예제 #1
  * @ApiDoc(
  *  section="Bundle Editor",
  *  description="Saves the php class definition into a php class"
  * )
  * Target path is specified in $general['file'].
  * @Rest\QueryParam(name="class", requirements=".*", strict=true, description="The PHP class name")
  * @Rest\RequestParam(name="list", strict=false, description="The `list` value array")
  * @Rest\RequestParam(name="add", strict=false, description="The `add` value array")
  * @Rest\RequestParam(name="general", strict=false, description="The `general` value array")
  * @Rest\RequestParam(name="methods", strict=false, description="The `methods` value array")
  * @Rest\RequestParam(name="fields", strict=false, description="The `fields` value array")
  * @Rest\Post("/admin/system/bundle/editor/window")
  * @param ParamFetcher $paramFetcher
  * @return bool
 public function setWindowDefinitionAction(ParamFetcher $paramFetcher)
     $class = $paramFetcher->get('class');
     $list = $paramFetcher->get('list') ?: null;
     $add = $paramFetcher->get('add') ?: null;
     $general = $paramFetcher->get('general') ?: null;
     $methods = $paramFetcher->get('methods') ?: null;
     $fields = $paramFetcher->get('fields') ?: null;
     if (substr($class, 0, 1) != '\\') {
         $class = '\\' . $class;
     $path = $general['file'];
     $sourcecode = "<?php\n\n";
     $lSlash = strrpos($class, '\\');
     $class2Name = $lSlash !== -1 ? substr($class, $lSlash + 1) : $class;
     $parentClass = '\\Jarves\\Controller\\ObjectCrudController';
     $objectDefinition = $this->objects->getDefinition($general['object']);
     if ($objectDefinition->isNested()) {
         $parentClass = '\\Jarves\\Controller\\NestedObjectCrudController';
     $namespace = substr(substr($class, 1), 0, $lSlash);
     if (substr($namespace, -1) == '\\') {
         $namespace = substr($namespace, 0, -1);
     $sourcecode .= "namespace {$namespace};\n \n";
     $sourcecode .= 'class ' . $class2Name . ' extends ' . $parentClass . " {\n\n";
     if (count($fields) > 0) {
         $this->addVar($sourcecode, 'fields', $fields);
     if (is_array($list)) {
         foreach ($list as $listVarName => $listVar) {
             $this->addVar($sourcecode, $listVarName, $listVar);
     if (is_array($add)) {
         foreach ($add as $varName => $var) {
             $this->addVar($sourcecode, $varName, $var);
     $blacklist = array('class', 'file');
     if (is_array($general)) {
         foreach ($general as $varName => $var) {
             if (array_search($varName, $blacklist) !== false) {
             $this->addVar($sourcecode, $varName, $var);
     if (is_array($methods)) {
         foreach ($methods as $name => $source) {
             $this->addMethod($sourcecode, $source);
     $sourcecode .= "\n}\n";
     $sourcecode = str_replace("\r", '', $sourcecode);
     $fs = $this->localFilesystem;
     $result = $fs->write($path, $sourcecode);
     return $result;
예제 #2
  * Important call directly after the creation of this class.
