예제 #1
 private function commit()
     if (count($this->batch->getOperations())) {
     } else {
     $this->batch = null;
예제 #2
  * Load a single line into the batch
  * @param string $line
  * @param Batch $batch
  * @param integer $lineNum
  * @param array $nodes
  * @param array $rels
 protected function loadLine($line, Batch $batch, $lineNum, &$nodes, &$rels)
     $descriptorPattern = "/^(\n\t\t\t\\((\\w+)\\)\t            # node identifier or relationship start node\n\t\t\t(                       # next two sub expressions signify a relationship line\n\t\t\t\t-\\[(\\w*):(\\w+)\\]    # relationship identifier and type\n\t\t\t\t->\\((\\w+)\\)         # relationship end node\n\t\t)?)(\n\t\t\t\\s+(.*)                 # properties\n\t\t)?/x";
     $indexPattern = "/^(\n\t\t\t\\{(\\w+)\\}               # index name\n\t\t\t->(\\(|\\[)\t\t\t\t# ( indicates node index, [ indicates relationship index\n\t\t\t\t(\\w+)               # node identifier to index\n\t\t\t(\\)|\\])                 # must match opening ( or [\n\t\t)(\n\t\t\t\\s+(.*)                 # keys:values to index\n\t\t)?/x";
     $line = trim($line);
     if (!$line || $line[0] == '#') {
     $matches = array();
     $descriptorMatch = preg_match($descriptorPattern, $line, $matches);
     if ($descriptorMatch && !empty($matches[3])) {
         $startNodeId = $matches[2];
         $relId = $matches[4];
         $type = $matches[5];
         $endNodeId = $matches[6];
         if (!isset($nodes[$startNodeId]) || !isset($nodes[$endNodeId])) {
             throw new Exception("Invalid node reference on line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
         } else {
             if (!empty($relId) && isset($rels[$relId])) {
                 throw new Exception("Duplicate relationship on line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
         $properties = !empty($matches[8]) ? json_decode($matches[8]) : false;
         $rel = $this->client->makeRelationship();
         $rel->setProperties($properties ?: array())->setType($type)->setStartNode($nodes[$startNodeId])->setEndNode($nodes[$endNodeId]);
         if (!empty($relId)) {
             $rels[$relId] = $rel;
     } else {
         if ($descriptorMatch) {
             $nodeId = $matches[2];
             if (isset($nodes[$nodeId])) {
                 throw new Exception("Duplicate node on line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
             $properties = !empty($matches[7]) ? json_decode($matches[7]) : false;
             $node = $this->client->makeNode();
             $node->setProperties($properties ?: array());
             $nodes[$nodeId] = $node;
     $matches = array();
     $indexMatch = preg_match($indexPattern, $line, $matches);
     if ($indexMatch) {
         $name = $matches[2];
         $openBrace = $matches[3];
         $closeBrace = $matches[5];
         $entityId = $matches[4];
         $properties = !empty($matches[7]) ? json_decode($matches[7]) : false;
         if ($properties) {
             $type = null;
             if ($openBrace == '(' && $closeBrace == ')') {
                 if (!isset($nodes[$entityId])) {
                     throw new Exception("Invalid node reference on line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
                 $entity = $nodes[$entityId];
                 $type = Index::TypeNode;
             } else {
                 if ($openBrace == '[' && $closeBrace == ']') {
                     if (!isset($rels[$entityId])) {
                         throw new Exception("Invalid relationship reference on line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
                     $entity = $rels[$entityId];
                     $type = Index::TypeRelationship;
             if ($type) {
                 $index = new Index($this->client, $type, $name);
                 foreach ($properties as $key => $value) {
                     $batch->addToIndex($index, $entity, $key, $value);
     throw new Exception("Cannot parse line {$lineNum}: {$line}");
예제 #3
 public static function directTransfer(Neo4jConnection $source, Neo4jConnection $target, $readBatchSize, $nodeBatchSize, $relationBatchSize, $ignoredRelationProperties = null, $preserveIds = null, OutputInterface $output = null)
     $sepSize = self::SEP_SIZE;
     $sourceClient = $source->makeClient();
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Reading from:        %s:%d', $source->getHost(), $source->getPort()), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Read batch size:     %d', $readBatchSize), $output);
