예제 #1
  * @return HttpClient
 protected function getHttpClient()
     if ($this->httpClient === null) {
         $this->httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $authentication = new QueryParam(['key' => $this->apiKey]);
     $authenticationPlugin = new AuthenticationPlugin($authentication);
     $client = new PluginClient($this->httpClient, [$authenticationPlugin]);
     return $client;
예제 #2
  * Uses php-http discovery to discover an HTTP client if one isn't set.
  * @return Http\Client\HttpClient
 public function http()
     if (isset($this->http)) {
         return $this->http;
     return HttpClientDiscovery::find();
예제 #3
  * @param string   $baseUrl
  * @param string[] $filePaths
 public function __construct($baseUrl, array $filePaths)
     $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
     $this->client = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->messageFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
     $this->fileLocator = new FileLocator($filePaths);
예제 #4
  * Constructor.
  * @param string $key
  * @param string $secret
  * @param \Http\Client\HttpClient|null $http
  * @param \Http\Message\MessageFactory|null $factory
 public function __construct($key, $secret, HttpClient $http = null, MessageFactory $factory = null)
     $this->key = $key;
     $this->secret = $secret;
     $this->http = $http ?: HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->factory = $factory ?: MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
예제 #5
파일: Client.php 프로젝트: lstrojny/fxmlrpc
  * Create new client instance
  * If no specific transport, parser or serializer is passed, default implementations
  * are used.
  * @param string                         $uri
  * @param TransportInterface             $transport
  * @param Parser\ParserInterface         $parser
  * @param Serializer\SerializerInterface $serializer
 public function __construct($uri = null, TransportInterface $transport = null, ParserInterface $parser = null, SerializerInterface $serializer = null)
     $this->uri = $uri;
     $this->transport = $transport ?: new HttpAdapterTransport(MessageFactoryDiscovery::find(), HttpClientDiscovery::find());
     $this->parser = $parser ?: new XmlReaderParser();
     $this->serializer = $serializer ?: new XmlWriterSerializer();
예제 #6
  * Get HTTP adapter for your application.
  * @return PhpHttpClient
 private function getHttpClient()
     if ($this->httpClient === null) {
         $this->httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     return $this->httpClient;
  * @return HttpMethodsClient
  * @throws EventClientFactoryCreateException
 protected static function createHttpClient()
     try {
         $httpClient = new HttpMethodsClient(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find());
     } catch (NotFoundException $exception) {
         throw new EventClientFactoryCreateException($exception->getMessage(), $exception->getCode(), $exception);
     return $httpClient;
예제 #8
  * @return HttpClient
  * @throws ZenviaRequestException
 public function getHttpClient()
     if ($this->httpClient === null) {
         $this->httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
         if ($this->httpClient === null) {
             throw new ZenviaRequestException('The RequestManager expects a valid Http Client or Adapter, none given. Please install a valid Http Client or Adapter');
     return $this->httpClient;
예제 #9
  * @param string $url
  * @param string $token
  * @return HttpClient
 public static function create($url, $token)
     $plugins = [new Plugin\RedirectPlugin(), new Plugin\RetryPlugin(['retries' => 5]), new Plugin\DecoderPlugin(), new Plugin\ErrorPlugin()];
     if ($token) {
         $plugins[] = new Plugin\AuthenticationPlugin(new QueryParam(['api_key' => $token]));
     $client = new PluginClient(Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery::find(), $plugins);
     $streamFactory = Discovery\StreamFactoryDiscovery::find();
     $builder = new MultipartStreamBuilder($streamFactory);
     return new HttpPlugHttpAdapterClient($client, $url, Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery::find(), $builder);
예제 #10
  * Build the HTTP client to talk with the API.
  * @param string     $apiKey   Lotadata API Key
  * @param HttpClient $client Base HTTP client
  * @return HttpClient
 public static function create($apiKey, HttpClient $client = null)
     if (!$client) {
         $client = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $authentication = new QueryParamAuthentication(['api_key' => $apiKey]);
     $authenticationPlugin = new AuthenticationPlugin($authentication);
     $errorPlugin = new ErrorPlugin();
     $loggerPlugin = new LoggerPlugin(new Logger('lotadata-client'));
     return new PluginClient($client, [$errorPlugin, $authenticationPlugin]);
예제 #11
  * AbstractHttpProvider Constructor.
  * @param HttpClient     $client         HttpClient makes HTTP requests.
  * @param MessageFactory $messageFactory MessageFactory creates Request objects.
 public function __construct(HttpClient $client = null, MessageFactory $messageFactory = null)
     if (null === $client && !class_exists('Http\\Discovery\\HttpClientDiscovery')) {
         throw ServiceMissingException::noHttpClient();
     $this->client = $client ?: \Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     if (null === $messageFactory && !class_exists('Http\\Discovery\\MessageFactoryDiscovery')) {
         throw ServiceMissingException::noMessageFactory();
     $this->messageFactory = $messageFactory ?: \Http\Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
예제 #12
  * Return the client. If no client exist, create a new one filled with plugins.
