예제 #1
  *  Parse Validation input request data.
  * @param $attribute
  * @param $value
  * @param $parameters
  * @return array
 protected function parseJsRemoteRequest($attribute, $value, $parameters)
     parse_str("{$value}=", $attr_parts);
     $attr_parts = is_null($attr_parts) ? [] : $attr_parts;
     $newAttr = array_keys(Arr::dot($attr_parts));
     return [$attribute, array_pop($newAttr), $parameters];
예제 #2
  * The output of the table rows.
  * @return array
 private function tableRows()
     $allLanguages = $this->manager->languages();
     $filesContent = [];
     $output = [];
     foreach ($this->files as $fileName => $fileLanguages) {
         foreach ($fileLanguages as $languageKey => $filePath) {
             $lines = $filesContent[$fileName][$languageKey] = Arr::dot($this->manager->getFileContent($filePath));
             foreach ($lines as $key => $line) {
                 if (!is_array($line) && stripos($line, $this->argument('keyword')) !== false) {
                     $output[$fileName . '.' . $key][$languageKey] = "<bg=yellow;fg=black>{$line}</>";
     // Now that we collected all values that matches the keyword argument
     // in a close match, we collect the values for the rest of the
     // languages for the found keys to complete the table view.
     foreach ($output as $fullKey => $values) {
         list($fileName, $key) = explode('.', $fullKey, 2);
         $original = [];
         foreach ($allLanguages as $languageKey) {
             $original[$languageKey] = isset($values[$languageKey]) ? $values[$languageKey] : isset($filesContent[$fileName][$languageKey][$key]) ? $filesContent[$fileName][$languageKey][$key] : '';
         // Sort the language values based on language name
         $output[$fullKey] = array_merge(['key' => "<fg=yellow>{$fullKey}</>"], $original);
     return array_values($output);
예제 #3
  * Resolve CSV header.
  * @return array
 protected function resolveCsvHeader()
     $header = [];
     if (!$this->isEmpty()) {
         $single = $this->first();
         $header = array_keys(Arr::dot($single));
     return $header;
예제 #4
파일: Str.php 프로젝트: DavidIWilson/site1
  * Prepare bindings for text replacement.
  * @param  array   $replacements
  * @param  string  $prefix
  * @param  string  $suffix
  * @return array
 protected static function prepareBinding(array $replacements = [], $prefix = '{', $suffix = '}')
     $replacements = Arr::dot($replacements);
     $bindings = [];
     foreach ($replacements as $key => $value) {
         $bindings["{$prefix}{$key}{$suffix}"] = $value;
     return $bindings;
예제 #5
  * Get the custom error message from translator.
  * @param  string  $customKey
  * @return string
 protected function getCustomMessageFromTranslator($customKey)
     if (($message = $this->translator->trans($customKey)) !== $customKey) {
         return $message;
     $shortKey = preg_replace('/^lpanel::validation\\.custom\\./', '', $customKey);
     $customMessages = Arr::dot((array) $this->translator->trans('lpanel::validation.custom'));
     foreach ($customMessages as $key => $message) {
         if (Str::contains($key, ['*']) && Str::is($key, $shortKey)) {
             return $message;
     return $customKey;
 public function index()
     Audit::log(Auth::user()->id, trans('admin/settings/general.audit-log.category'), trans('admin/settings/general.audit-log.msg-index'));
     $page_title = trans('admin/settings/general.page.index.title');
     // "Admin | Settings";
     $page_description = trans('admin/settings/general.page.index.description');
     // "List of Settings";
     //        $settings = (new SettingModel())->all();
     $settings = Setting::all();
     $settings = Arr::dot($settings);
     $settingsFiltered = Utils::FilterOutUserSettings($settings);
     $settingsFiltered = Arr::sortRecursive($settingsFiltered);
     return view('admin.settings.index', compact('settingsFiltered', 'page_title', 'page_description'));
예제 #7
 public function setConfig(Application $app, $data)
     $db = $app['config']->get('database');
     if (!$db) {
         return false;
     $driver = $db['default'];
     $post_data = ['connections' => [$driver => $data]];
     $config = array_merge(Arr::dot($db), Arr::dot($post_data));
     $a = [];
     foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
         Arr::set($a, $k, $v);
     $app['config']->set('database', $a);
     return $driver;
 public function setConfig(Application $app, DatabaseRequest $request)
     $driver = $request->get('driver');
     $connections = $this->connections();
     $config = array_merge($connections[$driver], $request->get($driver));
     if (isset($config['default'])) {
     $config = array_merge(Arr::dot($app['config']->get('database')), Arr::dot(['default' => $driver, 'connections' => [$driver => $config]]));
     $a = [];
     foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
         Arr::set($a, $k, $v);
     $app['config']->set('database', $a);
     return $driver;
  * __construct.
