예제 #1
파일: pc.php 프로젝트: sovereignbot/citadel
 public function run()
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $prefix = $this->channelConfig->prefix;
     $system = isset($explode[0]) ? $explode[0] == "{$prefix}pc" ? "global" : str_replace($prefix, "", $explode[0]) : "global";
     $item = implode(" ", $explode);
     // Stuff that doesn't need a db lookup
     $quickLookUps = ["plex" => array("typeName" => "30 Day Pilot's License Extension (PLEX)", "typeID" => 29668), "injector" => array("typeName" => "Skill Injector", "typeID" => 40520), "extractor" => array("typeName" => "Skill Extractor", "typeID" => 40519)];
     if ($system && $item) {
         if (isset($quickLookUps[$item])) {
             $single = $quickLookUps[$item];
             $multiple = null;
         } else {
             $single = $this->db->queryRow("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName = :item", array(":item" => $item));
             $multiple = $this->db->query("SELECT typeID, typeName FROM invTypes WHERE typeName LIKE :item LIMIT 5", array(":item" => $item));
         if (count($multiple) == 1) {
             $single = $multiple[0];
         if (empty($single) && !empty($multiple)) {
             $items = array();
             foreach ($multiple as $item) {
                 $items[] = $item["typeName"];
             $items = implode(", ", $items);
             return $this->message->reply("**Multiple results found:** {$items}");
         // If there is a single result, we'll get data now!
         if ($single) {
             $typeID = $single["typeID"];
             $typeName = $single["typeName"];
             if ($system == "global") {
                 $system = "global";
                 $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?typeid={$typeID}"));
             } else {
                 $solarSystemID = $this->db->queryField("SELECT solarSystemID FROM mapSolarSystems WHERE solarSystemName = :system", "solarSystemID", array(":system" => $system));
                 $data = new SimpleXMLElement($this->curl->get("https://api.eve-central.com/api/marketstat?usesystem={$solarSystemID}&typeid={$typeID}"));
             $lowBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->min, 2);
             $avgBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->avg, 2);
             $highBuy = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->buy->max, 2);
             $lowSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->min, 2);
             $avgSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->avg, 2);
             $highSell = number_format((double) $data->marketstat->type->sell->max, 2);
             $solarSystemName = $system == "pc" ? "Global" : ucfirst($system);
             $messageData = "```\ntypeName: {$typeName}\nsolarSystemName: {$solarSystemName}\nBuy:\n  Low: {$lowBuy}\n  Avg: {$avgBuy}\n  High: {$highBuy}\nSell:\n  Low: {$lowSell}\n  Avg: {$avgSell}\n  High: {$highSell}```";
         } else {
             $this->message->reply("**Error:** ***{$item}*** not found");
     } else {
         $this->message->reply("**Error:** No itemName set..");
     // Mark this as garbage
예제 #2
 public function run()
     // Reap the threads!
     $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer(600, function () {
         $this->log->addInfo('Restarting the threading pool, to clear out old threads..');
         // Shutdown the pool
         // Startup the pool again
         $this->pool = new \Pool(count($this->onMessage), \Worker::class);
         $this->timers = new \Pool(count($this->onTimer), \Worker::class);
     // Handle the onReady event, and setup some timers and so forth
     $this->websocket->on('ready', function (Discord $discord) {
         $this->log->addInfo('Websocket connected..');
         // Update our presence status
         $game = new Game(array('name' => $this->globalConfig->get('presence', 'bot', "table flippin'"), 'url' => null, 'type' => null), true);
         $this->websocket->updatePresence($game, false);
         // Count the amount of people we are available to..
