See [Issue #592](wpsharks#592).
- **Enhancement**: Excluded several unnecessary files from the plugin zip file that were being used during the build process but were not necessary to run the plugin. Props @bridgeport. See [Issue #579](wpsharks#579).
- **Enhancement**: When the Cache Directory location is changed, ZenCache now cleans up the old Cache Directory and any old cache files instead of leaving them behind. Props @clavaque @renzms. See [Issue #580](wpsharks#580).
- **Enhancement**: Added a new API Function that allows a site owner to clear the cache for a specific URL via `zencache::clearUrl($url);`. See [this article]( for further details. Props @kristineds. See [Issue #590](wpsharks#590).
- **Enhancement**: Improved the HTML Notes generated by ZenCache when s2Member (a membership plugin for WordPress) is specifically disabling caching. s2Member automatically disables caching on certain pages that are required to remain dynamic. The HTML Notes generated by ZenCache now explain when this is happening. Props @renzms. See [Issue #504](wpsharks#504).
- **Enhancement**: In Logged-In User Caching, the "Yes, but DON'T maintain a separate cache for each user" option has been hidden because this particular option has the potential to create a security issue if not configured properly. If you were already using this option, it will not be hidden and it will continue to work. Otherwise, if you require this particular option you can now enable it using a filter (see [this comment](wpsharks#497 (comment))). Props @renzms @jaswsinc. See [Issue #497](wpsharks#497).
- **Enhancement**: The Auto-Cache Engine now detects when the configured XML Sitemap is not valid or is unreachable and displays an appropriate notice. Props @kristineds and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #555](wpsharks#555).

= v151004 =

- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug introduced in the previous release that was resulting in a "Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context" for sites running PHP 5.3. (PHP 5.4+ sites were unaffected.) Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #581](wpsharks#581).