  * @method __construct
  * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Config\Repository   $repository
  * @param \Recca0120\Config\Config                  $model
  * @param string                                    $config
 public function __construct(Repository $repository, Config $model, Filesystem $filesystem, $config = [])
     $this->original = $repository->all();
     $this->model = $model;
     $this->filesystem = $filesystem;
     $this->config = $config;
     $data = value(function () {
         $file = $this->getStorageFile();
         if ($this->filesystem->exists($file) === true) {
             return json_decode($this->filesystem->get($file), true);
         $data = $this->getModel()->value;
         return $data;
     foreach (Arr::dot($data) as $key => $value) {
         $repository->set($key, $value);
예제 #10
  * Rename the given oldKey to the newKey.
  * @return void
 private function renameKey()
     try {
         list($file, $key) = explode('.', $this->argument('oldKey'), 2);
     } catch (\ErrorException $e) {
         $this->error('Could not recognize the key you want to rename.');
     if (Str::contains($this->argument('newKey'), '.')) {
         $this->error('Please provide the new key must not contain a dot.');
     $newKey = preg_replace('/(\\w+)$/i', $this->argument('newKey'), $key);
     $files = $this->manager->files()[$file];
     $currentValues = [];
     foreach ($files as $languageKey => $filePath) {
         $content = Arr::dot($this->manager->getFileContent($filePath));
         $currentValues[$languageKey] = isset($content[$key]) ? $content[$key] : '';
     $this->manager->removeKey($file, $key);
     $this->manager->fillKeys($file, [$newKey => $currentValues]);
예제 #11
  * Synchronize keys that exist in a language but not the other.
  * @param $translationFiles
  * @throws \Illuminate\Contracts\Filesystem\FileNotFoundException
  * @return void
 private function syncKeysBetweenLanguages($translationFiles)
     $this->info('Synchronizing language files...');
     $filesResults = [];
     // Here we collect the file results
     foreach ($translationFiles as $fileName => $languageFiles) {
         foreach ($languageFiles as $languageKey => $filePath) {
             $filesResults[$fileName][$languageKey] = $this->manager->getFileContent($filePath);
     $values = Arr::dot($filesResults);
     $missing = $this->manager->getKeysExistingInALanguageButNotTheOther($values);
     foreach ($missing as &$missingKey) {
         list($file, $key) = explode('.', $missingKey, 2);
         list($key, $language) = explode(':', $key, 2);
         $this->fillMissingKeys($file, [$key], $language);
예제 #12
 public static function dot(array $data)
     return Arr::dot($data);
예제 #13
  * Go through an array field and deal with internal id references
  * @param Model $model The eloquent model
  * @param mixed $receivingId Internal id of the model
  * @param string $field Field to work on
  * @param array $fieldData Current field data
  * @param array $rules Array of match rules
  * @return array Transformed field data
 protected function toDbIds(Model $model, $receivingId, $field, array $fieldData, array $rules)
     // Convert to dot array
     $dotData = Arr::dot($fieldData);
     // Iterate through all of the values
     foreach ($dotData as $path => $data) {
         // Debug
         // Match only against data that starts with the internal id prefix
         if (is_string($data) && strlen($data) > 0 && substr($data, 0, strlen($this->prefix)) === $this->prefix) {
             // Iterate through the rules and see if any patterns match our data key
             foreach ($rules as $pattern => $mixed) {
                 if (is_array($mixed)) {
                     // [/regexp/ => [/regexp/ => Model]] is only for content search & replace (see further down)
                 // Match against exact dot pattern or regexp if it starts with a /
                 if ($path === $pattern || $pattern[0] === "/" && preg_match($pattern, $path) === 1) {
                     // Match - Update (or defer update if needed) the field with the db id
                     if (!$this->bookKeeper->update($model, "{$field}.{$path}", $receivingId, $data)) {