  * @return HttpClient
 protected function getClient()
     if ($this->client === null) {
         $plugins = array();
         if ($this->logger) {
             $plugins[] = new LoggerPlugin($this->logger);
         $plugins[] = new ErrorPlugin();
         $this->client = new PluginClient(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), $plugins);
     return $this->client;
예제 #13
  * Register the http related stuff.
  * @param Application $app
 private function registerHttp(Application $app)
     $app->singleton('swap.http_client', function ($app) {
         if ($httpClient = $app->config->get('swap.http_client')) {
             return $app[$httpClient];
         return HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $app->singleton('swap.request_factory', function ($app) {
         if ($requestFactory = $app->config->get('swap.request_factory')) {
             return $app[$requestFactory];
         return MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
예제 #14
파일: Factory.php 프로젝트: florianv/swap
  * @param HttpClient|null     $httpClient
  * @param RequestFactory|null $requestFactory
 public function __construct(HttpClient $httpClient = null, RequestFactory $requestFactory = null)
     $this->httpClient = $httpClient ?: HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->requestFactory = $requestFactory ?: MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
     $this->registry = new Registry();
예제 #15
  * Sets the client to be used for querying the API endpoints
  * @param Client $client
  * @see http://php-http.readthedocs.org/en/latest/utils/#httpmethodsclient
  * @return $this
 public function setHttpClient(Client $client = null)
     if ($client === null) {
         $client = new Client(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find());
     $this->client = $client;
     return $this;
예제 #16
  * @param string $baseUrl
 public function __construct($baseUrl)
     $this->client = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->messageFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
     $this->baseUrl = $baseUrl;
예제 #17
 public function build($schemaPath)
     // Build serializer
     if ($this->serializer === null) {
         if (empty($this->encoders)) {
             $this->encoders = [new JsonEncoder(), new XmlEncoder()];
         if (empty($this->denormalizers)) {
             $this->denormalizers[] = new ResourceDenormalizer($this->paginationProvider);
         $this->serializer = new Serializer($this->denormalizers, $this->encoders);
     if ($this->uriFactory === null) {
         $this->uriFactory = UriFactoryDiscovery::find();
     if ($this->messageFactory === null) {
         $this->messageFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
     if ($this->httpClient === null) {
         $this->httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $schemaFactory = new SwaggerSchemaFactory();
     if ($this->cache !== null) {
         $schemaFactory = new CachedSchemaFactoryDecorator($this->cache, $schemaFactory);
     $this->schema = $schemaFactory->createSchema($schemaPath);
     if (!isset($this->requestValidator)) {
         $this->requestValidator = new MessageValidator(new Validator(), new SymfonyDecoderAdapter(new ChainDecoder($this->encoders)));
     return new ApiService($this->uriFactory, new UriTemplate(), $this->httpClient, $this->messageFactory, $this->schema, $this->requestValidator, $this->serializer, $this->config);
  * @param string $host
 public function __construct($host, HttpClient $httpClient = null)
     $this->host = $host;
     $this->httpClient = $httpClient ?: HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->messageFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
  * Make sure to use our custom strategy.
  * @param Event $e
 public function onEvent(Event $e)
예제 #20
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function build()
     if (null === $this->httpClient && class_exists('\\Http\\Discovery\\HttpClientDiscovery')) {
         try {
             $this->httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     if (null === ($httpClient = $this->httpClient)) {
         throw new \LogicException('No HTTP client was configured.');
     if (null === $this->requestFactory && class_exists('\\Http\\Discovery\\MessageFactoryDiscovery')) {
         try {
             $this->requestFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
     if (null === $this->requestFactory) {
         throw new \LogicException('No request factory was configured.');
     if (null === $this->baseUrl) {
         throw new \LogicException('Base URI value was not configured.');
     $serializerRegistry = new SerializerRegistry();
     $plugins = array();
     if (null !== $this->username && null !== $this->password) {
         $plugins[] = new AuthenticationPlugin(new BasicAuth($this->username, $this->password));
     if (null !== $this->consumerKey && null !== $this->consumerSecret && null !== $this->accessToken && null !== $this->tokenSecret) {
         if (!class_exists('Xabbuh\\Http\\Authentication\\OAuth1')) {
             throw new \LogicException('The "xabbuh/oauth1-authentication package is needed to use OAuth1 authorization.');
         $requestSigner = new RequestSigner(new ConsumerKey($this->consumerKey), new ConsumerSecret($this->consumerSecret));
         $oauth = new OAuth1($requestSigner, new AccessToken($this->accessToken), new TokenSecret($this->tokenSecret));
         $plugins[] = new AuthenticationPlugin($oauth);
     if (!empty($plugins)) {
         $httpClient = new PluginClient($httpClient, $plugins);
     $version = null === $this->version ? '1.0.1' : $this->version;
     $requestHandler = new Handler($httpClient, $this->requestFactory, $this->baseUrl, $version);
     return new XApiClient($requestHandler, $serializerRegistry, $this->version);
예제 #21
파일: Client.php 프로젝트: laravie/webhook
  * Make a client.
