/** * @param OrdersImportItem $import_item * * @return array ['reg_nmb' => <string>,'model' => <string>, 'color' => <string>] */ private function parseCarInfo(OrdersImportItem $import_item) { $car_info = array_map('trim', explode(';', $import_item->car_info)); $reg_nmb = $model = $color = null; // Known formats if (count($car_info) == 3) { if (Entity\Car::isRegNmb($car_info[0])) { // reg_nmb; model; color list($reg_nmb, $model, $color) = $car_info; } else { // vendor; model; reg_nmb $model = $car_info[0] . ' ' . $car_info[1]; $reg_nmb = $car_info[2]; } } return array('reg_nmb' => $reg_nmb, 'model' => $model, 'color' => $color); }
/** * @param Employes2ImportItem $item * @param AbstractItemImportResult $item_result * * @return AbstractItemImportResult */ protected function _processImportItem($item, &$item_result) { $merge_phones = $merge_cars = false; $employe = $this->findEmployes($item); if (empty($employe)) { $employe = new Entity\Employe(); } elseif ($this->getOption('update_existing')) { if (count($employe) > 1) { return $item_result->addMessage('More than one employe was found with the given data'); } else { $employe = array_pop($employe); if ($employe->getExternalId() !== (int) $item->external_id) { $merge_phones = $merge_cars = true; } } } else { return $item_result->addMessage('An employe with given external_id already exists'); } // Обработка компаний $_taxis_str = trim($item->taxis); $taxis = array(); if (!empty($_taxis_str)) { $str_taxis = array_map('trim', explode(',', $_taxis_str)); $notfound_str_taxis = array(); /** @var ORM\EntityRepository */ $rep = $this->_em->getRepository('TaxiPrizeTaxiBundle:TaxiCompany'); // TODO: Делать один запрос, перебирать массив результатов. foreach ($str_taxis as $str_taxi) { if (in_array($str_taxi, $notfound_str_taxis, true)) { continue; } $taxi = $rep->findOneBy(array('name' => $str_taxi)); if (empty($taxi)) { $notfound_str_taxis[] = $str_taxi; } else { $taxis[$taxi->getId()] = $taxi; } } if (!empty($notfound_str_taxis)) { if ($this->getOption('create_notfound_taxi_company')) { $new_taxis = array(); foreach ($notfound_str_taxis as $str_taxi) { $taxi = new Entity\TaxiCompany(); $taxi->setName($str_taxi); // $this->_em->persist($taxi); $taxis[] = $taxi; $new_taxis[] = $taxi; } // $this->_em->flush(); } elseif (!$this->getOption('import_with_notfound_taxi_companies')) { return $item_result->addMessage('Following taxis are not found: ' . implode(', ', $notfound_str_taxis)); } } // $employe->setTaxiCompanies($taxis); } elseif (!$this->getOption('import_without_taxi_companies')) { return $item_result->addMessage('Import without taxi companies is not allowed'); } if (!empty($taxis)) { // Обработка ролей $_roles_str = trim($item->roles); if (!empty($_roles_str)) { $str_roles = array_map('trim', explode(',', $_roles_str)); array_unique($str_roles); $notfound_str_roles = $str_name_roles = $str_title_roles = array(); foreach ($str_roles as $str_role) { if ($this->isRoleName($str_role)) { $str_name_roles[] = $str_role; } else { $str_title_roles[] = $str_role; } } // Отыскание несуществующих ролей $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $found_by_name = $qb->select('r')->from('TaxiPrizeTaxiBundle:EmployeRole', 'r', 'r.name')->where('r.name IN (:role_names)')->setParameter('role_names', $str_name_roles)->getQuery()->execute(); $qb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder(); $found_by_title = $qb->select('r')->from('TaxiPrizeTaxiBundle:EmployeRole', 'r', 'r.title')->where('r.title IN (:role_titles)')->setParameter('role_titles', $str_title_roles)->getQuery()->execute(); $found_roles = array_merge($found_by_name, $found_by_title); $need_roles = $found_roles; $name_keys = array_keys($found_by_name); $title_keys = array_keys($found_by_title); $notfound_str_name_roles = array_diff($str_name_roles, $name_keys); $notfound_str_title_roles = array_diff($str_title_roles, $title_keys); $notfound_str_roles = array_merge($notfound_str_name_roles, $notfound_str_title_roles); if (!empty($notfound_str_roles)) { if ($this->getOption('create_notfound_role')) { $new_roles = array(); foreach ($notfound_str_roles as $str_role) { $role = new Entity\EmployeRole(); $this->isRoleName($str_role) ? $role->setName($str_role) : $role->setTitle($str_role); // $this->_em->persist($role); $new_roles[] = $role; $need_roles[] = $role; } // $this->_em->flush(); } else { return $item_result->addMessage('Following roles are not found: ' . implode(', ', $notfound_str_roles)); } } // Добавление несуществующих связей сотрудник - роль - компания $new_ecrs = array(); $rep = $this->_em->getRepository('TaxiPrizeTaxiBundle:EmployeCompanyRole'); foreach ($taxis as $taxi) { if (is_null($employe->getId())) { // Сотрудник новый, без сомнений добавляем все роли во все компании. foreach ($need_roles as $role) { $ecr = new Entity\EmployeCompanyRole($employe, $taxi, $role); $new_ecrs[] = $ecr; // $this->_em->persist($ecr); } } else { // Перед добавлением связки проверяем её существование foreach ($found_roles as $role) { if (is_null($rep->findOneBy(array('employe' => $employe, 'company' => $taxi, 'role' => $role)))) { $ecr = new Entity\EmployeCompanyRole($employe, $taxi, $role); $new_ecrs[] = $ecr; } } if (isset($new_roles)) { // Добавляем связки с новыми ролями foreach ($new_roles as $role) { $ecr = new Entity\EmployeCompanyRole($employe, $taxi, $role); $new_ecrs[] = $ecr; } } } } } } // Обработка автомобилей $_cars_str = trim($item->car_reg_nmbs); if (!empty($_cars_str)) { $cars = array(); $str_cars = array_map('trim', explode(',', $_cars_str)); $notfound_str_cars = array(); /** @var ORM\EntityRepository */ $rep = $this->_em->getRepository('TaxiPrizeTaxiBundle:Car'); // TODO: Делать один запрос, перебирать массив результатов. foreach ($str_cars as $str_car) { $res = $rep->findOneBy(array('regNmb' => $str_car)); if (empty($res)) { $notfound_str_cars[] = $str_car; } else { $cars[] = $res; } } if (!empty($notfound_str_cars)) { if ($this->getOption(self::OPTION_CREATE_NOTFOUND_CAR)) { foreach ($notfound_str_cars as $str_car) { $car = new Entity\Car(); $car->setRegNmb($str_car); $this->_em->persist($car); $cars[] = $car; } } } if ($merge_cars) { foreach ($cars as $car) { if (!$employe->getCars()->contains($car)) { $employe->addCar($car); } } } else { $employe->setCars($cars); } } // Остальные данные list($second_name, $first_name) = $this->parseName($item); $employe->setExternalId($item->external_id)->setSecondName($second_name)->setFirstName($first_name)->setImportName($item->name)->setCallsign($item->callsign)->setBalance(round(floatval($item->balance), 2))->setLastLocationChange($this->getRelocationDateTime($item))->setState($item->state); // Телефоны $phones = array_map('trim', preg_split('#[\\s,]+#', $item->phones)); if ($merge_phones) { $phones_cmpr = $employe->getWorkPhones(true); foreach ($phones as $phone) { if (!in_array(Entity\Client::compressPhone($phone), $phones_cmpr)) { $employe->addWorkPhone($phone); } } } else { $employe->setWorkPhones($phones); } // Сохранение подготовленных сущностей. // Первичный ключ EmployeCompanyRole состоит из внешних ключей, поэтому адресуемые сущности должны быть сохранены раньше. if (isset($new_taxis) && !empty($new_taxis)) { foreach ($new_taxis as $taxi) { $this->_em->persist($taxi); } } if (isset($new_roles) && !empty($new_roles)) { foreach ($new_roles as $role) { $this->_em->persist($role); } } $this->_em->beginTransaction(); try { $this->_em->persist($employe); $this->_em->flush(); if (isset($new_ecrs) && !empty($new_ecrs)) { foreach ($new_ecrs as $ecr) { $this->_em->persist($ecr); } } $this->_em->flush(); $this->_em->getConnection()->commit(); return $item_result->setSuccessful(); } catch (\Exception $e) { $this->_em->getConnection()->rollBack(); throw $e; } }