                         // Set to null for now
                         Arr::set($fieldData, $path, null);
                     } else {
                         // It was set directly, update $fieldData with the set value
                         Arr::set($fieldData, $path, Arr::get($model->{$field}, $path));
         } elseif (is_string($data)) {
             // Another possibility: we want to match, search & replace refs in text
             // Iterate through the rules and see if any patterns match in our data string
             foreach ($rules as $pattern => $mixed) {
                 if (!is_array($mixed)) {
                     // [/regexp/ => Model] is only for key => @id matching (see above)
                 // Match against exact dot pattern or regexp if it starts with a /
                 if ($path === $pattern || $pattern[0] === "/" && preg_match($pattern, $path) === 1) {
                     // Key match
                     // Start out with making sure we actually have a string to work on
                     if (!is_string($model->{$field})) {
                         // Nope, let's superimpose the blueprint
                         $model->{$field} = $fieldData;
                     // Match the string against the rules given in the $mixed array
                     foreach ($mixed as $valuePattern => $fqcn) {
                         // Fetch all matches
                         preg_match_all($valuePattern, $data, $matches);
                         // 0 => ["foo=@1", "foo=@2"]
                         // 1 => ["@1", "@2"]
                         if (count($matches) !== 2) {
                         if (count($matches[0]) === 0) {
                         $searchStrings = $matches[0];
                         $refs = $matches[1];
                         // Filter out dupes and invalids
                         $uniqueRefs = [];
                         foreach ($refs as $index => $ref) {
                             // Ref must not already be matched and must start with the internal id prefix
                             if (!isset($uniqueRefs[$ref]) && isset($ref[0]) && substr($ref, 0, strlen($this->prefix)) === $this->prefix) {
                                 $uniqueRefs[$ref] = true;
                             } else {
                                 // Clear from the matches
                         // Re-set array indices
                         $refs = array_values($refs);
                         $searchStrings = array_values($searchStrings);
                         foreach ($refs as $index => $ref) {
                             $searchString = $searchStrings[$index];
                             // Go through the matches, try to set directly if possible, defer otherwise
                             if ($this->bookKeeper->searchAndReplace($model, "{$field}.{$path}", $receivingId, $searchString, $ref)) {
                                 // It was set directly, update $fieldData with the set value
                                 Arr::set($fieldData, $path, Arr::get($model->{$field}, $path));
         // Debug
     // Return transformed field data with db ids or temporarily set null values
     return $fieldData;
예제 #14
  * Get all ordered modules.
  * @param string $direction
  * @return array
 public function getOrdered($direction = 'asc')
     $modules = Arr::dot($this->all());
     uasort($modules, function ($a, $b) use($direction) {
         if ($a->getOrder() == $b->getOrder()) {
             return 0;
         if ($direction == 'desc') {
             return $a->getOrder() < $b->getOrder() ? 1 : -1;
         return $a->getOrder() > $b->getOrder() ? 1 : -1;
     return $modules;
예제 #15
  * Query the payload using dot syntax to find specific data
  * @param array       $payload
  * @param string|null $path
  * @return mixed
 private function queryPayload($payload, $path = null)
     if (is_null($path)) {
         return $payload;
     if (array_key_exists($path, $payload)) {
         return $payload[$path];
     $dotData = Arr::dot($payload);
     if (array_key_exists($path, $dotData)) {
         return $dotData[$path];
     return null;
예제 #16
  * Validate an attribute is unique among other values.
