  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function process()
     $msg = 'Processing workflow';
     if ($this->workflow instanceof Workflow and $name = $this->workflow->getName()) {
         $msg .= ': ' . $name;
     $this->climate->write($msg . "\n");
     $result = $this->workflow->process();
     $this->climate->info('Time elapsed: ' . $result->getElapsed()->format('%i minute(s) %s second(s)'));
     $this->climate->info('Total processed: ' . $result->getTotalProcessedCount() . ' row(s)');
     if ($errorCount = $result->getErrorCount() > 0) {
         $this->climate->error('Errors: ' . $errorCount);
     return $result;
예제 #2
파일: PHPloy.php 프로젝트: banago/phploy
  * Creates sample ini file.
 protected function createSampleIniFile()
     $data = "; NOTE: If non-alphanumeric characters are present, enclose in value in quotes.\n\n[staging]\n    quickmode = ftp://example:password@production-example.com:21/path/to/installation\n\n[production]\n    scheme = sftp\n    user = example\n    pass = password\n    host = staging-example.com\n    path = /path/to/installation\n    port = 22";
     if (file_put_contents(getcwd() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'phploy.ini', $data)) {
         $this->cli->info("\nSample phploy.ini file created.\n");
예제 #3
  * Cli method
  * @param CLImate $climate
  * @throws \Rad\Core\Exception\MissingBundleException
 public function cliMethod(CLImate $climate)
     $sqlDir = VAR_DIR . DS . 'cake_orm' . DS . 'sql';
     if (!is_dir($sqlDir)) {
         mkdir($sqlDir, 0777, true);
     $sql = [];
     foreach (Bundles::getLoaded() as $bundle) {
         $climate->backgroundLightGray()->info(sprintf('Bundle %s ...', $bundle));
         $path = Bundles::getPath($bundle);
         $sqlFilename = Inflection::underscore($bundle) . '.sql';
         $schemaPath = $path . DS . 'Resource' . DS . 'config' . DS . 'schema.xml';
         if (!is_file($schemaPath)) {
             $climate->lightRed(sprintf('File "%s" does not exists.', $schemaPath));
         $domDocument = new DOMDocument();
         $xpath = new DOMXPath($domDocument);
         $tables = $xpath->query('/database/table');
         /** @var DOMElement $table */
         foreach ($tables as $table) {
             $schemaTable = new Table($table->getAttribute('name'));
             $this->prepareTableRegistry($table, $bundle);
             $this->prepareColumn($table, $xpath, $schemaTable);
             $this->prepareForeignConstraint($table, $xpath, $schemaTable);
             $this->prepareUniqueConstraint($table, $xpath, $schemaTable);
             $this->preparePrimaryConstraint($table, $xpath, $schemaTable);
             $this->prepareIndex($table, $xpath, $schemaTable);
             $sql[$sqlDir . DS . $sqlFilename][] = $schemaTable->createSql(ConnectionManager::get('default'));
         foreach ($sql as $file => $tablesSql) {
             $tmpSql = '';
             foreach ($tablesSql as $tableSql) {
                 $tmpSql .= implode(";\n", $tableSql);
                 $tmpSql .= "\n\n";
             file_put_contents($file, $tmpSql);
             $climate->lightGray(sprintf('Create SQL file "%s".', $file));
         $sql = [];
         $climate->info('Dump table registry config ...');
         $this->dumpTableRegistry($climate, $bundle);
         $climate->info('Dump model classes ...');
         $this->dumpModelClasses($climate, $bundle);
  * Receives the messages and pass them to sender
 public function handle()
     $this->channel->basic_consume($this->listenQueue, '', false, true, false, false, function ($msg) {
         $this->climate->info('Received: ' . $msg->body);
         $input = json_decode($msg->body, true);
         try {
             $output = $this->interestCalculator->caculateInterest($input);
             $output['token'] = $this->token;
             $output = json_encode($output);
             $this->climate->out('Sending back: ' . $output);
             $this->channel->basic_publish($this->amqpFactory->buildMessage($output), '', $this->broadcastQueue);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $this->climate->error('Unable to handle the message: ' . $e->getMessage());
             return false;
         return true;
     while (count($this->channel->callbacks)) {