= v151002 =

- **New Feature!** Cache Statistics is a completely new ZenCache Pro feature that will help site owners better understand their WordPress site cache. An easy-to-access Cache Stats menu button in the Admin Bar is accompanied by a whole new page that shows Current Cache Totals (including total number of cache files and total size of cache on the disk), Current Disk Health (including total disk capacity and total available), Current System Health (including memory usage and load average), and two beautiful Polar Area pie charts that show you both current and historical data on Cache File Counts and Cache File Sizes with a 30-Day High, Current Total, Page Cache total, and HTML Compressor total for each chart. Props to @jaswsinc. See [Issue #83](wpsharks#83).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to specify which WordPress Roles/Capabilities are allowed to clear the cache from the WordPress Admin bar. A new option inside _Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → Manual Cache Clearing_ allows specifying a comma-delimited list of Roles and/or Capabilities under, "Also allow others to clear the cache from their Admin Bar?". If a user has an allowed Role/Capability, they will see the "Clear Cache" button in their Admin Bar. This feature is also compatible with WordPress Multisite Networks, allowing a Network Administrator to define which Child Site roles should allow a Child Site user to see the "Clear Cache" button for their Child Site. Props @danielmt2k @jaswsinc. See [Issue #68](wpsharks#68).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to "Disable Cache Expiration If Server Load Average is High" (see _Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → Cache Expiration Time_). This allows you to provide a specific load average that should cause ZenCache to disable cache expiration and help reduce stress on the server; i.e., to avoid generating a new version of the cache while the server is very busy. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #347](wpsharks#347).
- **New Feature!** It's now possible to manually clear the CDN Cache when Static CDN Filters are enabled. Inside the Static CDN Filters options panel there's a new "Clear CDN Cache" button and there's also a new option ("Clear the CDN Cache Too?") inside _Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → Manual Cache Clearing_ that allows you to specify whether or not you'd like the CDN Cache to be cleared whenever the "Clear Cache" button is clicked (either from the Admin Bar or from inside the Plugin Options). Props @kristineds @jaswsinc. See [Issue #488](wpsharks#488).
- **New Feature!** When your server has the [PHP OPCache Extension]( installed, ZenCache can now be configured to also clear the PHP opcode cache whenever you clear the cache manually using the ZenCache "Clear Cache" button. See _ZenCache Options → Manual Cache Clearing → Clear the PHP OPCache Too?_ (note that this option only appears if you have the OPCache Extension installed). Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #489](wpsharks#489).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an HTML Compressor bug related to CSS pseudo-classes where spaces between the class name and pseudo-class name were being removed when CSS was minified. Props @patdumond @jaswsinc. See [Issue #544](wpsharks#544).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an HTML Compressor bug related to `<noscript>` tags. The HTML Compressor now makes no adjustments to anything inside `<noscript>` tags, and the same has always been true for IE conditional comments as well. Props @rtrevellyan @jaswsinc. See [Issue #65](wpsharks/html-compressor#65).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue related to a popular NGINX server configuration (`try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?q=$uri&$args;`) that was preventing the entire site from being cached. ZenCache disables caching by default for all requests that include a query string (see _Dashboard → ZenCache → Plugin Options → GET Requests_) and this particular NGINX configuration passes _all_ requests to WordPress with a `?q=` query variable, which was resulting in ZenCache disabling caching on all pages. This release implements better detection for NGINX and works around this scenario. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #561](wpsharks#561).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug with the Static CDN Filters that affected sites using a permalink structure that ended with `.htm` or `.html`. Generally, files that end in `.htm` or `.html` are considered static files, hence the reason ZenCache was rewriting URLs with those extensions to point at the configured CDN. However, if a site uses `.htm` or `.html` in their permalink structure, all links to Posts/Pages within the site will appear to be static files when they are in fact dynamic and therefore should not be rewritten. ZenCache now checks the permalink structure and excludes `.htm` and `.html` from the allowed extensions when the permalink structure is using one of these. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #495](wpsharks#495).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an SSL issue with the HTML Compressor that was causing problems in some hosting environments where the hosting server was incorrectly setting `$_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']` to `http` even when the WordPress Site URL and Home URL were set to use `https://`. As a result of this improper server configuration, the combined CSS/JS files generated by the HTML Compressor were being served over HTTP even when a site was configured to use HTTPS. This release applies a workaround for this improper server configuration that no longer looks at `$_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']`. See [Issue #413](wpsharks#413) and [Issue #73](wpsharks/html-compressor#73).
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug in the Auto-Cache Engine that was resulting in duplicate Cron Jobs being created for each Child Site. The Auto-Cache Engine now only runs from the Main Site in a network, as it should. When the Auto-Cache Engine runs on the Main Site, it will also run for each of the Child Blogs (see [this article]( for more information). Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #543](wpsharks#543).
- **Enhancement**: Improved HTML Compressor HTTP connection handling, timeouts, protocol, BOM markers, exceptions, `Referer:` and `User-Agent:` headers. Props @LittleBastard77 @jaswsinc. See [Issue #391](wpsharks#391) and [Issue #69](wpsharks/html-compressor#69).
- **Enhancement**: Manual Cache Clearing options have now been separated from Automatic Cache Clearing options inside the ZenCache Plugin Options to improve the differentiation between these.
- **Enhancement**: New icons in the ZenCache Plugin Options help improve the visual representation of each panel.
- **Enhancement**: The installed plugin version is now shown at the top of the ZenCache Options Page. When a newer version of the plugin is available, an "update available" link appears. Props @renzms. See [Issue #502](wpsharks#502).
- **Enhancement**: New transition in/out effects on the Cache Cleared Dashboard notifications. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #538](wpsharks#538).

