예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function perform_auth_login()
     if (!$this->service_provider instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Facebook) {
     // This was a callback request, get the token
     $this->service_provider->requestAccessToken($this->request->variable('code', ''));
     // Send a request with it
     $result = json_decode($this->service_provider->request('/me'), true);
     // Return the unique identifier
     return $result['id'];
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function perform_auth_login()
     if (!$this->service_provider instanceof \OAuth\OAuth2\Service\Bitly) {
         throw new \src\auth\provider\oauth\service\exception('AUTH_PROVIDER_OAUTH_ERROR_INVALID_SERVICE_TYPE');
     // This was a callback request from bitly, get the token
     $this->service_provider->requestAccessToken($this->request->variable('code', ''));
     // Send a request with it
     $result = json_decode($this->service_provider->request('user/info'), true);
     // Return the unique identifier returned from bitly
     return $result['data']['login'];
예제 #3
  * Checks whether the chunk we are about to deal with was actually uploaded
  * by PHP and actually exists, if not, it generates an error
  * @param string $form_name The name of the file in the form data
  * @return null
 protected function integrate_uploaded_file($form_name, $chunk, $file_path)
     $is_multipart = $this->is_multipart();
     $upload = $this->request->file($form_name);
     if ($is_multipart && (!isset($upload['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name']))) {
         $this->emit_error(103, 'PLUPLOAD_ERR_MOVE_UPLOADED');
     $tmp_file = $this->temporary_filepath($upload['tmp_name']);
     if (!src_is_writable($this->temporary_directory) || !move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $tmp_file)) {
         $this->emit_error(103, 'PLUPLOAD_ERR_MOVE_UPLOADED');
     $out = fopen("{$file_path}.part", $chunk == 0 ? 'wb' : 'ab');
     if (!$out) {
         $this->emit_error(102, 'PLUPLOAD_ERR_OUTPUT');
     $in = fopen($is_multipart ? $tmp_file : 'php://input', 'rb');
     if (!$in) {
         $this->emit_error(101, 'PLUPLOAD_ERR_INPUT');
     while ($buf = fread($in, 4096)) {
         fwrite($out, $buf);
     if ($is_multipart) {
예제 #4
  * Constructor
  * @param \src\request\request_interface $src_request
 public function __construct(\src\request\request_interface $src_request)
     $get_parameters = $src_request->get_super_global(\src\request\request_interface::GET);
     $post_parameters = $src_request->get_super_global(\src\request\request_interface::POST);
     $server_parameters = $src_request->get_super_global(\src\request\request_interface::SERVER);
     $files_parameters = $src_request->get_super_global(\src\request\request_interface::FILES);
     $cookie_parameters = $src_request->get_super_global(\src\request\request_interface::COOKIE);
     parent::__construct($get_parameters, $post_parameters, array(), $cookie_parameters, $files_parameters, $server_parameters);
예제 #5
  * Get list of items from posted data
  * @param string $name Variable name
  * @param string|int $default Default value for array
  * @param bool $error If true, error will be triggered if list is empty
  * @return array Items
 protected function request_vars($name, $default, $error = false)
     $item = $this->request->variable($name, $default);
     $items = $this->request->variable($name . 's', array($default));
     if (count($items) == 1 && $items[0] == $default) {
         $items = array();
     if ($item != $default && !count($items)) {
         $items[] = $item;
     if ($error && !count($items)) {
         trigger_error($this->user->lang['NO_MATCHING_STYLES_FOUND'] . adm_back_link($this->u_action), E_USER_WARNING);
     return $items;
예제 #6
  * Performs the account linking for auth_link
  * @param	array	$link_data		The same variable given to {@see \src\auth\provider\provider_interface::link_account}
  * @param	string	$service_name	The name of the service being used in
  *									linking.
  * @return	string|null	Returns a language constant (string) if an error is
  *						encountered, or null on success.
 protected function link_account_auth_link(array $link_data, $service_name)
     $storage = new \src\auth\provider\oauth\token_storage($this->db, $this->user, $this->auth_provider_oauth_token_storage_table);
     $query = 'i=ucp_auth_link&mode=auth_link&link=1&oauth_service=' . strtolower($link_data['oauth_service']);
     $service_credentials = $this->service_providers[$service_name]->get_service_credentials();
     $scopes = $this->service_providers[$service_name]->get_auth_scope();
     $service = $this->get_service(strtolower($link_data['oauth_service']), $storage, $service_credentials, $query, $scopes);
     if ($this->request->is_set('code', \src\request\request_interface::GET)) {
         $unique_id = $this->service_providers[$service_name]->perform_auth_login();
         // Insert into table, they will be able to log in after this
         $data = array('user_id' => $this->user->data['user_id'], 'provider' => strtolower($link_data['oauth_service']), 'oauth_provider_id' => $unique_id);
     } else {
         $url = $service->getAuthorizationUri();
         header('Location: ' . $url);
예제 #7
* Check and display the SQL report if requested.