  * @return $this
 public static function make()
     $http = new HttpClient(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find());
     return new static($http);
예제 #22
  * Create a client.
 public static function create(Configuration $configuration)
     return new Client($configuration, new HttpMethodsClient(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find()), static::getVenueFactory());
예제 #23
  * @param HttpClient|null     $httpClient
  * @param MessageFactory|null $messageFactory
 public function __construct(HttpClient $httpClient = null, MessageFactory $messageFactory = null)
     $this->httpClient = $httpClient ?: HttpClientDiscovery::find();
     $this->messageFactory = $messageFactory ?: MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
예제 #24
 * This example should be executed in console
 * Requires dev dependencies!
namespace Comindware\Tracker\API\Examples;

use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery;
use Mekras\OData\Client\Document\EntryDocument;
use Mekras\OData\Client\OData;
use Mekras\OData\Client\Service;
use Mekras\OData\Client\URI\Uri;
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
$service = new Service('http://services.odata.org/OData/OData.svc/', HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find());
$uri = new Uri();
$document = $service->sendRequest(OData::GET, $uri);
if (!$document instanceof EntryDocument) {
    die("Not an entry!\n");
$entry = $document->getEntry();
printf("Entity type: %s\nProperties:\n", $entry->getEntityType());
foreach ($entry->getProperties() as $property) {
    $value = $property->getValue();
    if ($value instanceof \DateTimeInterface) {
        $value = $value->format(DATE_RFC2822);
    printf("- %s: %s\n", $property->getName(), $value);
예제 #25
 * This example should be executed in console
 * Requires dev dependencies!
namespace Comindware\Tracker\API\Examples;

use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery;
use Mekras\OData\Client\Document\EntryDocument;
use Mekras\OData\Client\EDM\Primitive;
use Mekras\OData\Client\OData;
use Mekras\OData\Client\URI\Uri;
use Mekras\OData\Client\Service;
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
// For write access to services.odata.org we need not get special URI first
$httpClient = HttpClientDiscovery::find();
$requestFactory = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
$response = $httpClient->sendRequest($requestFactory->createRequest('GET', 'http://services.odata.org/V3/(S(readwrite))/OData/OData.svc/'));
$rootUri = 'http://services.odata.org' . $response->getHeaderLine('Location');
// Now use obtained URI to create service.
$service = new Service($rootUri, $httpClient, $requestFactory);
// Create container document. "ODataDemo.Product" — entity type we want to create.
$document = $service->getDocumentFactory()->createEntityDocument('ODataDemo.Product');
$entry = $document->getEntry();
$entry->getProperties()->add('ID', mt_rand(50, 10000), Primitive::INT32);
$entry->getProperties()->add('ReleaseDate', new \DateTime(), Primitive::DATETIME);
$entry->getProperties()->add('Rating', 4, Primitive::INT16);
$entry->getProperties()->add('Price', 14.5, Primitive::DOUBLE);
$uri = new Uri();

/** @var \Pimple\Container $container */
use Http\Client\Common\HttpMethodsClient;
use Http\Client\Plugin\AuthenticationPlugin;
use Http\Client\Plugin\PluginClient;
use Http\Discovery\HttpClientDiscovery;
use Http\Discovery\MessageFactoryDiscovery;
use Http\Message\Authentication\BasicAuth;
use Pimple\Container;
use TonicForHealth\ReportAggregator\Sync\TestRailSync;
$config = $container['config'];
$container['testrail.api_url'] = $config['testrail']['api_url'];
$container['testrail.user'] = $config['testrail']['user'];
$container['testrail.password'] = $config['testrail']['password'];
$container['testrail.base_auth'] = function (Container $c) {
    return new BasicAuth($c['testrail.user'], $c['testrail.password']);
$container['testrail.auth'] = function (Container $c) {
    return new AuthenticationPlugin($c['testrail.base_auth']);
$container['testrail.plugin_client'] = function (Container $c) {
    return new PluginClient(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), [$c['testrail.auth']]);
$container['testrail.client'] = function (Container $c) {
    return new HttpMethodsClient($c['testrail.plugin_client'], MessageFactoryDiscovery::find());
$container['testrail.sync'] = function (Container $c) {
    return new TestRailSync($c['testrail.api_url'], $c['testrail.client']);
예제 #27
 public static function create($token, HttpClient $httpClient = null, MessageFactory $messageFactory = null, Serializer $serializer = null)
     $httpClient = new PluginClient($httpClient ?: HttpClientDiscovery::find(), [new AuthenticationPlugin(new Bearer($token))]);
     return new self($httpClient, $messageFactory, $serializer);
예제 #28
 public static function create() : self
     return new self(HttpClientDiscovery::find(), MessageFactoryDiscovery::find(), UriFactoryDiscovery::find());
