예제 #1
  * Creates a new test archive.
  * If a `$build` callback is not given, the default build will be used.
  * @param callable $build The archive build callback.
  * @return string The path to the test archive.
 protected function createArchive(callable $build = null)
     $path = tempnam($this->dir, '');
     $path .= '.phar';
     $builder = new Builder($path);
     if (null === $build) {
         $builder->addFromString('b/b', 'b');
         $builder->addFromString('c/c/c', 'c');
         $builder->addFromString('d/d/d/d', 'd');
         $builder->addFromString('e', 'e');
     } else {
     return $path;
예제 #2
  * Verifies that we can build an archive with a custom stub.
  * @covers \Box\Command\BuildCommand
  * @covers \Box\Handler\ConsoleOutputHandler
 public function testExecute()
     // create the project sources
     mkdir($this->dir . '/a');
     mkdir($this->dir . '/b');
     mkdir($this->dir . '/e');
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/a/a', 'a');
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/b/b', 'b');
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/b/c', 'c');
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/e/f', 'f');
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/e/g', 'g');
     // create project configuration
     file_put_contents($this->dir . '/box.yml', Yaml::dump(array('builder' => array('blacklist' => array('file' => array('/\\/e\\/g/'))), 'box' => array('build' => array('compress' => 'GZ', 'metadata' => 123, 'output' => 'test.phar', 'signature' => array('algorithm' => 'MD5', 'file' => ''), 'source' => array('file' => array(array('path' => 'a/a', 'local' => 'd')), 'directory' => array(array('path' => 'b', 'filter' => '/c$/')))), 'stub' => array('banner' => '// banner', 'code' => 'code();', 'extract' => true, 'intercept' => true, 'load' => array(array('alias' => 'load.phar', 'path' => '/path/to/load.phar')), 'map' => 'map.phar', 'mount' => array(array('local' => 'mount/point', 'path' => '/path/to/mount.phar')), 'mung' => array('PHP_SELF', 'REQUEST_URI'), 'shebang' => '#!/usr/bin/php', 'web' => array('alias' => 'web.phar', 'index' => 'web.php', 'notFound' => 'notFound.php', 'rewrite' => 'rewrite'))))));
     // reload the application
     $this->app = $this->createApp($this->dir);
     // listen to all build events
     /** @var EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher */
     $dispatcher = $this->app->getContainer()->get('box.event_dispatcher');
     $count = 0;
     $events = array(BuilderEvents::PRE_ADD_FILE => 'Box\\Component\\Builder\\Event\\PreAddFileEvent', Events::BUILD_ITERATORS => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\IteratorsEvent', Events::POST_BUILD => 'Box\\Event\\PostBuildEvent', Events::POST_BUILD_COMPRESS => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PostCompressEvent', Events::POST_BUILD_METADATA => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PostMetadataEvent', Events::POST_BUILD_SIGN => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PostSignEvent', Events::POST_BUILD_SOURCES => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PostSourcesEvent', Events::POST_BUILD_STUB => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PostStubEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD => 'Box\\Event\\PreBuildEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD_COMPRESS => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PreCompressEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD_METADATA => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PreMetadataEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD_SIGN => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PreSignEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD_SOURCES => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PreSourcesEvent', Events::PRE_BUILD_STUB => 'Box\\Event\\Build\\PreStubEvent');
     foreach ($events as $event => $class) {
         $dispatcher->addListener($event, function ($event) use($class, &$count) {
             self::assertInstanceOf($class, $event);
     // register an iterator
     $dispatcher->addListener(Events::BUILD_ITERATORS, function (IteratorsEvent $event) {
         $event->addIterator(new \ArrayIterator(array($this->dir . '/e/f' => $this->dir . '/e/f', $this->dir . '/e/g' => $this->dir . '/e/g')), $this->dir);
     // changes the contents of a single file to test processing event
     $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new ProcessorSubscriber(new CallbackProcessor(function ($file) {
         return 'd' === $file;
     }, function () {
         return 'd';
     // build the archive
     $status = $this->runCommand(new ArrayInput(array('command' => 'build', '-v' => true)), $output);
     if (0 !== $status) {
     // verify that the logging was enabled
     self::assertContains('box.INFO', $this->readOutput($output));
     // make sure all of the events are dispatched
     self::assertEquals(count($events), $count, 'Not all of the events were dispatched.');
     // check the built archive
     self::assertFileExists($this->dir . '/test.phar');
     $builder = new Builder($this->dir . '/test.phar');
     self::assertEquals('d', file_get_contents($builder->resolvePath('d')->getPathname()));
     // check the stub
     $stub = $builder->getStub();
     self::assertContains('// banner', $stub);
     self::assertContains('code();', $stub);
     self::assertContains('class Extract', $stub);
     self::assertContains('Phar::interceptFileFuncs();', $stub);
     self::assertContains('Phar::loadPhar(\'/path/to/load.phar\', \'load.phar\');', $stub);
     self::assertContains('Phar::mapPhar(\'map.phar\');', $stub);
     self::assertContains('Phar::mount(\'/path/to/mount.phar\', \'mount/point\');', $stub);
     self::assertContains(sprintf('Phar::mungServer(%s);', var_export(array('PHP_SELF', 'REQUEST_URI'), true)), $stub);
     self::assertContains('#!/usr/bin/php', $stub);
     self::assertContains('Phar::webPhar(\'web.phar\', \'web.php\'', $stub);