         /** @var Guild $guild */
         foreach ($this->discord->getClient()->getGuildsAttribute()->all() as $guild) {
             $this->extras['memberCount'] += $guild->member_count;
             $this->extras['guild']['memberCount']["id{$guild->id}"] = $guild->member_count;
             $this->extras['onMessagePlugins'] = $this->onMessage;
             $this->extras['onVoicePlugins'] = $this->onVoice;
         $this->log->addInfo("Member count, currently available to: {$this->extras['memberCount']} people");
         // Setup the timers for the timer plugins
         foreach ($this->onTimer as $command => $data) {
             $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer($data['timer'], function () use($data, $discord) {
                 try {
                     $plugin = new $data['class']($discord, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras);
                 } catch (\Exception $e) {
                     $this->log->addError("Error running the periodic timer: {$e->getMessage()}");
         // Issue periodically recounting and other things (Needed because of pthreads not putting the entire context into children - leading to some weirdness in some plugins)
         $this->websocket->loop->addPeriodicTimer(600, function () {
             $this->extras['memberCount'] = 0;
             $this->extras['guildCount'] = 0;
             /** @var Guild $guild */
             foreach ($this->discord->getClient()->getGuildsAttribute()->all() as $guild) {
                 $this->extras['memberCount'] += $guild->member_count;
                 $this->extras['guild']['memberCount']["id{$guild->id}"] = $guild->member_count;
                 $this->extras['onMessagePlugins'] = $this->onMessage;
                 $this->extras['onVoicePlugins'] = $this->onVoice;
             // Output periodic information while doing the recounting stuff
             $this->log->addInfo('Currently running audio streams: ' . count($this->audioStreams));
             $this->log->addInfo("Member recount, currently available to: {$this->extras['memberCount']} people");
         // @todo run a timer to check if there are any active voice sessions - and if there are, if there are any people in those voice sessions
         // If not, stop the session and leave the channel (To save some bandwidth)
     $this->websocket->on('error', function ($error, $websocket) {
         $this->log->addError('An error occurred on the websocket', [$error->getMessage()]);
     $this->websocket->on('close', function ($opCode, $reason) {
         $this->log->addWarning('Websocket got closed', ['code' => $opCode, 'reason' => $reason]);
     $this->websocket->on('reconnecting', function () {
         $this->log->addInfo('Websocket is reconnecting..');
     $this->websocket->on('reconnected', function () {
         $this->log->addInfo('Websocket was reconnected..');
     // Handle incoming message logging
     $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
         $this->log->addInfo("Message from {$message->author->username}", [$message->content]);
         // Don't update data for ourselves..
         if ($message->author->id !== $discord->getClient()->id) {
             $this->users->set($message->author->id, $message->author->username, 'online', null, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), $message->content);
         // @todo Create text logs
     // Handle plugin running
     $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
         $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id;
         // Get server config
         $config = $this->settings->get($guildID);
         // Is the person admin?
         $userDiscordID = $message->author->id;
         foreach ($this->globalConfig->get('admins', 'permissions') as $admins) {
             $message->isAdmin = $admins === $userDiscordID;
         // Define the prefix if it isn't already set..
         @($config->prefix = $config->prefix ?? $this->globalConfig->get('prefix', 'bot'));
         // Check if the user requested an onMessage plugin
         if (substr($message->content, 0, strlen($config->prefix)) === $config->prefix) {
             $content = explode(' ', $message->content);
             foreach ($this->onMessage as $command => $data) {
                 $parts = [];
                 foreach ($content as $index => $c) {
                     foreach (explode("\n", $c) as $p) {
                         $parts[] = $p;
                 if ($parts[0] === $config->prefix . $command) {
                     // If they are listed under the admins array in the bot config, they're the super admins
                     if (in_array($message->author->id, $this->globalConfig->get('admins', 'permissions'))) {
                         $userPerms = 3;
                     } elseif (null !== $message->getChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->owner_id && $message->author->id === $message->getChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->owner_id) {
                         $userPerms = 2;
                     } else {
                         $userPerms = 1;
                     if ($userPerms >= $data['permissions']) {
                         try {
                             if ($data['class'] === "\\Sovereign\\Plugins\\onMessage\\auth") {
                                 /** @var \Threaded $plugin */
                                 $plugin = new $data['class']($message, $discord, $config, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras);
                             } else {
                                 /** @var \Threaded $plugin */
                                 $plugin = new $data['class']($message, $discord, $config, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users, $this->extras);
                             $this->log->addInfo("{$message->author->username}#{$message->author->discriminator} ({$message->author}) ran command {$config->prefix}{$command}", $content);
                         } catch (\Exception $e) {
                             $this->log->addError("Error running command {$config->prefix}{$command}. Command run by {$message->author->username} in {$message->getChannelAttribute()->name}. Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
                             $message->reply("**Error:** There was a problem running the command: {$e->getMessage()}");
     // Handle joining a voice channel, and playing.. stuff....
