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=== The Events Calendar ===

Contributors:  ModernTribe, jkudish, PaulHughes01, roblagatta, jonahcoyote, peterchester, reid.peifer, shane.pearlman
Tags: modern tribe, tribe, widget, events, tooltips, grid, month, list, calendar, recurring, event, venue, eventbrite, registration, tickets, ticketing, eventbright, api, dates, date, plugin, posts, sidebar, template, theme, time, google maps, conference, workshop, concert, meeting, seminar, summit, forum, shortcode
Donate link:
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 3.4
Stable tag: 2.0.8

== Description ==

IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are upgrading from a pre-2.0 version of The Events Calendar, please BACK UP your data before upgrading! This is a significant update.

The Events Calendar plugin enables you to rapidly create and manage events. Features include Google Maps integration as well as default templates such as a calendar grid and event list, widget and so much more. Looking for recurring events, the ability to sell tickets, manage conference schedules, accept user submitted events automatically and more? Check out the <a href="">available premium and community add-ons</a>. Have questions or looking to get help from our active user community, <a href="">join us on Facebook</a>, sign up for our newsletter (bottom of the home page) or check out <a href="">our support page</a>. Please note that while we are actively supporting this plugin, we don't provide support for non-paying users.

Just getting started? Check out our <a href="">new user primer!</a>

= The Events Calendar 2.0 =

* Event custom post type
* Easily manage events
* Upcoming Events Widget
* provides full template to complement the 2010 & 2011 theme out of the box (month and list view)
* Extensive template tags for customization
* MU Compatible
* Google Maps Integration
* Calendar Month view with tooltips
* Includes support for venue, cost, address, start and end time, google maps link

= The Events Calendar PRO Features =

* Recurring events
* Saved venues & organizers
* Custom events attributes
* Advanced events manager
* Venue view
* Single day view
* Ajax calendar
* Advanced widgets
* Gcal / ical user download (import)
* and lots more.

<a href="">Grab a copy of The Events Calendar PRO!</a>

== Screenshots ==

1. Calendar View
2. List View
3. Single Post
4. Event Editor
5. Event List Admin
6. Settings Panel

== Installation ==

= Install =

1. <a href="">Follow the directions in our simple video.</a>
1. Update your permalinks to ensure that the event specific rewrite rules take effect.
1. If you have trouble installing, see the [Codex]( for more helpful info.

For more information, check out our <a href="">new user primer!</a>

= Activate =

No setup required. Just plug and play!

= Requirements =

* PHP 5.2 or above
* WordPress 3.3 or above

== Documentation ==

All of our online documentation can be found at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Tutorials are accessible at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

For template tags, you can view our template tag includes in the "public" folder to read through the functions directly.

If you have any questions about this plugin, please take look at the dedicated forum here on at <a href=""></a>. Please search existing threads before opening a new one.

If you want, you can read the <a href="">Modern Tribe PRO support forums</a>. You won't, however, be able to post a message in any forums beyond Pre-Sale Questions unless you have purchase a PRO license.

== Contributors ==

The plugin is produced by <a href="">Modern Tribe Inc</a>.

= Current Contributors =

* <a href="">Paul Hughes</a>
* <a href="">Rob La Gatta</a>
* <a href="">Jonah West</a>
* <a href="">Daniel Dvorkin</a>
* <a href="">Peter Chester</a>
* <a href="">Reid Peifer</a>
* <a href="">Shane Pearlman</a>

= Past Contributors =

* <a href="">Joachim Kudish</a>
* <a href="">Nick Ciske</a>
* <a href="">Kelsey Damas</a>
* <a href="">Matt Wiebe</a>
* <a href="">Dan Cameron</a>
* <a href="">John Gadbois</a>
* Justin Endler

= Translators =

* Swedish (free & PRO) from Ben Andersen
* Russian (free & PRO) from Mikhail Michouris
* Dutch (free & PRO) from Ed Boon, RIck van Dalen & Jacob Roel Meijering
* Danish (PRO only) from Christian Andersen
* Italian (free & PRO) from Filippo Montanari
* Spanish (free & PRO) from Hector at Signo Creativo
* German (free only) from David Decker
* Polish (free & PRO) from Kamil Szymanski
* Norwegian (free & PRO) from "Terje With Lunndal"
* Hebrew (free & PRO) from Sagi Shrieber
* Japanese (free only) from Matthew Meyer
* French (free & PRO) from Arno Faure
* Lithuanian (free only) from Vincent G from Host1Free
* Czech (free & PRO) from Petr Bastan
* Serbian (free & PRO) from Marko Manojlovic
* Bosnian (free & PRO) from Marko Manojlovic
* Croatian (free & PRO) from Marko Manojlovic
* Finnish (free & PRO) from Petri Kajander
* Catalan (free only) from Fran Rosa

== Add-Ons ==

You can see a full list of Modern Tribe products at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Our Free Plugins:

* <a href="" target="_blank">Advanced Post Manager</a>
* Event Importer (coming soon!)

