예제 #1
  * Obtain all flagged discussions in the forum by the given or current user,
  * The results should be ordered by the last post modified date (fplast.modified DESC)
  * @param int $userid User whose flags will be retrieved; 0 = current
  * @return array Array of mod_forumng_discussion objects
 public function get_flagged_discussions($userid = 0)
     global $USER;
     if ($userid != -1) {
         if ($userid == 0) {
             $userid = $USER->id;
         $records = mod_forumng_discussion::query_discussions('fd.forumngid = ? AND ff.flagged IS NOT NULL AND ff.discussionid = fd.id AND ff.userid = ?', array($this->get_id(), $userid), $userid, 'x.flagged DESC', '', '', $this, true);
     $result = array();
     foreach ($records as $record) {
         // Get discussion details from record and create discussionfields.
         $discussion = new mod_forumng_discussion($this, $record, true, $userid);
         $result[$record->id] = $discussion;
     return $result;
  * Obtains list of posts to include in an Atom/RSS feed.
  * @param int $groupid Group ID (may be ALL_GROUPS)
  * @param int $userid User ID
  * @param mod_forumng_discussion $discussion Discussion object (intended only
  *   for calls via the mod_forumng_discussion method)
  * @return array Array of mod_forumng_post objects
 public function get_feed_posts($groupid, $userid, $discussion = null)
     // Don't let user view any posts in a discussion feed they can't see
     // (I don't think they should be given a key in this case, but just
     // to be sure).
     if ($discussion && !$this->get_type()->can_view_discussion($discussion, $userid)) {
         return array();
     // Number of items to output
     $items = $this->get_effective_feed_items();
     // Get most recent N posts from db
     $whereparams = array();
     if ($discussion) {
         $where = 'fd.id = ?';
         $whereparams[] = $discussion->get_id();
     } else {
         $where = 'fd.forumngid = ?';
         $whereparams[] = $this->get_id();
         if ($this->get_group_mode() && $groupid != self::ALL_GROUPS) {
             $where .= ' AND fd.groupid = ?';
             $whereparams[] = $groupid;
     // Don't include deleted or old-version posts
     $where .= ' AND fp.oldversion = 0 AND fp.deleted = 0 AND fd.deleted = 0';
     // Or ones out of time
     $now = time();
     $where .= " AND (fd.timestart < ?)" . " AND (fd.timeend = 0 OR fd.timeend > ?)";
     $whereparams[] = $now;
     $whereparams[] = $now;
     $postrecs = mod_forumng_post::query_posts($where, $whereparams, 'GREATEST(fp.created, fd.timestart) DESC', false, false, false, $userid, true, false, 0, $items);
     if (count($postrecs) == 0) {
         // No posts!
         return array();
     $result = array();
     if ($discussion) {
         foreach ($postrecs as $rec) {
             $post = new mod_forumng_post($discussion, $rec, null);
             $result[$rec->id] = $post;
     } else {
         // Based on these posts, get all mentioned discussions
         $discussionids = array();
         $discussionposts = array();
         foreach ($postrecs as $rec) {
             $discussionids[] = $rec->discussionid;
             $discussionposts[$rec->discussionid][] = $rec->id;
         list($discussionpart, $discussionpartparams) = mod_forumng_utils::get_in_array_sql('fd.id', $discussionids);
         $rs = mod_forumng_discussion::query_discussions($discussionpart, $discussionpartparams, -1, 'id');
         // Build the discussion and post objects
         $posts = array();
         foreach ($rs as $rec) {
             $discussion = new mod_forumng_discussion($this, $rec, true, -1);
             if ($discussion->can_view($userid)) {
                 foreach ($discussionposts[$discussion->get_id()] as $postid) {
                     $post = new mod_forumng_post($discussion, $postrecs[$postid], null);
                     $posts[$postid] = $post;
         // Put them back in order of the post records, and return
         foreach ($postrecs as $rec) {
             // Records might be excluded if user can't view discussion
             if (array_key_exists($rec->id, $posts)) {
                 $result[$rec->id] = $posts[$rec->id];
     return $result;