예제 #1
  * @covers ::open
  * @covers ::isOpen
  * @covers ::write
  * @covers ::close
 public function testOpenForWrite()
     $file = new WritableStreamBackupFile($this->adapter->createTempFile());
     // Not open yet
     // Open for reading.
     $handle = $file->openForWrite();
     // Write to the file
     $path = $file->realpath();
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($file->realpath()), 'Hello');
     // Append to the file
     $file->write(', World!');
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($file->realpath()), 'Hello, World!');
     // Test implicit file open and close.
     $new_file = new WritableStreamBackupFile($this->adapter->createTempFile());
     $path = $new_file->realpath();
     $new_file->write('Hello, World!');
     $this->assertEquals(file_get_contents($new_file->realpath()), 'Hello, World!');
     //      unset($new_file);
     //      // Make sure the file was deleted
     //      $this->assertFalse(file_exists($path));
예제 #2
  * Return a new file based on the one passed in but with the last part of the
  * file extension removed.
  * For example: xxx.mysql.gz would become xxx.mysql
  * @param \BackupMigrate\Core\File\BackupFileInterface $file
  * @return \BackupMigrate\Core\File\BackupFileWritableInterface
  *        A new writable backup file with the last extension removed and
  *        all of the metadata from the previous file.
 public function popExt(BackupFileInterface $file)
     // Pop the last extension from the last of the file.
     $parts = $file->getExtList();
     $new_ext = implode($parts, '.');
     // Create a new temp file with the new extension
     $out = new WritableStreamBackupFile($this->adapter->createTempFile($new_ext));
     // Copy the file metadata to a new TempFile
     return $out;