= v150821 =

- **Multisite Domain Mapping Compatibility**: ZenCache Pro is now fully compatible with the [WordPress MU Domain Mapping plugin](, including Multisite Networks using domain mapping on top-level domains, sub-domains, and sub-directories. Multiple variations of each site spread across an unlimited number of domain mappings and/or the original blog domain/path is also supported. All other features of ZenCache Pro, including the Auto-Cache Engine, Static CDN Filters, and HTML Compression are also now compatible with domain mapping. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #339](wpsharks#339).
- **bbPress Compatibility**: This release greatly improves compatibility with bbPress. Events like creating a new Forum, creating a new Topic, and posting a reply to a Topic (including threaded replies), now properly clear the necessary cache files to ensure that cached bbPress pages remain up-to-date. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #168](wpsharks#168).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where, in some rare cases, `wp-config.php` would end up with two `WP_CACHE` definitions. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #509](wpsharks#509).
- **Bug Fix**: Saving a Post as a Draft was incorrectly purging XML Sitemap cache files. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #368](wpsharks#368).
- **Bug Fix:** The HTML Compressor now strips UTF-8  Byte Order Markers (BOMs) from CSS files generated by preprocessors such as Sass. Files consolidated by the HTML Compressor include an `@charset` rule already, making a BOM unnecessary. In fact, if BOMs are not stripped, some browsers will choke on portions of a consolidated CSS file, because a BOM could potentially appear in the middle of the file; i.e., at the _wrong_ place. Symptoms included mysterious missing styles in portions of the site, fonts not loading at all times, or font-based icons (e.g., FontAwesome) to render mystery glyphs instead of the icons. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #52](wpsharks/html-compressor#52).
- **Bug Fix:** Improved HTML Compressor strict data type comparison when analyzing `$_SERVER` environment variables to detect an `https://` connection URL. We now detect `(integer)443` and `(string)443`. In addition, we can now pick up `$_SERVER['HTTPS']` being any of `1|on|yes|true` (caSe insensitive). Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #61](wpsharks/html-compressor#61).
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where the Clear Cache button wouldn't clear Child-Site Logged-In User Home Page cache files on WordPress Multisite Networks. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #409](wpsharks#409)
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where the Home Page cache was not clearing on Child Sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #409](wpsharks#409)
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue where the Auto-Cache Engine would fail to auto-cache child blogs in a multisite network whenever the network was being served from a sub-directory. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #537](wpsharks#537).
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug with 404 Request caching on Multisite Networks where ZenCache Pro was not considering that each child blog in a multisite network will have its own 404 error page. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #539](wpsharks#539).
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where clearing the cache from the main site of a multisite network, when there are child blogs in sub-directories, resulted in all child blogs being cleared from the cache, not just the main site as would be expected. This has been resolved and only the main site is cleared when clicking the Clear Cache button. Note that the Wipe Cache button can still be used to clear the cache for all sites in a Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #540](wpsharks#540).
- **Multisite Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where Wiping the cache on a multisite network resulted in the very next page view being cached incorrectly. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #541](wpsharks#541).
- **Enhancement**: Improved compatibility with any Custom Post Type that uses hierarchies. Props @jaswsinc.

= v150716 =

- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a fatal error that was occurring on some sites after upgrading to v150629. We discovered the fatal error was related to PHP's outdated and buggy APC extension, which is often active on sites running PHP 5.3 and PHP 5.4. We now prevent activation of ZenCache on systems with the APC extension enabled and show a warning message instead. We've written [a KB Article that further explains the APC Extension Warning]( and offers advice to site owners who are currently running APC. See also [Issue #511](wpsharks#511).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug in the Dynamic Version Salt filter that was generating PHP notices and warnings. See [Issue #522](wpsharks#522).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed an issue with backwards compatibility that was preventing some AC Plugins from working properly. See [Issue #514](wpsharks#514).
- **Enhancement**: Added a stats pinger, similar to the WordPress stats collector, that reports the server OS, PHP version, MySQL version, WordPress version, and the ZenCache version, securely and anonymously to WebSharks. See [this KB Article]( for more information.