  * @param string $objectKey
  * @param Object $definition
 public function configure($objectKey, $definition)
     $this->objectKey = \Jarves\Objects::normalizeObjectKey($objectKey);
     $this->definition = $definition;
     foreach ($this->definition->getFields() as $field) {
         if ($field->isPrimaryKey()) {
             $this->primaryKeys[] = $field->getId();
예제 #3
 public function getColumns()
     if (AbstractStorage::MANY_TO_ONE == $this->getFieldDefinition()->getObjectRelation() || AbstractStorage::ONE_TO_ONE == $this->getFieldDefinition()->getObjectRelation()) {
         $foreignObjectDefinition = $this->objects->getDefinition($this->getFieldDefinition()->getObject());
         if (!$foreignObjectDefinition) {
             throw new ObjectNotFoundException(sprintf('ObjectKey `%s` not found in field `%s` of object `%s`', $this->getFieldDefinition()->getObject(), $this->getFieldDefinition()->getId(), $this->getFieldDefinition()->getObjectDefinition()->getId()));
         /** @var $columns ColumnDefinition[] */
         $columns = [];
         foreach ($foreignObjectDefinition->getPrimaryKeys() as $pk) {
             $fieldColumns = $pk->getFieldType()->getColumns();
             $columns = array_merge($columns, $fieldColumns);
         //rename columns to fieldId+column.id
         foreach ($columns as &$column) {
             $column = clone $column;
             $column->setName($this->getFieldDefinition()->getId() . ucfirst($column->getName()));
         return $columns;
     return [];
예제 #4
  * @ApiDoc(
  *  section="ACL Management",
  *  description="Search user and group"
  * )
  * @Rest\QueryParam(name="q", requirements=".*", description="Search query")
  * @Rest\Get("/user/acl/search")
  * @param string $q
  * @return array array('users' => array, 'groups' => array())
 public function getSearch($q)
     $q = str_replace("*", "%", $q);
     $userFilter = array();
     $groupFilter = array();
     if ($q) {
         $userFilter = array(array('username', 'like', "{$q}%"), 'OR', array('first_name', 'like', "{$q}%"), 'OR', array('last_name', 'like', "{$q}%"), 'OR', array('email', 'like', "{$q}%"));
         $groupFilter = array(array('name', 'like', "{$q}%"));
     $users = $this->objects->getList('jarves/user', $userFilter, array('limit' => 10, 'fields' => 'id,username,email,groups.name,firstName,lastName'));
     $this->setAclCount($users, 0);
     $groups = $this->objects->getList('jarves/group', $groupFilter, array('fields' => 'name', 'limit' => 10));
     $this->setAclCount($groups, 1);
     return array('users' => $users, 'groups' => $groups);
예제 #5
파일: Propel.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function getParents($pk, $options = null)
     $query = $this->getQueryClass();
     $item = $query->findPK($this->getPropelPk($pk));
     if (!$item) {
         throw new \Exception('Can not found entry. ' . var_export($pk, true));
     if (!$item->getRgt()) {
         throw new \Exception('Entry it not in a tree. ' . var_export($pk, true));
     list($fields, $relations, $relationFields) = $this->getFields(@$options['fields']);
     $selects = array_keys($fields);
     $selects[] = 'Lft';
     $selects[] = 'Rgt';
     //        $selects[] = 'Title';
     $this->mapOptions($query, $options);
     $this->mapToOneRelationFields($query, $relations, $relationFields);
     $stmt = $this->getStm($query);
     $clazz = $this->getPhpName();
     $result = array();
     if ($this->definition['nestedRootAsObject']) {
         //fetch root object entry
         $scopeField = 'get' . ucfirst($this->definition['nestedRootObjectField']);
         $scopeId = $item->{$scopeField}();
         $root = $this->objects->get($this->definition['nestedRootObject'], $scopeId);
         $root['_object'] = $this->definition['nestedRootObject'];
         $result[] = $root;
     $item = false;
     while ($row = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         //propels nested set requires a own root item, we do not return this
         if (false === $item) {
             $item = true;
         $item = $this->populateRow($clazz, $row, $selects, $relations, $relationFields, $options['permissionCheck']);
         $result[] = $item;
     return $result;
예제 #6
파일: Propel.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
 protected function addForeignKey(Object $object, RelationDefinitionInterface $relation, &$xmlTable)
     $relationName = $relation->getName();
     $foreignObject = $this->objects->getDefinition($relation->getForeignObjectKey());
     if (!$foreignObject) {
         throw new ModelBuildException(sprintf('Foreign object `%s` does not exist in relation `%s`', $relation->getForeignObjectKey(), $relation->getName()));
