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Streamline Setup

This is the main repo for our activity module.

Firstly, fork this repo into your own account. Then to install it on your moodle server, navigate to moodle/mod/ and run:

* Note: the module has been setup for the 'streamline' name and will not work if changed.

Next, add the repo you forked from as a remote so you can easily pull updates from it:

* Note: by defaut, 'origin' is the repository you cloned from.

Finally, make a new branch for your development:

  • git checkout -b branchName
    Where 'branchName' is whatever you want it to be. Try to be specific, don't just put test1 or something.

To push your changes to your git repo use:

  • git push -u origin branchName
    Where 'branchName' is your development branch. If you don't specify a branch, the master branch is pushed by default.

Once you have finished your module, you need to merge it into the master branch. To do this you need to:

  • Checkout to the master branch and pull and any changes others may have commited.
  • Merge the master branch with your branch by using:
    • git merge branchName
      Where 'branchName' is your development branch. This command merges 'branchName' into the current working branch, which should be master.
  • Once your merge is successfull, push the changes to your git repo.
  • Navigate to your GitHub repository in your web browser and click on 'Pull Requests', which is located in the tabs on the right hand side.
  • Click 'New pull request'.
    • By default, the base fork should be set to the Stream-Line repo and its master branch, while the head fork should be set to your repo and its master branch.
  • Assuming you have merged your changes earlier correctly, you should now be able to click 'Create pull request'.


Original Setup Readme

The following steps should get you up and running with this module template code.


  • Unzip the archive and read this file

  • Rename the newmodule/ folder to the name of your module (eg "widget"). The module folder MUST be lower case and can't contain underscores. You should check the CVS contrib area at to make sure that your name is not already used by an other module. Registering the plugin name @ will secure it for you.

  • Edit all the files in this directory and its subdirectories and change all the instances of the string "newmodule" to your module name (eg "widget"). If you are using Linux, you can use the following command $ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/newmodule/widget/g' {} ;

    On a mac, use: $ find . -type f -exec sed -i '' 's/newmodule/widget/g' {} ;

  • Rename the file lang/en/newmodule.php to lang/en/widget.php where "widget" is the name of your module

  • Rename all files in backup/moodle2/ folder by replacing "newmodule" with the name of your module

    On Linux you can perform this and previous steps by calling: $ find . -depth -name 'newmodule' -execdir bash -c 'mv -i "$1" "${1//newmodule/widget}"' bash {} ;

  • Place the widget folder into the /mod folder of the moodle directory.

  • Go to Settings > Site Administration > Development > XMLDB editor and modify the module's tables. Make sure, that the web server has write-access to the db/ folder. You need at least one table, even if your module doesn't use it.

  • Modify version.php and set the initial version of you module.

  • Visit Settings > Site Administration > Notifications, you should find the module's tables successfully created

  • Go to Site Administration > Plugins > Activity modules > Manage activities and you should find that this new module has been added to the list of installed modules.

  • You may now proceed to run your own code in an attempt to develop your module. You will probably want to modify mod_form.php and view.php as a first step. Check db/access.php to add capabilities.

We encourage you to share your code and experience - visit

Good luck!


Code template for the Moodle activity module






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