예제 #1
  * @param PhoneNumber $number
  * @param Message     $message
  * @param \DateTime   $schedule
  * @throws \SMSKrank\Exceptions\GatewayException
  * @return float | null Message fee, if available. Null otherwise
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     $mailer = new PHPMailer();
     $mailer->Port = $this->port;
     $mailer->Host = $this->host;
     if ($this->user || $this->password) {
         $mailer->SMTPAuth = true;
         $mailer->Username = $this->user;
         $mailer->Password = $this->password;
     $mailer->CharSet = "UTF-8";
     $mailer->From = $this->from;
     $mailer->Subject = "SMS-Krank Debug Gateway";
     if (empty($this->to)) {
         throw new GatewayException('No recipients');
     foreach ($this->to as $to) {
         if (!$mailer->AddAddress($to)) {
             throw new GatewayException("Invalid recipient: '{$to}'");
     $nl = "\r\n";
     $mailer->Body .= "Phone: " . $number->getNumber() . $nl;
     $mailer->Body .= "Message: " . $message->getText() . $nl;
     $mailer->Body .= "Scheduled: " . ($schedule ? $schedule->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) : 'immediately');
     if (!$mailer->Send()) {
         throw new GatewayException("Failed to send");
     return null;
예제 #2
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     $args = array('key' => $this->public_key, 'text' => $message->getText(), 'phone' => $number->getNumber(), 'sender' => $this->sender);
     if ($schedule) {
         // NOTE: this gate traits date timezone as your location provided in cabinet
         $args['datetime'] = $schedule->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     $json = $this->call('sendSMS', $args);
     if (!isset($json['price'])) {
         throw new GatewayException('Bad response');
     return (double) $json['price'];
     // price amount is set in user prefs
예제 #3
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     if ($this->balance - $this->price < 0) {
         throw new GatewayException("You don't have enough money on your balance");
     $template = $this->format;
     $template = str_replace('{name}', $this->name, $template);
     $template = str_replace('{phone}', $number->getNumber(), $template);
     $template = str_replace('{schedule}', $schedule ? 'at ' . $schedule->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) : 'immediately', $template);
     // message may contain any data, even template placeholders, so process it aat last
     $template = str_replace('{message}', $message->getText(), $template);
     echo $template;
     $this->balance -= $this->price;
     return $this->price;
예제 #4
 public function __construct($phone_number, array $calling_codes, array $geo, array $props)
     $this->codes = $calling_codes;
     $this->geo = $geo;
     $this->props = $props;
예제 #5
  * @param PhoneNumber $number
  * @param Message     $message
  * @param \DateTime   $schedule
  * @throws \SMSKrank\Exceptions\GatewayException
  * @return float | null Message fee, if available. Null otherwise
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     $args = array('operation' => 'send', 'login' => $this->login, 'password' => $this->password, 'msisdn' => $number->getNumber(), 'shortcode' => $this->sender, 'text' => $message->getText());
     $url = 'http://http.a1smsmarket.ru:8000/send?' . http_build_query($args);
     $res = file_get_contents($url);
     if (strpos($res, ':')) {
         list(, $error) = explode(':', $res);
         throw new GatewayException(trim($error));
     $id = (int) $res;
     // retrieve message id
     if ($id < 1) {
         throw new GatewayException('Bad response');
     return null;
예제 #6
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     $args = array('login' => $this->login, 'password' => $this->password, 'txt' => $message->getText(), 'to' => $number->getNumber(), 'onlydelivery' => 1);
     if ($schedule) {
         // NOTE: this gate traits date timezone as your location provided in cabinet
         $args['dateTimeSend'] = $schedule->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     // response as JSON (no respect to HTTP status code, btw, very nice. curl is useless here)
     // https://lcab.sms-uslugi.ru/lcabApi/sendSms.php
     $res = file_get_contents("https://lcab.sms-uslugi.ru/lcabApi/sendSms.php?" . http_build_query($args));
     $json = json_decode($res, true);
     if (!is_array($json) || !isset($json['code'])) {
         throw new GatewayException('Bad response');
     // TODO: return message(s) cost
     return $json['code'] == 1;
예제 #7
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     if ($number instanceof PhoneNumberDetailed) {
         $detailed_phone_number = $number;
     } else {
         $detailed_phone_number = $this->directory->getPhoneNumberDetailed($number->getNumber());
     try {
         $gateways = $this->maps_loader->get($detailed_phone_number->getGeo('country_alpha2'));
     } catch (LoaderException $e) {
         throw new ExchangeException("Failed to send message (unable to load country)");
     } catch (PhoneNumberDetailedException $e) {
         throw new ExchangeException("Failed to send message (phone number is not supported)");
     $price = false;
     foreach ($gateways as $gate_name => $required_props) {
         if (null != $required_props) {
             // required props are array with at least one property
             // all properties should exist in phone number and have the same value
             $phone_props = $detailed_phone_number->getProp() + array('geo' => $detailed_phone_number->getGeo(), 'code' => $detailed_phone_number->getCode());
             // TODO: support OR, NOT for nested props, for now I don't need this and it is a bit complicated piece of code
             // NOTE: we use AND logic for comparison, so to use gate phone should have all required props with the same values
             $intersection = $this->array_intersect_assoc_recursive($required_props, $phone_props);
             if ($required_props !== $intersection) {
                 // no match, try the next one
         try {
             $gate = $this->gateway_factory->getGateway($gate_name);
             $price = $gate->send($detailed_phone_number, $message, $schedule);
         } catch (LoaderException $e) {
         } catch (GatewayException $e) {
     if (false === $price) {
         // when price for sent message is not available it should be set to null
         throw new ExchangeException("Failed to send message (unable to pick working gate)");
     return $price;
예제 #8
 public function send(PhoneNumber $number, Message $message, \DateTime $schedule = null)
     if ($this->file_name == '/dev/null') {
         // add null device support for non-*NIX users
         return null;
     $template = $this->format;
     $schedule = $schedule ? 'at ' . $schedule->format(\DateTime::ISO8601) : 'immediately';
     $now = new \DateTime();
     $template = str_replace('{datetime}', $now->format(\DateTime::ISO8601), $template);
     $template = str_replace('{phone}', $number->getNumber(), $template);
     $template = str_replace('{schedule}', $schedule, $template);
     // message may contain any data, even template placeholders, so process it aat last
     $template = str_replace('{message}', $message->getText(), $template);
     $fh = fopen($this->file_name, 'w+');
     if (!$fh) {
         throw new GatewayException("Failed to open file '{$this->file_name}'");
     fwrite($fh, $template . PHP_EOL);
     return null;
예제 #9
  * @cover \SMSKrank\PhoneNumber::__construct
  * @cover \SMSKrank\PhoneNumber::getNumber
 public function testGetNumber()
     $number = '12345';
     $object = new PhoneNumber($number);
     $this->assertEquals($number, $object->getNumber());