  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->_projectModel = $projectModel;
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(MessageModelMongoMapper::connect($databaseName), $id);
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string       $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->itemKeys = new ArrayOf();
     $this->name = "";
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(self::mapper($databaseName), $id);
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param int $newerThanTimestamp
 public function __construct($projectModel, $newerThanTimestamp = null)
     if (!is_null($newerThanTimestamp)) {
         $startDate = new UTCDateTime(1000 * $newerThanTimestamp);
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('dateModified' => array('$gte' => $startDate)), array(), array('key' => 1));
     } else {
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array(), array(), array('key' => 1));
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->content = '';
     $this->regarding = new SemDomTransFieldReference();
     $this->entryRef = new Id();
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(self::mapper($databaseName), $id);
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->items = new ArrayOf(function () {
         return new LexOptionListItem();
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->canDelete = true;
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(self::mapper($databaseName), $id);
  * Removes a user from the collection
  * Project references to this user are also removed
 public function remove()
     foreach ($this->projects->refs as $id) {
         /* @var Id $id */
         $project = new ProjectModel($id->asString());
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param int $newerThanTimestamp
 public function __construct($projectModel, $newerThanTimestamp = null)
     new LexProjectModel($projectModel->id->asString());
     if (!is_null($newerThanTimestamp)) {
         $startDate = new UTCDateTime(1000 * $newerThanTimestamp);
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('isDeleted' => true, 'dateModified' => array('$gte' => $startDate)), array());
     } else {
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('isDeleted' => true), array());
 public function getProjectMember($projectId, $userName)
     $userId = $this->createUser($userName, $userName, '*****@*****.**');
     $user = new UserModel($userId);
     $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
     $project->addUser($userId, ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR);
     return $userId;
 public function run($mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode == 'test';
     $message = "";
     $userlist = new UserListModel();
     $badUserRoles = 0;
     foreach ($userlist->entries as $userParams) {
         // foreach existing user
         $userId = $userParams['id'];
         $user = new UserModel($userId);
         if (!$user->role) {
             $user->role = SystemRoles::USER;
             if (!$testMode) {
             $message .= "Fixed role of user {$userId}\n";
     if ($badUserRoles > 0) {
         $message .= "\n\nFixed {$badUserRoles} non-existent user roles from the users collection\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\n\nNo non-existent user roles found in the users collection\n\n";
     $projectlist = new ProjectListModel();
     $badProjectUserRoles = 0;
     foreach ($projectlist->entries as $projectParams) {
         // foreach existing project
         $projectId = $projectParams['id'];
         $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
         $projectUserRefs = array_keys($project->users);
         foreach ($projectUserRefs as $ref) {
             // foreach user that is a member of this project
             if (!isset($project->users[$ref]->role)) {
                 $project->users[$ref]->role = ProjectRoles::CONTRIBUTOR;
                 $message .= "Fixed role of user {$ref} for project {$projectId}\n";
         if (!$testMode) {
     if ($badProjectUserRoles > 0) {
         $message .= "\n\nFixed {$badProjectUserRoles} non-existent user roles from the projects collection\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\n\nNo non-existent user roles found in the projects collection\n\n";
     return $message;
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param int $newerThanTimestamp
  * @param int $limit
  * @param int $skip
 public function __construct($projectModel, $newerThanTimestamp = null, $limit = 0, $skip = 0)
     $this->entries = new ArrayOf(function () use($projectModel) {
         return new LexCommentModel($projectModel);
     // sort ascending by creation date
     if (!is_null($newerThanTimestamp)) {
