This class uses PDO to maintain such connection. Note: although PDO supports numerous database drivers, this class supports only MySQL. In order to setup Sphinx "searchd" to support MySQL protocol following configuration should be added: searchd { listen = localhost:9306:mysql41 ... } The following example shows how to create a Connection instance and establish the Sphinx connection: php $connection = new \yii\db\Connection([ 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=;port=9306;', 'username' => $username, 'password' => $password, ]); $connection->open(); After the Sphinx connection is established, one can execute SQL statements like the following: php $command = $connection->createCommand("SELECT * FROM idx_article WHERE MATCH('programming')"); $articles = $command->queryAll(); $command = $connection->createCommand('UPDATE idx_article SET status=2 WHERE id=1'); $command->execute(); For more information about how to perform various DB queries, please refer to Command. This class supports transactions exactly as "yii\db\Connection". Note: while this class extends "yii\db\Connection" some of its methods are not supported.
부터: 2.0
저자: Paul Klimov (
상속: extends yii\db\Connection
 public function testOpenClose()
     $connection = $this->getConnection(false, false);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $connection->pdo);
     $this->assertTrue($connection->pdo instanceof \PDO);
     $this->assertEquals(null, $connection->pdo);
     $connection = new Connection();
     $connection->dsn = 'unknown::memory:';
  * @param  boolean                $reset whether to clean up the test database
  * @param  boolean                $open  whether to open test database
  * @return \yii\sphinx\Connection
 public function getConnection($reset = false, $open = true)
     if (!$reset && $this->sphinx) {
         return $this->sphinx;
     $db = new Connection();
     $db->dsn = $this->sphinxConfig['dsn'];
     if (isset($this->sphinxConfig['username'])) {
         $db->username = $this->sphinxConfig['username'];
         $db->password = $this->sphinxConfig['password'];
     if (isset($this->sphinxConfig['attributes'])) {
         $db->attributes = $this->sphinxConfig['attributes'];
     if ($open) {
     $this->sphinx = $db;
     return $db;