public function sendquotation() { $input = Input::all(); $name = $input['name']; $email_client = $input['email']; $phone_client = $input['phone']; $title = $input['title']; $msg_webneoo = nl2br($input['msg_webneoo']); Mail::send('emails.quotation', ['name' => $name, 'email_client' => $email_client, 'phone_client' => $phone_client, 'msg_webneoo' => $msg_webneoo], function ($m) use($email_client, $title) { $m->from($email_client, 'Webneoo')->subject($title); $m->to('*****@*****.**'); }); /*Mail::send('', array('name' => $name, 'email_client' => $email_client, 'subject_client' => $subject_client, 'msg_webneoo' => $msg_webneoo), function($message) use ($email_client) { $message->from($email_client, 'Webneoo')->subject('From Webneoo Website'); $message->to('*****@*****.**'); });*/ /*Mail::send('emails.quotation', array('name' => $name, 'email_client' => $email_client, 'subject_client' => $subject_client, 'msg_webneoo' => $msg_webneoo), function($message) use ($email_client, $title) { $message->from($email_client, 'Webneoo')->subject($title); $message->to('*****@*****.**'); });*/ return View::make('pricing.index'); }
/** * Dipsplay image for resizing * * @return mixed */ public function getResize() { $ratio = 1.0; $image = Input::get('img'); $path_to_image = parent::getPath('directory') . $image; $original_width = Image::make($path_to_image)->width(); $original_height = Image::make($path_to_image)->height(); $scaled = false; if ($original_width > 600) { $ratio = 600 / $original_width; $width = $original_width * $ratio; $height = $original_height * $ratio; $scaled = true; } else { $width = $original_width; $height = $original_height; } if ($height > 400) { $ratio = 400 / $original_height; $width = $original_width * $ratio; $height = $original_height * $ratio; $scaled = true; } return View::make('laravel-filemanager::resize')->with('img', parent::getUrl('directory') . $image)->with('height', number_format($height, 0))->with('width', $width)->with('original_height', $original_height)->with('original_width', $original_width)->with('scaled', $scaled)->with('ratio', $ratio); }
/** * Setup the layout used by the controller. * * @return void */ protected function setupLayout() { $this->layout = View::make(Config::get('syntara::views.master')); $this->layout->title = 'VietSol CMS'; $this->layout->breadcrumb = array(); View::share('siteName', 'VietSol CMS'); }
/** * Dipsplay image for resizing * * @return mixed */ public function getResize() { $ratio = 1.0; $image = Input::get('img'); $dir = Input::get('dir'); $original_width = Image::make(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('lfm.images_dir') . $dir . "/" . $image)->width(); $original_height = Image::make(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('lfm.images_dir') . $dir . "/" . $image)->height(); $scaled = false; if ($original_width > 600) { $ratio = 600 / $original_width; $width = $original_width * $ratio; $height = $original_height * $ratio; $scaled = true; } else { $height = $original_height; $width = $original_width; } if ($height > 400) { $ratio = 400 / $original_height; $width = $original_width * $ratio; $height = $original_height * $ratio; $scaled = true; } return View::make('laravel-filemanager::resize')->with('img', Config::get('lfm.images_url') . $dir . "/" . $image)->with('dir', $dir)->with('image', $image)->with('height', number_format($height, 0))->with('width', $width)->with('original_height', $original_height)->with('original_width', $original_width)->with('scaled', $scaled)->with('ratio', $ratio); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit($id) { $task = Task::find($id); $projects = Project::lists('name', 'id'); // return View::make('tasks.edit', compact('task', 'projects')); }
public function messages() { if ($this->hasMessages()) { $this->messages = Session::get('messages'); return View::make(Platform::getPackageName() . '::page/messages')->with('items', $this->messages)->render(); } }
public function index($owner, $project) { $repository = $project->getRepository(); $commitishPath = $repository->getHead(); list($branch, $file) = $this->extractReference($repository, $commitishPath, $project->slug); return View::make('projects/merge_requests')->withOwner($owner)->withProject($project)->withBranch($branch); }
public function crawler($action = "") { $action = Input::get('action') ? Input::get('action') : $action; //Available Maintenance Functions $this->available_maintenances = array('recreateurls' => Lang::get('cms::m.recreate-urls'), 'convertToPages' => Lang::get('cms::m.crawl-reate-pages')); return View::make('cms::admin/maintenance', array("available_maintenances" => $this->available_maintenances)); }