         $startDate = new UTCDateTime($newerThanTimestamp * 1000);
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('isDeleted' => false, 'dateModified' => array('$gte' => $startDate)), array(), array('dateCreated' => 1), $limit, $skip);
     } else {
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('isDeleted' => false), array(), array('dateCreated' => 1), $limit, $skip);
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->workflowState = "open";
     // default workflow state
     $this->description = '';
     $this->title = '';
     $this->textRef = new IdReference();
     $this->answers = new MapOf(function () {
         return new AnswerModel();
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(QuestionModelMongoMapper::connect($databaseName), $id);
 public function create()
     $environ = new MongoTestEnvironment();
     $this->website = $environ->website;
     $this->project = $environ->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $this->project->appName = 'sfchecks';
     $this->question = new QuestionModel($this->project);
     $this->userId = $environ->createUser('test_user', 'Test User', '*****@*****.**');
     $this->projectId = $this->project->id->asString();
     $this->questionId = $this->question->id->asString();
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param int $newerThanTimestamp
  * @param int $limit
  * @param int $skip
 public function __construct($projectModel, $newerThanTimestamp = null, $limit = 0, $skip = 0)
     // for use with readAsModels()
     $this->entries = new ArrayOf(function () use($projectModel) {
         return new LexEntryModel($projectModel);
     $lexProject = new LexProjectModel($projectModel->id->asString());
     $this->_config = $lexProject->config;
     if (!is_null($newerThanTimestamp)) {
         $startDate = new UTCDateTime(1000 * $newerThanTimestamp);
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('dateModified' => array('$gte' => $startDate), 'isDeleted' => false), array(), array(), $limit, $skip);
     } else {
         parent::__construct(self::mapper($projectModel->databaseName()), array('isDeleted' => false), array(), array(), $limit, $skip);
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->key = '';
     $this->name = new SemDomTransTranslatedForm();
     $this->description = new SemDomTransTranslatedForm();
     $this->searchKeys = new ArrayOf(function () {
         return new SemDomTransTranslatedForm();
     $this->questions = new ArrayOf(function () {
         return new SemDomTransQuestion();
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(self::mapper($databaseName), $id);
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Ensure DB Indexes\n";
     $numberOfIndexesCreated = 0;
     $website = Website::get();
     $onDevMachine = strpos($website->domain, 'dev.') !== false;
     $onLocalMachine = strrpos($website->domain, '.local') !== false;
     $message .= "\n-------------  Main Database:\n";
     $mainCollectionName = ProjectModelMongoMapper::instance()->getCollectionName();
     $mainIndexes = ProjectModelMongoMapper::instance()->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
     $mainIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection(SF_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
     $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($mainIndexesToCreate);
     $message .= count($mainIndexesToCreate) . " main indexes created.\n";
     if (($onDevMachine || $onLocalMachine) && MongoStore::hasDB(SF_TEST_DATABASE)) {
         $message .= "\n-------------  Test Database:\n";
         $mainIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection(SF_TEST_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
         $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($mainIndexesToCreate);
         $message .= count($mainIndexesToCreate) . " test indexes created.\n";
     if (!$testMode) {
         MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection(SF_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
         if (($onDevMachine || $onLocalMachine) && MongoStore::hasDB(SF_TEST_DATABASE)) {
             MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection(SF_TEST_DATABASE, $mainCollectionName, $mainIndexes);
     // loop over every project
     $projectList = new ProjectListModel();
     foreach ($projectList->entries as $projectParams) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectParams['id']);
         if ($project->appName == 'lexicon') {
             $message .= "\n-------------  {$project->projectName} project:\n";
             $lexiconCollectionName = LexEntryModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->getCollectionName();
             $lexiconIndexes = LexEntryModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