  * @param  string  $attribute
  * @param  mixed   $value
  * @param  array   $parameters
  * @return bool
 protected function validateDistinct($attribute, $value, $parameters)
     $attributeName = $this->getPrimaryAttribute($attribute);
     $explicitPath = $this->getLeadingExplicitAttributePath($attributeName);
     $attributeData = $this->extractDataFromPath($explicitPath);
     $data = Arr::where(Arr::dot($attributeData), function ($value, $key) use($attribute, $attributeName) {
         return $key != $attribute && Str::is($attributeName, $key);
     return !in_array($value, array_values($data));
  * Filter an array of model attributes to the allowed and existing set.
  * @param array $attributes
  * @param array $allowedKeys
  * @return array
 protected function filterAttributes(array $attributes = [], array $allowedKeys = [])
     $allowedKeys = empty($allowedKeys) ? $this->getFillable() : array_intersect($this->getFillable(), $allowedKeys);
     $array = array_intersect_key(Arr::dot($attributes, ''), array_flip($allowedKeys));
     $return = [];
     foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
         Arr::set($return, $key, $value);
     return $return;
예제 #18
  * Determine if the attribute passes any optional check.
  * @param  string $attribute
  * @return bool
 protected function passesOptionalCheck($attribute)
     if ($this->hasRule($attribute, ['Sometimes'])) {
         return array_key_exists($attribute, Arr::dot($this->data)) || in_array($attribute, array_keys($this->data)) || array_key_exists($attribute, $this->files);
     return true;
예제 #19
  * Get an array of keys that have missing values with a hint
  * from another language translation file if possible.
  * ex: [ ['key' => 'product.color.nl', 'hint' => 'en = "color"'] ]
  * @param array $languages
  * @return array
 private function getMissing(array $languages)
     $files = $this->manager->files();
     // Array of content of all files indexed by fileName.languageKey
     $filesResults = [];
     // The final output of the method
     $missing = [];
     // Here we collect the file results
     foreach ($files as $fileName => $languageFiles) {
         foreach ($languageFiles as $languageKey => $filePath) {
             $filesResults[$fileName][$languageKey] = $this->manager->getFileContent($filePath);
     $values = Arr::dot($filesResults);
     $emptyValues = array_filter($values, function ($value) {
         return $value == '';
     // Adding all keys that has values = ''
     foreach ($emptyValues as $dottedValue => $emptyValue) {
         list($fileName, $languageKey, $key) = explode('.', $dottedValue, 3);
         $missing[] = "{$fileName}.{$key}:{$languageKey}";
     $missing = array_merge($missing, $this->manager->getKeysExistingInALanguageButNotTheOther($values));
     return $missing;
예제 #20
  * Resolve table name.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $entity
  * @param  string|null  $name
  * @return string|null
 protected function bindWithKey(Model $entity, $name)
     if (is_null($name) || strpos($name, '{') === false && strpos($name, '}') === false) {
         return $name;
     $id = $entity->getKey();
     if (!isset($this->data[$id])) {
         $data = array_merge(Arr::dot(['entity' => $entity->toArray()]), compact('id'));
         $this->data[$id] = $data;
     return Str::replace($name, $this->data[$id]);
예제 #21
  * The output of the table rows.