     if ($object->getStorageService() !== $foreignObject->getStorageService()) {
         throw new ModelBuildException(sprintf('Can not create a relation between two different dataModels. Got `%s` but `%s` is needed.', $foreignObject->getStorageService(), $object->getStorageService()));
     $pluralizer = new StandardEnglishPluralizer();
     $foreignPhpName = ucfirst($pluralizer->getSingularForm(lcfirst($relationName)));
     $foreigns = $xmlTable->xpath('foreign-key[@phpName=\'' . $foreignPhpName . '\']');
     if ($foreigns) {
         $foreignKey = current($foreigns);
     } else {
         $foreignKey = $xmlTable->addChild('foreign-key');
     $foreignKey['phpName'] = $foreignPhpName;
     $foreignKey['foreignTable'] = $foreignObject->getTable();
     if ($refName = $relation->getRefName()) {
         $foreignKey['refPhpName'] = ucfirst($pluralizer->getSingularForm(lcfirst($refName)));
     $foreignKey['onDelete'] = $relation->getOnDelete();
     $foreignKey['onUpdate'] = $relation->getOnUpdate();
     if (!$relation->getWithConstraint()) {
         $foreignKey['skipSql'] = 'true';
     $references = $foreignKey->xpath("reference[not(@custom='true')]");
     foreach ($references as $i => $ref) {
     foreach ($relation->getReferences() as $reference) {
         $localName = Tools::camelcase2Underscore($reference->getLocalColumn()->getName());
         $references = $foreignKey->xpath('reference[@local=\'' . $localName . '\']');
         if ($references) {
             $xmlReference = current($references);
         } else {
             $xmlReference = $foreignKey->addChild('reference');
         $xmlReference['local'] = $localName;
         $xmlReference['foreign'] = Tools::camelcase2Underscore($reference->getForeignColumn()->getName());
     if ($foreignObject->getWorkspace()) {
         if (!$object->getWorkspace()) {
             $columns = $xmlTable->xpath('column[@name=\'workspace_id\']');
             if (!$columns) {
                 $newCol = $xmlTable->addChild('column');
                 $newCol['name'] = 'workspace_id';
                 $newCol['type'] = 'INTEGER';
                 $newCol['defaultValue'] = '1';
         $localName = 'workspace_id';
         $references = $foreignKey->xpath('reference[@local=\'' . $localName . '\']');
         if ($references) {
             $xmlReference = current($references);
         } else {
             $xmlReference = $foreignKey->addChild('reference');
         $xmlReference['local'] = $localName;
         $xmlReference['foreign'] = 'workspace_id';
예제 #7
파일: ACL.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
  * @param ACLRequest $aclRequest
  * @return bool
 public function check(ACLRequest $aclRequest)
     $objectKey = Objects::normalizeObjectKey($aclRequest->getObjectKey());
     $targetType = $aclRequest->getTargetType();
     $targetId = $aclRequest->getTargetId();
     $pk = $aclRequest->getPrimaryKey();
     $field = $aclRequest->getField();
     $pk = $this->objects->normalizePkString($objectKey, $pk);
     if (ACL::TARGET_TYPE_USER === $targetType && null === $targetId) {
         //0 means guest
         $targetId = $this->pageStack->getUser() ? $this->pageStack->getUser()->getId() : 0;
     $user = $this->pageStack->getUser();
     if ($user) {
         $groupIds = $user->getGroupIds();
         if (false !== strpos(',' . $groupIds . ',', ',1,')) {
             //user is in the admin group, so he has always access.
             return true;
     if (ACL::TARGET_TYPE_USER === $targetType && 1 === $targetId) {
         //user admin has always access
         return true;
     if (ACL::TARGET_TYPE_GROUP === $targetType && 1 === $targetId) {
         //group admin has always access
         return true;
     if (0 === $targetId) {
         //guests do always have no access
         return false;
     if (ACL::TARGET_TYPE_GROUP === $targetType && !$targetId) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException('For type TARGET_TYPE_GROUP a targetId is required.');
     $cacheKey = null;
     if ($pk && $this->getCaching()) {
         $pkString = $this->objects->getObjectUrlId($objectKey, $pk);
         $cacheKey = md5($targetType . '.' . $targetId . '.' . $objectKey . '/' . $pkString . '/' . json_encode($field));
         $cached = $this->cacher->getDistributedCache('core/acl/' . $cacheKey);
         if (null !== $cached) {
             return $cached;
     $rules = self::getRules($objectKey, $aclRequest->getMode(), $targetType, $targetId);
     if (count($rules) === 0) {
         //no rules found, so we have no access
         return false;
     $access = null;
     $currentObjectPk = $pk;
     $definition = $this->objects->getDefinition($objectKey);
     $not_found = true;
     //starts directly as if we were in the parent checking.