= v150626 =

- **Restructured Codebase**: The entire ZenCache codebase has been restructured to improve performance, enhance flexibility, and make it easier to build in new features!
- **New Feature!** The free version of ZenCache now supports several new options that were previously only available in the Pro version. You can now toggle the Auto-Clear Cache routines for the Home Page, Posts Page, Author Page, Category Archives, Tag Archives, Custom Term Archives, RSS/RDF/Atom Feeds, and XML Sitemaps. This gives you more control over exactly when ZenCache purges the cache for these parts of your site. See _ZenCache → Plugin Options → Clearing the Cache_ for further details.
- **New Feature!** URI Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to exclude a list of URIs from being cached by ZenCache. See _ZenCache → Plugin Options → URI Exclusion Patterns_ for further details.
- **New Feature!** HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns are now available in ZenCache Lite! This previously Pro-only feature is now available in the free version of ZenCache and allows you to define a list of referring URLs or domains that send you traffic. When ZenCache sees a request coming from one of those URLs or domains, it will not cache that particular request. See _ZenCache → Plugin Options → HTTP Referrer Exclusion Patterns_ for further details.
- **New Pro Feature!**: HTML Compression now supports compressing JSON (in addition to the already supported HTML, JavaScript, and CSS compression). Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #469](wpsharks#469).
- **New Pro Feature!**: Static CDN Filters now supports multiple CDN hostnames. This allows you to configure more than one CDN hostname, also referred to as Domain Sharding. This makes it possible for site owners to work around web browser concurrency limits, allowing the browser to download many resources simultaneously, which increases overall speed. Props to @isaumya and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #468](wpsharks#468).
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now includes proper support for WordPress Multisite Networks, including support for subdomains (full support for Domain Mapping coming in the next release). If you're running a WordPress Multisite Network and want to configure a CDN, see [this KB Article]( for further details.
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also apply to any static files that are referenced inside CSS files. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #461](wpsharks#461).
- **Enhancement**: Completed a major restructure of the entire codebase to improve modularity and dependency management. Props @jaswsinc.
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now supports the ability to configure separate CDN hostname(s) for each domain (or subdomain) that you run in a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #475](wpsharks#475).
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now support subdomains when ZenCache is running inside a WordPress Multisite Network. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #439](wpsharks#439).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Static CDN Filters were not being applied to the primary site on WP Multisite installations that used subdomains. Props to @isaumya for discovering this bug. See [Issue #470](wpsharks#470).

= v150409 =

- **Enhancement (includes improved CloudFlare support)**: Improvements to IP address detection, including added support for CloudFlare IP forwarding, multiple IPs in a single header, and the ability to customize the lookup order and/or add/remove sources that are searched when looking for the current IP address. It's also possible to revert to the old IP address detection behavior (see [How do I customize remote IP detection?]( Props @jaswsinc. [Issue #449](wpsharks#449)
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Files being served by the HTML Compressor were being sent without a `Vary: Accept-Encoding` header, which caused some page speed testing services to give a lower rating to sites using ZenCache. ZenCache now ensures this header is sent via an `.htaccess` file inside the HTML Compressor cache directory (requires Apache 2.1+). Props @jaswsinc. [Issue #436](wpsharks#436).
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now also filter any static resources inside Text Widgets, so that those resources can be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. [Issue #430](wpsharks#430)
- **Enhancement** (Pro): Static CDN Filters now apply to minified and compressed CSS/JS files generated by the HTML Compressor; these files will now be cached by your CDN. Props @jaswsinc. [Issue #429](wpsharks#429)
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug related to the Quick Cache migration that resulted in caching being disabled despite ZenCache being enabled. Uninstalling Quick Cache was removing `define('WP_CACHE', TRUE);` from the `wp-config.php` file. ZenCache now makes sure that caching remains enabled after uninstalling Quick Cache during the ZenCache migration process. [Issue #450](wpsharks#450).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a minor UI issue where the ZenCache Dashboard icon would occasionally flash to a black color when refreshing the Dashboard. Props @jaswsinc. [Issue #453](wpsharks#453).
- **Bug Fix**: When ZenCache was running on an installation of PHP with `open_basedir` restrictions applied, calls to `is_dir()` were triggering a PHP Warning while looking for a writable temporary directory. This bug has been fixed. [Issue #456](wpsharks#456).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where changing the permalink for a published post would result in the cache file for the old permalink being left behind and as a result both the old and the new permalink would be accessible, instead of WordPress redirecting the old permalink to the new one. This has been fixed and ZenCache now properly clears the old cache file when changing the permalink on a published post. [Issue #359](wpsharks#359).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug where transitioning a Published post back to Pending or Draft would not automatically clear the cache file. This resulted in the post remaining accessible on the frontend despite being set as Pending or Draft. ZenCache now properly clears the cache file automatically when transitioning from Published to Pending or Draft, which prevents access to the post as expected. [Issue #441](wpsharks#441).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Some users reported seeing `Warning: trim() expects parameter 1 to be string`. This was produced by a low-impact bug that has been fixed in this release. [Issue #455](wpsharks#455).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Some users running the HTML Compressor reported seeing 403 Forbidden errors related to loading the compressed/minified files. This was a permissions-related issue that has been resolved in this release. Props @superian and @jaswsinc. See [Issue #50](wpsharks/html-compressor#50).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Some HTTP requests made by the HTML Compressor to servers configured to reject HTTP requests that don't include a User-Agent were failing. A User-Agent is now always used in all requests. Props @jaswsinc. See [Issue #49](wpsharks/html-compressor#49).
- **Minimum Required PHP Version Bumped to PHP v5.3.2+:** The minimum PHP version required for ZenCache has been bumped up to PHP v5.3.2+ (from PHP v5.3+). The ZenCache cache locking mechanism, specifically the use of `flock()`, requires behavior introduced in PHP v5.3.2. [Issue #444](wpsharks#444).

