  * @param  \Box\Brainy\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $compiler
  * @param  string                                $name
  * @param  string                                $childBlockVar
  * @return string
 protected static function compileForced($compiler, $name, $childBlockVar)
     $nameVar = '$' . $compiler->getUniqueVarName();
     $output = "{$nameVar} = {$name};\n";
     $output .= "{$childBlockVar} = \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['smarty']['blocks'][{$nameVar}] ?: null;\n";
     $output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['smarty']['blocks'][{$nameVar}] = function (\$_smarty_tpl) use ({$childBlockVar}) {\n";
     return $output;
예제 #2
  * @param  \Box\Brainy\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $compiler A compiler reference
  * @param  array|null                            $args     Arguments
  * @return mixed
 public static function compileOpenShorthand(\Box\Brainy\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $compiler, $args)
     $start = self::getRequiredArg($args, 'start');
     $to = self::getRequiredArg($args, 'to');
     $step = self::getOptionalArg($args, 'step', 1);
     $max = self::getOptionalArg($args, 'max', INF);
     $var = $start['var'];
     $value = $start['value'];
     $total = "ceil(({$step} > 0 ? {$to} + 1 - ({$value}) : {$value} - ({$to}) + 1) / abs({$step}))";
     if ($max !== INF) {
         $total = "min({$total}, {$max})";
     $stepVar = '$' . $compiler->getUniqueVarName();
     $totalVar = '$' . $compiler->getUniqueVarName();
     $iterationVar = '$' . $compiler->getUniqueVarName();
     $output = "{$stepVar} = {$step};\n";
     $output .= "{$totalVar} = (int) {$total};\n";
     $output .= "if ({$totalVar} > 0) {\n";
     $output .= "  \$_smarty_tpl->setVariable({$var}, 0);\n";
     $varVar = "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars[{$var}]";
     $output .= "  for ({$varVar} = {$value}, {$iterationVar} = 1; {$iterationVar} <= {$totalVar}; {$varVar} += {$stepVar}, {$iterationVar}++) {\n";
     self::openTag($compiler, 'for', array('for'));
     return $output;
예제 #3
  * @param  \Box\Brainy\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $compiler A compiler reference
  * @param  array|null                            $args     Arguments
  * @return mixed
 public static function compileOpen(\Box\Brainy\Compiler\TemplateCompiler $compiler, $args)
     $name = self::getRequiredArg($args, 'name');
     $assign = self::getOptionalArg($args, 'assign');
     $paramArray = self::flattenCompiledArray($args);
     $paramArray = self::exportArray($paramArray);
     $tmpVar = '$' . $compiler->getUniqueVarName();
     // Evaluate the function name dynamically at runtime
     $output = "{$tmpVar} = {$name};\n";
     // Safety Dance
     $output .= "if (!array_key_exists({$tmpVar}, \$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['smarty']['functions'])) {\n";
     $output .= "  \$funcs = implode(', ', array_keys(\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['smarty']['functions'])) ?: '<none>';\n";
     $output .= "  throw new \\Box\\Brainy\\Exceptions\\SmartyException('Call to undefined function \\'' . {$tmpVar} . '\\'. Defined functions: ' . \$funcs);\n";
     $output .= "}\n";
     if ($assign) {
         $output .= "ob_start();\n";
     $output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['smarty']['functions'][{$tmpVar}]({$paramArray});\n";
     if ($assign) {
         $output .= "\$_smarty_tpl->setVariable({$assign}, ob_get_clean());\n";
     return $output;