     $parent_acl = $aclRequest->isAsParent();
     $fCount = null;
     $fKey = null;
     $fValue = null;
     $fIsArray = is_array($field);
     if ($fIsArray) {
         $fCount = count($field);
         $fKey = key($field);
         $fValue = current($field);
         if (is_int($fKey)) {
             $fKey = $fValue;
             $fValue = null;
     $depth = 0;
     $match = false;
     $originObjectItemPk = $currentObjectPk;
     while ($not_found) {
         $currentObjectPkString = null;
         if ($currentObjectPk) {
             $currentObjectPkString = $this->objects->getObjectUrlId($objectKey, $currentObjectPk);
         if ($depth > 50) {
             $not_found = false;
         foreach ($rules as $aclRule) {
             if ($parent_acl && !$aclRule['sub']) {
                 //as soon we enter the parent_acl mode we only take acl rules into consideration
                 //that are also valid for children (sub=true)
             $match = false;
              * CUSTOM CONSTRAINT
             if ($aclRule['constraint_type'] === ACL::CONSTRAINT_CONDITION) {
                 $objectItem = null;
                 if ($originObjectItemPk === $currentObjectPk && null !== $aclRequest->getPrimaryObjectItem()) {
                     $objectItem = $aclRequest->getPrimaryObjectItem();
                 } else {
                     if ($originObjectItemPk) {
                         $objectItem = $this->objects->get($objectKey, $currentObjectPk);
                 if ($objectItem && $this->conditionOperator->satisfy($aclRule['constraint_code'], $objectItem, $objectKey)) {
                     $match = true;
                  * EXACT
             } else {
                 if ($aclRule['constraint_type'] === ACL::CONSTRAINT_EXACT) {
                     if ($currentObjectPk && $aclRule['constraint_code'] === $currentObjectPkString) {
                         $match = true;
                      * ALL
                 } else {
                     $match = true;
             if (!$match && $aclRule['sub'] && $currentObjectPk) {
                 // we need to check if a parent matches this $acl as we have sub=true
                 $parentItem = $this->objects->normalizePkString($objectKey, $currentObjectPk);
                 $parentCondition = Condition::create($aclRule['constraint_code']);
                 $parentOptions['fields'] = $this->conditionOperator->extractFields($parentCondition);
                 while ($parentItem = $this->objects->getParent($objectKey, $this->objects->getObjectPk($objectKey, $parentItem), $parentOptions)) {
                     if ($aclRule['constraint_type'] === ACL::CONSTRAINT_CONDITION && $this->conditionOperator->satisfy($parentCondition, $parentItem)) {
                         $match = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($aclRule['constraint_type'] === ACL::CONSTRAINT_EXACT && $aclRule['constraint_code'] === $this->objects->getObjectUrlId($objectKey, $parentItem)) {
                             $match = true;
             if ($match) {
                 //match, check all $field
                 $field2Key = $field;
                 if ($field) {
                     if ($fIsArray && $fCount === 1) {
                         if (is_string($fKey) && is_array($aclRule['fields'][$fKey])) {
                             //this field has limits
                             if (($field2Acl = $aclRule['fields'][$fKey]) !== null) {
                                 if (is_array($field2Acl[0])) {
                                     //complex field rule, $field2Acl = ([{access: no, condition: [['id', '>', 2], ..]}, {}, ..])