     $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
         // Get the guildID
         $guildID = $message->getChannelAttribute()->guild_id;
         // Get this guilds settings
         $config = $this->settings->get($guildID);
         // Get the prefix for this guild
         @($config->prefix = $config->prefix ?? $this->globalConfig->get('prefix', 'bot'));
         if (substr($message->content, 0, strlen($config->prefix)) === $config->prefix) {
             $content = explode(' ', $message->content);
             foreach ($this->onVoice as $command => $data) {
                 $parts = [];
                 foreach ($content as $index => $c) {
                     foreach (explode("\n", $c) as $p) {
                         $parts[] = $p;
                 if ($parts[0] === $config->prefix . $command) {
                     try {
                         $voiceChannels = $message->getFullChannelAttribute()->getGuildAttribute()->channels->getAll('type', 'voice');
                         foreach ($voiceChannels as $channel) {
                             if (!empty($channel->members[$message->author->id])) {
                                 $voice = new $data['class']();
                                 $voice->run($message, $discord, $this->websocket, $this->log, $this->audioStreams, $channel, $this->curl);
                     } catch (\Exception $e) {
                         $this->log->addError("Error running voice command {$config->prefix}{$command}. Command run by {$message->author->username} in {$message->getChannelAttribute()->name}. Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
                         $message->reply("**Error:** There was a problem running the command: {$e->getMessage()}");
     // Handle if it's a message for the bot (CleverBot invocation)
     $this->websocket->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Discord $discord) {
         // If we got highlighted we should probably answer back
         if (stristr($message->content, $discord->getClient()->id)) {
             try {
                 $this->pool->submit(new cleverBotMessage($message, $discord, $this->log, $this->globalConfig, $this->db, $this->curl, $this->settings, $this->permissions, $this->container->get('serverConfig'), $this->users));
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $message->reply("**Error:** There was an error with CleverBot: {$e->getMessage()}");
     // Handle presence updates
     $this->websocket->on(Event::PRESENCE_UPDATE, function (PresenceUpdate $presenceUpdate) {
         if ($presenceUpdate->user->id && $presenceUpdate->user->username) {
             try {
                 $this->log->addInfo("Updating presence info for {$presenceUpdate->user->username}");
                 $game = $presenceUpdate->getGameAttribute()->name ?? null;
                 $this->users->set($presenceUpdate->user->id, $presenceUpdate->user->username, $presenceUpdate->status, $game, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), null, null);
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 $this->log->addError("Error: {$e->getMessage()}");
     // Create a new cleverbot \nick\ for this new guild
     $this->websocket->on(Event::GUILD_CREATE, function (Guild $guild) {
         $cleverBotExists = $this->db->queryField("SELECT serverID FROM cleverbot WHERE serverID = :serverID", "serverID", array(":serverID" => $guild->id));
         $guildExists = $this->db->queryField("SELECT guildID FROM guilds WHERE guildID = :serverID", "guildID", array(":serverID" => $guild->id));
         // Only create a new server nick if the cleverbot instance doesn't exist.. (Hopefully cleverbot.io is done deleting them at random)
         if (!isset($cleverBotExists)) {
             $this->log->addInfo("Setting up Cleverbot for {$guild->name}");
             $serverID = $guild->id;
             $result = $this->curl->post('https://cleverbot.io/1.0/create', ['user' => $this->globalConfig->get('user', 'cleverbot'), 'key' => $this->globalConfig->get('key', 'cleverbot')]);
             if ($result) {
                 $result = @json_decode($result);
                 $nick = $result->nick ?? false;
                 if ($nick) {
                     $this->db->execute('INSERT INTO cleverbot (serverID, nick) VALUES (:serverID, :nick) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nick = :nick', [':serverID' => $serverID, ':nick' => $nick]);
         if (!isset($guildExists)) {
             $this->db->execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO guilds (guildID) VALUES (:guildID)", array(":guildID" => $guild->id));
             // Send a hello message to the channel (Only if it's new!)
             //$message = "Hello, i was invited here by someone with admin permissions, i have quite a few features that you can discover by doing %help\n";
             //$message .= "I am sorry if i am triggering other bots aswell, you can change my trigger with %config setTrigger newTrigger (Example: %config setTrigger *)\n";
             //$message .= "If you for some reason don't want me here after all, just kick me ;)";
             // Get the first channel in the list (usually the default channel)
             //$channel = $guild->channels->first();
     // Run the websocket, and in turn, the bot!