  * @return array
 private function tableRows()
     $output = [];
     $filesContent = [];
     foreach ($this->files as $languageKey => $file) {
         foreach ($filesContent[$languageKey] = Arr::dot($this->manager->getFileContent($file)) as $key => $value) {
             if (!$this->shouldShowKey($key)) {
             $output[$key]['key'] = $key;
             $output[$key][$languageKey] = $value ?: '';
     // Now that we have collected all existing values, we are going to fill the
     // missing ones with emptiness indicators to balance the table structure
     // and alert developers so that they can take proper actions.
     foreach ($output as $key => $values) {
         $original = [];
         foreach ($this->languages as $languageKey) {
             $original[$languageKey] = isset($values[$languageKey]) && $values[$languageKey] ? $values[$languageKey] : '<bg=red>  MISSING  </>';
         // Sort the language values based on language name
         $output[$key] = array_merge(['key' => "<fg=yellow>{$key}</>"], $original);
     return array_values($output);
예제 #22
  * Resolve table name.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model  $entity
  * @param  string|null  $name
  * @return string|null
 protected function bindWithKey(Model $entity, $name)
     if (is_null($name)) {
         return $name;
     $id = $entity->getKey();
     if (!isset($this->data[$id])) {
         $data = Arr::dot(['entity' => $entity->toArray()]);
         $data['id'] = $id;
         $this->data[$id] = $data;
     return Str::replace($name, $this->data[$id]);
예제 #23
  * Unset the item at a given offset.
  * @param  string  $key
  * @return void
 public function offsetUnset($key)
     $result = $this->convert();
     Arr::forget($result, $key);
     $this->items = Arr::dot($result);
예제 #24
  * Prepare input data for insert.
  * @param $inserts
  * @return array
 public function prepareInsert($inserts)
     $first = current($inserts);
     if (is_array($first) && Arr::isAssoc($first)) {
         $inserts = Arr::dot($inserts);
     foreach ($inserts as $column => $value) {
         if (is_null($field = $this->getFieldByColumn($column))) {
         if (method_exists($field, 'prepare')) {
             $inserts[$column] = $field->prepare($value);
     $prepared = [];
     foreach ($inserts as $key => $value) {
         Arr::set($prepared, $key, $value);
     return $prepared;
예제 #25
  * Go through the deserialized data recursively
  * @param mixed $template Seriplater template/rule
  * @param mixed $data Scope data
  * @param string $dotPath Dot path to scope
  * @return array Resulting entity data to create with the repository
  * @TODO Needs refactoring
  * @throws IntegrityException when illegal structures or missing pieces are encountered
 private function walkDeserializedData($template, $data, $dotPath = "")
     if (is_array($template)) {
         $entityData = [];
         foreach ($template as $field => $content) {
             if ($content instanceof RuleInterface) {
                 if ($content->isId() && isset($data["_id"])) {
                     $this->idName = $data["_id"];
                 } elseif ($content->isHasMany()) {
                 } elseif ($content->isConditions()) {
                     // If we've got a truthy condition that resolves to an inheritance, we need to inherit
                     $value = $content->getValue();
                     $conditionsField = $value["field"];
                     $cases = $value["cases"];
                     $defaultCase = $value["defaultCase"];
                     if (!isset($this->toUnserialize[$conditionsField])) {
                         throw new IntegrityException("Required conditions field '{$conditionsField}' missing'");
                     $fieldsToInherit = [];
                     $recurseIntoRule = true;
                     $caseMatch = false;
                     foreach ($cases as $case => $rule) {
                         if ($this->toUnserialize[$conditionsField] == $case) {
                             $caseMatch = true;
                             if ($rule instanceof RuleInterface && $rule->isInherited()) {
                                 $fieldsToInherit = $rule->getValue();
                                 $recurseIntoRule = false;
                     // Inheritance detected
                     if (!$recurseIntoRule) {
                         // Inherit value from parent
                         $foundInheritance = null;
                         // Go through prioritized inheritance array
                         foreach ($fieldsToInherit as $fieldToInherit) {
                             if (isset($this->inherited[$fieldToInherit])) {
                                 $foundInheritance = $this->inherited[$fieldToInherit];
                         // If no inheritance was found
                         if (is_null($foundInheritance)) {
                             throw new IntegrityException("Required inheritance to field '{$field}' wasn't supplied");
                         $entityData[$field] = $foundInheritance;
                     // If default case
                     if (!$caseMatch) {
                         if (is_null($defaultCase)) {
                             throw new IntegrityException("No conditions matched, and no default case provided");
                         } elseif ($defaultCase->isInherited()) {
                             // Default case is an inheritance
