예제 #1
  * Генерация rss для bicotender.ru 
  * @param $date datetime в Y-m-d H:i:s
 public static function bicotenderGenerateRss($date)
     if (!preg_match("#^[0-9]{4}\\-[0-9]{2}\\-[0-9]{2}\\s[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\$#", $date, $m)) {
         $date = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00");
     global $DB;
     $cache_expire = 900;
     $sql = "SELECT p.kind, p.name, p.descr, p.id, p.post_date, p.end_date, p.cost, p.currency, p.edit_date, p.exec_id,\n                e.login, e.uname, e.usurname, e.compname, e.phone_1 AS phis_phone, e.second_email AS phis_email, e.site,\n                fin.form_type, fin._1_inn, fin._2_inn, fin._2_address_fct, fin._1_address, fin._2_phone AS jur_phone, fin._2_email AS jur_email, fin._2_bossname AS boss, fin._2_full_name,\n                country.country_name, city.city_name, groups.name AS category, professions.name AS prof\n           FROM projects p\n         INNER JOIN\n           employer e\n             ON e.uid = p.user_id\n            AND e.is_banned = '0'\n          LEFT JOIN projects_blocked pb ON pb.project_id = p.id\n          LEFT JOIN sbr_reqv AS fin ON fin.user_id = e.uid\n          LEFT JOIN country ON country.id = e.country \n          LEFT JOIN city ON city.id = e.city\n          LEFT JOIN project_to_spec AS pts ON pts.project_id = p.id\n          LEFT JOIN prof_group AS groups ON pts.category_id = groups.id\n          LEFT JOIN professions ON pts.subcategory_id = professions.id\n          WHERE pb.project_id IS NULL\n            /*AND (p.moderator_status > 0 OR e.is_pro = TRUE)*/\n            AND p.post_date >= '{$date}'\n            AND p.closed = false       \n            AND p.kind = 7\n          ORDER BY p.kind, p.post_date DESC";
     $nodes = array();
     $project_exRates = project_exrates::GetAll();
     $translate_exRates = array(0 => 2, 1 => 3, 2 => 4, 3 => 1);
     $rows = $DB->cache($cache_expire)->rows($sql);
     foreach ($rows as $row) {
         $rubprice = preg_replace('/.00$/', '', sprintf("%.2f", round($row['cost'] * $project_exRates[trim($translate_exRates[$row['currency']]) . '4'], 2)));
         $boss = $compname = $row['uname'] . " " . $row['usurname'];
         $inn = $row['_1_inn'];
         $address = $row['_1_address'];
         $phone = $row['phis_phone'];
         $email = $row['phis_email'];
         $url = $row['site'];
         $postPosition = '';
         $editDate = $row["edit_date"];
         if (!$editDate) {
             $editDate = $row["post_date"];
         if ($row['form_type'] == 2) {
             $compname = $row['_2_full_name'] ? $row['_2_full_name'] : $row['compname'];
             $inn = $row['_2_inn'];
             $address = $row['_2_address_fct'];
             $phone = $row['jur_phone'];
             $email = $row['jur_email'];
             $url = $row['site'];
             $boss = $row['boss'];
             $postPosition = 'Генеральный директор';
         $filesData = self::getAllAttach($row['id']);
         $files = '';
         if (count($filesData)) {
             $files = array();
             foreach ($filesData as $file) {
                 $files[] = "<file ID=\"{$file['file_id']}\">\n\t                    <url>{$file_url}</url>\n\t                    <name>{$file['name']}</name>\n\t                    <type>Документация</type>\n\t                    <lastUpdate>{$row['modified']}</lastUpdate>\n\t                </file>";