     list($nodeCount, $minNodeId, $maxNodeId) = static::readNodeStats($sourceClient);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Number of nodes:     %d [%d->%d]', $nodeCount, $minNodeId, $maxNodeId), $output);
     list($relationCount, $minRelationId, $maxRelationId) = static::readRelationStats($sourceClient);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Number of relations: %d [%d->%d]', $relationCount, $minRelationId, $maxRelationId), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     $targetClient = $target->makeClient();
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Writing to:          %s:%d', $target->getHost(), $target->getPort()), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Node batch size:     %d', $nodeBatchSize), $output);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Relation batch size: %d', $relationBatchSize), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     list($targetRelationCount, $targetMinRelationId, $targetMaxRelationId) = static::readRelationStats($targetClient);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Removing relations:  %d [%d->%d]', $targetRelationCount, $targetMinRelationId, $targetMaxRelationId), $output);
     list($targetNodeCount, $targetMinNodeId, $targetMaxNodeId) = static::readNodeStats($targetClient);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Removing nodes:      %d [%d->%d]', $targetNodeCount, $targetMinNodeId, $targetMaxNodeId), $output);
     $targetClient->executeCypherQuery(new Query($targetClient, self::CYPHER_REMOVE_ALL_NODES));
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     $nodeIds = array();
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Node transfer:       %d (%d batches of %d)', $nodeCount, ceil($nodeCount / $nodeBatchSize), $nodeBatchSize), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     $fromNodeId = 0;
     $k = 0;
     $nodesWithAttributesReferringToIds = array();
     while (isset($fromNodeId)) {
         static::writeInfo('*', $output);
         if ($k >= $sepSize) {
             $k = 0;
             static::writelnInfo('', $output);
         $resultSet = static::readNodes($sourceClient, $readBatchSize, $maxNodeId, $fromNodeId);
         if (empty($resultSet)) {
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < count($resultSet)) {
             $batch = array_slice($resultSet, $i, $nodeBatchSize);
             list($nodes, $fromNodeId) = static::importNodes($nodeIds, $targetClient, $batch, $nodesWithAttributesReferringToIds, $preserveIds);
             static::writeInfo('-', $output);
             if ($k >= $sepSize) {
                 $k = 0;
                 static::writelnInfo('', $output);
             $i += $nodeBatchSize;
     static::writelnInfo(' .', $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     if (empty($nodesWithAttributesReferringToIds)) {
         static::writelnInfo('No node(s) with attributes that refer to node IDs.', $output);
     } else {
         static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Updating %d node(s) with node IDs attributes', count($nodesWithAttributesReferringToIds)), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     $batch = new Batch($targetClient);
     foreach ($nodesWithAttributesReferringToIds as $oldNodeId => $attributesReferringToIds) {
         $newNodeId = $nodeIds[$oldNodeId];
         $n = $targetClient->getNode($newNodeId);
         foreach ($attributesReferringToIds as $attributeName => $oldId) {
             $newId = isset($nodeIds[$oldId]) ? $nodeIds[$oldId] : null;
             $n->setProperty($attributeName, $newId);
     static::writelnInfo(sprintf('Relation transfer:   %d (%d batches of %d)', $relationCount, ceil($relationCount / $relationBatchSize), $relationBatchSize), $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);
     $fromRelationId = 0;
     $k = 0;
     while (isset($fromRelationId)) {
         static::writeInfo('*', $output);
         if ($k >= $sepSize) {
             $k = 0;
             static::writelnInfo('', $output);
         $resultSet = static::readRelations($sourceClient, $readBatchSize, $maxRelationId, $fromRelationId);
         if (empty($resultSet)) {
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < count($resultSet)) {
             $batch = array_slice($resultSet, $i, $relationBatchSize);
             list($relations, $fromRelationId) = static::importRelations($nodeIds, $targetClient, $batch, $ignoredRelationProperties);
             static::writeInfo('-', $output);
             if ($k >= $sepSize) {
                 $k = 0;
                 static::writelnInfo('', $output);
             $i += $relationBatchSize;
     static::writelnInfo(' .', $output);
     static::sepInfo($sepSize, $output);