isTypeSubTypeOf() 정적인 공개 메소드

Provided a type and a super type, return true if the first type is either equal or a subset of the second super type (covariant).
static public isTypeSubTypeOf ( Schema $schema, Type $maybeSubType, Type $superType )
$schema GraphQL\Schema
$maybeSubType GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
$superType GraphQL\Type\Definition\Type
 public function __invoke(ValidationContext $context)
     return [NodeKind::OPERATION_DEFINITION => ['enter' => function () {
         $this->varDefMap = [];
     }, 'leave' => function (OperationDefinitionNode $operation) use($context) {
         $usages = $context->getRecursiveVariableUsages($operation);
         foreach ($usages as $usage) {
             $node = $usage['node'];
             $type = $usage['type'];
             $varName = $node->name->value;
             $varDef = isset($this->varDefMap[$varName]) ? $this->varDefMap[$varName] : null;
             if ($varDef && $type) {
                 // A var type is allowed if it is the same or more strict (e.g. is
                 // a subtype of) than the expected type. It can be more strict if
                 // the variable type is non-null when the expected type is nullable.
                 // If both are list types, the variable item type can be more strict
                 // than the expected item type (contravariant).
                 $schema = $context->getSchema();
                 $varType = TypeInfo::typeFromAST($schema, $varDef->type);
                 if ($varType && !TypeInfo::isTypeSubTypeOf($schema, $this->effectiveType($varType, $varDef), $type)) {
                     $context->reportError(new Error(self::badVarPosMessage($varName, $varType, $type), [$varDef, $node]));
     }], NodeKind::VARIABLE_DEFINITION => function (VariableDefinitionNode $varDefNode) {
         $this->varDefMap[$varDefNode->variable->name->value] = $varDefNode;
예제 #2
  * @param ObjectType $object
  * @param InterfaceType $iface
  * @throws \Exception
 private static function assertObjectImplementsInterface(Schema $schema, ObjectType $object, InterfaceType $iface)
     $objectFieldMap = $object->getFields();
     $ifaceFieldMap = $iface->getFields();
     foreach ($ifaceFieldMap as $fieldName => $ifaceField) {
         Utils::invariant(isset($objectFieldMap[$fieldName]), "\"{$iface}\" expects field \"{$fieldName}\" but \"{$object}\" does not provide it");
         /** @var $ifaceField FieldDefinition */
         /** @var $objectField FieldDefinition */
         $objectField = $objectFieldMap[$fieldName];
         Utils::invariant(Utils\TypeInfo::isTypeSubTypeOf($schema, $objectField->getType(), $ifaceField->getType()), "{$iface}.{$fieldName} expects type \"{$ifaceField->getType()}\" but " . "{$object}.{$fieldName} provides type \"{$objectField->getType()}\".");
         foreach ($ifaceField->args as $ifaceArg) {
             /** @var $ifaceArg FieldArgument */
             /** @var $objectArg FieldArgument */
             $argName = $ifaceArg->name;
             $objectArg = $objectField->getArg($argName);
             // Assert interface field arg exists on object field.
             Utils::invariant($objectArg, "{$iface}.{$fieldName} expects argument \"{$argName}\" but {$object}.{$fieldName} does not provide it.");
             // Assert interface field arg type matches object field arg type.
             // (invariant)
             Utils::invariant(Utils\TypeInfo::isEqualType($ifaceArg->getType(), $objectArg->getType()), "{$iface}.{$fieldName}({$argName}:) expects type \"{$ifaceArg->getType()}\" " . "but {$object}.{$fieldName}({$argName}:) provides " . "type \"{$objectArg->getType()}\"");
             // Assert argument set invariance.
             foreach ($objectField->args as $objectArg) {
                 $argName = $objectArg->name;
                 $ifaceArg = $ifaceField->getArg($argName);
                 Utils::invariant($ifaceArg, "{$iface}.{$fieldName} does not define argument \"{$argName}\" but " . "{$object}.{$fieldName} provides it.");