                                     foreach ($field2Acl as $fRule) {
                                         $satisfy = false;
                                         if (($f = $definition->getField($fKey)) && $f->getType() === 'object') {
                                             $uri = $f->getObject() . '/' . $fValue;
                                             $uriObject = $this->objects->getFromUrl($uri);
                                             $satisfy = $this->conditionOperator->satisfy($fRule['condition'], $uriObject);
                                         } else {
                                             if (null !== $fValue) {
                                                 $satisfy = $this->conditionOperator->satisfy($fRule['condition'], $field);
                                         if ($satisfy) {
                                             return $fRule['access'] === 1 ? true : false;
                                     //if no field rules fits, we consider the whole rule
                                     if ($aclRule['access'] !== 2) {
                                         return $aclRule['access'] === 1 ? true : false;
                                 } else {
                                     //simple field rule $field2Acl = ({"value1": yes, "value2": no}
                                     if ($field2Acl[$fKey] !== null) {
                                         return $field2Acl[$fKey] === 1 ? true : false;
                                     } else {
                                         //current($field) is not exactly defined in $field2Acl, so we set $access to $acl['access']
                                         //if access = 2 then wo do not know it, cause 2 means 'inherited', so maybe
                                         //a other rule has more detailed rule
                                         if ($aclRule['access'] !== 2) {
                                             $access = $aclRule['access'] === 1 ? true : false;
                         } else {
                             //this field has only true or false
                             $field2Key = $fKey;
                     if (!is_array($field2Key)) {
                         if ($aclRule['fields'] && ($field2Acl = $aclRule['fields'][$field2Key]) !== null && !is_array($aclRule['fields'][$field2Key])) {
                             $access = $field2Acl === 1 ? true : false;
                         } else {
                             //$field is not exactly defined, so we set $access to $acl['access']
                             //and maybe a rule with the same code has the field defined
                             // if access = 2 then this rule is only for exactly define fields
                             if ($aclRule['access'] !== 2) {
                                 $access = $aclRule['access'] === 1 ? true : false;
                 } else {
                     $access = $aclRule['access'] === 1 ? true : false;
         if (null === $access && $definition->isNested() && $pk) {
             //$access has not defined yet (no rule matched yet). Check if nested and $pk is given
             //load its root and check again
             if (null === ($currentObjectPk = $this->objects->getParentPk($objectKey, $currentObjectPk))) {
                 $access = $aclRequest->isRootHasAccess() ? true : $access;
             $parent_acl = true;
         } else {
     $access = (bool) $access;
     if ($pk && $this->getCaching()) {
         $this->cacher->setDistributedCache('core/acl/' . $cacheKey, $access);
     return $access;
예제 #8
파일: Configs.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
  * @param string $objectKey
  * @return Object
  * @throws BundleNotFoundException
 public function getObject($objectKey)
     $objectKey = Objects::normalizeObjectKey($objectKey);
     if (false === strpos($objectKey, '/')) {
         return null;
     list($bundleName, $objectName) = explode('/', $objectKey);
     if ('bundle' !== substr($bundleName, -6)) {
         $bundleName .= 'bundle';
     if (!($config = $this->getConfig($bundleName))) {
         throw new BundleNotFoundException(sprintf('Bundle `%s` not found. [%s]', $bundleName, $objectKey));
     return $config->getObject($objectName);
예제 #9
 public function handle(ApiDoc $annotation, array $annotations, Route $route, \ReflectionMethod $method)
     if (!($objectName = $route->getDefault('_jarves_object')) || !($object = $this->objects->getDefinition($objectName))) {
     if ($entryPointPath = $route->getDefault('_jarves_entry_point')) {
         $adminUtils = new \Jarves\Admin\Utils($this->jarves);
         $entryPoint = $adminUtils->getEntryPoint($entryPointPath);
         $annotation->setSection(sprintf('%s %s %s', $entryPoint->isFrameworkWindow() ? 'Framework Window: ' : '', $entryPoint->getBundle() ? ($entryPoint->getBundle()->getLabel() ?: $entryPoint->getBundle()->getBundleName()) . ', ' : 'No Bundle, ', $entryPoint->getLabel() ?: $entryPoint->getPath()));
     } else {
         $objectKey = $route->getDefault('_jarves_object_section') ?: $route->getDefault('_jarves_object');
         $objectSection = $this->objects->getDefinition($objectKey);