                             // Inherit value from parent
                             $fieldsToInherit = $defaultCase->getValue();
                             $foundInheritance = null;
                             // Go through prioritized inheritance array
                             foreach ($fieldsToInherit as $fieldToInherit) {
                                 if (isset($this->inherited[$fieldToInherit])) {
                                     $foundInheritance = $this->inherited[$fieldToInherit];
                             // If no inheritance was found
                             if (is_null($foundInheritance)) {
                                 throw new IntegrityException("Required inheritance to field '{$field}' wasn't supplied");
                             $entityData[$field] = $foundInheritance;
                 } elseif ($content->isInherited()) {
                     // Inherit value from parent
                     $fieldsToInherit = $content->getValue();
                     $foundInheritance = null;
                     // Go through prioritized inheritance array
                     foreach ($fieldsToInherit as $fieldToInherit) {
                         if (isset($this->inherited[$fieldToInherit])) {
                             $foundInheritance = $this->inherited[$fieldToInherit];
                     // If no inheritance was found
                     if (is_null($foundInheritance)) {
                         throw new IntegrityException("Required inheritance to field '{$field}' wasn't supplied");
                     $entityData[$field] = $foundInheritance;
                 } elseif ($content->isIncrementing()) {
                     // Inherit incrementing value from parent
                     $entityData[$field] = $this->inherited["@{$field}"];
                 } elseif (!isset($data[$field]) && $content->isOptional()) {
                     // Optional - and missing - value encountered
                 } elseif (!array_key_exists($field, $data)) {
                     throw new IntegrityException("Required field '{$field}' missing");
             } elseif (is_scalar($content)) {
                 // Scalar value, just use it and move on
                 $entityData[$field] = $content;
             } elseif (!array_key_exists($field, $data)) {
                 throw new IntegrityException("Required field '{$field}' missing");
             $fieldValue = $this->walkDeserializedData($content, $data[$field], $this->mergeDotPaths($dotPath, $field));
             if ($fieldValue !== ["_null"]) {
                 $entityData[$field] = $fieldValue;
         return $entityData;
     } else {
         if (is_scalar($template)) {
             // Scalar field, return it right away
             return $template;
         } elseif ($template->isValue()) {
             // Value field, return the scope data
             return $data;
         } elseif ($template->isInherited() || $template->isIncrementing() || $template->isHasMany()) {
             return ["_null"];
         } elseif ($template->isReference()) {
             // Reference field, save for putting into the id resolver later
             if ($data === null) {
                 // Reference to a null value
                 if ($template->isNullable()) {
                     // Allowed
                     return null;
                 } else {
                     // Not allowed
                     throw new IntegrityException("Encountered NULL when deserializing a reference at {$dotPath}");
             $fallback = $template->getValue()["fallback"];
             $this->updatesToDefer[] = ["internalId" => $data["_ref"], "fullDotPath" => $dotPath, "fallback" => $fallback];
             if (is_null($fallback)) {
                 return 0;
             } else {
                 return $fallback;
         } elseif ($template->isConditions()) {
             // Conditional field, go through the conditions and recurse
             $value = $template->getValue();
             $field = $value["field"];
             $cases = $value["cases"];
             $defaultCase = $value["defaultCase"];
             // Go through the cases
             foreach ($cases as $case => $rule) {
                 if ($this->toUnserialize[$field] == $case) {
                     return $this->walkDeserializedData($rule, $data, $dotPath);
             // Default case
             return $this->walkDeserializedData($defaultCase, $data, $dotPath);
         } elseif ($template->isDeep()) {
             // Deep field, use regexp to find and apply rules
             $finders = $template->getValue();
             $newData = $data;
             $dotData = Arr::dot($data);
             foreach ($finders as $pattern => $rule) {
                 foreach ($dotData as $innerDotPath => $innerDotValue) {
                     // Back up one step if we're on ._ref
                     if (preg_match("/\\._ref\$/", $innerDotPath) === 1) {
                         $innerDotPath = substr($innerDotPath, 0, -1 * strlen("._ref"));
                         $innerDotValue = ["_ref" => $innerDotValue];
                     if (preg_match($pattern, $innerDotPath) === 1) {
                         Arr::set($newData, $innerDotPath, $this->walkDeserializedData($rule, $innerDotValue, $this->mergeDotPaths($dotPath, $innerDotPath)));
             return $newData;
         } else {
             throw new IntegrityException("Invalid template rule");
예제 #26
  * Get the custom error message from translator.
