  * Creat an authentication object
  * @param Request $request
  * @return Scheme
 public function getAuthenticationObject(Request $request)
     $registry = Registry::getInstance();
     // if the authentication_source is set in the request, then it takes precedence
     $override = $request->getParam("authentication_source");
     if ($override == null) {
         // otherwise, see if one has been set in session from a previous login
         $session_auth = $request->getSessionData("auth");
         if ($session_auth != "") {
             $override = $session_auth;
     // make sure it's in our list, or if blank still, we get the default
     $name = $registry->getAuthenticationSource($override);
     // sanitize
     $name = preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $name);
     // main class
     $class_name = 'Application\\Model\\Authentication' . '\\' . ucfirst($name);
     // local custom version
     $local_class_name = 'Local\\Authentication' . '\\' . ucfirst($name);
     if (class_exists($local_class_name)) {
         $class_name = $local_class_name;
     // make it
     $authentication = new $class_name($request);
     if (!$authentication instanceof Scheme) {
         throw new \Exception("class '{$class_name}' for the '{$name}' authentication scheme must extend Scheme");
     return $authentication;
예제 #2
  * Parameters to construct the url on the search redirect
  * @return array
 public function searchRedirectParams()
     $params['controller'] = $this->request->getParam('controller');
     $params['action'] = "results";
     $params['sort'] = $this->request->getParam('sort');
     return $params;
예제 #3
  * Transform XML to HTML
  * @param mixed $xml  XML-like data
  * @param string $path_to_xsl
  * @param array $params
 protected function transform($xml, $path_to_xsl, $format, array $params = array())
     $import_array = array();
     // the xsl lives here
     $distro_xsl_dir = $this->_view_dir;
     $local_xsl_dir = realpath(getcwd()) . "/views/";
     // language
     // english file is included by default (as a fallback)
     array_push($import_array, "labels/eng.xsl");
     $language = $this->request->getParam("lang");
     $registry = Registry::getInstance();
     if ($language == "") {
         $language = $registry->defaultLanguage();
     // if language is set to something other than english
     // then include that file to override the english labels
     if ($language != "eng" && $language != '') {
         array_push($import_array, "labels/{$language}.xsl");
     // make sure we've got a reference to the local includes too
     array_push($import_array, "includes.xsl");
     // transform
     $xsl = new Xsl($distro_xsl_dir, $local_xsl_dir);
     return $xsl->transformToXml($xml, $path_to_xsl, $format, $params, $import_array);
예제 #4
  * Extract both query and limit params from the URL
  * @return array
 public function getAllSearchParams()
     $search = $this->extractSearchParams();
     $limits = array();
     if ($this->request->getParam('clear-facets') != "true") {
         $limits = $this->extractLimitParams();
     return array_merge($search, $limits);
예제 #5
  * Create Authentication Scheme
  * @param Request $request
 public function __construct(Request $request)
     $this->request = $request;
     $this->registry = Registry::getInstance();
     // get the user from the request
     $this->user = $this->request->getUser();
     // send them back here when they are done
     $this->return_url = $this->request->getParam("return");
     // flesh out our return url
     $base = $this->request->getBaseUrl();
     $server = $this->request->getServerUrl();
     if ($this->return_url == "") {
         $this->return_url = $base;
         // so send them home!
     // @todo find out if some CAS servers are still tripping up on this
     $params = array('controller' => 'authenticate', 'action' => 'validate', 'return' => $this->return_url);
     $this->validate_url = $this->request->url_for($params, true);
예제 #6
  * @return Labels
 public function getLabels()
     if (!$this->labels instanceof Labels) {
         $path = $this->getBootstrap()->getApplicationDir();
         $this->labels = new Labels($path);
         // @todo need a proper language grabber
         // $lang = $this->registry->defaultLanguage();
         $lang = $this->request->getParam("lang");
     return $this->labels;
예제 #7
  * Add links for Category, Database, and Librarian
  * @param mixed $object  array|Category|Database
  * @param bool $deep     whether to go deep if a Category is supplied
 public function injectDataLinks($object, $deep = true)
     if ($object == null) {
         return null;
     // array
     if (is_array($object) || $object instanceof \ArrayIterator) {
         foreach ($object as $item) {
             $this->injectDataLinks($item, $deep);
         return null;
     // not an object and not an array, so what is it?
     if (!is_object($object)) {
         throw new \DomainException('Param must be of type array, Category or Database');
     // Database
     if ($object instanceof Database) {
         // record url
         $params = array('controller' => $this->request->getParam('controller'), 'action' => 'database', 'id' => $object->getId());
         $object->url = $this->request->url_for($params, true);
         // proxy url
         $params['action'] = 'proxy';
         $object->url_proxy = $this->request->url_for($params, true);
     } elseif ($object instanceof Category) {
         // category link
         $params = array('controller' => 'databases', 'action' => 'subject', 'subject' => $object->getNormalized());
         $object->url = $this->request->url_for($params, true);
         // embed link
         $params = array('controller' => 'embed', 'action' => 'gen-subject', 'subject' => $object->getNormalized());
         $object->url_embed = $this->request->url_for($params, true);
         // embed link
         $params = array('controller' => 'embed', 'action' => 'gen-subject', 'subject' => $object->getNormalized());
         $object->url_embed = $this->request->url_for($params);
         // only continue if we are going deep
         if ($deep == true) {
             // Librarian
             foreach ($object->getLibrarians() as $librarian) {
                 $params = array('controller' => 'databases', 'action' => 'librarian', 'id' => $librarian->getId());
             // Databases
             foreach ($object->getSubcategories() as $subcategory) {
                 foreach ($subcategory->getDatabases() as $database_sequence) {
                     $this->injectDataLinks($database_sequence->getDatabase(), $deep);