public function getEditBancaEntitate($id, $id_entitate, $entitate) { $banca_class = new BancaController(); $banci = $banca_class->getBanciOrganizatie(); $banca = DB::select("SELECT\n id,\n id_banca,\n iban, \n sucursala\n FROM banca_entitate\n\t\t\tWHERE id = :id", array('id' => $id)); return View::make("banca::banca_entitate.edit")->with("banca", $banca[0])->with("banci", $banci)->with("id_entitate", $id_entitate)->with("entitate", $entitate); }
/** * Shows the live scoreboard */ public function scoreboard() { $games = Game::with(['servers' => function ($query) { $query->active()->orderBy('ServerName'); }])->get(); return View::make('scoreboard', compact('games'))->with('page_title', Lang::get('navigation.main.items.scoreboard.title')); }
public function user() { if (Session::get('isLogged') == true) { $path = storage_path() . '\\upload\\' . Session::get('index'); $files = array_diff(scandir($path), array('.', '..')); $parse = array(); foreach ($files as $k => $v) { // име на фајл $array = array(); array_push($array, $v); // големина на фајл $path = storage_path() . '\\upload\\' . Session::get('index') . '\\' . $v; $bytes = File::size($path); $bytes = self::formatSizeUnits($bytes); array_push($array, $bytes); // пат до фајлот array_push($array, $path); // array-от кој се испраќа на view array_push($parse, $array); } $data = array('files' => $parse); return View::make('user')->with($data); } else { abort(404); } }
public function getUpdate($id) { $breadcrumbs = array(array("Kompetensi" => url("admin/competency/type")), array("Tipe Kompetensi" => ""), array("Ubah Data" => "")); $data = CompetencyType::find($id); $this->layout->breadcrumbs = View::make('layouts.breadcrumb', compact('breadcrumbs')); $this->layout->content = View::make('competency::adminType.update', compact('data')); }
public function send($view, array $data, $callback) { $message = new Message(new Swift_Message()); if ($callback instanceof Closure) { // callback must assign $to and $subject, deal with it call_user_func($callback, $message); } else { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Callback is not valid.'); } $m = $message->getSwiftMessage(); $filteredTo = array_filter(array_keys($message->getTo()), function ($email) { $skip = DB::table('ses_feedback')->where('email', $email)->first(); if ($skip) { Log::info("skipping email:{$email}"); } return !$skip; }); if ($filteredTo) { $converter = new CssToInlineStyles(); $converter->setEncoding($message->getCharset()); $converter->setStripOriginalStyleTags(); $converter->setUseInlineStylesBlock(); $converter->setExcludeMediaQueries(false); $converter->setCleanup(); $converter->setHTML(View::make($view, $data)->render()); $body = $converter->convert(); $config = Config::get(''); SesClient::factory($config)->sendEmail(array('Source' => $config['from'], 'Destination' => array('ToAddresses' => $filteredTo), 'Message' => array('Subject' => array('Data' => $m->getSubject(), 'Charset' => 'UTF-8'), 'Body' => array('Text' => array('Data' => strip_tags(str_replace("<br/>", "\n", $body)), 'Charset' => 'UTF-8'), 'Html' => array('Data' => $body, 'Charset' => 'UTF-8'))), 'ReplyToAddresses' => array())); } }
public function testPjaxAndFullpageResponses() { $this->mockRequest->shouldReceive('wantsJson')->andReturn(false); View::shouldReceive('make')->with('view', [], [])->once()->andReturn('view'); $this->respondable->respond('view'); $this->assertEquals('whatever', $this->respondable->layout->main); }
public function index() { $lectures = Lessontype::join('ocena', 'ocena.lessonTypeId', '=', '')->where('userId', Auth::user()->id)->groupBy('')->get(array('lessonTypeId')); $les = Lessontype::all('id'); $data1 = array(); $data2 = array(); foreach ($lectures as $key => $value) { $data1[] = $value->lessonTypeId; } foreach ($les as $key => $value) { $data2[] = $value->id; } $data1; $data2; $collection1 = collect($data1); $collection2 = collect($data2); $diff = $collection2->diff($collection1); $data3 = array(); foreach ($diff as $key => $value) { $data3[] = $value; } $data3; $users = Auth::user(); $lessonNo = Lessontype::whereIn('id', $data3)->get(); $lessonYes = Lessontype::join('ocena', '', '=', 'lessonTypeId')->selectRaw('lessontypes.*, SUM(ocena.jedinica) as total')->groupBy('')->get(); return View::make('dashboard', compact('users', 'les', 'lessonYes', 'lessonNo')); }
public function patientbill() { $id = $_GET['id']; // $patient = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('patients')->where('id',$id)->get(['name']); $bill = \Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB::table('bills')->where('patient_id', $id)->get(); return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\View::make('discharge.discharge_home', compact('bill')); }
