예제 #1
파일: Snippet.php 프로젝트: pscheit/psc-cms
  * @return string
 public function JS()
     $code = $this->getCode();
     if (is_string($code)) {
         $code = array($code);
         // blöde interfaces vom js helper
     } elseif ($code instanceof \Psc\JS\Expression) {
         $code = array($code->JS());
     // load-wrappers (von innen nach außen)
     if ($this->onPscReady === 'main') {
         // non blocking mode (is save to use in html inline scripts directly)
         $code = Helper::bootLoad($this->getRequirements(), $this->requirementsAliases, $code);
     } elseif ($this->onPscReady) {
         // is only save to use in ajax requests / inline scripts where window.requireLoad is already defined
         $code = Helper::requireLoad($this->getRequirements(), $this->requirementsAliases, $code);
     } elseif (count($req = $this->getRequirements()) > 0) {
         $code = Helper::requirejs($req, array(), $code);
     } else {
         $code = count($code) > 1 ? \Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($code, "%s\n") : current($code);
     return TPL::miniTemplate((string) $code, (array) $this->vars);
예제 #2
  * @param string $command nur der befehl oder mehrere (z. B. lb für list simple)
  * @param array $options alle optionen ohne - davor
 protected function exec($command, array $options = array(), $append = NULL)
     $cmd = sprintf('%s %s%s %s%s', SystemUtil::escapeShellArg($this->bin), $command, count($options) > 0 ? \Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($options, ' -%s') : NULL, (string) escapeshellarg($this->rar), mb_strlen($append) > 0 ? ' ' . $append : NULL);
     $out = array();
     $ret = NULL;
     $out = System::execute($cmd, NULL, NULL, $stdout, $stderr, NULL, $ret);
     if ($ret !== 0) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Fehler '%s' beim Ausführen des Befehls '%s'. Rückgabe: %d", $out, $cmd, $ret));
     /* sonderfall für listfiles denn das gibt immer $ret = 0 zurück, toll, was? */
     if (!empty($stderr)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf("Fehler '%s' beim Ausführen des Befehls '%s'.", $stderr, $cmd));
     return $out;
예제 #3
  * @return list($phpCode, $methodNames)
 public function compile(GClass $gClass)
     $this->methods = array();
     $closures = array();
     $methodNames = array();
     foreach ($gClass->getAllMethods() as $method) {
         $closureName = $method->getName();
         if ($method->hasDocBlock()) {
             $docBlock = $method->getDocBlock();
             if (($ccAlias = \Psc\Preg::qmatch($docBlock->toString(), '/@cc-alias\\s+(.*?)([\\s]|$)/im', 1)) !== NULL) {
                 $closureName = $ccAlias;
             if (\Psc\Preg::match($docBlock->toString(), '/@cc-ignore/i')) {
         $closures[$closureName] = $this->compileClosure($method, $closureName);
         $this->methods[$closureName] = $method;
         $methodNames[] = $closureName;
     return array(\Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($closures, "%s;\n\n"), $methodNames);
예제 #4
파일: Code.php 프로젝트: pscheit/psc-cms
 public static function fromCode(array $codeLines)
     return new static(\Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($codeLines, "%s\n"));
예제 #5
파일: Manager.php 프로젝트: pscheit/psc-cms
  * Gibt das HTML zum Laden von allen CSS Dateien aus
 public function load($glue = "%s \n")
     print A::join($this->getHTML(), "%s \n");
예제 #6
파일: Phar.php 프로젝트: pscheit/psc-cms
 public function debug()
     print \Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($this->log, "    [phar] %s\n");
예제 #7
파일: HTML.php 프로젝트: pscheit/psc-cms
  * @param string|array $name ist dies ein array wird der Name in PHP-Post-Array Syntax zurückgegeben $name = "var[key1][key2]"
 public static function getName($name)
     if (is_array($name)) {
         $root = array_shift($name);
         $name = $root . A::join($name, '[%s]');
         return $name;
     return $name;
예제 #8
  * @return string
 public function html()
     return \Webforge\Common\ArrayUtil::join($this->getHTML(), "%s \n");