Our Premium Plugins:

* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar PRO</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Eventbrite Tickets</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Community Events</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Facebook Events</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: Conference Manager (coming later in 2012)</a>
* <a href="" target="_blank">The Events Calendar: WooTickets (coming later in 2012)</a>

== Changelog ==

= 2.0.8 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Integration with Presstrends (<a href=""></a>).
* Added an prominent message showing where the calendar lives on your site, appearing immediately upon initial activation.
* Added prominent links to the frontend calendar throughout the backend: on the admin Events list, within the admin bar Events menu, on the plugins list and in the Events panel in the main left-hand admin menu.
* Updated Events panel in main left-hand admin menu to include "Settings" and "Help," & to rename "App Shop" to "Event Add-Ons."
* Added info boxes with descriptions & explanations on each tab in the Events settings.
* Set Events menu options (under Appearance -> Menus) to appear enabled/visible by default.
* TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL code in wp_config now also hides "Event Add-Ons" links.
* Incorporated ECP version into iCal feed (thanks for the tip, Andy Fragen!)
* Incorporated 'tribe_settings_above_form_element_tab_{$currentTab}' to ease integration of third-party add-ons with the Events Settings tabs. Note that as a result the 'tribe_settings_form_element' filter was changed to 'tribe_settings_form_element_tab_'.$this->currentTab.
* Warning messages now appear when attempting to publish custom recurring events with the "Every (X)" field left blank.
* Added filters to the carious title generators within the TribeEvents->maybeAddEventTitle method, so users can control calendar-related title tags in their functions.php file.
* General audit-trail/post-origin improvements & tweaks.
* Removed address/venue queries from views/table.php.
* Included new Hebrew translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Sagi Shrieber.
* Included new Japanese translation files (free only), courtesy of Matthew Meyer.
* Included new French translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Arno Faure.
* Included new Lithuanian translation files (free only), courtesy of Vincent G from Host1Free.
* Included new Czech translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Petr Bastan.
* Included new Serbian translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Marko Manojlovic.
* Included new Bosnian translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Marko Manojlovic.
* Included new Croatian translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Marko Manojlovic.
* Included new Finnish translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Petri Kajander.
* Included new Catalan translation files (free only), courtesy of Fran Rosa.
* Included updated Italian translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Filippo Montanari.

**Bug Fixes:**

* Cleaned up gridview queries to improve AJAX loader speed on sites with multiple events.
* Clarified an incorrect message regarding template override instructions for the list widget.
* Removed unclear/confusing message warning message regarding the need for plugin consistency and added clearer warnings with appropriate links when plugins or add-ons are out date.
* iCal feed no longer adds an extra minute to the event's end time (thanks for the fix, Andy Fragen!).
* Fixed star rating icons that appeared broken on Settings -> Help as a result of the WP 3.4 update.
* Users are no longer taken to a "Page not found" screen after submitting comments on recurring events.

= 2.0.7 = 

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* As requested by the masses...added AJAX functionality to mini calendar widget for navigating forward/backward from month to month (PRO only).
* Incorporated "Events" menu to the admin bar, featuring Events-specific options and integrating with Modern Tribe add-ons.
* Added new App Shop link to Events admin menu / admin bar menu to view and download other Modern Tribe plugins & add-ons.
* Added audit info metabox to admin (just enable it by adding define('TRIBE_SHOW_EVENT_AUDITING', true); to your wp-config file).
* Included new Swedish translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Ben Andersen.
* Included new Spanish translation files (free & PRO), courtesy of Hector at Signo Creativo.

**Bug Fixes:**

* Google Calendar import now works and truncates appropriately for extremely long event listings (thanks for the fix, Andy Fragen!)
* Fixed settings page slug so as not to break backwards compatibility
* Got rid of a superfluous daily query of events that was running for once-per-day every month-view load, thereby improving overall load speed
* Tweaked a bug where TribeEvents::uglyLink() was missing Ôday'
* A message is now displayed in place of the events-slug boxes when a user does not have pretty permalinks enabled.
* Next/previous links no longer navigate in order of event ID when pretty permalinks are disabled.
* Contributors are now able to create recurring events.
* Fixed an issue with single quotes getting converted to funky characters upon saving on Additional Fields and other Settings --> The Events Calendar tabs.
* Addressed various other bugs with the Additional Fields tab in Settings --> The Events Calendar. 
* Tiny patch to help integrate with the Duotive theme.
* Fixed category rewrite slug issue that occurred with certain permalink structures.

