예제 #1
 public function actionEditField()
     $id = (int) Yii::$app->request->get('id');
     // Get Base Field
     $field = ProfileField::findOne(['id' => $id]);
     if ($field == null) {
         $field = new ProfileField();
     // Get all Available Field Class Instances, also bind current profilefield to the type
     $profileFieldTypes = new BaseType();
     $fieldTypes = $profileFieldTypes->getTypeInstances($field);
     // Build Form Definition
     $definition = array();
     $definition['elements'] = array();
     // Add all sub forms
     $definition['elements'] = array_merge($definition['elements'], $field->getFormDefinition());
     foreach ($fieldTypes as $fieldType) {
         $definition['elements'] = array_merge($definition['elements'], $fieldType->getFormDefinition());
     // Add Form Buttons
     $definition['buttons'] = array('save' => array('type' => 'submit', 'label' => Yii::t('AdminModule.controllers_UserprofileController', 'Save'), 'class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
     if (!$field->isNewRecord && !$field->is_system) {
         $definition['buttons']['delete'] = array('type' => 'submit', 'label' => Yii::t('AdminModule.controllers_UserprofileController', 'Delete'), 'class' => 'btn btn-danger pull-right');
     // Create Form Instance
     $form = new HForm($definition);
     // Add used models to the CForm, so we can validate it
     $form->models['ProfileField'] = $field;
     foreach ($fieldTypes as $fieldType) {
         $form->models[get_class($fieldType)] = $fieldType;
     // Form Submitted?
     if ($form->submitted('save') && $form->validate()) {
         // Use ProfileField Instance from Form with new Values
         $field = $form->models['ProfileField'];
         $fieldType = $form->models[$field->field_type_class];
         if ($field->save() && $fieldType->save()) {
             return $this->redirect(Url::to(['/admin/user-profile']));
     if ($form->submitted('delete')) {
         return $this->redirect(Url::to(['/admin/user-profile']));
     return $this->render('editField', array('hForm' => $form, 'field' => $field));
예제 #2
 public function getFields()
     $query = $this->hasMany(ProfileField::className(), ['profile_field_category_id' => 'id']);
     return $query;
예제 #3
  * Validator which checks the fieldtype
  * Also ensures that field_type_class could not be changed on existing records.
 public function checkType()
     if (!$this->isNewRecord) {
         // Dont allow changes of internal_name - Maybe not the best way to check it.
         $currentProfileField = ProfileField::findOne(['id' => $this->id]);
         if ($this->field_type_class != $currentProfileField->field_type_class) {
             $this->addError('field_type_class', Yii::t('UserModule.models_ProfileField', 'Field Type could not be changed!'));
     } else {
         $profileFieldTypes = new fieldtype\BaseType();
         if (!key_exists($this->field_type_class, $profileFieldTypes->getFieldTypes())) {
             $this->addError('field_type_class', Yii::t('UserModule.models_ProfileField', 'Invalid field type!'));
예제 #4
  * Returns all profile fields with user data by given category
  * @todo Optimize me
  * @param ProfileFieldCategory $category
  * @return Array ProfileFields
 public function getProfileFields(ProfileFieldCategory $category = null)
     if ($this->user === null) {
         return [];
     $fields = [];
     $query = ProfileField::find();
     $query->where(['visible' => 1]);
     if ($category !== null) {
         $query->andWhere(['profile_field_category_id' => $category->id]);
     foreach ($query->all() as $field) {
         if ($field->getUserValue($this->user) != "") {
             $fields[] = $field;
     return $fields;
예제 #5
파일: Ldap.php 프로젝트: 1resu/humhub
  * Updates or creates user by given ldap node
  * @param Zend_Ldap_Node $node
  * @return User User Object
 public function handleLdapUser($node)
     $usernameAttribute = Setting::Get('usernameAttribute', 'authentication_ldap');
     if ($usernameAttribute == '') {
         $usernameAttribute = 'sAMAccountName';
     $emailAttribute = Setting::Get('emailAttribute', 'authentication_ldap');
     if ($emailAttribute == '') {
         $emailAttribute = 'mail';
     $username = $node->getAttribute($usernameAttribute, 0);
     $email = $node->getAttribute($emailAttribute, 0);
     $guid = $this->binToStrGuid($node->getAttribute('objectGUID', 0));
     // Try to load User:
     $userChanged = false;
     $user = null;
     if ($guid != "") {
         $user = User::findOne(array('guid' => $guid, 'auth_mode' => User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP));
     } else {
         // Fallback use e-mail
         $user = User::findOne(array('email' => $email, 'auth_mode' => User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP));
     if ($user === null) {
         $user = new User();
         if ($guid != "") {
             $user->guid = $guid;
         $user->status = User::STATUS_ENABLED;
         $user->auth_mode = User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP;
         $user->group_id = 1;
         Yii::info('Create ldap user ' . $username . '!');
     // Update Users Field
     if ($user->username != $username) {
         $userChanged = true;
         $user->username = $username;
     if ($user->email != $email) {
         $userChanged = true;
         $user->email = $email;
     if ($user->validate()) {
         // Only Save user when something is changed
         if ($userChanged || $user->isNewRecord) {
         // Update Profile Fields
         foreach (ProfileField::find()->andWhere(['!=', 'ldap_attribute', ''])->all() as $profileField) {
             $ldapAttribute = $profileField->ldap_attribute;
             $profileFieldName = $profileField->internal_name;
             $user->profile->{$profileFieldName} = $node->getAttribute($ldapAttribute, 0);
