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Phing Scripts to build Joomlashack extensions


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Common Build Scripts to build Joomlashack extensions.


  • Phing v2.16
  • php v7.2
  • JShrink v1.3.3
  • NodeJS v14.5.0
    • node-sass


The default target builds and creates an install package using the current version number in the primary manifest file:

phing build

or just


To update and create an install package for a new version, use this command (Note that version/creation dates for all local related extensions will also be updated to the new version):

phing build-new

If you only want to update any minified files or compile the scss files:

phing pre-build

You can see all available targets:

phing -l

Installing phing

There are several ways to install phing depending on your preferences and technical skills. We recommend using composer to make management of your phing installation easier. To install composer:

Use this command in a terminal window to verify that composer is successfully installed:

composer --version

Then you can install phing globally on your system using this command:

composer global require phing/phing

Verify phing is correctly installed with:

phing -v

Installing JShrink

The minification feature requires JShrink. If, as recommended you have installed composer globally:

composer global require tedivm/jshrink

Installing node.js

We recommend using nvm (Node Version Manager) to manage installation of npm (Node Package Manager) and Node.


Although some don't recommend it, nvm can be installed using homebrew

brew install nvm

When the install completes, look for instructions on adding lines to your terminal run file. On most normal systems this will be ~/.profile.

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
  [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/" ] && \. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"  # This loads nvm
  [ -s "/usr/local/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm" ] && \. "/usr/local/opt/nvm/etc/bash_completion.d/nvm"  # This loads nvm bash_completion

MacOS Manual installation

See Installing nvm for full details. Summary - Use the following command in a terminal window:

curl -o- | bash


nvm is primarily maintained for *nix systems (like MacOS). Corey Butler has created a windows version that works perfectly for windows. For details see his Github repository for nvm.

Download and run the appropriate Windows installer for your system:

Download Windows installer v1.1.8

Verify your nvm/npm/node installation

nvm -v
npm -v
node -v

Installing Node Modules

Once you have installed Node JS, you can easily install the needed modules using npm.

To process SCSS files, the node-sass node.js package must be installed.

npm -g install node-sass
node-sass -v

Phing properties

Create a new file in your project folder, named The only required setting is:


See clients/ for more details on available properties.

Global properties

Many settings will be common to many projects. These properties can be set in in your local clone of this repository.

On some systems, you may have to tell the builder where to find composer's autoload.php file. If you have installed the composer dependencies globally as described above, this is typically the home directory for your user account


The builder expects to find the file .composer/vendor/autoload.php in the specified directory.

See for more properties that are appropriately set globally.

Alias for Related Extension's Path

If you extension has one or more related extension/project, you must set its local copy path alias:


You can set one line per related extension. Use this to map the installer library or any other required project.

If a Pro version has a corresponding Free version, you must indicate this with two properties:

project.hasFreeVersion=1 project.FreeExtensionName.path=/path/to/FreeExtension

Phing script for each project

Any project using this builder must copy the build.xml file from the clients folder here into the project's root folder.

Free and Pro extensions

All free repositories should be named as the product name. All pro repositories should start with the name of the free product, followed by -Pro. The local cloned folders, need to have the same name as the repository, for both.

The pro extension package will be built grabbing the source from the free extension, and copying over it the content from the pro source repository. The folders will be merged and files with the same name will be overwritten. So usually the pro repository will have the language files named with an extension prefix ".pro" and will be merged on the build time.

While building the pro extension, the builder will detect the respective free extension using the property from the composer file.

Language files

For both, pro and free extensions, the language files are in the language folder. The files for the free version should be named normally.

The files for the pro version must have a .pro extension prefix, like: en-GB/ or `en-GB/ They will be merged during the build process.

You can use phing to merge the files:

    phing merge-languages

This command will create merged language files inside the ./packages/dev/language/en-GB folder.

Composer.json file

All extensions need to have a composer.json file in the root folder, which is used by the phing scripts and deploy server to extract information about your project.

        "name"             : "mycompany/myextension",
        "description"      : "MyExtension",
        "minimum-stability": "stable",
        "license"          : "GPL-2+",
        "type"             : "joomla-plugin",
        "extra"            : {
            "element"        : "plg_content_myextension",
            "element-short"  : "myextension",
            "name"           : "MyExtension",
            "folder"         : "content",
            "client"         : "site",
            "package-license": "free"
        "authors"          : [
                "name" : "Name",
                "email": ""
        "require"          : {
            "php"       : ">=7.2.5"
Key Description
type extension type
extra.element Full element name for the extension
extra.element-short Short element name, without any type or folder prefix Extension name. On pro, used to detect the repo for the free extension
extra.folder For plugins, the folder/type of plugin
client 'client' or 'admin'
package-license 'free', 'pro' or 'paid'

Related Extensions

You can automatically pack other extensions while building the package. You just need to specify the related extensions on the manifest file, using this tag as example:

        <relatedExtensions publish="false"
            <extension type="library"

            <extension type="component"

            <extension type="plugin"

Defaults can be set in the <relatedExtensions> tag. Defaults when nothing specified anywhere are in bold

tag values Description
downgrade true|false Allow downgrade on update of the main extension.
uninstall true|false Allow uninstall when the main extension is uninstalled.
publish true|false Plugins only - Publish the right after new install (ignored on updates)
  • first, 0, 1
  • last, *
  • [before|after]:shortelementname
Plugins only - force a specific order on new installs

Merge and minify scripts

Scripts can be minified and optionally merged creating a bundled file. This requires the JShrink library.

To minify script files you create a <minify> tag inside the <alledia> tag. You can specify single script files, as well create bundle files.

You can specify a custom suffix to be added to the compressed file, right before the extension. The default suffix is ".min".

<minify suffix="-min">

The minification is applied while building the package. If you need to run it on developing time, like before committing changes, you can call the task: phing pre-build.

Single script files

Single files are defined by a <script> tag:


This will result in new files:

  • media/js/script1.min.js
  • media/js/script2.min.js

Bundle of script files

A bundle can be created merging files defined inside a <scripts> tag. The destination is set on the "destination" attribute:


            <scripts destination="media/js/script-bundle.js">

This will result in new files:

  • media/js/script1.min.js
  • media/js/script2.min.js
  • media/js/script-bundle.js
  • media/js/script-bundle.min.js

Compiling SCSS Files

SASS SCSS files can be compiled by inclusion of the <scss> tag under the <alledia> tag. This requires node-sass to be installed.

        <scss destination="folder-name" style="compressed">

Folder and file paths are all relative to the project source folder. <scss> tag accepts the following attributes:

Attribute Value
destination Folder name [default to same as original]
style nested|expanded|compact|compressed

Obsolete items

Obsolete items will be unistalled or deleted before install any related extension. You can set 3 types of obsolete items: extension, file and folder. For file and folder, use relative paths to the site root.

            <extension type="plugin"



Publishing and reordering plugins automatically

If the main project is a plugin, the publish and ordering can be used similar to their usage in related extensions.

        <element publish="true" ordering="first">myplugin</element>

Installer views

These views are packed by the installer library and loaded by all extensions.

|   |-- installer
|   |   |-- default.php
|   |   |-- default_info.php
|   |   |-- default_license.php

Your extensions can override any file and add a new one: body_*.

|   |-- installer
|   |   |-- default_custom.php