= 2.0.6 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Adjusted the Settings API so it now saves on page load and then redirects back to the page
* add_cap()s are now wrapped in an if-statement
* Added proper indentation and spacing to the Events Calendar PRO source files

**Bug Fixes:**

* Additional fields no longer wiped when saving changes to events/settings pages
* Plugin now removes newlines and carriage returns in the process of saving line-separated options for custom links
* Reviewed/improved $_POST and $_GET variables after a security audit to make sure they're sanitized before output/saving to the database (to prevent mySQL injects and/or cross-site scripting vulnerabilities)

= 2.0.5 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Warning messages to indicate if you're not running the latest version of PRO and/or if your PRO & core release numbers are out of sync
* Totally revamped "Settings" page with tabbed structure & improved UI
* Added a hook/filter to make it easier to modify the frontend year selection dropdown
* Updated all country selection dropdowns with Chosen
* Incorporated a "This Event Has Passed" message that appears on any single event entry when that event has already occurred
* Added ability to filter the iCal Feed item generated by the calendar
* Removed strip_shortcodes from the code to allow for unhindered shortcodes in event descriptions
* New Polish translation files for core & PRO courtesy of community member Kamil Szymanski
* New Swedish translation files for core & PRO courtesy of community member Ben Andersen
* New Norwegian translation files for core & PRO courtesy of community member "Terje With Lunndal"

**Bug Fixes:**

* Multiple bugs fixes related to how venue & organizer data is saved, displayed & edited
* Increased iCal stability when working with recurring events (big thanks to Andy Fragen for his help!)
* Stopped pointing to dead links to help keep days with no events from negatively impacting SEO
* Featured images for recurring events no longer get lost upon making changes to the recurrence pattern
* Sites running UTC offset time zone settings no longer see end dates appearing as "0:00"
* Venue pages now show all upcoming events at a venue, regardless of pagination settings
* Frontend venue pages no longer show past events (PRO only)
* Recurrence column no longer appears in the admin events list when PRO is not activated
* Apostrophes no longer become slashes upon saving data in custom fields
* Resolved an issue impacting certain sites where gridview navigation inserted br and p tags into the markup that threw the month nav off in the layout
* Various performance enhancements for the integrated Advanced Post Manager (PRO only)
* Various preparatory updates to allow for integration with forthcoming add-ons
* Removed deprecated tags from overall code base
* Removed of various debug notices & errors

= 2.0.4 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Settings option to control the default zoom level for embedded Google Maps (select from 0-21)
* Filters for all template tags
* Settings option to control the number of events that appear in each loop, independent of your overall WordPress settings
* Hook for integrating with custom fields
* Contextual body classes for events pages
* Added a unique CSS ID / class for each DD and DT meta data item so that people can style them differently if they like; and a template tag to give developers flexibility
* New Dutch translation files for core courtesy of community member Jacob Roel Meijering
* New Dutch translation files for PRO courtesy of community member Ed Boon
* Added a new contributors section to the readme, thank you to everyone who did/does!

**Bug Fixes:**

*Venue and organizer data - which previously disappeared - now remains in place when you go back to edit an existing event
* Fix for a conflict impacting Headway users where the calendar title repeated in the header nav
* Removed incomplete da_DK & nb_NO translation files from PRO code
* Specific dates within category no longer return 404 errors
* Translated slugs now run through sanitize title before use
* Resolved translation issue with tribe_get_recurrence_text (PRO only)
* Removed date from recurring events in search results (PRO only)
* tribe_the_custom_fields no longer displays any HTML if there are no custom fields (PRO only)
* Resolved an issue where the advanced post manager wasn't using WP's internal plugins_url() function and causing problems on IIS7 installs (PRO only)
* Addressed various debug notices & errors

= 2.0.3 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Incorporated get_tribe_custom(�îField label�ï) to code base
* Code updated to account for additional translation strings
* Made the $sep param of TribeEvents::maybeAddEventTitle() optional