예제 #29
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function createConfig(array $config = [])
     $config = ArrayObject::ensureArrayObject($config);
     $config->defaults(['httplug.message_factory' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         if (class_exists(MessageFactoryDiscovery::class)) {
             return MessageFactoryDiscovery::find();
         if (class_exists(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request::class)) {
             return new GuzzleMessageFactory();
         if (class_exists(\Zend\Diactoros\Request::class)) {
             return new DiactorosMessageFactory();
         throw new \LogicException('The httplug.message_factory could not be guessed. Install one of the following packages: php-http/guzzle6-adapter, zendframework/zend-diactoros. You can also overwrite the config option with your implementation.');
     }, 'httplug.stream_factory' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         if (class_exists(StreamFactoryDiscovery::class)) {
             return StreamFactoryDiscovery::find();
         if (class_exists(\GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Request::class)) {
             return new GuzzleStreamFactory();
         if (class_exists(\Zend\Diactoros\Request::class)) {
             return new DiactorosStreamFactory();
         throw new \LogicException('The httplug.stream_factory could not be guessed. Install one of the following packages: php-http/guzzle6-adapter, zendframework/zend-diactoros. You can also overwrite the config option with your implementation.');
     }, 'httplug.client' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         if (class_exists(HttpClientDiscovery::class)) {
             return HttpClientDiscovery::find();
         if (class_exists(HttpGuzzle6Client::class)) {
             return new HttpGuzzle6Client();
         if (class_exists(HttpGuzzle5Client::class)) {
             return new HttpGuzzle5Client();
         if (class_exists(HttpSocketClient::class)) {
             return new HttpSocketClient();
         if (class_exists(HttpCurlClient::class)) {
             return new HttpCurlClient($config['httplug.message_factory'], $config['httplug.stream_factory']);
         if (class_exists(HttpBuzzClient::class)) {
             return new HttpBuzzClient();
         throw new \LogicException('The httplug.client could not be guessed. Install one of the following packages: php-http/guzzle6-adapter. You can also overwrite the config option with your implementation.');
     }, 'payum.http_client' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         return new HttplugClient($config['httplug.client']);
     }, 'payum.template.layout' => '@PayumCore/layout.html.twig', 'twig.env' => function () {
         return new \Twig_Environment(new \Twig_Loader_Chain());
     }, 'twig.register_paths' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         $twig = $config['twig.env'];
         if (false == $twig instanceof \Twig_Environment) {
             throw new \LogicException(sprintf('The `twig.env config option must contains instance of Twig_Environment but got %s`', is_object($twig) ? get_class($twig) : gettype($twig)));
         TwigUtil::registerPaths($twig, $config['payum.paths']);
         return null;
     }, 'payum.action.get_http_request' => new GetHttpRequestAction(), 'payum.action.capture_payment' => new CapturePaymentAction(), 'payum.action.authorize_payment' => new AuthorizePaymentAction(), 'payum.action.payout_payout' => new PayoutPayoutAction(), 'payum.action.execute_same_request_with_model_details' => new ExecuteSameRequestWithModelDetailsAction(), 'payum.action.render_template' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         return new RenderTemplateAction($config['twig.env'], $config['payum.template.layout']);
     }, 'payum.extension.endless_cycle_detector' => new EndlessCycleDetectorExtension(), 'payum.action.get_currency' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         return new GetCurrencyAction($config['payum.iso4217']);
     }, 'payum.prepend_actions' => [], 'payum.prepend_extensions' => [], 'payum.prepend_apis' => [], 'payum.default_options' => [], 'payum.required_options' => [], 'payum.api.http_client' => function (ArrayObject $config) {
         return $config['payum.http_client'];
     }, 'payum.security.token_storage' => null]);
     if ($config['payum.security.token_storage']) {
         $config['payum.action.get_token'] = function (ArrayObject $config) {
             return new GetTokenAction($config['payum.security.token_storage']);
     $config['payum.paths'] = array_replace(['PayumCore' => __DIR__ . '/Resources/views'], $config['payum.paths'] ?: []);
     return (array) $config;
  * @param BackupEvent $event
 public function whenBackupIsCompleted(BackupEvent $event)
     $request = MessageFactoryDiscovery::find()->createRequest('GET', $this->url);