= v150314 =

- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a bug in the Quick Cache back compat. method `\zencache\share\apply_wp_filters()`. It was not passing the ZenCache-filtered value through the Quick Cache back compat. routine. This bug affected sites that had disabled automatic cache clearing routines via a filter.
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Updated Static CDN Filters whitelist to include font file extensions `eot,ttf,otf,woff`, as site owners may wish to serve fonts with these extensions from the CDN (this would require a custom CORS configuration; see [this article]( for instructions). See [#427](wpsharks#427).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Updated Static CDN Filters blacklist to exclude font file extensions `eot,ttf,otf,woff` by default, as they require custom CORS configuration to display properly. See [#427](wpsharks#427).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): The Static CDN Filters feature was calling a protected method that was requiring PHP v5.4+ but now the Static CDN Filters feature works with PHP v5.3+. See [#426](wpsharks#426).
- **Bug Fix**: Fixed a zero-byte `advanced-cache.php` bug related to migrating from Quick Cache. When you deleted/uninstalled Quick Cache after upgrading to ZenCache, the Quick Cache uninstallation process would empty the `advanced-cache.php` file, resulting in the site no longer being cached, despite ZenCache being active. ZenCache now continuously checks to make sure that `advanced-cache.php` is installed properly. See [#432](wpsharks#432).

= v150218 =

**Announcing ZenCache, formerly Quick Cache!**

We are very excited to announce the release of [ZenCache](, an advanced WordPress caching plugin inspired by simplicity. ZenCache is the successor to Quick Cache, a very popular WordPress caching plugin that has been downloaded over 1 million times and won acclaim for its speed, simplicity, and ease of configuration. [Read the full announcement here](

ZenCache is an evolution of Quick Cache. It comes with a completely refactored codebase, subtle UI enhancements, internal optimizations; along with full backward compatibility with all previous versions of Quick Cache Lite and Quick Cache Pro. In fact, installing ZenCache on a site that was previously running Quick Cache is a piece of cake! Watch [this video]( to learn more. All configuration options are preserved.

- **New Pro Feature: CDN Integration:** With the announcement and release of ZenCache we are excited to also announce a new, highly-requested feature: Static CDN Filters. This feature allows you to serve some and/or ALL static files on your site from a CDN of your choosing. See also: [Introduction to Static CDN Filters](
- **Full Backwards Compatibility with Quick Cache and Quick Cache Pro:** ZenCache is fully backwards compatible with all previous versions of Quick Cache Lite and Quick Cache Pro. Simply install ZenCache and your existing Quick Cache options will preserved by ZenCache.

= v150129 =

- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Fixed a bug where the Pro Updater would fail when FTP or SFTP details via the WordPress Dashboard are required to perform updates. Props @jaswsinc. See [#389](wpsharks#389).
- **Bug Fix**: Several fixes for a stubborn bug related to "Fatal Error: 'Unable to clear dir'" error messages and errors referencing "SplFileInfo::getMTime(): stat failed". Props @jaswsinc. See [#397](wpsharks#397).
- **Bug Fix** (Pro): Fixed a bug where the `qcAC` variable (used to force-enable/disable GET Request caching) was not respected properly whenever a URL contained a query string and a user was currently logged into the site. Props @jaswsinc. See [#401](wpsharks#401).

For older Changelog entries, please see the `` file.


ZenCache - An advanced caching plugin for WordPress®.







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