             $files = "<files>" . join("\n", $files) . "</files>";
         $offers = '';
         if (count($filesData)) {
             $offersData = projects_offers::GetPrjOffers($c, $row['id'], 'ALL');
             $offers = array();
             foreach ($offersData as $offer) {
                 $winner = "isWinner='1";
                 $status = "Исполнитель";
                 if ($row['exec_id'] != $offer['uid']) {
                     $winner = "";
                     if ($offer['refused'] == 't') {
                         $status = "Отказано";
                     } elseif ($offer['selected'] == 't') {
                         $status = "Кандидат";
                 $cost = preg_replace('/.00$/', '', sprintf("%.2f", round($offer['cost_from'] * $project_exRates[trim($translate_exRates[$offer['cost_type']]) . '4'], 2)));
                 $lancer = $offer['uname'] . " " . $offer['usurname'];
                 $offers[] = "<competitor ID=\"1\" {$winner}>\n\t                    <name>{$lancer}</name>\n\t                    <cost>{$cost}</cost>                \n\t                    <rating>{$offer['rating']}</rating>\n\t                    <status>{$status}</status>\n\t                </competitor>";
             $offers = "<competitors>" . join("\n", $offers) . "</competitors>";
         $nodes[] = "    <tender ID=\"{$row['id']}\" editDate = '{$editDate}'>\n        <name>{$row['name']}</name>\n        <type>Открытый конкурс</type>\n        <dateStart>{$row['post_date']}</dateStart>\n        <dateStop>{$row['end_date']}</dateStop>\n        <text>{$row['descr']}</text>\n        <cost>{$rubprice}</cost>\n        <country>{$row['country_name']}</country>\n        <address>Адрес проведения тендера</address>\n        <field name='{$row['category']}'>\n            <subfield>{$row['prof']}</subfield>\n        </field>\n        <company>\n            <name>{$compname}</name>\n            <inn>{$inn}</inn>\n            <address>{$address}</address>\n            <phone>{$phone}</phone>\n            <email>{$email}</email>\n            <url>{$url}</url>\n        </company>\n\n        <contact>\n            <name>{$boss}</name>\n            <position>{$postPosition}</position>\n        </contact>\n        {$files}\n        {$offers}\n    </tender>";
     $tenders = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?> \n<tenders>" . join("\n", $nodes) . "</tenders>";
     return iconv("WINDOWS-1251", "UTF-8//IGNORE", $tenders);
예제 #2
                 header('Location: /404.php');
             } else {
                 if (!$obj_project->CheckBlocked($prj_id) || hasPermissions('projects')) {
                     $error .= $obj_project->SwitchStatusPrj($uid, $prj_id);
                     header('Location: ' . getFriendlyURL('project', $project['id']));
 //Персональный проект
 //показываем одно единственное предложение
 if ($project['kind'] == 9) {
     $offers = $obj_offer->GetPrjOffers($num_offers, $prj_id, MAX_OFFERS_AT_PAGE, MAX_OFFERS_AT_PAGE * ($item_page - 1), $uid, TRUE, 'date', 'a');
     $real_offers_count = current($obj_offer->CountPrjOffers($prj_id, 'all'));
 } else {
     switch ($_GET['sort']) {
         case 'date':
             $po_sort = 'date';
         case 'time':
             $po_sort = 'time';
         case 'cost':
             $po_sort = 'cost';
         case 'rating':
             $po_sort = 'rating';
  * Возврат ответов в случае блокировки проекта.