예제 #3
 public function run()
     // Most EVE players on Discord use their ingame name, so lets support @highlights
     $explode = explode(" ", $this->message->content);
     $name = implode(" ", $explode);
     $name = stristr($name, "@") ? str_replace("<@", "", str_replace(">", "", $name)) : $name;
     if (is_numeric($name)) {
         // The person used @highlighting, so now we got a discord id, lets map that to a name
         $name = $this->db->queryField("SELECT nickName FROM users WHERE discordID = :id", "nickName", array(":id" => $name));
     $url = "https://evedata.xyz/api/search/character/" . urlencode($name) . "/";
     $data = @json_decode($this->curl->get($url), true)["character"];
     if (empty($data)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no results was returned.");
     $exists = false;
     if (count($data) > 1) {
         $results = array();
         foreach ($data as $char) {
             if (strtolower($char["characterName"]) == strtolower($name)) {
                 $data[0]["characterID"] = $char["characterID"];
                 $exists = true;
             $results[] = $char["characterName"];
         if ($exists == false) {
             return $this->message->reply("**Error:** more than one result was returned: " . implode(", ", $results));
     // Get stats
     $characterID = $data[0]["characterID"];
     $statsURL = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/api/charInfo/characterID/" . urlencode($characterID) . "/";
     $stats = json_decode($this->curl->get($statsURL), true);
     if (empty($stats)) {
         return $this->message->reply("**Error:** no data available");
     $characterName = @$stats["characterName"];
     $corporationName = @$stats["corporationName"];
     $allianceName = isset($stats["allianceName"]) ? $stats["allianceName"] : "None";
     $factionName = isset($stats["factionName"]) ? $stats["factionName"] : "None";
     $securityStatus = @$stats["securityStatus"];
     $lastSeenSystem = @$stats["lastSeenSystem"];
     $lastSeenRegion = @$stats["lastSeenRegion"];
     $lastSeenShip = @$stats["lastSeenShip"];
     $lastSeenDate = @$stats["lastSeenDate"];
     $corporationActiveArea = @$stats["corporationActiveArea"];
     $allianceActiveArea = @$stats["allianceActiveArea"];
     $soloKills = @$stats["soloKills"];
     $blobKills = @$stats["blobKills"];
     $lifeTimeKills = @$stats["lifeTimeKills"];
     $lifeTimeLosses = @$stats["lifeTimeLosses"];
     $amountOfSoloPVPer = @$stats["percentageSoloPVPer"];
     $ePeenSize = @$stats["ePeenSize"];
     $facepalms = @$stats["facepalms"];
     $lastUpdated = @$stats["lastUpdatedOnBackend"];
     $url = "https://beta.eve-kill.net/character/" . $stats["characterID"] . "/";
     $msg = "```characterName: {$characterName}\ncorporationName: {$corporationName}\nallianceName: {$allianceName}\nfactionName: {$factionName}\nsecurityStatus: {$securityStatus}\nlastSeenSystem: {$lastSeenSystem}\nlastSeenRegion: {$lastSeenRegion}\nlastSeenShip: {$lastSeenShip}\nlastSeenDate: {$lastSeenDate}\ncorporationActiveArea: {$corporationActiveArea}\nallianceActiveArea: {$allianceActiveArea}\nsoloKills: {$soloKills}\nblobKills: {$blobKills}\nlifeTimeKills: {$lifeTimeKills}\nlifeTimeLosses: {$lifeTimeLosses}\npercentageSoloPVPer: {$amountOfSoloPVPer}\nePeenSize: {$ePeenSize}\nfacepalms: {$facepalms}\nlastUpdated: {$lastUpdated}```\nFor more info, visit: {$url}";
     // Mark this as garbage
예제 #4
 public function run()
     $guildID = $this->message->getFullChannelAttribute()->guild_id;
     $cleverBotNick = $this->db->queryField("SELECT nick FROM cleverbot WHERE serverID = :serverID", "nick", array(":serverID" => $guildID));
     // Simply remove the <id> part of the string, since it seems to make the responses from Cleverbot be less idiotic and terrible..
     $msg = str_replace("<@{$this->discord->getClient()->id}>", "", $this->message->content);
     $response = $this->curl->post("https://cleverbot.io/1.0/ask", array("user" => $this->config->get("user", "cleverbot"), "key" => $this->config->get("key", "cleverbot"), "nick" => $cleverBotNick, "text" => $msg));
     if ($response) {
         $resp = @json_decode($response);
         $reply = isset($resp->response) ? $resp->response : false;
         if ($reply) {