  * @param  string  $customKey
  * @return string
 protected function getCustomMessageFromTranslator($customKey)
     $shortKey = str_replace('validation.custom.', '', $customKey);
     $customMessages = Arr::dot((array) $this->translator->trans('validation.custom'));
     foreach ($customMessages as $key => $message) {
         if ($key === $shortKey || Str::contains($key, ['*']) && Str::is($key, $shortKey)) {
             return $message;
     return $customKey;
예제 #27
  * Iterate over the given patterned rules and apply them to the given field data
  * @param array $fieldData Field data
  * @param array $rules Associative array of rules in the form of:
  *                     [
  *                         "some_pattern" => "Namespace\To\Model",
  *                         "/some\\.regexp_?pattern$/" => "Namespace\To\Model",
  *                     ]
  * @return array Transformed field data
 protected function toInternalIds(array $fieldData, array $rules)
     // Convert to dot array
     $dotData = Arr::dot($fieldData);
     // Iterate through all of the values
     foreach ($dotData as $path => $data) {
         // Debug
         // Only numeric data can be keys @todo
         if (is_numeric($data) && $data > 0) {
             // Iterate through the rules and see if any patterns match our data key
             foreach ($rules as $pattern => $mixed) {
                 if (is_array($mixed)) {
                     // [/regexp/ => [/regexp/ => Model]] is only for content search & replace (see further down)
                 // Match against exact dot pattern or regexp if it starts with a /
                 if ($path === $pattern || $pattern[0] === "/" && preg_match($pattern, $path) === 1) {
                     // Match - Replace with an internal id
                     Arr::set($fieldData, $path, $this->getIdRef($mixed, $data));
         } elseif (is_string($data)) {
             // Another possibility: we want to match, search & replace refs in text
             // Iterate through the rules and see if any patterns match in our data string
             foreach ($rules as $pattern => $mixed) {
                 if (!is_array($mixed)) {
                     // [/regexp/ => Model] is only for key => @id matching (see above)
                 // Match against exact dot pattern or regexp if it starts with a /
                 if ($path === $pattern || $pattern[0] === "/" && preg_match($pattern, $path) === 1) {
                     // Key match
                     // Match the string against the rules given in the $mixed array
                     foreach ($mixed as $valuePattern => $fqcn) {
                         // Fetch all matches
                         preg_match_all($valuePattern, $data, $matches);
                         // 0 => ["foo=1", "foo=2"]
                         // 1 => ["1", "2"]
                         if (count($matches) !== 2) {
                         if (count($matches[0]) === 0) {
                         $searchStrings = $matches[0];
                         $ids = $matches[1];
                         // Get the field data to work on
                         $localFieldData = Arr::get($fieldData, $path);
                         // Iterate through the search strings to replace the ids with internal references
                         foreach ($searchStrings as $index => $searchString) {
                             // Create replacement string
                             $replacement = str_replace($ids[$index], $this->getIdRef($fqcn, $ids[$index]), $searchString);
                             // Actually replace the matched id strings with internal ref'd strings
                             $localFieldData = str_replace($searchString, $replacement, $localFieldData);
                         Arr::set($fieldData, $path, $localFieldData);
         // Debug
     // Returned transformed data
     return $fieldData;
예제 #28
파일: helpers.php 프로젝트: saj696/pipe
  * Flatten a multi-dimensional associative array with dots.