  * @param int $project_id - ID проекта
  * @return mixed - сообщение об ошибке или 0 в случае успеха
 public function ReturnAnswers($project_id)
     global $DB;
     $descr = 'Возврат ответа на проект в связи с блокировкой проекта';
     $op_code = $this->return_op_code;
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/projects_offers.php';
     $of = new projects_offers();
     $offers = $of->GetPrjOffers($count, $project_id, 'ALL', 0, 0, true);
     if (!$count) {
     require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/account.php';
     $account = new account();
     foreach ($offers as $offer) {
         $uid = $offer['user_id'];
         if ($offer['type'] == 0) {
         $transaction_id = $account->start_transaction($uid);
         $error = $account->Buy($billing_id, $transaction_id, $op_code, $uid, $descr, $descr, 0, 0);
         if ($error) {
             return $error;
         if ($offer['type'] == 2) {
             $DB->query('UPDATE projects_offers_answers SET pay_offers = pay_offers + 1 WHERE uid = ?', $uid);
         } else {
             $free_cnt = self::FREE_ANSWERS_CNT;
             $DB->query("UPDATE projects_offers_answers \n                    SET free_offers = free_offers + (CASE WHEN free_offers < {$free_cnt} THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) WHERE uid = ?", $uid);
         $account->commit_transaction($transaction_id, $uid, $billing_id);
예제 #4
  * Получение одного проекта
  * @param  array $aParams массив входящих данных
  * @return array $aResult ответ
 protected function x____projects_get($aParams = array())
     $sId = __paramValue('int', $aParams['id'], null, true);
     if (!empty($sId)) {
         require_once ABS_PATH . '/classes/projects.php';
         $oPrj = new new_projects();
         $aProject = $oPrj->GetPrjCust($sId);
         $aAttaches = $oPrj->getAllAttach($sId);
         if (!empty($aProject)) {
             if ($aProject['is_banned'] || $aProject['is_blocked']) {
                 // работодатель или проест заблокированы
             $aResult = array('item' => $this->_getProjectData($aProject));
             $nUid = get_uid(false);
             $aSpecs = new_projects::getSpecs($sId);
             if (is_array($aSpecs) && $aSpecs) {
                 $aResult['item']['category_id'] = $aSpecs[0]['category_id'];
                 $aResult['item']['subcategory_id'] = $aSpecs[0]['subcategory_id'];
             $aResult['item']['attaches'] = array();
             if ($aAttaches) {
                 foreach ($aAttaches as $attach) {
                     $aResult['item']['attaches'][] = array("url" => WDCPREFIX . '/' . $attach['path'], "file" => $attach['name']);
             $aResult['item']['responses'] = array();
             if ($aProject['kind'] == 7) {
                 // конкурс
                 require_once ABS_PATH . '/classes/contest.php';
                 $oContest = new contest($sId, $nUid, is_emp(), $aProject['user_id'] == $nUid, false, is_pro());
                 if (is_array($oContest->offers) && $oContest->offers) {
                     foreach ($oContest->offers as $aOne) {
                         $aResult['item']['responses'][] = $this->_getContestOfferData($aOne);
             } else {
                 // проект
                 require_once ABS_PATH . '/classes/projects_offers.php';
                 require_once ABS_PATH . '/classes/projects_offers_dialogue.php';
                 $oPrjOffers = new projects_offers();
                 $obj_dialogue = new projects_offers_dialogue();
                 $nOffersCnt = 0;
                 if (is_emp()) {
                     // залогинен работодатель
                     $aOffers = $oPrjOffers->GetPrjOffers($nOffersCnt, $sId, 'ALL', 0, $nUid, $aProject['user_id'] == $nUid, 'date', $aProject['user_id'] == $nUid ? 'a' : 'nor');
                 } else {
                     $aOffers = $oPrjOffers->GetPrjOffers($nOffersCnt, $sId, 'ALL', 0, $nUid, false, null, 'nor');
                 // Диалоги по предложениям к данному проекту и все остальное
                 if (is_array($aOffers) && $aOffers) {
                     foreach ($aOffers as $key => $value) {
                         $aOffers[$key]['exec_id'] = $aProject['exec_id'];
                         $aOffers[$key]['emp_uid'] = $aProject['user_id'];
                         $aOffers[$key]['dialogue'] = $obj_dialogue->GetDialogueForOffer($value['id']);
                         $aResult['item']['responses'][] = $this->_getProjectOfferData($aOffers[$key]);
                 $aResult['item']['responses_count'] = $nOffersCnt;
                 $aResult['item']['is_responses_exists'] = $oPrjOffers->OfferExist($sId, $nUid) ? 1 : 2;
                 // Наличие предложения данного юзера по данному проекту
                 if ($aResult['item']['is_responses_exists'] == 1) {
                     // Предложение данного пользователя по данному проекту
                     $user_offer = $oPrjOffers->GetPrjOffer($sId, $nUid);
                     $user_offer['exec_id'] = $aProject['exec_id'];
                     $user_offer['emp_uid'] = $aProject['user_id'];
                     // Диалог по предложению данного пользователя
                     $user_offer['dialogue'] = $obj_dialogue->GetDialogueForOffer($user_offer['id']);
                     $aResult['item']['responses'][] = $this->_getProjectOfferData($user_offer);
         } else {
     } else {
     return $aResult;