public function ProsesJadwal($id) { $data = DB::table('prestasi_kerja_rekap_penilaian')->join('lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf', 'prestasi_kerja_rekap_penilaian.id_jabatan', '=', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf.unit_staf_id')->join('lpp_kemenpan_siasik.master_pegawai', 'prestasi_kerja_rekap_penilaian.nip', '=', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.master_pegawai.nip')->join('lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_gol', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf.eselon_id', '=', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_gol.gol_id')->select('prestasi_kerja_rekap_penilaian.nip', 'prestasi_kerja_rekap_penilaian.id_jabatan', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf.nama_lengkap', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf.unit_staf_id', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.master_pegawai.nama', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_gol.pangkat', 'lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_gol.golongan')->where('lpp_kemenpan_siasik.daf_unit_staf.unit_staf_id', '=', $id)->first(); $breadcrumbs = array(array("Assessment Internal" => "javascript:void(0)"), array("Pengaturan" => ""), array("Tambah Kandidat Promosi" => "")); $this->layout->breadcrumbs = View::make('layouts.breadcrumb', compact('breadcrumbs')); $this->layout->content = View::make('career::jadwal/jadwalasessment', compact('data')); }
/** * Show crop page * * @return mixed */ public function getCrop() { $working_dir = Input::get('working_dir'); $img = parent::getUrl('directory') . Input::get('img'); $imgName = Input::get('img'); return View::make('laravel-filemanager::crop')->with(compact('working_dir', 'img', 'imgName')); }
public function getEdit($id) { // Find the product using the user id $product = Product::find($id); // No such id if ($product == null) { return \View::make('redminportal::pages/404'); } $categories = array(); foreach (Category::all() as $category) { $categories[$category->id] = $category->name; } $tagString = ""; foreach ($product->tags as $tag) { if (!empty($tagString)) { $tagString .= ","; } $tagString .= $tag->name; } if (empty($product->options)) { $product_cn = (object) array('name' => $product->name, 'short_description' => $product->short_description, 'long_description' => $product->long_description); } else { $product_cn = json_decode($product->options); } return View::make('redminportal::products/edit')->with('product', $product)->with('product_cn', $product_cn)->with('imageUrl', 'assets/img/products/')->with('categories', $categories)->with('tagString', $tagString); }
public function __construct() { $this->middleware('auth'); // Fetch the Site Settings object $this->currentModelName = Lang::get('crud.competitor'); View::share('currentModelName', $this->currentModelName); }
public function getIndex($id) { if (Auth::check()) { $users_id = Auth::user()->id; $role = DB::table('role_user')->where('user_id', '=', $users_id)->first(); $role_id = $role->role_id; //dd($role_id); if ($role_id == 2 || $role_id == 3 || $role_id == 4) { return redirect(url()); } else { //dd(\Config::get("mail")); $username = $id; $user_id = DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('id'); $email = DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('email'); $image = "images/users/" . $username . "/" . DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('photo'); $name = DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('firstName') . " " . DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('lastName'); $verify = DB::table('users')->where('username', $id)->pluck('verify_key'); $verification_link = "http://localhost/seriousdatings_app/public/users/" . $user_id . "/verify/" . $verify; $data = array(); $data = ['email' => $email, 'image' => $image, 'name' => $name, 'username' => $id, 'verification_link' => $verification_link, 'image_link' => '', 'contact_address' => '']; Mail::send('mailtemplate', $data, function ($message) { $message->to('*****@*****.**', 'ID')->subject('Verify your seriousdatings account'); }); //Session::flush(); return View::make('verify_email')->withData($data); } } else { return redirect(url() . '/login'); } }
private function setWidgetComposer($widget) { View::composer('dashboard.dashboard', function ($view) use($widget) { $view->with('widget', $widget); }); return $this; }
/** * @param Request $request * @param Closure $next */ public function handle($request, Closure $next) { Lang::setFallback(self::getDefault()); $setLocale = Session::get('setLocale'); //flash data if (Config::get('app.locale_use_cookie')) { if ($setLocale) { Session::set('locale', $setLocale); } if (Session::has('locale')) { App::setLocale(Session::get('locale')); } else { self::autoDetect(); } } else { if (Config::get('app.locale_use_url')) { if ($setLocale) { self::setLocaleURLSegment($setLocale); } else { $lang = self::getLocaleFromURL(); if ($lang) { App::setLocale($lang); } else { if ($request->segment(1) != 'locale') { //ignore set-locale URL self::autoDetect(); self::setLocaleURLSegment(self::get()); } } } } } View::share('lang', self::get()); }