             $lexiconIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection($project->databaseName(), $lexiconCollectionName, $lexiconIndexes);
             $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($lexiconIndexesToCreate);
             $optionListCollectionName = LexOptionListModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->getCollectionName();
             $optionListIndexes = LexOptionListModel::mapper($project->databaseName())->INDEXES_REQUIRED;
             $optionListIndexesToCreate = MongoStore::getIndexesNotSetInCollection($project->databaseName(), $optionListCollectionName, $optionListIndexes);
             $numberOfIndexesCreated += count($optionListIndexesToCreate);
             if (count($lexiconIndexesToCreate) + count($optionListIndexesToCreate) > 0) {
                 $message .= count($lexiconIndexesToCreate) . " lexicon indexes created.\n";
                 $message .= count($optionListIndexesToCreate) . " option list indexes created.\n";
             } else {
                 $message .= "No indexes needed creating.\n";
             if (!$testMode) {
                 MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection($project->databaseName(), $lexiconCollectionName, $lexiconIndexes);
                 MongoStore::ensureIndexesInCollection($project->databaseName(), $optionListCollectionName, $optionListIndexes);
     if ($numberOfIndexesCreated > 0) {
         $message .= "\nCreated {$numberOfIndexesCreated} DB Indexes.\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\nAll indexes were present.\n\n";
     return $message;
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Import Other Language Semantic Domain Projects\n\n";
     $languages = array('es', 'fa', 'hi', 'id', 'km', 'ko', 'ne', 'pt', 'ru', 'te', 'th', 'ur', 'zh-CN');
     //$languages = array('es', 'fa');
     $languageData = new LanguageData();
     foreach ($languages as $lang) {
         $projectCode = SemDomTransProjectModel::projectCode($lang);
         $languageName = $languageData->getLanguage($lang)->name;
         $projectName = SemDomTransProjectModel::projectName($lang, $languageName);
         $existingProject = new SemDomTransProjectModel();
         if ($existingProject->id->asString() != '') {
             $message .= "{$projectName} already exists!  Removing...\n";
             if (!$testMode) {
         if (!$testMode) {
             $projectId = self::_createEmptyProject($lang, $languageName, $userId);
             $projectModel = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
             $xmlFilePath = APPPATH . "resources/languageforge/semdomtrans/LocalizedLists-{$lang}.xml";
         $message .= "Finished importing the {$projectName} \n";
     return $message;
  * @param ProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->projectRef = new IdReference($projectModel->id->asString());
     $this->textRef = new IdReference();
     $this->questionRef = new IdReference();
     $this->userRef = new IdReference();
     $this->userRef2 = new IdReference();
     $this->entryRef = new IdReference();
     $this->action = $this::UNKNOWN;
     $this->date = new \DateTime();
     // set the timestamp to now
     $this->actionContent = new MapOf();
     // strings
     $this->addContent($this::PROJECT, $projectModel->projectName);
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(ActivityModelMongoMapper::connect($databaseName), $id);
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param string $userId
  * @returns array - the DTO array
 public static function encode($projectId)
     $projectModel = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
     $list = $projectModel->listUsers();
     $data = array();
     $data['userCount'] = $list->count;
     $data['users'] = $list->entries;
     $data['project'] = array('roles' => $projectModel->getRolesList(), 'ownerRef' => $projectModel->ownerRef, 'name' => $projectModel->projectName, 'appLink' => "/app/{$projectModel->appName}/{$projectId}/");
     return $data;
  * @param ProjectModel|LexProjectModel $projectModel
  * @param string       $id
 public function __construct($projectModel, $id = '')
     $this->id = new Id();
     $this->entryRef = new IdReference();
     $this->isDeleted = false;
     $this->replies = new ArrayOf(function () {
         return new LexCommentReply();
     $this->status = self::STATUS_OPEN;
     $this->score = 0;
     $this->authorInfo = new LexAuthorInfo();
     $this->regarding = new LexCommentFieldReference();
     $databaseName = $projectModel->databaseName();
     parent::__construct(self::mapper($databaseName), $id);
 public function testInitializeNewProject_defaultPartOfSpeechOptionListExists()
     $project = self::$environ->createProject(SF_TESTPROJECT, SF_TESTPROJECTCODE);