**Bug Fixes:**

* Organizer data can now be changed on an already-published entry in core
* tribe_get_start_date() fixed
* Future instances of custom recurrence no longer display inaccurate start/end times
* In views/single.php on lines 58, 60 & 62, changed tag to <? instead of <?php
* Required changes to WP_PLUGIN_URL (line 126) & WP_CONTENT_URL (line 930) in
* Deleting a single instance of recurrence in PRO (whether from the list or from within an entry) now works correctly with appropriate prompts/dialogue boxes
* Attempting to change from a saved organizer/venue to no organizer/venue now works
* Venue no longer behaves bizarrely when no address data added
* Fixed issue where event links broke for recurring events whenever a site had permalinks set to default; also fixed general conflicts that occurred when URL rewriting was off
* Customized defaults can now be turned off after being enabled under Settings -> The Events Calendar
* Removed instances where organizer data displayed as event title for some users
* Changes made to custom fields under Settings -> The Events Calendar now take effect upon save
* Non-U.S. states and provinces now save correctly
* General fixes to improve how default venues/organizers function and are modified
* Addressed various PHP notices

= 2.0.2 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweaks:**

* Added link to new user primer ( to the activation message.
* Added tribe_is_event_in_category conditional to plugin code base.
* Plugin now adds a default role when registering custom post types.
* Russian language files incorporated (free & PRO) from Mikhail Michouris
* Dutch translation files incorporated (free only) from Rick van Dalen
* Danish translation files incorporated (PRO only) from Christian Andersen
* Italian translation files incorporated (free & PRO) from Stefano Castelli


* Months will now show appropriate day count, instead of 31 days as they were previously.
* Custom recurring events previously not showing start AND end time (just start time); now are showing both.
* Hack to include events in your main loop no longer causes event link to vanish.
* Fixed issue of recurrence settings changing upon publication.
* Fixed other bug related to recurrence details showing incorrect date/time.
* General bugs with weekly recurrence have been squashed.
* Admin page should no longer hang when updating a recurring event.
* Breadcrumbs will now show the correct slug info on Thesis.
* Not entering a name for an organizer or venue doesn't stop it from publishing, as it did previously.
* Admin events list now appears with soonest event at the top, not the bottom.
* Deleting instances of recurrence now works within individual entries.
* Unnamed venue/organizer now created when no venue or organizer name added.
* Featured image no longer overlaps the map on individual entries in the default 2011 theme.
* Custom recurrence events weren't previously showing end time on the frontend; they will now.
* Comments box now appears on the default page template (was previously only on default events template).
* Minor change to line 1835 of the-events-calendar.class.php.
* Incorporated patch to include file name in permalink for users running the plugin on shared IIS servers.
* Changes to incorrect tag on lines 58, 60 & 62 in views/single.php.
* Next/Previous link in recurring & standalone events both work fine.
* General display tweaks to Calendar widget (wasn't showing future events previously, and CSS was screwy)
* Renamed the dashboard Tribe newsfeed widget to conform with rebranding efforts.
* Worked to better display comments in Thesis & Genesis themes.
* General display bugs related to the WP 3.3 beta.
* Fixed general PHP notices that appeared with debug turned on in your wp-config file.

= 2.0.1 =

**Small features, UX and Content Tweeks:**

* Enabled method to turn off event upsell messages on your site in wp-config.php - define( 'TRIBE_HIDE_UPSELL', true );
* Updated migration message to help 1.6.5 users have an easier time when they upgrade to 2.0
* Added a "View my events" link in the settings panel to help users find where the calendar lives
* Added Russian and Swedish translation files.
* Broke out advanced functions into their own file "advanced-functions.php"
* Added in line documentation to all template tags and moved them to separate files in the /public folder
* Added and updated documentation on


* Added "00" in the time drop down when in 24 hour mode
* Updated default end time to "17" for 24 hour mode
* Fixed broken link in the "you need events 2.0 open source" on activation for PRO users.
* More tag now properly crops content in loop
* Custom meta > number only drop down values now carry over
* Resolved an issue where single day view yielded a 404 if date was in the past
* Next event widget now shows the proper event
* Attachments on recurring events now persist across instances
* Custom recurring event error caused by blank end date fixed
* Default state now shows properly
* Title tags wrong in various views fixed
* Event date showing incorrectly for certain cases of recurrence fixed.
* Venue / Organizer data not saving for certain cases of recurrence fixed.

= 2.0 =

This is such a major re-write that we are starting the change log over.

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 2.0.7 =

2.0.7 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.5 =

2.0.5 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.4 =

2.0.4 contains bug patches and new features for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.

= 2.0.3 =

2.0.3 is a minor bug patch for 2.0. Are you upgrading from 1.6.5? Events 2.0 is a MAJOR upgrade, please backup your data and plan a little time in case you have to make any theme edits. Check out the upgrade tutorials in support on the website.