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Gravity PDF

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Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using the popular form-builder plugin, Gravity Forms. Find out more about Gravity PDF at


This Git repository is for developers who want to contribute to Gravity PDF. Don't use it in production. For production use, download Gravity PDF from the WordPress Plugin Directory.

The development branch is considered our bleeding edge branch, with all new changes pushed to it. The master branch is our latest stable version of Gravity PDF.


  1. Clone the repository using git clone
  2. Open your terminal / command prompt to the Gravity PDF root directory and run composer install. If you don't have Composer installed, here are instructions for Linux / Mac installation and Windows.
  3. You'll need to ensure WP_DEBUG is set to true in your wp-config.php file so the appropriate assets are loaded. Alternatively, if you have Node.js and Gulp installed you can run npm install && gulp from the command line.
  4. Copy the plugin to your WordPress plugin directory (if not there already) and active through your WordPress admin area.


All documentation can be found at


You are more than welcome to contribute to Gravity PDF but we recommend you open a new issue on GitHub and discuss your use-case before creating a pull request.

There are a few guidelines that need to be followed to ensure a smooth pull request. These include:

  1. Adhere to the existing code standard which mostly follows WordPress standards.
  2. All PRs must be to the development branch.
  3. Modifications of the existing codebase must pass all unit tests.
  4. Any additions to the plugin must have appropriate unit tests written.
  5. PRs that don't pass existing unit testing or do not have the proper tests to accompany the changes will not be merged.
  6. Where appropriate, you should also update the Gravity PDF documentation on GitHub by creating a pull request. This ensures we have up-to-date documentation for Gravity PDF with each release. Just make sure you cross reference the PRs in each repo so we can easily keep track.
  7. Once our team is happy with the PR we'll ask you to squash your branch into a single commit, rebase it onto the development branch and push the changes to GitHub. This ensures we keep a clean Git history.

If you are uncertain whether your PR meets all these requirements: don't worry! If there are problems our friendly team will guide you in the right direction.

Run Unit Tests

The plugin uses PHPUnit as part of the development process. Installing the testing environment is best done using a flavour of Vagrant (try Varying Vagrant Vagrants).

  1. From your terminal SSH into your Vagrant box using the vagrant ssh command
  2. cd into the root of your Gravity PDF directory
  3. Run bash tests/bin/ gravitypdf_test root root localhost where root root is substituted for your mysql username and password (VVV users can run the command as is).
  4. Upon success you can run vendor/bin/phpunit, vendor/bin/phpunit --group ajax and vendor/bin/phpunit --group slow-pdf-processes.

If you want to generate a code coverage report you can run the following vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html "./tmp/coverage" and a report will be generated in the /tmp/coverage/ subdirectory of the Gravity PDF plugin.


Gravity PDF is a GPLv2-licensed WordPress plugin that allows you to automatically generate, email and download PDF documents using Gravity Forms.






No packages published


  • PHP 91.1%
  • JavaScript 6.2%
  • CSS 2.3%
  • Shell 0.4%