예제 #1
  * Data saving into the local database
  * @param $data mixed data to be saved
  * @return int array indicating the processing status and data after processing
 protected function save($data)
     //initialize the parameters
     $sp_rev_id = "";
     $sp_re_password = "";
     $sp_id = "";
     $service_id = "";
     $link_id = "";
     $trace_unique_id = "";
     $correlator = "";
     $message = "";
     $sender_address = "";
     $dest_address = "";
     $date_time = "";
     //get the data from array
     if (isset($data['spRevId'])) {
         $sp_rev_id = $data['spRevId'];
     if (isset($data['spRevpassword'])) {
         $sp_re_password = $data['spRevpassword'];
     if (isset($data['spId'])) {
         $sp_id = $data['spId'];
     if (isset($data['serviceId'])) {
         $service_id = $data['serviceId'];
     if (isset($data['linkid'])) {
         $link_id = $data['linkid'];
     if (isset($data['traceUniqueID'])) {
         $trace_unique_id = $data['traceUniqueID'];
     if (isset($data['correlator'])) {
         $correlator = $data['correlator'];
     if (isset($data['message'])) {
         $message = $data['message'];
     if (isset($data['senderAddress'])) {
         $sender_address = $data['senderAddress'];
     if (isset($data['smsServiceActivationNumber'])) {
         $dest_address = $data['smsServiceActivationNumber'];
     if (isset($data['dateTime'])) {
         $date_time = $data['dateTime'];
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     try {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_inbound_messages (service_id, link_id, trace_unique_id, correlator, message, sender_address, dest_address, date_time, created_on) VALUES (:service_id, :link_id, :trace_unique_id, :correlator, :message, :sender_address, :dest_address, :date_time, NOW());";
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         $bind_patameters = array(':service_id' => $service_id, ':link_id' => $link_id, ':trace_unique_id' => $trace_unique_id, ':correlator' => $correlator, ':message' => $message, ':sender_address' => $sender_address, ':dest_address' => $dest_address, ':date_time' => $date_time);
         if ($query->execute($bind_patameters)) {
             //add last insert id, may be used in the next method calls
             $data['_lastInsertID'] = $database->lastInsertId();
             $row_count = $query->rowCount();
             if ($row_count == 1) {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Saving successful', 'data' => $data);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_patameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array('result' => 14, 'resultDesc' => 'Saving record failed', 'data' => $data);
예제 #2
  * Hook - can be used to forward data to an external system (realtime forwarders)
  * @param $data mixed data to be processed
  * @return int array indicating the processing status and data after processing
 protected function hook($data)
     /* Update outgoing table with the parameters */
     //initialize the parameters
     $correlator = "";
     $dest_address = "";
     $delivery_status = "";
     $delivery_receipt_id = 0;
     //get the data from array
     if (isset($data['correlator'])) {
         $correlator = $data['correlator'];
     if (isset($data['address'])) {
         $dest_address = $data['address'];
     if (isset($data['deliveryStatus'])) {
         $delivery_status = $data['deliveryStatus'];
     if (isset($data['_lastInsertID'])) {
         $delivery_receipt_id = $data['_lastInsertID'];
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     $sql = "UPDATE tbl_outbound_messages SET delivery_timestamp = NOW(), delivery_status=:delivery_status, delivery_notif_type=2, delivery_receipt_id =:delivery_receipt_id, last_updated_on=NOW() WHERE dest_address=:dest_address AND correlator=:correlator";
     // IMPORTANT - note dest_addresses in the where clause (to be visited later)
     $query = $database->prepare($sql);
     $query->execute(array(':delivery_status' => $delivery_status, ':delivery_receipt_id' => $delivery_receipt_id, ':dest_address' => $dest_address, ':correlator' => $correlator));
     $row_count = $query->rowCount();
     $data['_recordsUpdated'] = $row_count;
     if ($database->errorCode() != "0000") {
         return array("result" => "18", "resultDesc" => "Saving FAILED. Error: " . $database->errorCode(), "data" => $data);
     //forward the request
     if (Config::get('DELIVERY_FORWARDER') == 1) {
         //initialize the parameters
         $time_stamp = "";
         $sub_req_id = "";
         $trace_unique_id = "";
         $correlator = "";
         $dest_address = "";
         $delivery_status = "";
