예제 #1

//Import the Class File
include "../captcha.class.php";
//Initialization & Setings
$captcha = new realCaptcha(array("height" => 200, "width" => 500, "source" => realCaptcha::DICTIONARY, "number_of_words" => 2, "fonts_dir" => "../resources/fonts/", "dictionary_file" => "../resources/dictionary.php"));
//Generating the Captcha...
$c1 = $captcha->generate();
$c1->output("png", 40);
//Output Captcha to Browser, as JPG Image with 40% Quality
$c1->file("output/c1.png", "png", 50);
//Save Captcha to PNG File
$c1->file("output/c1.jpg", "jpg", 50);
//Save Captcha to JPG File
$c1->file("output/c1.gif", "gif");
//Save Captcha to GIF File
$_SESSION["captcha_text"] = $c1->text;
//Store Captcha Text in Session
$_SESSION["captcha_array"] = $c1->array;
//Store Captcha Words Array in Session
//-----   Change Settings
$captcha->set(array("height" => 200, "width" => 400, "source" => realCaptcha::RANDOM));
$c2 = $captcha->generate();
$c2->file("output/c2.png", "png", 50);
//----   Define Temporary settings while calling the Generator Method
$c3 = $captcha->generate(array("background_color" => array(255, 0, 0), "text_color" => array(255, 255, 255)));
$c3->file("output/c3.jpg", "jpg", 50);
//----  Take Direct Input
$captcha->set(array("source" => realCaptcha::INPUT));
//Pass a String
$c4 = $captcha->generate("Example");
예제 #2

//Import the Class File
include "../captcha.class.php";
//Initialization & Setings
$captcha = new realCaptcha(array("height" => 200, "width" => 500, "source" => realCaptcha::DICTIONARY, "number_of_words" => 2, "fonts_dir" => "../resources/fonts/", "dictionary_file" => "../resources/dictionary.php"));
//Generating the Captcha...
$c = $captcha->generate();
//Output Captcha to Browser, as JPG Image with 40% Quality
$c->output("jpg", 40);
//Save Text to Session
$_SESSION["captcha_text"] = $c->text;