예제 #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle($team, $plan, array $data)
     $subscription = $team->newSubscription('default', $plan->id);
     // Here we will fill the trial days for this team subscription. We will also set any
     // coupon on the subscription so that the team can receive a discount on the team
     // subscription. Then we will almost be ready to create the final subscription.
     if (isset($data['coupon'])) {
     // Next, we need to check if this application is storing billing addresses and if so
     // we will update the billing address in the database so that any tax information
     // on the team will be up to date via the taxPercentage method on the billable.
     if (Spark::collectsBillingAddress()) {
         Spark::call(TeamRepository::class . '@updateBillingAddress', [$team, $data]);
     // If this application collects European VAT, we will store the VAT ID that was sent
     // with the request. It is used to determine if the VAT should get charged at all
     // when billing the customer. When it is present, VAT is not typically charged.
     if (Spark::collectsEuropeanVat()) {
         Spark::call(TeamRepository::class . '@updateVatId', [$team, array_get($data, 'vat_id')]);
     // Here we will create the actual subscription on the service and fire off the event
     // letting other listeners know a team has subscribed, which will allow any hooks
     // to fire that need to send the subscription data to any external metrics app.
     event(new TeamSubscribed($team = $team->fresh(), $plan));
     return $team;
예제 #2
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle($user, $plan, $fromRegistration, array $data)
     $subscription = $user->newSubscription('default', $plan->id);
     // Here we will check if we need to skip trial or set trial days on the subscription
     // when creating it on the provider. By default, we will skip the trial when this
     // interaction is not from egistration since they have already usually trialed.
     if (!$fromRegistration) {
     } elseif ($plan->trialDays > 0) {
     if (isset($data['coupon'])) {
     // Next, we need to check if this application is storing billing addresses and if so
     // we will update the billing address in the database so that any tax information
     // on the user will be up to date via the taxPercentage method on the billable.
     if (Spark::collectsBillingAddress()) {
         Spark::call(UserRepository::class . '@updateBillingAddress', [$user, $data]);
     // If this application collects European VAT, we will store the VAT ID that was sent
     // with the request. It is used to determine if the VAT should get charged at all
     // when billing the customer. When it is present, VAT is not typically charged.
     if (Spark::collectsEuropeanVat()) {
         Spark::call(UserRepository::class . '@updateVatId', [$user, array_get($data, 'vat_id')]);
     // Here we will create the actual subscription on the service and fire off the event
     // letting other listeners know a user has subscribed, which will allow any hooks
     // to fire that need to send the subscription data to any external metrics app.
     event(new UserSubscribed($user = $user->fresh(), $plan, $fromRegistration));
     return $user;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function handle($billable, array $data)
     // Next, we need to check if this application is storing billing addresses and if so
     // we will update the billing address in the database so that any tax information
     // on the user will be up to date via the taxPercentage method on the billable.
     if (Spark::collectsBillingAddress()) {
         Spark::call($this->updateBillingAddressMethod($billable), [$billable, $data]);
     // If a billable entity already has a Stripe ID, we will just update their card then
     // return, but if entities do not have a Stripe ID, we'll need to create a Stripe
     // customer with this given token so that they really exist in Stripe's system.
     if ($billable->stripe_id) {
     } else {
예제 #4
  * Create a base validator instance for creating a user.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Validation\Validator
 protected function baseValidator($request)
     return Validator::make($request->all(), Spark::call(static::class . '@rules', [$request]), [], ['address_line_2' => 'second address line']);
  * Get the default JavaScript variables for Spark.
  * @return array
 public static function scriptVariables()
     return ['braintreeMerchantId' => config('services.braintree.merchant_id'), 'braintreeToken' => Spark::billsUsingBraintree() ? BraintreeClientToken::generate() : null, 'cardUpFront' => Spark::needsCardUpFront(), 'collectsBillingAddress' => Spark::collectsBillingAddress(), 'collectsEuropeanVat' => Spark::collectsEuropeanVat(), 'csrfToken' => csrf_token(), 'currencySymbol' => Cashier::usesCurrencySymbol(), 'env' => config('app.env'), 'roles' => Spark::roles(), 'state' => Spark::call(InitialFrontendState::class . '@forUser', [Auth::user()]), 'stripeKey' => config('services.stripe.key'), 'userId' => Auth::id(), 'usesApi' => Spark::usesApi(), 'usesBraintree' => Spark::billsUsingBraintree(), 'usesTeams' => Spark::usesTeams(), 'usesStripe' => Spark::billsUsingStripe()];
예제 #6
  * Update the VAT ID for the team.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  Team  $team
  * @return Response
 public function update(Request $request, Team $team)
     $this->validate($request, ['vat_id' => 'max:50|vat_id']);
     Spark::call(TeamRepository::class . '@updateVatId', [$team, $request->vat_id]);
예제 #7
  * Get the user to be displayed on the user profile screen.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @param  string  $id
  * @return Response
 public function show(Request $request, $id)
     $user = Spark::call(UserRepository::class . '@find', [$id]);
     return response()->json(['user' => $user, 'revenue' => $this->indicators->totalRevenueForUser($user)]);
예제 #8
  * Update the VAT ID for the user.
  * @param  Request  $request
  * @return Response
 public function update(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['vat_id' => 'max:50|vat_id']);
     Spark::call(UserRepository::class . '@updateVatId', [$request->user(), $request->vat_id]);