#!/usr/bin/env php
 * @title    Example to show small head into larger head.
 * @command  ChattyYes | head -n 5 | head
 * @expected Yes\nI\nAm\nChatty\nYes\n
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use ElvenSpellmaker\PipeSys as PS;
use ElvenSpellmaker\PipeSys\Command;
$c = new PS\Scheduler(new Command\StandardConnector());
$c->addCommand(new Command\ChattyYes());
$c->addCommand(new Command\Head(5));
$c->addCommand(new Command\Head(10));
예제 #2
 * @title    Tests two infintie commands sandwiched by a terminating command.
 * @command  yes | head | yes
 * @expected y\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\ny\n
include __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
use ElvenSpellmaker\PipeSys as PS;
use ElvenSpellmaker\PipeSys\Command;
$c = new PS\Scheduler(new Command\StandardConnector());
$c->addCommand(new Command\Yes());
$c->addCommand(new Command\Head(1));
$c->addCommand(new Command\Yes());
$output = '';
if ($count = count($c->run(3)) !== 3) {
    $output .= "Expecting 3 elements, received {$count}\n";
$expected = [0 => 'ElvenSpellmaker\\PipeSys\\Command\\Yes', 2 => 'ElvenSpellmaker\\PipeSys\\Command\\Yes'];
$received = array_map('get_class', $c->run(1));
if ($received !== $expected) {
    $output .= "Expecting the head to be missing!\n";
$expected = [2 => 'ElvenSpellmaker\\PipeSys\\Command\\Yes'];
$received = array_map('get_class', $c->run(1));
if ($received !== $expected) {
    $output .= "Expecting the last yes to be present only!\n";
if (!count($c->run(5))) {
    $output .= "Command has terminated sometime before 10 runs!\n";