  * @test
 public function subProcessCommandEvaluatesSubRequestIniEntriesCorrectly()
     $settings = array('core' => array('context' => 'Testing', 'phpBinaryPathAndFilename' => '/must/be/set/according/to/schema', 'subRequestIniEntries' => array('someSetting' => 'withValue', 'someFlagSettingWithoutValue' => '')));
     $actual = $this->scriptsMock->_call('buildSubprocessCommand', 'flow:foo:identifier', $settings);
     $this->assertContains(sprintf(' -d %s=%s ', escapeshellarg('someSetting'), escapeshellarg('withValue')), $actual);
     $this->assertContains(sprintf(' -d %s ', escapeshellarg('someFlagSettingWithoutValue')), $actual);
  * Run a standalone development server
  * Starts an embedded server, see http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php
  * Note: This requires PHP 5.4+
  * To change the context Flow will run in, you can set the <b>FLOW_CONTEXT</b> environment variable:
  * <i>export FLOW_CONTEXT=Development && ./flow server:run</i>
  * @param string $host The host name or IP address for the server to listen on
  * @param integer $port The server port to listen on
  * @return void
 public function runCommand($host = '', $port = 8081)
     $command = Scripts::buildPhpCommand($this->settings);
     $address = sprintf('%s:%s', $host, $port);
     $command .= ' -S ' . escapeshellarg($address) . ' -t ' . escapeshellarg(FLOW_PATH_WEB) . ' ' . escapeshellarg(FLOW_PATH_FLOW . '/Scripts/PhpDevelopmentServerRouter.php');
     $this->outputLine('Server running. Please go to <b>http://' . $address . '</b> to browse the application.');
예제 #3
  * Post composer install or update tasks
  * @param \Composer\Script\CommandEvent $event
 public static function postUpdateAndInstall(CommandEvent $event)
     $options = array();
     if ($event->isDevMode()) {
         $options['options'] = 'setup/default/demo:1';
     \TYPO3\Flow\Core\Booting\Scripts::executeCommand('aimeos.shop:aimeos:setup', array(), true, $options);
     \TYPO3\Flow\Core\Booting\Scripts::executeCommand('aimeos.shop:aimeos:cache', array());
예제 #4
  * Create a flow bootstrap instance
 protected function initializeFlow()
     require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../../../../../Framework/TYPO3.Flow/Classes/TYPO3/Flow/Core/Bootstrap.php';
     if (!defined('FLOW_PATH_ROOT')) {
         define('FLOW_PATH_ROOT', realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../../../../../../..') . '/');
     // The new classloader needs warnings converted to exceptions
     if (!defined('BEHAT_ERROR_REPORTING')) {
         define('BEHAT_ERROR_REPORTING', E_ALL);
         // Load ErrorException class, since it will be used in the Behat error handler
     $bootstrap = new Bootstrap('Testing/Behat');
     return $bootstrap;
  * Refreeze a package
  * Refreezes a currently frozen package: all precompiled information is removed
  * and file monitoring will consider the package exactly once, on the next
  * request. After that request, the package remains frozen again, just with the
  * updated data.
  * By specifying <b>all</b> as a package key, all currently frozen packages are
  * refrozen (the default).