         $id = "";
         //get the data from array
         if (isset($data['timeStamp'])) {
             $time_stamp = $data['timeStamp'];
         if (isset($data['subReqID'])) {
             $sub_req_id = $data['subReqID'];
         if (isset($data['traceUniqueID'])) {
             $trace_unique_id = $data['traceUniqueID'];
         if (isset($data['correlator'])) {
             $correlator = $data['correlator'];
         if (isset($data['address'])) {
             $dest_address = $data['address'];
         if (isset($data['deliveryStatus'])) {
             $delivery_status = $data['deliveryStatus'];
         if (isset($data['_lastInsertID'])) {
             $id = $data['_lastInsertID'];
         // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
         $database = null;
         try {
             //$database = SQLSRVDatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
             $database = new PDO('sqlsrv:Server=SEMATEL-SERVER;Database=db_Sematel', 'sa', 'SematelServer2014', $options);
         } catch (Exception $ex) {
             return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
         $bind_patameters = array();
         try {
             $sql = "INSERT INTO dbo.tbl_delivery_receipts (id, time_stamp, sub_req_id, trace_unique_id, correlator, dest_address, delivery_status, created_on) VALUES (:id, :time_stamp, :sub_req_id, :trace_unique_id, :correlator, :dest_address, :delivery_status, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);";
             $query = $database->prepare($sql);
             $bind_patameters = array(':id' => $id, ':time_stamp' => $time_stamp, ':sub_req_id' => $sub_req_id, ':trace_unique_id' => $trace_unique_id, ':correlator' => $correlator, ':dest_address' => $dest_address, ':delivery_status' => $delivery_status);
             $this->logger->debug('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|forwarding-hook|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_patameters)));
             if ($query->execute($bind_patameters)) {
                 $row_count = $query->rowCount();
                 if ($row_count == 1) {
                     return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Forwarding successful', 'data' => $data);
             } else {
                 $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_patameters)));
                 return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
         } catch (PDOException $e) {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|forwarding-hook|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}|{error}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_patameters), 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
             return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
         return array("result" => "19", "resultDesc" => "Forwarding record failed ({$sql})" . $database->errorCode() . " " . $database->errorInfo(), "data" => $data);
     return array("result" => "0", "resultDesc" => "Hook execution successful", "data" => $data);
예제 #3
 public function generateDeliveryReceiptsReport($start_date, $end_date, $delivery_status = '', $order = 'DESC')
     $sql_total = 'SELECT id FROM tbl_delivery_receipts a WHERE a.created_on>:start_date AND a.created_on<=:end_date ';
     $sql = 'SELECT date(created_on) as calendar_date, delivery_status, count(id) as message_count FROM tbl_delivery_receipts WHERE created_on>:start_date AND created_on<=:end_date ';
     //query for retrieving actual records
     $parameters = array(':start_date' => $start_date, ':end_date' => $end_date);
     //bind parameters
     if (isset($delivery_status) && !empty($delivery_status)) {
         //query report for one service
         $sql_total .= ' AND delivery_status = :delivery_status ';
         $sql .= ' AND delivery_status = :delivery_status ';
         $parameters[':delivery_status'] = $delivery_status;
     $sql .= ' GROUP BY calendar_date, delivery_status ORDER BY calendar_date ' . $order . ' LIMIT 0,30';
     $this->logger->debug('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|queries|{query_total}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'query' => $sql, 'query_total' => $sql_total, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $row_count = 0;
     $total_records = 0;
     $messages = '';
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     try {
         //get total records
         $query = $database->prepare($sql_total);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             $total_records = $query->rowCount();
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql_total, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