  * @param  array $array
  * @param  string $prepend
  * @return array
 function array_dot($array, $prepend = '')
     return Arr::dot($array, $prepend);
예제 #29
  * Go through the unserialized data recursively
  * @param mixed $template Seriplater template/rule
  * @param mixed $data Scope data
  * @param string $dotPath Dot path to scope
  * @return array Serialized results
  * @throws IntegrityException when illegal structures or missing pieces are encountered
 private function walkUnserializedData($template, $data, $dotPath = "")
     if (is_array($template)) {
         $serialized = [];
         foreach ($template as $field => $content) {
             if ($content instanceof RuleInterface) {
                 if (!isset($data[$field]) && $content->isOptional() || $content->isHasMany() || $content->isInherited()) {
                     // Skip serializing if field is missing & optional, or a hasMany field, or field is inherited
                 } elseif ($content->isId()) {
                     // If it's an id field set the _id and keep going
                     $serialized["_id"] = $this->idFactory->get($content->getValue(), $data[$field]);
                 } elseif (!array_key_exists($field, $data)) {
                     // Missing field with no excuses
                     throw new IntegrityException("Required field '{$field}' missing");
             } elseif (!array_key_exists($field, $data)) {
                 // Missing field with no excuses
                 throw new IntegrityException("Required field '{$field}' missing");
             $fieldValue = $this->walkUnserializedData($content, $data[$field], $this->mergeDotPaths($dotPath, $field));
             if ($fieldValue !== ["_null"]) {
                 $serialized[$field] = $fieldValue;
         return $serialized;
     } else {
         if (is_scalar($template)) {
             // Scalar value, just save it as is
             return $template;
         } elseif ($template->isValue()) {
             // Regular value
             return $data;
         } elseif ($template->isInherited() || $template->isIncrementing() || $template->isHasMany()) {
             // Skip fields with inheritance, increments or hasMany
             return ["_null"];
         } elseif ($template->isReference()) {
             // Reference
             if ($data === null) {
                 // Reference to a null value
                 if ($template->isNullable()) {
                     // Allowed
                     return null;
                 } else {
                     // Not allowed
                     throw new IntegrityException("Encountered NULL when parsing a '" . $template->getValue()["entityName"] . "'' reference");
             if ($template->isCollection()) {
                 // An array of references
                 $refs = [];
                 foreach ($data as $dbId) {
                     $refs[] = ["_ref" => $this->idFactory->get($template->getValue()["entityName"], $dbId)];
                 return $refs;
             } else {
                 // A single reference
                 return ["_ref" => $this->idFactory->get($template->getValue()["entityName"], $data)];
         } elseif ($template->isConditions()) {
             // Conditions rule
             $value = $template->getValue();
             $field = $value["field"];
             $cases = $value["cases"];
             $defaultCase = $value["defaultCase"];
             if (!isset($this->toSerialize[$field])) {
                 throw new IntegrityException("Required conditions field '{$field}' missing'");
             foreach ($cases as $case => $rule) {
                 if ($this->toSerialize[$field] == $case) {
                     return $this->walkUnserializedData($rule, $data, $dotPath);
             if (is_null($defaultCase)) {
                 throw new IntegrityException("No conditions matched, and no default case provided");
             } else {
                 return $this->walkUnserializedData($rule, $data, $dotPath);
         } elseif ($template->isDeep()) {
             // Regexp deep rule
             $finders = $template->getValue();
             $newData = $data;
             $dotData = Arr::dot($data);
             foreach ($finders as $pattern => $rule) {
                 foreach ($dotData as $innerDotPath => $innerDotValue) {
                     if (preg_match($pattern, $innerDotPath) === 1) {
                         Arr::set($newData, $innerDotPath, $this->walkUnserializedData($rule, $innerDotValue, $this->mergeDotPaths($dotPath, $innerDotPath)));
             return $newData;
         } else {
             throw new IntegrityException("Invalid template rule");