  * Factory method that creates an appropriate Exception object based on the
  * Response's status code. The message is constructed here also.
  * @param \OpenStack\Common\Transport\RequestInterface  $request  The failed request
  * @param \OpenStack\Common\Transport\ResponseInterface $response The API's response
  * @return self
 public static function create(RequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response)
     $label = 'A HTTP error occurred';
     $status = $response->getStatusCode();
     $exceptions = [401 => 'UnauthorizedException', 403 => 'ForbiddenException', 404 => 'ResourceNotFoundException', 405 => 'MethodNotAllowedException', 409 => 'ConflictException', 411 => 'LengthRequiredException', 422 => 'UnprocessableEntityException', 500 => 'ServerException'];
     $message = sprintf("%s\n[Status] %s (%s)\n[URL] %s\n[Message] %s\n", $label, (string) $request->getUrl(), $status, $response->getReasonPhrase(), (string) $response->getBody());
     // Find custom exception class or use default
     $exceptionClass = isset($exceptions[$status]) ? sprintf("%s\\%s", __NAMESPACE__, $exceptions[$status]) : __CLASS__;
     return new $exceptionClass($message, $request, $response);
예제 #2
  * Given a response object, populate this object.
  * This parses the JSON data and parcels out the data to the appropriate
  * fields.
  * @param \OpenStack\Common\Transport\ResponseInterface $response A response object.
  * @return \OpenStack\Identity\v2\IdentityService $this for the current object so
  *                                                      it can be used in chaining.
 protected function handleResponse($response)
     $json = $response->json();
     $this->tokenDetails = $json['access']['token'];
     $this->userDetails = $json['access']['user'];
     $this->serviceCatalog = $json['access']['serviceCatalog'];
     return $this;