         //get records
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             $messages = $query->fetchAll();
             $row_count = $query->rowCount();
             if ($row_count > 0) {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Records retrieved successfully.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, '_totalRecords' => $total_records, 'messages' => $messages);
             } else {
                 // IMPORTANT to display not configured services
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Records retrieved successfully.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, '_totalRecords' => $total_records, 'messages' => $messages);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array('result' => 1, 'resultDesc' => 'No records found.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, 'messages' => $messages);
예제 #4
  * Data saving into the local database
  * @param $data mixed data to be saved
  * @return int array indicating the processing status and data after processing
 protected function save($data)
     //initialize the parameters
     $subscriber_id = "";
     $sp_id = "";
     $product_id = "";
     $service_id = "";
     $service_list = "";
     $update_type = "";
     $update_time = "";
     $update_desc = "";
     $effective_time = "";
     $expiry_time = "";
     $named_parameters = "";
     //get the data from array
     if (isset($data['ID'])) {
         $subscriber_id = $data['ID'];
     if (isset($data['spID'])) {
         $sp_id = $data['spID'];
     if (isset($data['productID'])) {
         $product_id = $data['productID'];
     if (isset($data['serviceID'])) {
         $service_id = $data['serviceID'];
     if (isset($data['serviceList'])) {
         $service_list = $data['serviceList'];
     if (isset($data['updateType'])) {
         $update_type = $data['updateType'];
     if (isset($data['updateTime'])) {
         $update_time = $data['updateTime'];
     if (isset($data['updateDesc'])) {
         $update_desc = $data['updateDesc'];
     if (isset($data['effectiveTime'])) {
         $effective_time = $data['effectiveTime'];
     if (isset($data['expiryTime'])) {
         $expiry_time = $data['expiryTime'];
     // process named parameters - key value pairs
     if (isset($data['key'])) {
         $count = $data['repeatedParameters']['key'];
         $named_parameters_array = array($data['key'] => $data['value']);
         //initial key and value pair
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $count; $i++) {
             if (isset($data['key' . $i]) && isset($data['value' . $i])) {
                 $named_parameters_array[$data['key' . $i]] = $data['value' . $i];
         $named_parameters = json_encode($named_parameters_array);
         //encode into json string
     //add some to pull the keyword - required by the application keyword//{"accessCode":"22348","chargeMode":"0","MDSPSUBEXPMODE":"1","objectType":"1","isAutoExtend":"0","shortCode":"22348","isFreePeriod":"false","payType":"0","transactionID":"404090102571507240446506653008","orderKey":"999000000160020096","isSubscribeCnfmFlow":"true","status":"0","validTime":"20361231210000","keyword":"m47","cycleEndTime":"20150823210000","durationOfGracePeriod":"-1","serviceAvailability":"0","channelID":"143","TraceUniqueID":"404090102571507240446506653009","operCode":"operCode","rentSuccess":"true","try":"false"}
     $data['keyword'] = '';
     //initialize the keyword
     if (isset($named_parameters_array['keyword'])) {
         $data['keyword'] = $named_parameters_array['keyword'];
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     try {
         $sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_subscription_messages (subscriber_id, sp_id,  product_id, service_id, service_list, update_type, update_time, update_desc, effective_time, expiry_time, named_parameters, created_on) VALUES (:subscriber_id, :sp_id, :product_id, :service_id, :service_list, :update_type, :update_time, :update_desc, :effective_time, :expiry_time, :named_parameters, NOW());";
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         $bind_patameters = array(':subscriber_id' => $subscriber_id, ':sp_id' => $sp_id, ':product_id' => $product_id, ':service_id' => $service_id, ':service_list' => $service_list, ':update_type' => $update_type, ':update_time' => $update_time, ':update_desc' => $update_desc, ':effective_time' => $effective_time, ':expiry_time' => $expiry_time, ':named_parameters' => $named_parameters);
         if ($query->execute($bind_patameters)) {
             //add last insert id, may be used in the next method calls