     $optionLists = new LexOptionListListModel($project);
     $this->assertCount(0, $optionLists->entries);
     $project = ProjectModel::getById($project->id->asString());
     $this->assertTrue(count($optionLists->entries) > 0);
     $this->assertEquals('adj', $optionLists->entries[0]['items'][0]['key']);
 public function testUserCanAccessMethod_projectPageDto_NotAMember_false()
     $userId = self::$environ->createUser('user', 'user', '*****@*****.**', SystemRoles::USER);
     $project = self::$environ->createProject('projectForTest', 'projTestCode');
     $project->appName = 'sfchecks';
     $projectId = $project->id->asString();
     $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
     $rh = new RightsHelper($userId, $project, self::$environ->website);
     $result = $rh->userCanAccessMethod('project_pageDto', array());
 public function checkProject($projectId)
     $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
     $this->info("Checking {$project->projectName}");
     if ($project->projectName == '') {
         $this->warn("{$projectId} has an empty projectName");
     if ($project->projectCode == '') {
         $this->warn("{$project->projectName} has an empty projectCode.  This will certainly cause failures");
     // check that a database exists for this project
     try {
         $databaseName = $project->databaseName();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $databaseName = "";
     if (!MongoStore::hasDB($databaseName)) {
         $newProjectCode = str_replace(' ', '_', strtolower($project->projectName));
         $newDatabaseName = 'sf_' . $newProjectCode;
         if (MongoStore::hasDB($newDatabaseName)) {
             $this->warn("projectCode does not correspond to an existing MongoDb but projectName does (db migration required)");
             $this->fix("Changed projectCode to {$newProjectCode}");
             $project->projectCode = $newProjectCode;
         } else {
             $this->warn("{$project->projectName} has no corresponding database. (could indicate a brand new project with no data");
     if ($project->siteName == '') {
         $this->warn("{$project->projectName} has no corresponding website (will not appear on any site)");
     if ($project->appName == '') {
         $this->warn("{$project->projectName} has no app associated with it");
     if ($this->makeChanges) {
 public function run($userId, $mode = 'test')
     $testMode = $mode != 'run';
     $message = "Fix project site name integrity\n\n";
     // loop over every project
     $projectlist = new ProjectListModel();
     $fixCount = 0;
     foreach ($projectlist->entries as $projectParams) {
         // foreach existing project
         $projectId = $projectParams['id'];
         $project = new ProjectModel($projectId);
         $hostname = $project->siteName;
         $website = Website::get($hostname);
         if (!$website) {
             // the website does not exist anymore
             $message .= "{$hostname} does not exist anymore...";
             // see if there is a redirect
             $redirect = Website::getRawRedirect($hostname);
             if ($redirect) {
                 $message .= "changed to {$redirect}\n";
                 $project->siteName = $redirect;
                 if (!$testMode) {
             } else {
                 $message .= "ERROR: dont know what to change it to since no redirect is available\n";
     if ($fixCount > 0) {
         $message .= "\n\nFixed siteNames in {$fixCount} project(s)\n\n";
     } else {
         $message .= "\n\nNo non-existent siteNames were found in the projects collection\n\n";
     return $message;
 public function testWrite_TwoModels_ReadBackBothModelsOk()
     $model = new UserModel();
     $model->email = '*****@*****.**';
     $model->username = '******';
     $id = $model->write();
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $id);
     $otherModel = new UserModel($id);
     $this->assertEquals($id, $otherModel->id->asString());
     $this->assertEquals('*****@*****.**', $otherModel->email);
     $this->assertEquals('SomeUser', $otherModel->username);
     $model = new ProjectModel();
     $model->language = 'SomeLanguage';
     $model->projectName = 'SomeProject';
     $id = $model->write();
     $this->assertInternalType('string', $id);
     $otherModel = new ProjectModel($id);
     $this->assertEquals($id, $otherModel->id->asString());
     $this->assertEquals('SomeLanguage', $otherModel->language);
     $this->assertEquals('SomeProject', $otherModel->projectName);
 public static function encode($projectId)
     $dto = array();
     $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
     $methodPrefix = 'project_management_report_' . $project->appName . '_';