         if ($user->profile->validate() && $user->profile->save()) {
             $this->trigger(self::EVENT_UPDATE_USER, new ParameterEvent(['user' => $user, 'node' => $node]));
         } else {
             Yii::error('Could not create or update ldap user profile! (' . print_r($user->profile->getErrors(), true) . ")");
     } else {
         Yii::error('Could not create or update ldap user! (' . print_r($user->getErrors(), true) . ")");
     return $user;
예제 #6
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getSyncAttributes()
     $attributes = ['username', 'email'];
     foreach (ProfileField::find()->andWhere(['!=', 'ldap_attribute', ''])->all() as $profileField) {
         $attributes[] = $profileField->internal_name;
     return $attributes;
예제 #7
 public static function bootstrap()
     // Seems database is already initialized
     if (Setting::Get('paginationSize') == 10) {
     Setting::Set('baseUrl', \yii\helpers\BaseUrl::base(true));
     Setting::Set('paginationSize', 10);
     Setting::Set('displayNameFormat', '{profile.firstname} {profile.lastname}');
     // Authentication
     Setting::Set('authInternal', '1', 'authentication');
     Setting::Set('authLdap', '0', 'authentication');
     Setting::Set('refreshUsers', '1', 'authentication_ldap');
     Setting::Set('needApproval', '0', 'authentication_internal');
     Setting::Set('anonymousRegistration', '1', 'authentication_internal');
     Setting::Set('internalUsersCanInvite', '1', 'authentication_internal');
     // Mailing
     Setting::Set('transportType', 'php', 'mailing');
     Setting::Set('systemEmailAddress', '*****@*****.**', 'mailing');
     Setting::Set('systemEmailName', 'My Social Network', 'mailing');
     Setting::Set('receive_email_activities', User::RECEIVE_EMAIL_DAILY_SUMMARY, 'mailing');
     Setting::Set('receive_email_notifications', User::RECEIVE_EMAIL_WHEN_OFFLINE, 'mailing');
     // File
     Setting::Set('maxFileSize', '1048576', 'file');
     Setting::Set('maxPreviewImageWidth', '200', 'file');
     Setting::Set('maxPreviewImageHeight', '200', 'file');
     Setting::Set('hideImageFileInfo', '0', 'file');
     // Caching
     Setting::Set('type', 'CFileCache', 'cache');
     Setting::Set('expireTime', '3600', 'cache');
     Setting::Set('installationId', md5(uniqid("", true)), 'admin');
     // Design
     Setting::Set('theme', "HumHub");
     Setting::Set('spaceOrder', 0, 'space');
     // Basic
     Setting::Set('enable', 1, 'tour');
     Setting::Set('defaultLanguage', Yii::$app->language);
     // Notification
     Setting::Set('enable_html5_desktop_notifications', 0, 'notification');
     // Add Categories
     $cGeneral = new ProfileFieldCategory();
     $cGeneral->title = "General";
     $cGeneral->sort_order = 100;
     $cGeneral->visibility = 1;
     $cGeneral->is_system = 1;
     $cGeneral->description = '';
     if (!$cGeneral->save()) {
         throw new Exception(print_r($cGeneral->getErrors(), true));
     $cCommunication = new ProfileFieldCategory();
     $cCommunication->title = "Communication";
     $cCommunication->sort_order = 200;
     $cCommunication->visibility = 1;
     $cCommunication->is_system = 1;
     $cCommunication->description = '';
     $cSocial = new ProfileFieldCategory();
     $cSocial->title = "Social bookmarks";
     $cSocial->sort_order = 300;
     $cSocial->visibility = 1;
     $cSocial->is_system = 1;
     $cSocial->description = '';
     // Add Fields
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "firstname";
     $field->title = 'Firstname';
     $field->sort_order = 100;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->ldap_attribute = 'givenName';
     $field->is_system = 1;
     $field->required = 1;
     $field->show_at_registration = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 20;
     } else {
         throw new Exception(print_r($field->getErrors(), true));
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "lastname";
     $field->title = 'Lastname';
     $field->sort_order = 200;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->ldap_attribute = 'sn';
     $field->show_at_registration = 1;
     $field->required = 1;
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 30;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "title";
     $field->title = 'Title';
     $field->sort_order = 300;
     $field->ldap_attribute = 'title';
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 50;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "gender";
     $field->title = 'Gender';
     $field->sort_order = 300;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = 'ProfileFieldTypeSelect';
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->options = "male=>Male\nfemale=>Female\ncustom=>Custom";
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "street";
     $field->title = 'Street';
     $field->sort_order = 400;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 150;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "zip";
     $field->title = 'Zip';
     $field->sort_order = 500;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->is_system = 1;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 10;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "city";
     $field->title = 'City';
     $field->sort_order = 600;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "country";
     $field->title = 'Country';
     $field->sort_order = 700;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "state";
     $field->title = 'State';
     $field->sort_order = 800;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "birthday";
     $field->title = 'Birthday';
     $field->sort_order = 900;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Birthday::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "about";
     $field->title = 'About';