  * @param string $packageKey Key of the package to refreeze, or 'all'
  * @return void
  * @see typo3.flow:package:freeze
  * @see typo3.flow:cache:flush
 public function refreezeCommand($packageKey = 'all')
     if (!$this->bootstrap->getContext()->isDevelopment()) {
         $this->outputLine('Package freezing is only supported in Development context.');
     $packagesToRefreeze = [];
     if ($packageKey === 'all') {
         foreach (array_keys($this->packageManager->getAvailablePackages()) as $packageKey) {
             if ($this->packageManager->isPackageFrozen($packageKey)) {
                 $packagesToRefreeze[] = $packageKey;
         if ($packagesToRefreeze === []) {
             $this->outputLine('Nothing to do, no packages were frozen.');
     } else {
         if ($packageKey === null) {
             $this->outputLine('You must specify a package to refreeze.');
         if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageAvailable($packageKey)) {
             $this->outputLine('Package "%s" is not available.', [$packageKey]);
         if (!$this->packageManager->isPackageFrozen($packageKey)) {
             $this->outputLine('Package "%s" was not frozen.', [$packageKey]);
         $packagesToRefreeze = [$packageKey];
     foreach ($packagesToRefreeze as $packageKey) {
         $this->outputLine('Refroze package "%s".', [$packageKey]);
     Scripts::executeCommand('typo3.flow:cache:flush', $this->settings, false);
예제 #6
  * This method is called when the form of this step has been submitted
  * @param array $formValues
  * @return void
  * @throws \Exception
 public function postProcessFormValues(array $formValues)
     $this->distributionSettings = Arrays::setValueByPath($this->distributionSettings, 'TYPO3.Flow.persistence.backendOptions.driver', $formValues['driver']);
     $this->distributionSettings = Arrays::setValueByPath($this->distributionSettings, 'TYPO3.Flow.persistence.backendOptions.dbname', $formValues['dbname']);
     $this->distributionSettings = Arrays::setValueByPath($this->distributionSettings, 'TYPO3.Flow.persistence.backendOptions.user', $formValues['user']);
     $this->distributionSettings = Arrays::setValueByPath($this->distributionSettings, 'TYPO3.Flow.persistence.backendOptions.password', $formValues['password']);
     $this->distributionSettings = Arrays::setValueByPath($this->distributionSettings, 'TYPO3.Flow.persistence.backendOptions.host', $formValues['host']);
     $this->configurationSource->save(FLOW_PATH_CONFIGURATION . ConfigurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS, $this->distributionSettings);
     $settings = $this->configurationManager->getConfiguration(ConfigurationManager::CONFIGURATION_TYPE_SETTINGS, 'TYPO3.Flow');
     $connectionSettings = $settings['persistence']['backendOptions'];
     try {
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         if (!$exception instanceof DBALException && !$exception instanceof \PDOException) {
             throw $exception;
         try {
             $this->createDatabase($connectionSettings, $formValues['dbname']);
         } catch (DBALException $exception) {
             throw new SetupException(sprintf('Database "%s" could not be created. Please check the permissions for user "%s". DBAL Exception: "%s"', $formValues['dbname'], $formValues['user'], $exception->getMessage()), 1351000841, $exception);
         } catch (\PDOException $exception) {
             throw new SetupException(sprintf('Database "%s" could not be created. Please check the permissions for user "%s". PDO Exception: "%s"', $formValues['dbname'], $formValues['user'], $exception->getMessage()), 1346758663, $exception);
         try {
         } catch (DBALException $exception) {
             throw new SetupException(sprintf('Could not connect to database "%s". Please check the permissions for user "%s". DBAL Exception: "%s"', $formValues['dbname'], $formValues['user'], $exception->getMessage()), 1351000864);
         } catch (\PDOException $exception) {
             throw new SetupException(sprintf('Could not connect to database "%s". Please check the permissions for user "%s". PDO Exception: "%s"', $formValues['dbname'], $formValues['user'], $exception->getMessage()), 1346758737);
     $migrationExecuted = Scripts::executeCommand('typo3.flow:doctrine:migrate', $settings, FALSE);
     if ($migrationExecuted !== TRUE) {
         throw new SetupException(sprintf('Could not execute database migrations. Please check the permissions for user "%s" and execute "./flow typo3.flow:doctrine:migrate" manually.', $formValues['user']), 1346759486);
  * Bootstraps the minimal infrastructure, resolves a fitting request handler and
  * then passes control over to that request handler.
  * @return void
  * @api
 public function run()
     $this->activeRequestHandler = $this->resolveRequestHandler();
  * @param PresetPartDefinition $partSetting
  * @return integer
 protected function executeCommand(PresetPartDefinition $partSetting)
     $startTime = microtime(TRUE);
     $status = Scripts::executeCommand('ttree.contentrepositoryimporter:import:executebatch', $this->getFlowSettings(), TRUE, $partSetting->getCommandArguments());
     $count = (int) ob_get_clean();
     $elapsedTime = (microtime(TRUE) - $startTime) * 1000;
     $this->elapsedTime += $elapsedTime;
     if ($count > 0) {
         $this->outputLine('  #%d %d records in %dms, %d ms per record, %d ms per batch (avg)', [$partSetting->getCurrentBatch(), $count, $elapsedTime, $elapsedTime / $count, $this->elapsedTime / $this->batchCounter]);
     if ($status !== TRUE) {
         $this->outputLine("Command '%s' return an error", [$partSetting->getLabel()]);
     return $count;