     $reports = array();
     foreach (get_class_methods('\\Api\\Service\\Sf') as $methodName) {
         if (strpos($methodName, $methodPrefix) !== FALSE) {
             $reportId = explode($methodPrefix, $methodName)[1];
             $displayName = ucwords(preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', ' $1', $reportId));
             $reportId = $project->appName . '_' . $reportId;
             array_push($reports, array('id' => $reportId, 'name' => $displayName));
     $dto['reports'] = $reports;
     return $dto;
 public function onAuthenticationSuccess(Request $request, TokenInterface $token)
     $username = $token->getUser()->getUsername();
     $user = new UserModel();
     $website = Website::get();
     // automatically logout if 1) the user doesn't exist or 2) the user is not a system admin and has no site rights on the current site
     if (!$user->readByUserName($username) or $user->role != SystemRoles::SYSTEM_ADMIN and !($user->siteRole->offsetExists($website->domain) and $user->siteRole[$website->domain] != SiteRoles::NONE)) {
         return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, '/app/logout');
     $projectId = $user->getCurrentProjectId($website->domain);
     // redirect to page before the login screen was presented, or to the default project for this user
     $referer = $this->determineTargetUrl($request);
     $url = '/app/projects';
     if ($referer and strpos($referer, '/app/') !== false) {
         $url = $referer;
     } elseif ($projectId && ProjectModel::projectExistsOnWebsite($projectId, $website)) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
         if ($project->userIsMember($user->id->asString())) {
             $url = '/app/' . $project->appName . '/' . $projectId;
     return $this->httpUtils->createRedirectResponse($request, $url);
  * @param string $projectId
  * @param string $userId
  * @param Website $website
  * @param string $appName - refers to the application being used by the user
  * @return array
 public static function getSessionData($projectId, $userId, $website, $appName = '')
     $sessionData = array();
     $sessionData['userId'] = (string) $userId;
     $sessionData['baseSite'] = $website->base;
     // Rights
     $user = new UserModel($userId);
     $sessionData['userSiteRights'] = $user->getRightsArray($website);
     $sessionData['username'] = $user->username;
     if ($projectId) {
         $project = ProjectModel::getById($projectId);
         $sessionData['project'] = array();
         $sessionData['project']['id'] = (string) $projectId;
         $sessionData['project']['projectName'] = $project->projectName;
         if ($project->isArchived) {
             $sessionData['project']['projectName'] .= " [ARCHIVED]";
         $sessionData['project']['appName'] = $project->appName;
         $sessionData['project']['appLink'] = "/app/{$project->appName}/{$projectId}/";
         $sessionData['project']['ownerRef'] = $project->ownerRef->asString();
         $sessionData['project']['userIsProjectOwner'] = $project->isOwner($userId);
         $sessionData['project']['slug'] = $project->databaseName();
         $sessionData['project']['isArchived'] = $project->isArchived;
         $sessionData['userProjectRights'] = $project->getRightsArray($userId);
         $sessionData['projectSettings'] = $project->getPublicSettings($userId);
     if ($appName) {
         $sessionData['helps'] = HelpContentCommands::getSessionData($appName, $website);
     // File Size
     $postMax = self::fromValueWithSuffix(ini_get("post_max_size"));
     $uploadMax = self::fromValueWithSuffix(ini_get("upload_max_filesize"));
     $fileSizeMax = min(array($postMax, $uploadMax));
     $sessionData['fileSizeMax'] = $fileSizeMax;
     //return JsonEncoder::encode($sessionData);  // This is handled elsewhere
     return $sessionData;
 public function __construct($id = '')
예제 #29
 public function checkPermissions($methodName, $params)
     if (!self::isAnonymousMethod($methodName)) {
         if (!$this->userId) {
             throw new UserNotAuthenticatedException("Your session has timed out.  Please login again.");
         try {
             $projectModel = ProjectModel::getById($this->projectId);
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             $projectModel = null;
         $rightsHelper = new RightsHelper($this->userId, $projectModel, $this->website);
         if (!$rightsHelper->userCanAccessMethod($methodName, $params)) {
             throw new UserUnauthorizedException("Insufficient privileges accessing API method '{$methodName}'");
  * @param string $code
  * @return bool
 public static function projectCodeExists($code)
     $project = new ProjectModel();
     return $project->readByProperties(array('projectCode' => $code));