             $data['_lastInsertID'] = $database->lastInsertId();
             $row_count = $query->rowCount();
             if ($row_count == 1) {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Saving successful', 'data' => $data);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_patameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array("result" => "14", "resultDesc" => "Saving record failed ({$sql})" . $database->errorCode() . " " . $database->errorInfo(), "data" => $data);
예제 #5
  * getDeliveryMessages - get delivery receipt messages
  * @param string $start_date start time to be used in filter condition 
  * @param string $end_date end time to be used in the filter condition 
  * @param string $subscriber_id subscriber number used in filter condition, default is '' - query all subscribers
  * @param string $correlator correlator used to filter, default is '' - return all correlators
  * @param int $start_index the start index used in sql, default is 0
  * @param int $limit the limit used in sql, default is 10
  * @return array containing sql result and result data
 public function getDeliveryMessages($start_date, $end_date, $subscriber_id = '', $correlator = '', $start_index = 0, $limit = 10, $order = 'DESC')
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM tbl_delivery_receipts WHERE created_on>:start_date AND created_on<=:end_date ';
     $parameters = array(':start_date' => $start_date, ':end_date' => $end_date);
     //include subscriber id filter
     if (isset($subscriber_id) && !empty($subscriber_id)) {
         $sql = $sql . " AND dest_address=:subscriber_id";
         $parameters[':subscriber_id'] = $subscriber_id;
     //include correlator filter
     if (isset($correlator) && !empty($correlator)) {
         $sql = $sql . " AND correlator=:correlator";
         $parameters[':correlator'] = $correlator;
     $query_total = $sql;
     // copy query to be used to get the total number of reords (without the group by and limit clause)
     $sql = $sql . ' ORDER BY id ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $start_index . ', ' . $limit;
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $row_count = 0;
     $total_records = 0;
     $messages = '';
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     try {
         //get total records for pagination
         $query = $database->prepare($query_total);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             $total_records = $query->rowCount();
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
         //get records
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             $messages = $query->fetchAll();
             $row_count = $query->rowCount();
             if ($row_count > 0) {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Records retrieved successfully.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, '_totalRecords' => $total_records, 'messages' => $messages);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array('result' => 1, 'resultDesc' => 'No records found.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, 'messages' => $messages);
예제 #6
  * Writes the new password to the database
  * @param string $user_name username
  * @param string $user_password_hash
  * @param string $user_password_reset_hash
  * @return bool
 public static function saveNewUserPassword($user_name, $user_password_hash, $user_password_reset_hash)
     $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     /*$sql = "UPDATE users SET user_password_hash = :user_password_hash, user_password_reset_hash = NULL,
             user_password_reset_timestamp = NULL
       WHERE user_name = :user_name AND user_password_reset_hash = :user_password_reset_hash
             AND user_provider_type = :user_provider_type LIMIT 1";*/
     $sql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET user_password_hash = :user_password_hash, user_password_reset_hash = NULL,\n                       user_password_reset_timestamp = NULL\n                 WHERE user_name = :user_name LIMIT 1";
     $query = $database->prepare($sql);
     			':user_password_hash' => $user_password_hash, ':user_name' => $user_name,
     			':user_password_reset_hash' => $user_password_reset_hash, ':user_provider_type' => 'DEFAULT'
     $query->execute(array(':user_password_hash' => $user_password_hash, ':user_name' => $user_name));
     $row_count = $query->rowCount();
     // if one result exists, return true, else false. Could be written even shorter btw.
     return $row_count == 1 ? true : false;
예제 #7
  * Write remember-me token into database and into cookie
  * Maybe splitting this into database and cookie part ?