     $field->sort_order = 900;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cGeneral->id;
     $field->field_type_class = 'ProfileFieldTypeTextArea';
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         #$field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "phone_private";
     $field->title = 'Phone Private';
     $field->sort_order = 100;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "phone_work";
     $field->title = 'Phone Work';
     $field->sort_order = 200;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "mobile";
     $field->title = 'Mobile';
     $field->sort_order = 300;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "fax";
     $field->title = 'Fax';
     $field->sort_order = 400;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "im_skype";
     $field->title = 'Skype Nickname';
     $field->sort_order = 500;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "im_msn";
     $field->title = 'MSN';
     $field->sort_order = 600;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->maxLength = 100;
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "im_icq";
     $field->title = 'ICQ Number';
     $field->sort_order = 700;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = 'ProfileFieldTypeNumber';
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "im_xmpp";
     $field->title = 'XMPP Jabber Address';
     $field->sort_order = 800;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cCommunication->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'email';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url";
     $field->title = 'Url';
     $field->sort_order = 100;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_facebook";
     $field->title = 'Facebook URL';
     $field->sort_order = 200;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_linkedin";
     $field->title = 'LinkedIn URL';
     $field->sort_order = 300;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_xing";
     $field->title = 'Xing URL';
     $field->sort_order = 400;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_youtube";
     $field->title = 'Youtube URL';
     $field->sort_order = 500;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_vimeo";
     $field->title = 'Vimeo URL';
     $field->sort_order = 600;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_flickr";
     $field->title = 'Flickr URL';
     $field->sort_order = 700;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_myspace";
     $field->title = 'MySpace URL';
     $field->sort_order = 800;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_googleplus";
     $field->title = 'Google+ URL';
     $field->sort_order = 900;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $field = new ProfileField();
     $field->internal_name = "url_twitter";
     $field->title = 'Twitter URL';
     $field->sort_order = 1000;
     $field->profile_field_category_id = $cSocial->id;
     $field->field_type_class = \humhub\modules\user\models\fieldtype\Text::className();
     $field->is_system = 1;
     if ($field->save()) {
         $field->fieldType->validator = 'url';
     $group = new Group();
     $group->name = "Users";
     $group->description = "Example Group by Installer";
예제 #8
파일: Ldap.php 프로젝트: aldorath/humhub
  * Updates or creates user by given ldap node
  * @param Zend_Ldap_Node $node
  * @return User User Object
 public function handleLdapUser($node)
     $username = $node->getAttribute(Setting::Get('usernameAttribute', 'authentication_ldap'), 0);
     $email = $node->getAttribute('mail', 0);
     $guid = $this->binToStrGuid($node->getAttribute('objectGUID', 0));
     // Try to load User:
     $userChanged = false;
     $user = null;
     if ($guid != "") {
         $user = User::findOne(array('guid' => $guid, 'auth_mode' => User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP));
     } else {
         // Fallback use e-mail
         $user = User::findOne(array('email' => $email, 'auth_mode' => User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP));
     if ($user === null) {
         $user = new User();
         if ($guid != "") {
             $user->guid = $guid;
         $user->status = User::STATUS_ENABLED;
         $user->auth_mode = User::AUTH_MODE_LDAP;
         $user->group_id = 1;
         Yii::info('Create ldap user ' . $username . '!');
     // Update Group Mapping
     foreach (Group::find()->andWhere(['!=', 'ldap_dn', ""])->all() as $group) {
         if (in_array($group->ldap_dn, $node->getAttribute('memberOf'))) {
             if ($user->group_id != $group->id) {
                 $userChanged = true;
                 $user->group_id = $group->id;
     // Update Users Field
     if ($user->username != $username) {
         $userChanged = true;
         $user->username = $username;
     if ($user->email != $email) {
         $userChanged = true;
         $user->email = $email;
     if ($user->validate()) {
         // Only Save user when something is changed
         if ($userChanged || $user->isNewRecord) {
         // Update Profile Fields
         foreach (ProfileField::find()->andWhere(['!=', 'ldap_attribute', ''])->all() as $profileField) {
             $ldapAttribute = $profileField->ldap_attribute;
             $profileFieldName = $profileField->internal_name;
             $user->profile->{$profileFieldName} = $node->getAttribute($ldapAttribute, 0);
         if ($user->profile->validate()) {
             // Update Space Mapping
             foreach (Space::find()->andWhere(['!=', 'ldap_dn', ''])->all() as $space) {
                 if (in_array($space->ldap_dn, $node->getAttribute('memberOf'))) {
         } else {
             Yii::error('Could not create or update ldap user profile! (' . print_r($user->profile->getErrors(), true) . ")");
     } else {
         Yii::error('Could not create or update ldap user! (' . print_r($user->getErrors(), true) . ")");
     return $user;