         $annotation->setSection(sprintf('Object %s', $objectKey));
     $filters = $annotation->getFilters();
     if (@$filters['fields']) {
         $fields = [];
         foreach ($object->getFields() as $field) {
             if ('object' === $field->getId()) {
                 $foreignObject = $this->objects->getDefinition($field->getObject());
                 foreach ($foreignObject->getFields() as $fField) {
                     $filters[] = $field->getId() . '.' . $fField->getId();
             } else {
                 $fields[] = $field->getId();
         $annotation->addFilter('fields', ['requirement' => '.*', 'description' => "Comma separated list of fields. Possible fields to select: \n" . implode(', ', $fields)]);
     $annotation->setDescription(str_replace('%object%', $object->getBundle()->getBundleName() . ':' . lcfirst($object->getId()), $annotation->getDescription()));
     $isRelationRoute = $route->getDefault('_jarves_object_relation');
     $requirePk = $route->getDefault('_jarves_object_requirePk');
     $method = explode(':', $route->getDefault('_controller'))[1];
     //        maybe in version 1.1
     //        if ($isRelationRoute) {
     //            $objectKey = $route->getDefault('_jarves_object_section') ? : $route->getDefault('_jarves_object');
     //            $objectParent = $this->jarves->getObjects()->getDefinition($objectKey);
     //            foreach ($objectParent->getFields() as $field) {
     //                if ($field->isPrimaryKey()) {
     //                    $annotation->addRequirement(
     //                        $field->getId(),
     //                        [
     //                            'requirement' => $field->getRequiredRegex(),
     //                            'dataType' => $field->getPhpDataType(),
     //                            'description' => '(' . $objectParent->getId() . ') ' . $field->getDescription()
     //                        ]
     //                    );
     //                }
     //            }
     //        }
     if ($requirePk) {
         foreach ($object->getFields() as $field) {
             if (!$field->hasFieldType()) {
             if ($field->isPrimaryKey()) {
                 $annotation->addRequirement(($isRelationRoute ? lcfirst($object->getId()) . '_' : '') . $field->getId(), ['requirement' => $field->getRequiredRegex(), 'dataType' => $field->getPhpDataType(), 'description' => $isRelationRoute ? '(' . $object->getId() . ') ' : '']);
     //add all fields to some actions
     if (in_array($method, ['addItemAction', 'patchItemAction', 'updateItemAction'])) {
         foreach ($object->getFields() as $field) {
             if (!$field->hasFieldType()) {
             if ($field->isRequired() && !$field->getDefault()) {
                 $annotation->addRequirement($field->getId(), array('requirement' => $field->getRequiredRegex(), 'dataType' => $field->getPhpDataType(), 'description' => ($isRelationRoute ? '(' . $object->getId() . ') ' : '') . $field->getLabel()));
             } else {
                 $annotation->addParameter($field->getId(), array('format' => $field->getRequiredRegex(), 'dataType' => $field->getPhpDataType(), 'default' => $field->getDefault(), 'description' => $field->getLabel() . ($field->isAutoIncrement() ? ' (autoIncremented)' : ''), 'readonly' => false, 'required' => false));
예제 #10
파일: Objects.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
  * Adds a item.
  * @param string $objectKey
  * @param array  $values
  * @param mixed  $targetPk              Full PK as array or as primary key string (url).
  * @param string $position        If nested set. `first` (child), `last` (last child), `prev` (sibling), `next` (sibling)
  * @param bool   $targetObjectKey If this object key differs from $objectKey then we'll use $pk as `scope`. Also
  *                                 it is then only possible to have position `first` and `last`.
  * @param  array $options
  * @return mixed
  * @throws \Jarves\Exceptions\InvalidArgumentException
 public function add($objectKey, $values, $targetPk = null, $position = 'first', $targetObjectKey = null, array $options = array())
     $targetPk = $this->normalizePk($objectKey, $targetPk);
     $objectKey = Objects::normalizeObjectKey($objectKey);
     if ($targetObjectKey) {
         $targetObjectKey = Objects::normalizeObjectKey($targetObjectKey);
     $repository = $this->getRepository($objectKey, $options);
     return $repository->add($values, $targetPk, $position, $targetObjectKey);
예제 #11
  * @return string
 public function getObject()
     return Objects::normalizeObjectKey($this->object);
예제 #12
  * When ObjectCrudController is without custom sub class used, then we need to get the object information
  * from the route, defined in Jarves\Router\RestApiLoader
  * @return string
 protected function detectObjectKeyFromRoute()
     $request = $this->requestStack->getCurrentRequest();
     return $request ? Objects::normalizeObjectKey($request->attributes->get('_jarves_object')) : '';
예제 #13
파일: Utils.php 프로젝트: jarves/jarves
  * Adds a new news-feed entry. If not message (means null) is passed we generate a diff.