  * @param $user_id
 public static function setRememberMeInDatabaseAndCookie($user_id)
     $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     // generate 64 char random string
     $random_token_string = hash('sha256', mt_rand());
     // write that token into database
     $sql = "UPDATE tbl_users SET user_remember_me_token = :user_remember_me_token WHERE user_id = :user_id LIMIT 1";
     $sth = $database->prepare($sql);
     $sth->execute(array(':user_remember_me_token' => $random_token_string, ':user_id' => $user_id));
     // generate cookie string that consists of user id, random string and combined hash of both
     $cookie_string_first_part = $user_id . ':' . $random_token_string;
     $cookie_string_hash = hash('sha256', $cookie_string_first_part);
     $cookie_string = $cookie_string_first_part . ':' . $cookie_string_hash;
     // set cookie
     setcookie('remember_me', $cookie_string, time() + Config::get('COOKIE_RUNTIME'), Config::get('COOKIE_PATH'));
예제 #8
 private function getService($service_id)
     //get the database connection
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     //prepare and execute the query
     try {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_services WHERE service_id = :service_id LIMIT 1";
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         $bind_parameters = array(':service_id' => $service_id);
         if ($query->execute($bind_parameters)) {
             $service = $query->fetch();
             if ($query->rowCount() < 1) {
                 return array('result' => 1, 'resultDesc' => 'Service with id ' . $service_id . ' not found.', 'service' => new stdClass());
             } else {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Service found.', 'data' => $service);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($bind_parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array('result' => 7, 'resultDesc' => 'Unknown error', 'data' => new stdClass());
예제 #9
  * Gets the user's data by user's id and a token (used by login-via-cookie process)
  * @param $user_id
  * @param $token
  * @return mixed Returns false if user does not exist, returns object with user's data when user exists
 public static function getUserDataByUserIdAndToken($user_id, $token)
     $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     // get real token from database (and all other data)
     $query = $database->prepare("SELECT user_id, user_name, user_email, user_password_hash, user_active,\n                                          user_account_type,  user_has_avatar, user_failed_logins, user_last_failed_login\n                                     FROM tbl_users\n                                     WHERE user_id = :user_id\n                                       AND user_remember_me_token = :user_remember_me_token\n                                       AND user_remember_me_token IS NOT NULL\n                                       AND user_provider_type = :provider_type LIMIT 1");
     $query->execute(array(':user_id' => $user_id, ':user_remember_me_token' => $token, ':provider_type' => 'DEFAULT'));
     // return one row (we only have one result or nothing)
     return $query->fetch();
예제 #10
  * deleteService - deletes the service from the system
  * @return array containing query result and service data
 public function getServices($service_id = '', $service_type = '', $short_code = '', $start_index = 0, $limit = 10, $order = 'DESC')
     $sql = 'SELECT id, service_id, service_name, service_type, short_code, criteria, service_endpoint, delivery_notification_endpoint, interface_name, correlator, status, created_on, last_updated_on, last_updated_by FROM tbl_services WHERE 1 ';
     $parameters = array();
     //include service_id filter
     if (isset($service_id) && !empty($service_id)) {
         $sql = $sql . " AND service_id=:service_id";
         $parameters[':service_id'] = $service_id;
     //include service_type filter
     if (isset($service_type) && !empty($service_type)) {
         $sql = $sql . " AND service_type=:service_type";
         $parameters[':service_type'] = $service_type;
     //include short_code filter
     if (isset($short_code) && !empty($short_code)) {
         $sql = $sql . " AND short_code=:short_code";
         $parameters[':short_code'] = $short_code;
     $query_total = $sql;
     // copy query to be used to get the total number of reords (without the group by and limit clause)
     $sql = $sql . ' ORDER BY id ' . $order . ' LIMIT ' . $start_index . ', ' . $limit;
     // add some logic to handle exceptions in this script
     $row_count = 0;
     $total_records = 0;
     $services = '';
     $database = null;
     try {
         $database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage()));
         return array('result' => 3, 'resultDesc' => 'Cannot connect to the database. Error: ' . $ex->getMessage());
     try {
         //get total records for pagination
         $query = $database->prepare($query_total);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             $total_records = $query->rowCount();
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|{query}|bind_parameters:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
         //get records
         $query = $database->prepare($sql);
         if ($query->execute($parameters)) {
             // fetchAll() is the PDO method that gets all result rows
             $services = $query->fetchAll();
             $row_count = $query->rowCount();
             if ($row_count >= 0) {
                 return array('result' => 0, 'resultDesc' => 'Records retrieved successfully.', '_recordsRetrieved' => $row_count, '_totalRecords' => $total_records, 'services' => $services);
         } else {
             $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|error executing the query|{error}|query:{query}|bind_params:{bind_params}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $database->errorCode(), 'query' => $sql, 'bind_params' => json_encode($parameters)));
             return array('result' => 5, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query.');
     } catch (PDOException $e) {
         $this->logger->error('{class_mame}|{method_name}|{service_id}|PDOException|{error}|{query}', array('class_mame' => __CLASS__, 'method_name' => __FUNCTION__, 'error' => $e->getMessage(), 'query' => $sql));
         return array('result' => 4, 'resultDesc' => 'Error executing a query. Error: ' . $e->getMessage());
     return array('result' => 1, 'resultDesc' => 'No records found', 'services' => $services);