* @param \src\request\request_interface		$request	Request object
* @param \src\auth\auth						$auth		Auth object
* @param \src\db\driver\driver_interface		$db			Database connection
function src_check_and_display_sql_report(\src\request\request_interface $request, \src\auth\auth $auth, \src\db\driver\driver_interface $db)
    if ($request->variable('explain', false) && $auth->acl_get('a_') && defined('DEBUG')) {
예제 #8
  * Bind the values of the request to the form
  * @param \src\request\request_interface $request
  * @return null
 public function bind(\src\request\request_interface $request)
     $this->cc_sender = $request->is_set_post('cc_sender');
     $this->body = $request->variable('message', '', true);
예제 #9
  * Get a relative root path from the current URL
  * @return string
 public function get_web_root_path()
     if ($this->symfony_request === null) {
         return $this->src_root_path;
     if (null !== $this->web_root_path) {
         return $this->web_root_path;
     // We do not need to escape $path_info, $request_uri and $script_name because we can not find their content in the result.
     // Path info (e.g. /foo/bar)
     $path_info = $this->filesystem->clean_path($this->symfony_request->getPathInfo());
     // Full request URI (e.g. src/app.php/foo/bar)
     $request_uri = $this->symfony_request->getRequestUri();
     // Script name URI (e.g. src/app.php)
     $script_name = $this->symfony_request->getScriptName();
      * If the path info is empty but we're using app.php, then we
      *	might be using an empty route like app.php/ which is
      *	supported by symfony's routing
     if ($path_info === '/' && preg_match('/app\\.' . $this->php_ext . '\\/$/', $request_uri)) {
         return $this->web_root_path = $this->filesystem->clean_path('./../' . $this->src_root_path);
      * If the path info is empty (single /), then we're not using
      *	a route like app.php/foo/bar
     if ($path_info === '/') {
         return $this->web_root_path = $this->src_root_path;
      * Check AJAX request:
      * If the current request is a AJAX we need to fix the paths.
      * We need to get the root path based on the Referer, so we can use
      * the generated URLs in the template of the Referer. If we do not
      * generate the relative path based on the Referer, but based on the
      * currently requested URL, the generated URLs will not point to the
      * intended locations:
      *	Referer				desired URL			desired relative root path
      *	memberlist.php		faq.php				./
      *	memberlist.php		app.php/foo/bar		./
      *	app.php/foo			memberlist.php		../
      *	app.php/foo			app.php/fox			../
      *	app.php/foo/bar		memberlist.php		../../
      *	../page.php			memberlist.php		./src/
      *	../sub/page.php		memberlist.php		./../src/
      * The referer must be specified as a parameter in the query.
     if ($this->request->is_ajax() && $this->symfony_request->get('_referer')) {
         // We need to escape $absolute_srcrd_url because it can be partially concatenated to the result.
         $absolute_srcrd_url = $this->request->escape($this->symfony_request->getSchemeAndHttpHost() . $this->symfony_request->getBasePath(), true);
         $referer_web_root_path = $this->get_web_root_path_from_ajax_referer($this->symfony_request->get('_referer'), $absolute_srcrd_url);
         return $this->web_root_path = $this->src_root_path . $referer_web_root_path;
     // How many corrections might we need?
     $corrections = substr_count($path_info, '/');
      * If the script name (e.g. src/app.php) does not exists in the
      * requestUri (e.g. src/app.php/foo/template), then we are rewriting
      * the URL. So we must reduce the slash count by 1.
     if (strpos($request_uri, $script_name) !== 0) {
     // Prepend ../ to the src_root_path as many times as / exists in path_info
     $this->web_root_path = $this->filesystem->clean_path('./' . str_repeat('../', $corrections) . $this->src_root_path);
     return $this->web_root_path;
예제 #10
     * Parses parameters found in $request, which is an instance of
     * \src\request\request_interface.
     * It is expected to have a key f whose value is id of the forum to be pruned.
     * @param \src\request\request_interface $request Request object.
     * @return null
    public function parse_parameters(\src\request\request_interface $request)
        $this->forum_data = null;
        if ($request->is_set('f')) {
            $forum_id = $request->variable('f', 0);
            $sql = 'SELECT forum_id, prune_next, enable_prune, prune_days, prune_viewed, forum_flags, prune_freq
				FROM ' . FORUMS_TABLE . "\n\t\t\t\tWHERE forum_id = {$forum_id}";
            $result = $this->db->sql_query($sql);
            $row = $this->db->sql_fetchrow($result);
            if ($row) {
                $this->forum_data = $row;