  * @param Objects $repo
  * @param string $objectKey
  * @param array $item
  * @param string $verb
  * @param string|null $message
  * @throws \Propel\Runtime\Exception\PropelException
 public function newNewsFeed(Objects $repo, $objectKey, $item, $verb, $message = null)
     $definition = $repo->getDefinition($objectKey);
     $itemLabel = '';
     if ($labelField = $definition->getLabelField()) {
         $itemLabel = $item[$labelField];
     if (!$itemLabel) {
         $pks = $definition->getPrimaryKeys();
         $itemLabel = '#' . $item[$pks[0]->getId()];
     $username = '******';
     $userId = 0;
     if ($user = $this->pageStack->getUser()) {
         $userId = $user->getId();
         if ($user->getFirstName() || $user->getLastName()) {
             $username = $user->getFirstName();
             if ($username) {
                 $username .= ' ';
             $username .= $user->getLastName();
         } else {
             $username = $user->getUsername();
     $newsFeed = new \Jarves\Model\NewsFeed();
     $newsFeed->setTargetPk($repo->getObjectUrlId($objectKey, $item));
     $newsFeed->setMessage(null === $message ? $this->generateDiff($repo, $objectKey, $item) : $message);
예제 #14
  * @param array $objectItem
  * @param array $conditionRule
  * @param string $objectKey
  * @return bool
 public function checkRule($objectItem, $conditionRule, $objectKey = null)
     $field = $conditionRule[0];
     $operator = $conditionRule[1];
     $value = $conditionRule[2];
     if (is_numeric($field)) {
         $ovalue = $field;
     } else {
         $ovalue = @$objectItem[$field];
         if (null === $ovalue && $objectKey && ($definition = $this->objects->getDefinition($objectKey))) {
             $tableName = substr($field, 0, strpos($field, '.'));
             $fieldName = substr($field, strpos($field, '.') + 1);
             if ($tableName === $definition->getTable()) {
                 $ovalue = $objectItem[$fieldName];
     if ($value instanceof ConditionSubSelect) {
         $value = $value->getValue($objectKey);
     //'<', '>', '<=', '>=', '=', 'LIKE', 'IN', 'REGEXP'
     switch (strtoupper($operator)) {
         case '!=':
         case 'NOT EQUAL':
             return $ovalue != $value;
         case 'LIKE':
             $value = preg_quote($value, '/');
             $value = str_replace('%', '.*', $value);
             $value = str_replace('_', '.', $value);
             return !!preg_match('/^' . $value . '$/', $ovalue);
         case 'REGEXP':
             return !!preg_match('/' . preg_quote($value, '/') . '/', $ovalue);
         case 'NOT IN':
             return strpos(',' . $value . ',', ',' . $ovalue . ',') === false;
         case 'IN':
             return strpos(',' . $value . ',', ',' . $ovalue . ',') !== false;
         case '<':
         case 'LESS':
             return $ovalue < $value;
         case '>':
         case 'GREATER':
             return $ovalue > $value;
         case '<=':
         case '=<':
         case 'LESSEQUAL':
             return $ovalue <= $value;
         case '>=':
         case '=>':
         case 'GREATEREQUAL':
             return $ovalue >= $value;
         case '= CURRENT_USER':
         case 'EQUAL CURRENT_USER':
             return $this->pageStack->isLoggedIn() && $ovalue == $this->pageStack->getUser()->getId();
         case '!= CURRENT_USER':
         case 'NOT EQUAL CURRENT_USER':
             return $this->pageStack->isLoggedIn() && $ovalue != $this->pageStack->getUser()->getId();
         case '=':
         case 'EQUAL':
             return $ovalue == $value;