예제 #1
  * @param NULL|bool|int|float|string|application_data|Value|array $application_data Primitive PHP value, application_data or array(application_data). NULL is converted to libamqp\amqp_value(libamqp\null)
  * @param header|NULL $header
  * @param \libamqp\annotations|\libamqp\delivery_annotations|null $delivery_annotations
  * @param \libamqp\annotations|\libamqp\message_annotations|null $message_annotations
  * @param properties|NULL $properties
  * @param application_properties|NULL $application_properties
  * @param array|NULL $footer_callbacks An array of callbacks
  * @param int $delivery_mode
  * @param callback|NULL $delivery_state_callback
  * @internal param bool|constant("LIBAMQP_SEND_AT_MOST_ONCE") $exactly_once
 function send($application_data, header $header = NULL, delivery_annotations $delivery_annotations = NULL, message_annotations $message_annotations = NULL, properties $properties = NULL, application_properties $application_properties = NULL, array $footer_callbacks = array(), $delivery_mode = 0, $delivery_state_callback = NULL)
     if (is_null($application_data)) {
         $applicationDataSections = array(new amqp_value(\libamqp\null::NULL()));
     } else {
         if (is_bool($application_data)) {
             $applicationDataSections = array(new amqp_value(\libamqp\boolean::instance_from_php_value($application_data)));
         } else {
             if (is_int($application_data)) {
                 $applicationDataSections = array(new amqp_value(long::instance_from_php_value($application_data)));
             } else {
                 if (is_float($application_data)) {
                     $applicationDataSections = array(new amqp_value(double::instance_from_php_value($application_data)));
                 } else {
                     if (is_string($application_data)) {
                         $applicationDataSections = array(new data($application_data));
                     } else {
                         if ($application_data instanceof application_data) {
                             $applicationDataSections = array($application_data);
                         } else {
                             if ($application_data instanceof Value) {
                                 $applicationDataSections = array(new amqp_value($application_data));
                             } else {
                                 if (is_array($application_data)) {
                                     $length = count($application_data);
                                     if ($length == 0) {
                                         throw new InvalidArgumentException("application_data can not be an empty array()");
                                     if (!$application_data[0] instanceof application_data) {
                                         throw new InvalidArgumentException("application_data must be of type application_data");
                                     if ($length > 1) {
                                         $firstObjectsClass = get_class($application_data[0]);
                                         for ($index = 1; $index < $length; $index++) {
                                             if (get_class($application_data[$index]) != $firstObjectsClass) {
                                                 throw new InvalidArgumentException("array(application_data) must all be of the same instance of application_data, eg {$firstObjectsClass}");
                                     $applicationDataSections = $application_data;
                                 } else {
                                     throw new InvalidArgumentException('application_data must be either NULL (maps to libamqp\\null), int (maps to long) bool (maps to boolean) string (a byte array), Value or an array of application_data');
     $this->validate_settlement_choice($delivery_mode, $delivery_state_callback);
     if (count($footer_callbacks) > 0) {
         $fake_enconded_binary_string = c_footer_encode($properties, $application_properties, $applicationDataSections);
         $footer = new footer();
         foreach ($footer_callbacks as $footer_callback) {
             if (!is_callable($footer_callback)) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException("a footer_callback is not a callback but {$footer_callback}");
             call_user_func($footer_callback, &$footer, $fake_enconded_binary_string);
     } else {
         $footer = NULL;
      * Link settings negotiation:-
      *  - link is negotiated as mixed
      *  - presence of settlement object is used as hint to whether to use first or second
     echo "Sending Message\n";
     echo "\theader: {$header}\n";
     echo "\tdelivery-annotations: {$delivery_annotations}\n";
     echo "\tmessage-annotations: {$message_annotations}\n";
     echo "\tproperties: {$properties}\n";
     echo "\tapplication-properties: {$application_properties}\n";
     foreach ($applicationDataSections as $applicationDataSection) {
         echo "\tapplication-data: {$applicationDataSection}\n";
     echo "\tfooter: {$footer}\n";
     if (isset($delivery_state_callback)) {
         $delivery_state = new accepted();
         echo "Receiving delivery-state {$delivery_state}\n";
         $result = call_user_func($delivery_state_callback, &$delivery_state);
         if ($delivery_mode == constant('LIBAMQP_DELIVERY_MODE_EXACTLY_ONCE')) {
             if (is_null($result)) {
                 $result = new accepted();
         } else {
             if (isset($result)) {
                 throw new BadFunctionCallException("delivery_mode is LIBAMQP_DELIVERY_MODE_AT_LEAST_ONCE but callback {$delivery_state_callback} returned {$result} and not NULL");
예제 #2
$section0[2] = new string("hello");
$section1 = new amqp_sequence();
$section1[0] = boolean::FALSE();
$section1[2] = new string("world");
$amqp_data_sections = array($section0, $section1);
	1 (Restablishes connection, session or link if necessary)
	2 Sends header and binary message
$link->send("messsage", new header(true, 6));
	1 (Restablishes connection, session or link if necessary)
	2 Sends header, delivery-annotations, message-annotations, properties, application-properties and binary message
$link->send("messsage", new header(FALSE, 3, NULL, TRUE, 2), new delivery_annotations(array("x-opt-delivery-something" => boolean::TRUE(), "x-opt-delivery-whatever" => char::instance_from_php_value(56789))), new message_annotations(array("x-opt-message-somesuch" => byte::instance_from_php_value(-1), "x-opt-message-somesuch" => ubyte::instance_from_php_value(15))), new properties("message-id-56", "somebinarydataforuserid", "to", "subject", "reply-to", binary::instance_from_php_value("correlation-id"), "text/plain;charset=utf-8", NULL, 123456, new timestamp(123456), "group-id", 90, string::instance_from_php_value("reply-to-group-id")), new application_properties(array("my-key-1" => boolean::TRUE(), "my-key-2" => boolean::FALSE())));
	1 (Restablishes connection, session or link if necessary)
	2 Sends binary message and uses an array of callbacks to create the footer
$footer_callbacks = array(function (footer &$footer, $encoded_data_binary_string) {
    $footer->set('x-hash-sha1', new binary(sha1($encoded_data_binary_string, TRUE)));
    $footer->set('x-hash-md5', new binary(md5($encoded_data_binary_string, TRUE)));
}, function (footer &$footer, $encoded_data_binary_string) {
    $key = 'fsfsfsfsfs342534534';
    $footer->set('x-hmac-sha256', new binary(hash_hmac('sha256', $encoded_data_binary_string, $key, TRUE)));
$link->send("message", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, $footer_callbacks);
	1 (Restablishes connection, session or link if necessary)
	2 Sends binary message using at-least-once messaging
예제 #3
        throw new BadMethodCallException('Not allowed.');
     * @param string $name
     * @param bool $value
     * @throws \BadMethodCallException
    public function __set($name, $value)
        throw new BadMethodCallException('Not allowed.');
     * @param \string $name
     * @return bool
    public function __isset($name)
        return $name == "value";
     * @param string $name
     * @throws \BadMethodCallException
    public function __unset($name)
        throw new BadMethodCallException('Not allowed.');