public function testIndex() { $this->markTestIncomplete('This test has not been implemented yet.'); View::shouldReceive('make')->once()->with('cabinet::admin.index')->andReturn('admin index!'); $response = $this->action('GET', self::$wardrobeControllers . 'AdminController@index'); $this->assertSame('admin index!', $response->original); }
/** * @return mixed */ public function showNews() { $slug = Request::segment(2); $news_title = "Not active"; $news_text = "Either this news item is not active, or it does not exist"; $active = 1; $news_id = 0; $results = DB::table('news')->where('slug', '=', $slug)->get(); foreach ($results as $result) { $active = $result->active; if ($active > 0 || Auth::check() && Auth::user()->hasRole('news')) { if (Session::get('lang') == null || Session::get('lang') == "en") { $news_title = $result->title; $news_text = $result->news_text; $news_id = $result->id; } else { $news_title = $result->title_fr; $news_text = $result->news_text_fr; $news_id = $result->id; } $news_image = $result->image; $news_date = $result->news_date; } } return View::make('')->with('news_title', $news_title)->with('news_text', $news_text)->with('page_content', $news_text)->with('active', $active)->with('news_id', $news_id)->with('news_date', $news_date)->with('news_image', $news_image)->with('menu', $this->menu)->with('page_category_id', 0)->with('page_title', $news_title); }
protected function shareFis() { $fis = $this->app->make('fis'); View::composer('*', function ($view) use($fis) { $view->with('__fis', $fis); }); }
public function __construct() { // $this->middleware('auth'); // Fetch the Site Settings object $this->currentModelName = Lang::get('crud.shiaiCategory'); View::share('currentModelName', $this->currentModelName); }
/** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return Response */ public function create() { if (Auth::check()) { return Redirect::to('/profile'); } return View::make('user-package::registration.create'); }
public function login() { Session::set('admin_lock_url', null); $loginForm = new KForm(); $loginForm->addField(FormFieldBase::createByType('login', FormFieldBase::Type_Text)->setRules('required')->setLabel('请输入工号')); $loginForm->addField(FormFieldBase::createByType('password', FormFieldBase::Type_Password)->setRules('required')->setLabel('请输入密码')); if (AuthModel::user() !== null) { return Redirect::action('admin.index'); } if (Request::isMethod('POST')) { //是管理员登陆请求 if ($loginForm->validation()) { $login = $loginForm->value('login'); $password = $loginForm->value('password'); if (AuthModel::attempt(['employee_id' => $login, 'password' => $password])) { $admin = AuthModel::getUser(); $admin->last_login = new \Carbon\Carbon(); $admin->save(); return Redirect::action('admin.index'); } else { $loginForm->set_error('password', '错误的用户名或密码'); } } else { // } } $this->layout = View::make('laravel-cms::admin-lte/login')->with('form', $loginForm); }
public function submitForm(Request $request) { //Get input $input = Input::all(); //Date $input["Date"] = date("j/ n/ Y"); //Bools for Parties if ($input["party"] == "Republican") { $input["Rep"] = "Yes"; } else { $input["Dem"] = "Yes"; } //concat name $input["Voter_Name"] = $input["first_name"] . " " . $input["last_name"]; $contents = Storage::disk('local'); $storagePath = Storage::disk('local')->getDriver()->getAdapter()->getPathPrefix(); // $contents = Storage::get('reg.pdf'); //Save as FDF $fdf = new FdfFile($input); $fdf->saveAs('data.fdf'); $docId = md5(uniqid(rand(), true)); //Save as Pdf $pdf = new Pdf($storagePath . 'template.pdf'); $pdf->fillForm($fdf->getFileName())->saveAs($storagePath . "generated/" . $docId . '.pdf'); //Setting up Lob $apiKey = env('LOB_KEY'); $lob = new \Lob\Lob($apiKey); //Send the letter $letter = $lob->letters()->create(array('description' => 'Voter Registration', 'to[name]' => 'Town Clerk', 'to[address_line1]' => '230 Main St, Ste 108', 'to[address_city]' => 'Brattleboro', 'to[address_zip]' => '05301', 'to[address_state]' => 'VT', 'to[address_country]' => 'US', 'from[name]' => 'Benjamin Franklin', 'from[address_line1]' => '123 Fake Street', 'from[address_city]' => 'Philadelphia', 'from[address_zip]' => '94041', 'from[address_state]' => 'PA', 'from[address_country]' => 'US', 'file' => '@' . realpath($storagePath . "generated/" . $docId . '.pdf'), 'color' => false)); $letter['file'] = $storagePath . "generated/" . $docId . '.pdf'; return View::make('thanks', $letter)->with('data', $letter); }